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Just taken delivery of my new company car..... but my old one still has half a tank of diesel within it.


Any hints on how I may be able to syphon it out of the old slug and into the new one?


Unless you like the taste of diesel i'd forget about it, you won't get rid of the taste for at least a week. Most cars are also fitted with devices to stop siphoning anyway.


Unhook the fuel line at the rail and aim it into a container. Switch on the ignition and "Hey Presto!" fuel all over the floor and a probable air lock in the system, stopping it from starting again without bleeding the system. You never know your luck though, it might just work.




Put a suitable long tube into the tank as far as it will go. Have a container ready at as low a level as possible. Put your finger over the end of the tube to seal it and quickly withdraw enough of the tube to reach the container without the other end coming out of the fuel in the tank (thats why a long tube). You will then have drawn a column of fuel out with the tube. This will be enough to start the flow which will continue as long as the other end is still immersed in fuel. Obviously, the lower in the tank the tube sits the more of the fuel you will drain out. You might have to have several goes at this to get the hang of it. You might have to jack the vehicle up a little to get the last drops out, but usually this is not necessary if the drain is low enough. As a mechanic I have had to drain tanks for years for repair purposes and I haven't tasted deisel yet!!!

Just taken delivery of my new company car..... but my old one still has half a tank of diesel within it.


Any hints on how I may be able to syphon it out of the old slug and into the new one?


Tight c**t!!

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