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when a camera is pointing t you and you are wearing a mic..(im sure cameras have red lights to show they are recording) then it is hardly secret...


now, if they were up the pub and having private chats and being filmed then that would be different...but these two were at work


He did not know that this was going to be collated to be used against him. Do you really want to be judged on conversations that you have off the record (and it was). In my experience if I talk like an idiot I soon know about it because everyone thinks I am an arse.

Just seen the off air banter between blokes - no different to girlie banter. These guys lost their livelihoods for that!!!


We now live in a nazi state.


what a silly thing to say

Be warned walls have ears!
As do microphones.


Would love it if Sky brought in people like James Richardson and Gabriele Marcotti to replace them, but I expect we'll get more of the same.

Richardson would be spot on.

In life people say things privately that we do not approve of; argue with it, show your dislike, do not quietly report it. That is what nazism advocated and it is repulsive.


either wind up, or not very bright but will give you the benfit of the doubt and help you out!


This was not privately it was at work, infront of others - even recorded!


Gray would not have been sakced just for saying something someone disapproved of, he was sacked for being recorded 3 times being sexist.


If you think its ok for him to talk to a colleague like that you are not a very decent person with low standards.




Poor Peter doen't understand. Why was the joke not laughed at and his mate sacked, and why was she out of the kitchen in the first place? It must be about phone tapping.


But Gray's former Everton team-mate Peter Reid linked the ex-Sky pundit's dismissal to the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.

Gray has gone to the High Court in an attempt to force private investigator Glenn Mulcaire to reveal which News of the World journalists asked him to hack into his phone.

The News of the World is a subsidiary of News Corporation, which owns a large stake in BSkyB and is seeking to purchase the whole company.

"The comments weren't great, but I think it was a joke and I have got a feeling they might be linked in some way," Reid told BBC Radio 4's PM.


if the female presenter walked out of sky saying it was not an appropriate environment to work in, there is no doubt sky could have been done for constructive dismissal and cost them a fortune - rightly so. They had to deal with him.


Bloke has come out of this looking total knob

Just seen the off air banter between blokes - no different to girlie banter. These guys lost their livelihoods for that!!!


We now live in a nazi state.


It wasn't like this under Labour.

if the female presenter walked out of sky saying it was not an appropriate environment to work in, there is no doubt sky could have been done for constructive dismissal and cost them a fortune - rightly so. They had to deal with him.


Bloke has come out of this looking total knob


Exactly. Imagine if some guy from your girlfriends work basically told her to put her hand down his pants while at work. I imagine most people here or anywhere would not find it funny. Most would in fact want to go and deck the guy probably.

To be fair women have got too many other things going round in their heads to be able to concentrate on refereeing. It's like driving or the dreaded parallel parking - when you've got to think about what to cook for dinner, did I leave the emersion heater on, god i hate that pretty girl at work etc buzzing round your head even easy tasks become monumental challenges.


How on earth could you EVER know this?


Let's put this in perspective. He has made some stupid comments and I really can't believe he is worth 2m a year. However isn't sacking him a grossly disproportionate penalty? The BBC fined Ross for far worse comments.


I can think of a whole office of people at work who could be sacked 5 times a day. Male and female!


Gray was suing the News of the World for phone tapping.


Close closed really - if you work for the Dirty Digger, it's rather silly to try and f*ck with the empire...

either wind up, or not very bright but will give you the benfit of the doubt and help you out!


This was not privately it was at work, infront of others - even recorded!


Gray would not have been sakced just for saying something someone disapproved of, he was sacked for being recorded 3 times being sexist.


If you think its ok for him to talk to a colleague like that you are not a very decent person with low standards.


This was banter, and if somebody did not like it they should have told him so not report him.


I see the BBC are making this their headline story and having a go at sky and sexism


they have a short memory re Miriam O'reilly


I really despise the BBC and the morning news crew especially that wasak collins


I am beginning to sway towards a stitch up by another work mate or more likly SKY.

Motive :either someone else wants his job or resemnts thier high wage

Sky dont want to pay him 2m any more


reasons: sky have made all the footage very readly available.... Why would they not have kept this embarrasing footage private. To my knowledge none of this footage was broadcast by mistake.




I find your comments about a fellow poster very intimidatng, discriminatory and threatening.

I feel the need to report you to the mods.


"you are not a very decent person with low standards".


The words you used are far worse than sexism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Problem with the way teh media has reported this is that they seem to have raised all these questions bout mics being on or off, recording etc . That frankly is completely irrelevent - only deconstructed ******s who rely on that ole 'PC gone mad' ****** could defend Gray... he was AT WORK and made inappropriate remarks to junior colleagues and about female assistant Ref - like in any work environment that is a serious offence under the HR policy - OK some some companies may have chosen not to sack but discipline in other ways, but its usual for such high profile positions to suffer the extreme fate simply because it so high profile - and you accept that when you take on those roles. - so teh question of recording in a studio environment has nothing to do with it - the offence was in what he said, not that it was caught on camera.


NOt sure why it took so long to come to the managements attention, but most likely because a junior colleague did not report it - most likely intimidated by the environment and that's wrong in itself. Seems he has a made this attitude and hes been found out so he is off. end of story


The debate around what is 'private' and 'off air' is a different one - and Sergai G- did you defend Gordon Brown during the last election and 'biggot gate' I suggest not... and the principle is exactly the same!

I think overall they probably both deserved to be sacked for the quality of their comments. If you're making jokes about female officials or innuendo to a colleague, surely there should be higher standards?


'Women don't know the offside rule'? Come on guys, how about some original humour? Something a bit more edgy? If you're going to get sacked at least make it worthwhile.


I want to make a joke about interferring with play and it being fine so long as you don't touch her.


What's the difference between Iron man and Iron woman....one's a comic book hero, and the other is a simple instruction!

Gray was suing the News of the World for phone tapping.


Close closed really - if you work for the Dirty Digger, it's rather silly to try and f*ck with the empire...


I suspect there may be something in this. Gray should go, clearly. (Hell, even TDD - no lover of women - agrees!).


But the way his offences have been leaked and broadcast suggests some degree of corporate malice and revenge directed at Gray for raising the issue of phone-tapping.


He was just an idiot for giving them such an easy, oafish target.


This is just the start. Letting women officiate male games is only gonna get worse before it gets better.


What will the players call the ref when they get a decision wrong?


Whats the female alternative to 'the referee's a wonker'? Or will this be classed the same as making monkey noises?


How can you sing 'you're not fit to referee' if she is fit?

Posted (edited)

Keys on talksport now - admits he was completely wrong, said he called the lineswonam straight after and apologised but Sky refused to release that info. Also implys he was stitched up, says people like Rio that said the banter was old fashioned and unwelcome in the modern world and responded saying he knows for a fact that worse goes on in their dressing room. Tried to call Karen Brady twice and text her with no response, stands by Karen Brady using sexist crd for sympathy in his original transcript.


Says he should really be fired too if Grey has. Asking himself if he wants to carry on without him. To be fair he's coming across well - this arguement needs to hear both sides.


Admits his "prehistoric banter" is unacceptible, one of the reasons he has this banter is because he does things differently, Sky has always been relaxed compared to BBC and other media, he has always used banter to calm guests which is why their analysis is always reflective and wins awards compared to competitors.


Says "Dark Forces" are leaking info, feels reaction is "extraordinary", he can only apologise but can't beleive the frenzy that has blown up. Feels if his apology was released on Sunday it wouldn't have snowballed but that was not allowed.


H&J (the presenters) pressing tone was offensive, RK replies he apologises and Sky isn't sexist organisation but it's something left over from an era where they had to make a fuss to make themselves known "many people drinking from the well they created at Sky". Won't cmment on is someone at Sky after him as wouldn't be released without some sort of vendetta. Ad break now.

Edited by JackanorySFC
shocking grammer etc as typing as I hear
they will have woman umpires in mens cricket next ;)


Talking about cricket. When Sky get the Gray/Keys furore sorted out, perhaps they might like to make a start on the gang of d,,,heads that constitute the commentary team.

The constant waffle from messrs Hussain and Lloyd, etc, is completely biased. Not once do we ever hear any criticism on the performance, or lack thereof, of some of the tossers who are representing England.

J. Arlott, Esq, and 'Johnners', etc, would be turning in in their graves


Asked again about "Darm Forces", replies "stitched up" is a good way of looking at it, even things he's saying now can be changed by what he's saing, different media outlets will use his words to get a different angle, people will ask why he's used Talksport (he's never had a column or done a radio interview before in 20 years), says he has to come out and say something (I've got a feeling he's deffo leaving Sky), he apologises for Sean Massey again (obviously doesnt feel the same towards Brady).


Asked if hes arrogant replies thats for others to decide, always had confidence in their product, feels they do the best and lets others decide that, has never saught the limelight, he's not a celebrity presenter and says its the best job in the world. Deserves to get a pasting, 2 sides to every story as we live in a democracy and feels only 1 side has been heard.


Has 500 messages from friends on his phone of support - stresses that's their view and people are allowed opinions. Not proud of what happened at the weekend but "with success comes envy". Sorry for doing it, it was wrong, not sorry for being caught.


Almost certain that people are looking through old tapes for more damaging footage, H&J implying people at Sky are obviously behind it - Keys has a view but can't name names.


Statement from Gray released this minute, he wanted to apologise on air on Monday. Football is his life and he's devastated.


Keys relating this to invasion of privacy - ie phone tapping! If off air convos at radio stations, tv, work places were made public no-one would be working anymore, says to H&J "you know that". Good point.


Sats he gave a leg up to most of the female presenters at Sky and has had their support and the support of their parents. Also helped Alan Shearer and Hanson. Re the video clip "charlotte can handle herself, but it doesn't make it right". Says a fact of life is people complain more than gives thanks so more opinions on him will be heard.


Apologises again. Says how can he say he's sorry without it being misconstrude as whyning?

Sats he gave a leg up to most of the female presenters at Sky and has had their support and the support of their parents. Also helped Alan Shearer and Hanson. Re the video clip "charlotte can handle herself, but it doesn't make it right". Says a fact of life is people complain more than gives thanks so more opinions on him will be heard.


Apologises again. Says how can he say he's sorry without it being misconstrude as whyning?


And i bet he looked up their skirt whilst he was doing it, the sexist pig!


To be fair to keys on the radio.. He makes so many good points and how he is being mis quoted and mis represented in the press


How footballers expressing outrage are rich too considering the facts he knows about them and what he knows goes on with them

To be fair to keys on the radio.. He makes so many good points and how he is being mis quoted and mis represented in the press


How footballers expressing outrage are rich too considering the facts he knows about them and what he knows goes on with them


Very interesting point that - and journo's/ presenters etc he knows too.... those in glass houses etc.


I agree, to be fair listening to the "other" side of the arguement has changed my opinion. Came accross as sincere and apologetic.

Asked again about "Darm Forces", replies "stitched up" is a good way of looking at it, even things he's saying now can be changed by what he's saing, different media outlets will use his words to get a different angle, people will ask why he's used Talksport (he's never had a column or done a radio interview before in 20 years), says he has to come out and say something (I've got a feeling he's deffo leaving Sky), he apologises for Sean Massey again (obviously doesnt feel the same towards Brady).on air on Monday.


"Sean Massey"? You sexist pig. :lol:


And are these "dark forces" the same as our "dark forces"?

One little point that slipped out was that Gray is sueing NOTW over the phone hacking business.Could this explain why the footage was leaked?


I think thats exactly why. When you step back and look at what was said, it is a complete over reaction. Those in glass houses etc....

I think Keys is sincere. Gray, on the other hand, is renowned for his bulbous, all-consuming ego.


Or Keys has more to lose by being thrown out and is trying hard to cling on? All the reports are they were as bad as each other and I would not take his apparent sincerity as proof of anything.

A couple of ****-wits, deserve to be on the dole.


Did you lisen to the interview? Thought Keys came across very articulate and has univesal respect in broadcasting for never making mistakes and being ultra professional. Gray completely changed the face of punditry. Do you agree with Gray having his home phoned tapped by a newspaper?


Can't see how you can say they are **** wits? Have you never said anything remotely sexist as a flippant remark to a friend or work colleague?


Those in glass houses... I've seen and heard far far worse than that!


2 sides to every story and I thought Keys put his accross very well today - also gave up a pay off and his dream job (which he would have kept if he kept schtum) by resigning. A far better and honourable man than the "football" people that he deals with that will wait forever to get a pay off before leaving a job.

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