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As mentioned in the shares thread this country is now on a knife edge with civil war looking more and more likely by the day with African leaders showing typical incompetence in dealing with their own continent, and yet another African state is set to go down the pan to the benefit of the exil axis of Marxism - China and Russia, who will be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of being able to get their hands on the mineral resouces through back handers to dictators. Randgold (the London listed mining company) have already seen a significant hindrance to their operations with equipment held in Abidjan and other Western interests are also in serious jeopardy. I think what is needed here is for France to get involved and to use millitary force to swiftly take out the cuckoo in the nest and his key supporters. Of coure you'll get the Marxists trotting out the usual imperialsts rhetoric, just like Mugabe used this old chestnut, but it's about time we, the west, ignored this trick and fought back to protect western interests.


Good idea Dune. And just to make it fair maybe the African nations could raid the Bank of England for reparations for slavery and Greece, Turkey, Egypt etc could reclaim the inventory of the British museum. Or maybe we could just accept meddling in other countries internal affairs is rarely worth it or acheives much.


For a moment there I actually thought Dune had turned human and cared about the people of Ivory Coast, oh no it's the mineral resources and Western interests.


At least in this strange world of freakish weather, birds falling out the sky and Leon Best hat-tricks we can rely on Dune to be a c*nt.


When it comes down to it, the Western world give's as much of a toss about a dictator in the Ivory Coast as they do in Zimbabwe.


Iraq, now that's different. Can't think why.


The hypocrisy is staggering.

For a moment there I actually thought Dune had turned human and cared about the people of Ivory Coast, oh no it's the mineral resources and Western interests.


At least in this strange world of freakish weather, birds falling out the sky and Leon Best hat-tricks we can rely on Dune to be a c*nt.


Well, it makes sense. As an ultra-conservative, Dune does value tradition and continuity above all things.


Weirdly enough, the traditional definition of fascism merely meant the merging of state and corporate interests into a unified Nationalist whole. It was eventually supplanted to become a synonym for Nazism, but that's how it started out.


Nation states would do the things like corporations could not, such as wage war. Corporations would work in furtherance of those goals, and would provide services once the bullet-catchers had done their jobs.


I am sure El Duce would be proud to see El dune suggesting that we continue this legacy.


Of course, the decent thing to do would be to make the Africans a better deal. This is a capitalist world after all. The interesting part, funny if it were not so depressing, is that the companies who championed capitalism from the get-go are cash-strapped debtors, while the two big Communist countries hold not only our debts, but the means to price us out of vital resources in the future.


In think dune is right. We should be able to wade in and protect our own interests when we want. I like foxes, so I should be allowed to just go in and protect them by murdering some toffs, their horses and their mutts.

In think dune is right. We should be able to wade in and protect our own interests when we want. I like foxes, so I should be allowed to just go in and protect them by murdering some toffs, their horses and their mutts.


Dawgs not mutts!

Good idea Dune. And just to make it fair maybe the African nations could raid the Bank of England for reparations for slavery and Greece, Turkey, Egypt etc could reclaim the inventory of the British museum. Or maybe we could just accept meddling in other countries internal affairs is rarely worth it or acheives much.


We're encouraged to "meddle" in other country's internal affairs when it comes to natural disaters, giving aid, sending support workers, peace keepers etc.

I already know how our/other European **** 'Empires' acted dunce, I don't need to watch that. Stop W.anking and get back to work.


We acted in the interests of all. By providing stability we raised living standards and life expectancy and commerce was able to flourish. What we're seeing now in the Ivory Coast is tribal rivalries once again undermining prosperity. I believe that the United Nations needs to raise its game and start protecting commerce because it is only through commerce that these countries will be able to stand on their own two feet.

We're encouraged to "meddle" in other country's internal affairs when it comes to natural disaters, giving aid, sending support workers, peace keepers etc.


Exactly. International aid is a ridiculous socialist concept that achieves nothing. What poor countries need is security for foreign investment and for foreign investment to be secure it needs protection. The East India company and the British South Africa company were only able to bring prosperity through being able to recruit their own armies. This is the model that worked because it allowed commerce to flourish. What I would propose would be for the UN start focussing more on protecting western investments because that is the key to bannishing poverty from Africa.

We acted in the interests of all. By providing stability we raised living standards and life expectancy and commerce was able to flourish. What we're seeing now in the Ivory Coast is tribal rivalries once again undermining prosperity. I believe that the United Nations needs to raise its game and start protecting commerce because it is only through commerce that these countries will be able to stand on their own two feet.


fair play. sometimes its not about continuously giving charity and aid, that is unsustainable and only provides medicine rather than a cure. let them trade with us, let them take our money in exchange for goods and services which benefit us, so they can buy more materials and resources that benefit them.

As mentioned in the shares thread this country is now on a knife edge with civil war looking more and more likely by the day with African leaders showing typical incompetence in dealing with their own continent, and yet another African state is set to go down the pan to the benefit of the exil axis of Marxism - China and Russia, who will be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of being able to get their hands on the mineral resouces through back handers to dictators. Randgold (the London listed mining company) have already seen a significant hindrance to their operations with equipment held in Abidjan and other Western interests are also in serious jeopardy. I think what is needed here is for France to get involved and to use millitary force to swiftly take out the cuckoo in the nest and his key supporters. Of coure you'll get the Marxists trotting out the usual imperialsts rhetoric, just like Mugabe used this old chestnut, but it's about time we, the west, ignored this trick and fought back to protect western interests.


Despite being stuck in some wierd 1890s mind set about the glory of the British empire and the scramble for Africa, you're out of luck old chap France aren't interested, the UN aren't going to intervene either it looks like Africa will sort the problem out it's self via Ecowas




I'm interested why you think the Marxists (you do know russia isn't communist anymore?) well gain from this though? A president who is no longer legally president after a general election refuses to leave power and the legally elected president wants to take over where is the gain? Good over view of the situation here



Despite being stuck in some wierd 1890s mind set about the glory of the British empire and the scramble for Africa, you're out of luck old chap France aren't interested, the UN aren't going to intervene either it looks like Africa will sort the problem out it's self via Ecowas




I'm interested why you think the Marxists (you do know russia isn't communist anymore?) well gain from this though? A president who is no longer legally president after a general election refuses to leave power and the legally elected president wants to take over where is the gain? Good over view of the situation here




France won't intervene, which is sad, but not unexpected as they have completely withdrawn from the world stage millitarily. They will pay for this weakness because there are a lot French interests in Ivory Coast.


As for the Marxists you really need to research Africa, because it's a fact that China and Russia are keep rogue regimes in power by exploiting the mineral wealth with payments to dictators and their henchmen. It's happening in Rhodesia, it'll happen in Ivory Coast, it's happening in Iran -and the list goes on. Wake up and smell the coffee and ask yourself why it's always the Marxist axis that impedes the UN in dealing with said countries. It's no co-incidence that Iran is sucking up to Russia and China - they know full well that they can get away with genocide and suppression and building up a nuclear arsenal so long as the cash keeps flowing in from their Marxist allies and the minerals keep flowing out.

Exactly. What I would propose would be for the UN start focussing more on protecting western investments because that is the key to bannishing poverty from Africa.


Like you give a toss about African poverty. You don't care less about poverty in this country, so don't pretend that you have an ounce of compassion for black guys thousands of miles away.

Like you give a toss about African poverty. You don't care less about poverty in this country, so don't pretend that you have an ounce of compassion for black guys thousands of miles away.


You are quite wrong about that, but unlike lefty types who think handouts are the answer, i'm of the belief that handouts do not help at all. What Africans need is law and order and private investment. It's exactly the same in this country where the Socialists have created a workshy slob class that are prepared to live like pigs so long as the state pays for their fags and chip butties.

You are quite wrong about that, but unlike lefty types who think handouts are the answer, i'm of the belief that handouts do not help at all. What Africans need is law and order and private investment. It's exactly the same in this country where the Socialists have created a workshy slob class that are prepared to live like pigs so long as the state pays for their fags and chip butties.


Your political 'views' (putting it a bit too strongly, as if coherence and sense were any part of them) are well enough summed up in this. The total myth of a 'workshy slob class' was EXACTLY the rationale that created the workhouses in the 18th and 19th centuries. This makes you a worthless antique - a pre-Dickensian slob; no better than the fetid characters who created or rabble-roused for the systemic abuse that was the workhouse regime. That you then apply this poor excuse for an argument to entire peoples because of their colour makes you look even more foolish - an advocate for something that no one with half a brain would propose: a Poor Law for the 'ethnics'. Tell you what - why not go the whole hog, put up barbed wire fences all around them and add a few gas chambers?

Your political 'views' (putting it a bit too strongly, as if coherence and sense were any part of them) are well enough summed up in this. The total myth of a 'workshy slob class' was EXACTLY the rationale that created the workhouses in the 18th and 19th centuries. This makes you a worthless antique - a pre-Dickensian slob; no better than the fetid characters who created or rabble-roused for the systemic abuse that was the workhouse regime. That you then apply this poor excuse for an argument to entire peoples because of their colour makes you look even more foolish - an advocate for something that no one with half a brain would propose: a Poor Law for the 'ethnics'. Tell you what - why not go the whole hog, put up barbed wire fences all around them and add a few gas chambers?


What on earth are you waffling on about?


As it goes I am in favour of work houses because there's too much of the carrot to live a life of riley, and not enough of the stick to poke these people into getting off their back sides. International Aid is similar to the Socialist benefits for our own idle slobs in the sense that it doesn't address the root cause of the problem and thus it's a wasteful drain of taxpayers money and it doesn't help those in the third world stand on their own two feet. The only way to really help these people (and our people) is through private investment - NOT GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS. Africa is a rich continent that has been badly managed. Take Rhodesia as an example - they have good soil, a climate that is condusive with high yield agriculture, and rich mineral resources. This country was once the bread basket of Africa and health and education were provided free of charge for all of the people, yet since 1980 infant mortality has increased and life expectancy has declined. That is because of poor governance which has led to commercial farming turning into subsisatnace farming and foreign investors being frightened off. Verbal you, like the rest of the lefty types, love to come accross as the good guys, but the fact is you are ignorant to what is blatently obvious.

Take Rhodesia as an example


Yet another example of Stanley/Dunce living in the past.


Rhodesia hasn't existed since 1979. Infact it was the government led by his favourite post 1945 fascist leader who signed the agreement for the name change to Zimbabwe.


Dune, do you realise that you are actually advocating a communist work ethic?


That of taking people with work skills and experience of one job and forcing them to go and do something else, i.e toil in a workhouse! This is the same as the cultural revolutions of the USSR and China, where doctors and teachers for example, were forced to go and work in the fields.


Get it into your head that there are long term unemployed in this country that wish to work and have years of training and experience in industrys which are still producing benefits for this country, but which due to the current financial climate are running at a reduced capacity with the bare minimum of staff to keep their costs down, resulting in very few jobs currently available in those industries. So please stop calling all unemployed people work shy and advocating that they should be sent to work houses, to be re-educated under the whip!


Next thing we know comrade, you'll have gone one step further and it'll be 'Dune says - The killing Fields, were the Khmer Rouge misunderstood?'


By the way, advocating killing people for the sakes of business interests is particularly loathsome!

Posted (edited)

I'm not talking about taking people out of one job and forcing them into another job, i'm talking about the bone idle slobs on incapacity benefit that have made a life choice to sit on their fat arses and sponge off the state. Work should be found for them and they should be forced to do it. Why should they get a rent free house, no council tax, and money to spend on fags and booze? It disgusts me - they should all be put in workhouses, fed and clothed, and made to work.

Edited by dune
i'm talking about the bone idle slobs on incapacity benefit that have made a life choice to sit on their fat arses and sponge off the state. Work should be found for them and they should be forced to do it. Why should they get a rent free house, no council tax, and money to spend on fags and booze? It disgusts me - they should all be put in workhouses, fed and clothed, and made to work.


My mate has MND, a terminal condition, and probably has months to live, he needs other people to dress, feed, and empty his colostomy bag, as he has lost all movement in his body, from his neck down and slurs when he talks. He worked all of his life & was doing OU degree when he was diagnosed.

He is on incapacity benefit, as he has been unable to work for about 3-4 years. Perhaps you could pm me so I can pass on his address, that way you can pay a vist & explain to his wife & kids why their father is a bone idle slob.

My mate has MND, a terminal condition, and probably has months to live, he needs other people to dress, feed, and empty his colostomy bag, as he has lost all movement in his body, from his neck down and slurs when he talks. He worked all of his life & was doing OU degree when he was diagnosed.

He is on incapacity benefit, as he has been unable to work for about 3-4 years. Perhaps you could pm me so I can pass on his address, that way you can pay a vist & explain to his wife & kids why their father is a bone idle slob.


I'm very for him and his family and wasn't talking about genuine cases. Of course genuine people deserve all the help we can give them. What i'm talking about are the thousands who milk the system and are on incapacity benefits because they're bone idle sponging scumbags.

I'm very for him and his family and wasn't talking about genuine cases. Of course genuine people deserve all the help we can give them. What i'm talking about are the thousands who milk the system and are on incapacity benefits because they're bone idle sponging scumbags.


Is that not a socialist principle though, something you appear to despise. You can't have it both ways!

Is that not a socialist principle though, something you appear to despise. You can't have it both ways!


No it's a conservative principle to help the needy.



Your so-called "slob class" (which includes the vast majority of the forebears of people on here, by the way) was a vastly larger proportion of the populace before the liberal and socialist reforms of the 20th Century. Pitiful wages and the lack of any kind of pension, unemployment or disability benefits gave this class of people and their children no choice but to turn to crime. The workhouses, as well as being cruel, were inefficient and pretty useless as a means of making the unemployed work, which is why they were done away with (and mostly done away with by both conservatives and liberals decades before the 1906 Liberal reforms, so the Tories of the Victorian era obviously agreed).


But there's really no point in talking to you, Mr. I-don't-need-academic-evidence-to-prove-historical-fact :lol:


But there's really no point in talking to you, Mr. I-don't-need-academic-evidence-to-prove-historical-fact :lol:


According to Stanley the Crusades were nothing to do with religion and only about trade in Asia Minor.


Pope Urban II clearly meant to point that out at Clermont in 1095 when he said:


From the confines of Jerusalem and from the city of Constantinople a grievous report has gone forth and has -repeatedly been brought to our ears; namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a race wholly alienated from God, `a generation that set not their heart aright and whose spirit was not steadfast with God,' violently invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by pillage and fire. They have led away ap art of the captives into their own country, and a part have they have killed by cruel tortures. They have either destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of their own religion. They destroy the altars, after having defiled them with their uncleanness....The kingdom of the Greeks is now dismembered by them and has been deprived of territory so vast in extent that it could be traversed in two months' time.




"On whom, therefore, is the labor of avenging these wrongs and of recovering this territory incumbent, if not upon you, you upon whom, above all other nations, God has conferred remarkable glory in arms, great courage, bodily activity, and strength to humble the heads of those who resist you ? Let the deeds of your ancestors encourage you and incite your minds to manly achievements:-the greatness of King Charlemagne, and of his son Louis, and of your other monarchs, who have destroyed the kingdoms of the Turks and have extended the sway of Church over lands previously possessed by the pagan. Let the holy sepulcher of our Lord and Saviour, which is possessed by unclean nations, especially arouse you, and the holy places which are now treated, with ignominy and irreverently polluted with the filth of the unclean. Oh, most valiant soldiers and descendants of invincible ancestors, do not degenerate; our progenitors., but recall the valor of your progenitors.


But hay, let's not get historical fact get in the way of Stanley's view.

Posted (edited)
But hay, let's not get historical fact get in the way of Stanley's view.


Nice bit of copy and pasting from the Bedroom General, but religion has always been used as an excuse to conquer lands and increase the wealth and power of the victors. A holy war inspired men to fight - religion was a potent tool in those days.

Edited by dune
Nice bit of copy and pasting from the Bedroom General, but religion has always been used as an excuse to conquer lands and increase the wealth and power of the victors. A holy war inspired men to fight - religion was a potent tool in those days.


So religion is the opiate of the people then?

Nice bit of copy and pasting from the Bedroom General, but religion has always been used as an excuse to conquer lands and increase the wealth and power of the victors. A holy war inspired men to fight - religion was a potent tool in those days.


This is absolutely true. It is so true that I don't need academic evidence to prove it. It just happened. OK?

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