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Playstaion 3 v Xbox 360


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its got me wanting to trade my PS3 in for an Xbox now...just to see if there is any difference lol


There is hardly any from a gaming point of view mate, i have played both a lot. I concede some of the rockstar games do look sightly better on the Xbox but it is so so subtle it barely is worth worrying about.

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If you want to watch films and intend to buy Blu-Ray's then buying a PS3 just for that is no longer the cheapest route. Blu-Ray players have dropped in price a lot and continue to drop. Like for example you can get this one for £49.99 at Tesco http://direct.tesco.com/q/R.208-6218.aspx. They are all the same in terms of viewing.


Sorry, but a £50 Teknika Bluray player from Tesco is not going to be as good as other players.

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Sorry, but a £50 Teknika Bluray player from Tesco is not going to be as good as other players.


Of course it won't. You can get some really expensive Blu-Ray players that have alsorts of gizmos in them like internet tv from Bravia. But if your buying it just to watch Blu-Rays then it is cheaper then buying a ps3 as they both show the same thing. They both play high definition blu rays. Thus watching blu ray films on it is "as good" as watching it on the ps3.

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I have all three, there is little difference. Sometimes I prefer the Xbox, other times the PS3. I do find the gameplay ever so slightly smoother on the Xbox.


Also it depends which colour light of death you prefer. At the moment it's the Xbox - I have bought 2 this week alone that have RROD from ebay and have fixed them up for mates (it's a sadistic form of fun, I don't really make any money out of it). I can't fix PS3s, so don't like them at the mo!

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Just changed form PS3 (Original 60GB from the day it came out) to XBox (New Slim 250GB) and have to say although the console is slightly noisier than the PS3 It feels more fluid. The Controller feels more natural (Although the top 2 buttons could do with sticking out a tiny bit more than they do). And I also have to say the online area is much much quicker than PS3 ever was. (And I'm using a wireless connection compared to a wired connection on the PS3 as it kept dropping out).


With regards to graphics I so far have not found a difference and give me a couple of hours and the control's will feel like they are part of me.


So I will put it like this.


If you want a Console with a BluRay player get the PS3. If you want a games console get the XBox you will prefer it.

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I have all three, there is little difference. Sometimes I prefer the Xbox, other times the PS3. I do find the gameplay ever so slightly smoother on the Xbox.


Also it depends which colour light of death you prefer. At the moment it's the Xbox - I have bought 2 this week alone that have RROD from ebay and have fixed them up for mates (it's a sadistic form of fun, I don't really make any money out of it). I can't fix PS3s, so don't like them at the mo!


Fancy buying on of my RROD xboxs? 25 quid?

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The Xbox is a bit like Ryanair for me; pay for going online? Oh please feck off. I hate the controller. I hate Microsoft for some reason.

Wii has been a breath of fresh air as I was testing out Super Mario Galaxy 2; Nintendo know how to make games, even if it is only running at 480p.


PS3 for me ta. Uncharted 3, Killzone3, and LBP2? FFS no contest.

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I purchased a 20gb Xbox 360 in Oct 06. I suffered one breakdown which happened out of warranty, but Microsoft repaired it for free (I said it looked like overheating probs so they must have happily processed it under the extended warranty scheme for the RROD probs).


I have just taken it in and swapped it for one of the new 250gb slim models to benefit from the extra storage as 20gb was becoming a little too tight.


The other, additional features on the PS3 (Bluray, iplayer and the like) were all slightly tempting, but I still think the Xbox is the superior gaming machine. I like the Dashboard and the Xbox Live system, which I'm quite happy to pay a token £40 per annum to benefit from. I personally prefer the controller on the Xbox360 as it feels more substantial compared to the rather lightweight and flimsy PS3 offering.


I've seen several reviews of games which have been released on both systems which seem to suggest that the Xbox360 versions offer a smoother experience, both gameplay-wise and graphically.


I know both systems attract their 'fanboys' and we're not all going to agree on the matter, but the Xbox360 remains the best GAMES console in my opinion. If you want a bluray player and all the other media gubbins, that might make you favour the PS3.

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