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But Clarke is right, and Michael Howard was wrong - prison as it is now doesn't work. The re-offending rates prove this point conclusively. I would introduce the policy "Work sets you free". Chain gangs are a tried and tested option, but there are myriad other options from treadmills to create free energy to industry on a large scale. In prisons there is far too much spare time - make prisoners work, make prisons profitable, and you will make prison work.


And by being allowed to deport scum like Chindamo who murdered the London Headmaster, and the persistant offending illegal immigrant who left that little Lancashire lass for dead under the wheel of his car would also send a powerful message too !

But Clarke is right, and Michael Howard was wrong - prison as it is now doesn't work. The re-offending rates prove this point conclusively. I would introduce the policy "Work sets you free". Chain gangs are a tried and tested option, but there are myriad other options from treadmills to create free energy to industry on a large scale. In prisons there is far too much spare time - make prisoners work, make prisons profitable, and you will make prison work.


That would be your wet dream having 'Arbeit Macht Frei' on a sign above a labour camp wouldn't it?!?

That would be your wet dream having 'Arbeit Macht Frei' on a sign above a labour camp wouldn't it?!?


What on earth are are you going on about?:?

At times of austerity caused by tax and spend policies of a labour government, I agree with Dune that 1980's conservative politics as seen under Maggie is a bloody good medicine.


I too was one with working class roots who was proud to vote for Maggie in the 1980s - She represented my aspirations and views as to what I thought was right for the time


My concern is that there is currently no Maggie to put right what is wrong!


Cameron is a "wishy washy" - "Wanna be everyones friend" media obsessed lightweight with no guts !


Yes Maggie divided opinion, but my god could we do with her now!


why would we need thatcher now - unlike the misery her government created for a majority of the country with economic mismanagement in her early years ,a over valued pound and 15% interest rates and mass unemployment twice and boom and bust and 10 % of north sea oil spent on keeping the unemployment disaster she created,it was the falklands war which saved her bacon,working class kids did well under other governments before thatcher. bring back churchill or attlee both far better leaders of this country.

That is complete nonsense. Labour over the past 13 years have done nothing for the working classes. All Labours efforts benefitted slob families like Karen Matthews and her ilk and immigrant families that they've let in, housed and supported with benefits. If you're a white working class family you will have seen your slob neighbours given handouts left right and centre and you will have seen immigrant families given houses, benefits and jobs. And the very fact that these immigrants have flooded in will have seen wages supressed because of the simple logic of supply and demand. At the same time Labour has increased taxes time and time again and indebted the country with a bloated public service and mountain debt that need paying back. The Conservative party on the other hand believe in less beurocracy and more freedom by allowing people to keep their own money. This creates jobs and wealth for the people that get out there and are prepared to work. That is how it should be and I bet if you speak to true working class people and ask them whether they should be allowed to keep more of the money they earn as oposed to supporting slob families and eastern european families then they would say of course they should, and the irony is that they probably vote Labour but the fact of the matter is that they should be voting Conservative.


Voting Conservative and admitting to be a Conservative voter has always been a stigma for working class people, but in the 1980's we saw that the working classes knew a good thing and voted Margaret Thatcher back in time and time again. They did this despite the Conservative party being populated by toffs because unlike idiots with chips on their shoulders they knew what was good for them.


The same will happen in 2015 as happened in the 1980's. British people know what is good for them and that is a Conservative government.


thats why the torys have spent years trying to get rid of the thatchers nasty party and come back to the centre ground and made them electable again..

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