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Had an interesting conversation with my flatmate last night in the pub about OCD and turns out we have both been a victim of it to some degree in our lives. Got me thinking that maybe OCD is actually more common than you'd think. A forum is a good place to find out, what with people being able to admit to having/being whatever whilst remaining anonymous so I'd be interested in hearing what forms of OCD posters have had/do suffer with.


I was lucky enough to grow out of (or learn to live with and ignore) the traits I had but some people suffer throughout their lives.

I had a prayer ritual (non religious) when I was little when going to bed that meant I had to say a certain load of sentences in my head or something bad would happen. I also had to touch certain random objects repeatedly till it felt right.


Someone I used to work with had to set everything on his desk to exact right angles before he was able to leave the office. I also once saw a Jeremy Kyle type show where a woman had extreme OCD and was constantly tapping parts of her body checking that her items were still in her pockets even though she was sat in one place... It was quite shocking to see.

All very messed up and I feel for those that are controlled by this cruel disorder into their adult lives...


I had quite a few as a younster:

Count the words on the page of my comic before sleep so I didn't have bad dreams

Look up at the ceiling and count to ten - no reason

Check my bedroom in a fastidous and absolute routine manner for big hairy house spiders (this was prompted by an infestation of the buggers where I found one every night for months)


I'm now generally cured although I prefer the following:

the toilet roll has to be on the hook the right way round and my car stereo to be on an even number (nb number 5 is acceptable but not preferred)


Well you did ask


My first flat, my bedroom window was straight above the car park (No double glazing or anything swish like that) and one of my neighbours would get home from work at near spot on midnight. He would vacate his car, lock it and proceed to check every door and the boot 5 times. Not just giving it a little pull either, it was as though he was trying to rip the damn handles off the car! Anyhow... 5 minutes later, he would be back down to do it again. Then between 1:30 - 2:00am EVERY F*****G NIGHT!


A guy at work has to have everything in it's right place. But as Electricians, we have all sorts of tools in all sorts of sizes. His tool box is perfectly arranged and perfectly clean. As some may understand, working on Building Sites, this is just asking for trouble. We are forever messing it up, sometimes just swapping a few bits around but occasionally we do the whole hog. He hits the roof every time. I do feel bad, but it's bloody hilarious.

I had quite a few as a younster:

Count the words on the page of my comic before sleep so I didn't have bad dreams

Look up at the ceiling and count to ten - no reason

Check my bedroom in a fastidous and absolute routine manner for big hairy house spiders (this was prompted by an infestation of the buggers where I found one every night for months)


I'm now generally cured although I prefer the following:

the toilet roll has to be on the hook the right way round and my car stereo to be on an even number (nb number 5 is acceptable but not preferred)


Well you did ask


I am guilty of the toilet roll one. My mate has a thing about numbers in cars. If my Climate Control is on 17.5 he throws one.


you could be right about the extent, there's a guy I've known for years, you suddenly discover that he spent years constantly obsessed with all kinds, washing his hands a hundred times, he did the car thing as well I think - that type of behaviour.

I guess we all have some odd ways, it depends on where you draw the line.

My missus can't stand objects near the edge of surfaces, scissors have to be closed - is that classed as common sense or something more serious?


The toilet roll, are we getting into things that annoy rather than obsessions - this could turn into grumpy rant time,which is never a bad thing.


I think the only thing I seem to repeat is going to disappointing football matches, though even that condition has improved quite a bit over the last year or two.

I had an attack a couple of weeks back but generally it's controlled.

I suspect a certain poster on here has OCD about a certain politican and political party. :lol:


No names, no infractions :lol:


In all seriousness though OCD can be a very life disturbing trait. :(


And the individual/s you don't mention are indeed disturbed trait/s.


Again, no mention of a name/s so


1. No infractions


2. His/their paranoia can't seize on anything definitive and make him/them worse.


Disclaimer: This may/may not be one/two personalities who reside within this forum.


I have mild OCD.


I cannot sit on the sofa and relax if any doors are open or lights are on in any other rooms than the one I am in. This also counts for the front gate. Also everything has to be neat, tidy and in straight lines.


I prefer to call it CDO. It's alphabetical then.


But I used to suffer from it in small ways as many of us do. One example was if I accidentally brushed something with one hand, then I had to do it with the other. My hand would feel like it was itching until I did it.

I had quite a few as a younster:

Count the words on the page of my comic before sleep so I didn't have bad dreams

Look up at the ceiling and count to ten - no reason

Check my bedroom in a fastidous and absolute routine manner for big hairy house spiders (this was prompted by an infestation of the buggers where I found one every night for months)


I'm now generally cured although I prefer the following:

the toilet roll has to be on the hook the right way round and my car stereo to be on an even number (nb number 5 is acceptable but not preferred)


Well you did ask


I have the car stereo one and also the same with the climate control, although 5 is not acceptable, has to be evens all the way


Used to have to count to 1200 in a certain way before going to sleep at night. That one lasted from about 11 till i was nearly 40.


Still have various tics and squints that I can't shift.


It seems to be a family thing as well, my borther has to lie the items from his pocket out in a certain way when he empties them, my son has inherited my tics and my neice can't have one sort of food touching another on her plate.


I have the toilet roll one. Amusingly, so does Mr TF although we disagree on which way the toilet roll should hang on the hook. So it's constant swapping in our house. I also have to put my make-up on in a specific order. If I change that order by mistake, I have to take it all off and start again.


One of my daughters has an obsession about the number 9 (she's a mathematician) - I'm not sure if that is classified as OCD.


I have a ritual before I go to bed, which unless followed exactly means that I cannot sleep. It's probably just mild OCD, but I have had it since puberty. I have to go to the bathroom, collect some tissue paper, take it to my bed, get into bed, pull down my pants and smash my penis about until the white stuff comes out or something bad might happen. I've learnt to live with it, but there are times when I wish I could break away from this illness.


My CD's have to be in their case the right way up. Also A-Z as I just think this makes it easier to find them. When I get to work in the morning I always have to get the first drinks while my computer loads up. I then sit down and get my pad, ruler and calculator out and liad out in the same way. I then open all the applications in the same way!


I also cannot start cooking until the kitchen is clear of all old washing up and put away!


I have many more but not bothered about the house being tidy. I used to me, but had to get use to living with a untidy wife so gave up on that!


Wasn't expecting so many examples.. Especially loads that I'd forgotten I had/do!! The toilet roll one I have got used to (BTF - I can imagine yours changing over everytime someone uses it which is amusing but I can imagine it drives you mad)


Deppo, I have the same problem but at last I can associate it with OCD now and not just being a dirty git ;-) do you go and do the walk of shame back to the bathroom after??


Sounds like the car one is extremely common, my brothers next door neighbour is the same and they watch him do it every day from the upstairs window... I have to lock my car twice with the remote so I guess I'm guilty of that to a mild extent.


The touching of things with the other hand... Now there's one I'd forgotten about.... I remember when I was younger walking home from the pub on my own I had to touch a lamppost and then go back and hit it with my other hand till I was satisfied I'd done it right... I really hope neigjbours weren't looking out of their windows then!!


I once read that people with OCD should never drink alcohol as it makes it worse... I think they meant on a mental level as they say OCD has control on a psychological way too. I've often wondered wether certain parts of my personality/actions are due to having that underlying disorder tucked away somewhere...

I have a ritual before I go to bed, which unless followed exactly means that I cannot sleep. It's probably just mild OCD, but I have had it since puberty. I have to go to the bathroom, collect some tissue paper, take it to my bed, get into bed, pull down my pants and smash my penis about until the white stuff comes out or something bad might happen. I've learnt to live with it, but there are times when I wish I could break away from this illness.


I think a nice strong dose of booze works to cure this one hth

Had an interesting conversation with my flatmate last night in the pub about OCD and turns out we have both been a victim of it to some degree in our lives. Got me thinking that maybe OCD is actually more common than you'd think. A forum is a good place to find out, what with people being able to admit to having/being whatever whilst remaining anonymous so I'd be interested in hearing what forms of OCD posters have had/do suffer with.


I was lucky enough to grow out of (or learn to live with and ignore) the traits I had but some people suffer throughout their lives.

I had a prayer ritual (non religious) when I was little when going to bed that meant I had to say a certain load of sentences in my head or something bad would happen. I also had to touch certain random objects repeatedly till it felt right.


Someone I used to work with had to set everything on his desk to exact right angles before he was able to leave the office. I also once saw a Jeremy Kyle type show where a woman had extreme OCD and was constantly tapping parts of her body checking that her items were still in her pockets even though she was sat in one place... It was quite shocking to see.

All very messed up and I feel for those that are controlled by this cruel disorder into their adult lives...


Another condition which has suddenly risen and become fashionable. By OCD alot of people simply mean habits. You know, things that everyone does and has to some extent, yet can now claim to have it and label it with a medical condition and be just like David Beckham as he has it too. FFS

Another condition which has suddenly risen and become fashionable. By OCD alot of people simply mean habits. You know, things that everyone does and has to some extent, yet can now claim to have it and label it with a medical condition and be just like David Beckham as he has it too. FFS


not when they are so extreme they stop your life functioning properly hth

Another condition which has suddenly risen and become fashionable. By OCD alot of people simply mean habits. You know, things that everyone does and has to some extent, yet can now claim to have it and label it with a medical condition and be just like David Beckham as he has it too. FFS


I don't include myself and the "habits" I mention above in that statement. I for one was very depressed about these things when I was growing up. Thinking I was the only person like it until one day I saw a girl at school run back up the stairs to touch a part of the wall then go back down. The relief was quite something... Having to go through the rituals/compulsions can be very very stressful and frustrating and I probably speak for most on here in saying it's certainly not a "fashionable thing to boast about"


I think you can just get away with discussing such things these days as the Internet allow you to reveal anything about you anonymously and conditions are generally more accepted these days, therefore you hear more about them.

Posted (edited)
not when they are so extreme they stop your life functioning properly hth


Like with many of these "conditions" i dont doubt there are genuine and extreme cases. As usual though everyone seems to jump on the bandwagon and claim to have it to some degree. My "OCD" includes rinsing the plates in warm water on both sides twice before washing them up and then again twice after before leaving them to dry, i also am constantly checking my pockets for my phone and wallet even though i have often be sat in the same place for an hour or so, does that mean i have got mild OCD as well or just a couple of habits that i've done for years? No doubt some will claim the former.

Edited by Turkish
I don't include myself and the "habits" I mention above in that statement. I for one was very depressed about these things when I was growing up. Thinking I was the only person like it until one day I saw a girl at school run back up the stairs to touch a part of the wall then go back down. The relief was quite something... Having to go through the rituals/compulsions can be very very stressful and frustrating and I probably speak for most on here in saying it's certainly not a "fashionable thing to boast about"

I think you can just get away with discussing such things these days as the Internet allow you to reveal anything about you anonymously and conditions are generally more accepted these days, therefore you hear more about them.


Yet amazing how this "condition" has become more popular since David Beckham claimed to have it. Every young kids has issues like that, its part of growing up. I used to walk on the lines of tiles on the pavement because if i didn't i thought they would open me up and swallow me. Probably more to do with one of my older brothers telling me that would happen when i was really young rather than some medical condition, but did that give me OCD about it?

Like with many of these "conditions" i dont doubt there are genuine and extreme cases. As usual though everyone seems to jump on the bandwagon and claim to have it to some degree. My "OCD" includes rinsing the plates in warm water on both sides twice before washing them up and then again twice after before leaving them to dry, i also am constantly checking my pockets for my phone and wallet even though i have often be sat in the same place for an hour or so, does that mean i have got mild OCD as well or just a couple of habits that i've done for years? No doubt some will claim the former.


I have a few friends that work with autisitics.

One of the things they are always saying is that "everyone is one the spectrum."

Like any guage of behaviour, like autism, we all exhibit some degree of OCD, just not much point labelling yourself unless it is ruining your life and you need help.

Although like LS says, if typing about it makes him happier then why not, and if Becks helps people feel better then why not.

Just gotta watchout out for fraudulant incapacability claimants using it to get signed of i guess.


I have a few friends that work with autisitics.

One of the things they are always saying is that "everyone is one the spectrum."

Like any guage of behaviour, like autism, we all exhibit some degree of OCD, just not much point labelling yourself unless it is ruining your life and you need help.

Although like LS says, if typing about it makes him happier then why not, and if Becks helps people feel better then why not.

Just gotta watchout out for fraudulant incapacability claimants using it to get signed of i guess.



Beckham is the classic case of someone who hasn't got it but claims they have. From his interview i saw discussing it he likes having his socks lined up and the labels on the jars in the fridge to be facing forwards. All this says to me is that he is not a nutter with a compulsive disorder, just that he is a perfectionist who likes things neat a tidy. I dont see him missing movie premiers with Tom Cruise because he has to check the tins are all lined up properly in the cupboard, it's a lot of nonsense IMO. Until a few years ago no one had heard of OCD, yet Beckham claims to have it now all of a sudden every f***** that has a routine or a habit is looking at their own behaviour thinking "oh i think i've got that too".


Another one that cracks me up is these Celebrities who claim to have sex addiction because they cant stop ****ging tarts that throw themselves at them. It's absolutely ridiculous, 99% of straight men would be tempted if an attractive women offered no strings attached sex, but not all men think they are gods, untouchable and can do what they like. Plus with their money & lifestyle they have more opportunity than your average bloke on the street stuggling to pay bills with kids and a proper job. To say they are addicted to sex is utter joke and yet another example of the modern society giving people kop outs and excuses to make them not be responsible for their actions.

Beckham is the classic case of someone who hasn't got it but claims they have. From his interview i saw discussing it he likes having his socks lined up and the labels on the jars in the fridge to be facing forwards. All this says to me is that he is not a nutter with a compulsive disorder, just that he is a perfectionist who likes things neat a tidy. I dont see him missing movie premiers with Tom Cruise because he has to check the tins are all lined up properly in the cupboard, it's a lot of nonsense IMO. Until a few years ago no one had heard of OCD, yet Beckham claims to have it now all of a sudden every f***** that has a routine or a habit is looking at their own behaviour thinking "oh i think i've got that too".


Another one that cracks me up is these Celebrities who claim to have sex addiction because they cant stop ****ging tarts that throw themselves at them. It's absolutely ridiculous, 99% of straight men would be tempted if an attractive women offered no strings attached sex, but not all men think they are gods, untouchable and can do what they like. Plus with their money & lifestyle they have more opportunity than your average bloke on the street stuggling to pay bills with kids and a proper job. To say they are addicted to sex is utter joke and yet another example of the modern society giving people kop outs and excuses to make them not be responsible for their actions.


Well yes a lot of celebs live in lala land and a bad influence on gullible people I agree

I have a few friends that work with autisitics.

One of the things they are always saying is that "everyone is one the spectrum."

Like any guage of behaviour, like autism, we all exhibit some degree of OCD, just not much point labelling yourself unless it is ruining your life and you need help.

Although like LS says, if typing about it makes him happier then why not, and if Becks helps people feel better then why not.

Just gotta watchout out for fraudulant incapacability claimants using it to get signed of i guess.



I wasn't so much looking for therapy with this thread and I dont claim to have any "disorder" now but I thought it was definitely an interesting discussion and it did bother me all those years ago. I do think it is more significant than some on here are implying though.


I have never considered I have OCD but I do have these little foibles.


When I cut the lawn it has to be a certain way that leaves nice tidy stripes. If my mrs decides to cut it in here normal haphazard way it really angers me until I go over what she has done to somewhat rectify it.


Sometimes after leaving the house and getting into the car I will have to return to check if I have locked the door, then get to the car and have to go back again to double check. I dont do this every time but it seems to happen more when I am stressed.


I do the pocket thing mentioned earlier, constantly checking my pockets when out and double checking for keys ,wallet, ciggys etc. Weird thing is that I dont do this when I am with my mrs.


Another one is typos when on the computer, I always spell "regards" wrong and always have to correct it, I always spell it as "regrads". I know I do this but I cannot stop the habit or whatever it is.



Another one is typos when on the computer, I always spell "regards" wrong and always have to correct it, I always spell it as "regrads". I know I do this but I cannot stop the habit or whatever it is.


I think you are lying as you still haven't corrected "regrads"


My missus has mild OCD. I only noticed it when we moved in together, but she has to have EVERYTHING in its exact position. She denies it, but I proved it to one of my mates once. I moved a coaster on the coffee table just a fraction, and my Wii games that were so symmetrically stacked up I moved too, and sure enough when my missus got in from work, one of the first things she did was straighten both.


I wound her up once by telling her that I'd moved one of the ornaments on the bookcase. I hadn't, but I enjoyed the half hour she spent trying to figure out what I'd moved.


Me? I'm too lazy to have it.


One of my daughters has an obsession about the number 9 (she's a mathematician) - I'm not sure if that is classified as OCD.


that is because the number 9 is an amzing number, in fact it is a magical word too. People's eyes are dranw to the number 9. Does she get it from her Mum?


I also cannot start cooking until the kitchen is clear of all old washing up and put away!


I have many more but not bothered about the house being tidy. I used to me, but had to get use to living with a untidy wife so gave up on that!


So what you are telling us is, that you are lazy and only wash up when you run out of clean plates? Got a dishwasher?

I have never considered I have OCD but I do have these little foibles.


When I cut the lawn it has to be a certain way that leaves nice tidy stripes. If my mrs decides to cut it in here normal haphazard way it really angers me until I go over what she has done to somewhat rectify it.


Sometimes after leaving the house and getting into the car I will have to return to check if I have locked the door, then get to the car and have to go back again to double check. I dont do this every time but it seems to happen more when I am stressed.


I do the pocket thing mentioned earlier, constantly checking my pockets when out and double checking for keys ,wallet, ciggys etc. Weird thing is that I dont do this when I am with my mrs.


Another one is typos when on the computer, I always spell "regards" wrong and always have to correct it, I always spell it as "regrads". I know I do this but I cannot stop the habit or whatever it is.




I do both of these things... Well annoying innit.

that is because the number 9 is an amzing number, in fact it is a magical word too. People's eyes are dranw to the number 9. Does she get it from her Mum?


I do like 9 and also 3. Sometimes, if I'm bored or can't get to sleep, I like to count in multiples of 3 or 9 to see how far I can go before I finally sleep.

I swear a lot, does that mean I have Tourettes ?

The celebs with the so called sex addiction, I think thats just a ploy to draw attention to themselves and get laid more.





Probably not but if anyone questions your language you can say you have as an excuse.

Posted (edited)
I do like 9 and also 3. Sometimes, if I'm bored or can't get to sleep, I like to count in multiples of 3 or 9 to see how far I can go before I finally sleep.


If you can't get to sleep then call the number 7 into play mrs b. Count backwards from 100 in 7's, if/when you've done that repeat from the number 200.


I used to like the number 3, as in I would occasionally count my steps in 3's.


Going back to number 9, did you know that to discover if a number is divisible by 9 you simply add the value of all the digits and if the resulting number is divisible by nine then the answer is yes.



9 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 5 = 27

2 + 7 = 9


Brill isn't it..



Also, 9 is the number of openings that a normal male human being's body has, count 'em.

Edited by hamster



The game of 10-Pin bowling came about after we exported the game of skittles (9 pins) to yankee-doodle land. To control gambling, the game (skittles) was banned, ever clever yanks got around the ban by adding a pin. FACT

I swear a lot, does that mean I have Tourettes ?


The celebs with the so called sex addiction, I think thats just a ploy to draw attention to themselves and get laid more.





I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments!


Ahhhh thats better,




Saint Billy

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments !

I sort of agree with your sentiments!


Ahhhh thats better,




Saint Billy


No, no it's not better. 8 is a very unlucky number!


This thread is funny, looks like we all have some minor OCDs, but obvioulsy nothing that interrupts with our daily lives like some people!


I do things in 4s; check the front / car handles

Stereo in car / at home etc has to be on even numbers

Items can't touch on the dinner table and should be in alignment

The toilet roll has to be on the right way round

I get cross about toothpaste tubes not being squeezed at the bottom


and so on!

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