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Anyone else suffering from Man Flu at the moment? Spoke to about half a dosen people today who have all got it at the moment. Looks like there may only be women left in Britain come January.

There is no such f**king thing as man flu. Either you have a cold or you have the flu.







And yes i have managed to aquire it. It arrived this morning after valiantly avoiding it for the past 2 weeks in the office and taking my colleague to work even though he was dying of it.


Nice of it to turn up now even though tommorrow is my last day at work until January.


I am currently attempting to beat the sh*t out of it with Vit C, lemsips and Echinechea before it really takes hold.


Been there already.


Luckily while my defences were low, I managed to get a touch of Norovirus too. Not a pretty sight in the toilet for a day or two.


Nearly all gone now until another dose of man flu in the new year no doubt.


Never really get ill. But I have been f*cked over by something rather harsh. If this is what people refer to their bout of sniffles to as flu, then the next time I hear it

I will set them right straight.


No sore throat.

No sick.

Just a temperature that is going ape with me gasping for cool aprons minute to shivering violently the next and a stupid f*cking cough that just won't sod off.


Yesterday was spent in bed. Today same. Way to spend two days of my giant Crimbo holidays. FFS...

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