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Thatcher is the greatest women the world has ever known

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I can undersatnd someone condemning her time as PM since she was divisive but hoping someone will die is very strong and to me demonstrates a lack of respect for human life. Who else in this world do you want to die?


Ratko Mladic


Radovan Karadzic


Jorge Videla


Manuel Contreras


Than Shwe


Kim Jong il


Robert Mugabe


The world would be a much better place with them gone.

Well tdd only loves her because she allowed his family to buy their council place in Millbrook, make money on it and immediately ditch their previous socialist principles, 'I'm alright Jack'


What a sad attitude. Thatcher gave more people the chance to get on in life with hard work than anybody - equality of opportunity. Good for them and good for Britain. The left ruling classes just feather their own nests without creating any wealth for the country. You just like to keep everyone down with you. Move to North Korea.

where's tony blair..?


I expected that level of contribution from you. Check out those people - every one of them is directly responsible for ordering extrajudicial killings on an epic scale.


Wishing her dead is a bit strong. I was only young when she was in charge but she was quite clearly a c*nt. Probably a necessary c*nt given the mess the country was in but undeniably a c*nt none the less. I can fully understand the attitude of people from the mining communities.

You don't believe all that clap trap do you?


I'm firmly behind Pontius Pilate. Jesus was a terrorist and was simply turned into a Martyr following the decline of the Roman Empire. As it's strength weakened Rome created a religion to maintain control.


Hmmm, wasn't Jesus a Jew?

Why? Many of us really do hope that she dies soon.


You very bizarrely seem to think that loathing for Maggie excludes loathing for Blair and his illegal wars.


Sorry mate, that's a f**king disgusting thing to say. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I expected that level of contribution from you. Check out those people - every one of them is directly responsible for ordering extrajudicial killings on an epic scale.

but doing it via the back door is fine....?

What a sad attitude. Thatcher gave more people the chance to get on in life with hard work than anybody - equality of opportunity. Good for them and good for Britain. The left ruling classes just feather their own nests without creating any wealth for the country. You just like to keep everyone down with you. Move to North Korea.

it is a horrific attitude by that poster..


as said in my reply to him..it seems he would rather we all grew up in ****holes with no hope apart from the next giro/social day at the post office than moving away from that....its fairer that we are all equally in poverty and living off hand-me-downs....



Why? Many of us really do hope that she dies soon.


Totally bemused by that. Do you really?


What if someone posted they wanted your mum, dad, wife kids to die soon?


I think you have perfectly demonstrated the intelligence levels of those that did not support her, or understand what she did for this country.


Well done.


You know, wishing that someone was dead and then saying you'll dance on their grave is pretty sick whatever the provocation. It makes you no better than the target of your emnity in my opinion.

it is a horrific attitude by that poster..


as said in my reply to him..it seems he would rather we all grew up in ****holes with no hope apart from the next giro/social day at the post office than moving away from that....its fairer that we are all equally in poverty and living off hand-me-downs....




If you read my post properly I think you will find at no time did i say anything of the sort. What i did say was that I find it hard to take in that a family who were so obviously left wing (supported kinnock, went on marches etc) could suddenly ditch those principles in support of someone so blatantly at the other end of the political spectrum

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