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Benefit Fraud v Tax Evasion

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What the f*ck would you know about the real world?


Er, I know that the UK mines couldn't compete with cheap foreign mines. You didn't know that. So I know this much more about the real world than you.

Surely it would be cheaper to mine our own coal rather than be held over a barrel by our foreign suppliers?


The shipyard contracts were lost to foreign competition because of the subsidies they received from their governments. We chose not to, and consigned ourselves instead to paying it out and more anyway in Unemplyoment Benefit.


Economies of scale though mate surely? The chinese can mine it and ship it to us cheaper than we can just mine it. Sad but true. As you allude to though, there must be a cost benefit to putting a subsidy in place and employing skilled tradesmen in shipbuilding for example instead of paying benefits, this would then drive youth unemployment down as we could go back to proper apprenticeships. My brother in law was in the last batch of apprentices into Vospers, god know what he'd have done without that.

Economies of scale though mate surely? The chinese can mine it and ship it to us cheaper than we can just mine it. Sad but true. As you allude to though, there must be a cost benefit to putting a subsidy in place and employing skilled tradesmen in shipbuilding for example instead of paying benefits, this would then drive youth unemployment down as we could go back to proper apprenticeships. My brother in law was in the last batch of apprentices into Vospers, god know what he'd have done without that.


It's not just down to the price of coal though. You need to factor in the savings in the welfare budget that employing miners would create, along with the revenue from income tax and NI.

It's not just down to the price of coal though. You need to factor in the savings in the welfare budget that employing miners would create, along with the revenue from income tax and NI.


Absolutely, some sort of cost benefit analysis goes for ship building as well as coal mining or car manufacturing; for the cars we just need to make sure it's a quality product ala Merc, Luxus or BMW instead of Austin Allegros or Metros!

It's not just down to the price of coal though. You need to factor in the savings in the welfare budget that employing miners would create, along with the revenue from income tax and NI.


But you also need to factor in that the price of the coal produced is higher - making electricity more expensive and making energy intensive industries like aluminium smelting uncompetitive. I agree you need to support industries with training, infrastructure etc - but subsidies is a road to nowhere.

It's not just down to the price of coal though. You need to factor in the savings in the welfare budget that employing miners would create, along with the revenue from income tax and NI.


Wayne, what part of you doesn't understand that UK coal would cost more than Foreign imports?

Wayne, what part of you doesn't understand that UK coal would cost more than Foreign imports?

But surely the capitalist way would be to drive down UK wages to make them more 'competitive' ? As Wade says, we are now beholden to the foreign suppliers, who can manipulate supply and price to suit themselves, and the Polish stuff is significantly inferior in quality.

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