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Posted (edited)
Sometimes (most of the time if truth be told) I wonder how one so immature ever got a job teaching.


I'm not going to rise to this obvious fishing but I will point out that, AGAIN, you still haven't answered my question and I will maintain this line of enquiry until you do. You need to stop posting your youtube clips etc and come up with some real answers. I'll even accept a Wikipedia answer as long as you put it in your own words. If you can't dune, just say so, I can't think any less of you as it is so admitting you can't answer my question isn't going to damage your 'reputation'. Post number 78.

Edited by Thorpe-le-Saint
I'm not going to rise to this obvious fishing but I will point out that, AGAIN, you still haven't answered my question and I will maintain this line of enquiry until you do. You need to stop posting your youtube clips etc and come up with some real answers. I'll even accept a Wikipedia answer as long as you put it in your own words. If you can't dune, just say so, I can't think any less of you as it is so admitting you can't answer my question isn't going to damage your 'reputation'. Post number 78.


I can now see why you've admitted struggling to control your classes. At the time I offered you my sympathy, but clearly you have a bit of an attitude problem. You can maintain your line of enquiry but until you start behaving like a grown up i'll leave you to ponder on the proverbial naughty step.

I can now see why you've admitted struggling to control your classes. At the time I offered you my sympathy, but clearly you have a bit of an attitude problem. You can maintain your line of enquiry but until you start behaving like a grown up i'll leave you to ponder on the proverbial naughty step.


I've never admitted that so that is utter rubbish; which is pretty much concurrent with what you say most of the time. Unlike other posters on here dune, I've never once said that you claimed we would be better off under the Nazis...hopefully you can see my point. Again, I won't bite regarding the sympathy line. Will you now answer my question regarding post number 78? I take it though you require research time to prove your comments which accounts for the 'naughty step' comment.


In the meantime dune, care to venture a guess as to the answer to the question in post 78?

I've never admitted that so that is utter rubbish


I would suggest that being sworn at demonstrates a lack of control over your class, but perhaps this is part of the job description now and i'm a bit out of date regarding classroom protocol.

I would suggest that being sworn at demonstrates a lack of control over your class, but perhaps this is part of the job description now and i'm a bit out of date regarding classroom protocol.


Hmmm, one child out of the 219 that I teach each week. You're right, they're out of control!


Still waiting on your answer by the way.

I would suggest that being sworn at demonstrates a lack of control over your class, but perhaps this is part of the job description now and i'm a bit out of date regarding classroom protocol.


You clearly are out of date, as there are always a handful of kids in each year that are right little sh*ts and are impossible to control.

Anyway, I signed. As has been said above we've taken a step back by trying to merge into one big supercontinental country alliance piece of crap.

You clearly are out of date, as there are always a handful of kids in each year that are right little sh*ts and are impossible to control.


I disagree. I was model pupil myself (ha ha), but there were always soft teachers (i suspect they had left wing leanings) that struggled with "disruptive" pupils and there were the teachers (i suspect they were right wing) that took a zero tollerance stance. The latter never suffered abuse and they were the best teachers.

1) We already are in a loose community of trading nations - we have a greater strength to deal with them by being a part of a stronger & tighter economic group.

2) We elect to the European Parliament, not the other way round..no anthem or ministers are resident in our Parliament

3) Canada is one of the loose community as in 1) - note they choose to be a part of NAFTA to enhance their deals & influence with the rest of the world.


Just to respond to your comments one by one:-


1) Yes, we are part of a community of trading nations, but I wouldn't exactly describe it as loose, bearing in mind the powers that Brussels have over the bureaucratic restrictions that they place over much of the products we produce and the hoops that they force many of our manufacturers/growers/producers to jump through. But as to the claim that we we have greater strength by being part of a stronger and tighter economic group, what exactly does that mean? I ask again, would us leaving the EU mean that the Germans wouldn't want to sell us their Volkswagens, or the French their Renaults, or the Italians their fridges? No, it wouldn't. And if they wanted to export their goods to us, we are in a powerful position to demand that they reciprocate by buying our goods. That is the essence of a trading relationship. But outside of the EU, we would be able to find new markets or strengthen ties with other Countries. As we are a nett importer, we are in a powerful bargaining position.


2) The elections to the European Gravy Train, sorry, Parliament, is a joke, as such a small proportion of the electorate even bother to vote. Our representation in the European Parliament is derisory and since the enlargement of the body to include those numerous former Iron Curtain States, our influence is considerably reduced. Perhaps if only nett contributors to the funding of the United States of Europe were allowed to vote on its policies, then I wouldn't mind so much. And there is already an EU flag and supposedly a main language, thankfully English, although that wouldn't be so if the French had their way. How long do you reckon it will be before there is an EU anthem? No ministers in our Parliament, granted. But much of European law has precedence over the laws passed by our Parliament, so what would be the necessity for their Ministers sitting in our Parliament. It is already emasculated.


3)There are several trading groups we could join to enhance our export capabilities. One that we could consider growing would be the Commonwealth. Our historical links with many of those countries means that there is already a natural reason for us to maintain a trading relationship with many of them, to our mutual advantage. And in the same way that Canada has joined NAFTA, we could join the EFTA and thereby probably encourage others to follow suit.

1) We already are in a loose community of trading nations - we have a greater strength to deal with them by being a part of a stronger & tighter economic group.

2) We elect to the European Parliament, not the other way round..no anthem or ministers are resident in our Parliament

3) Canada is one of the loose community as in 1) - note they choose to be a part of NAFTA to enhance their deals & influence with the rest of the world.


Do you think the Canadians would put up with the US police force arresting Canadian citizens on Canadian soil for something that is not a crime in Canada? Would they put up with as many Mexicans (another member of NAFTA) as wanted to, having the right to settle in canada, and there was not a damn thing the Canadians could do about it? Would the Canadians give away Jurisdiction over vast swaythes of their domestic laws to NAFTA, without consulting the people of Canada?


Who elected Herman Van Rompuy, because I didn't get a vote, did you?

Not really, we're idealists. By the way, can you list every time UKIP have been right?


So you admit that you're a leftie and an idealist. So tell me, can you prove that these ideals you support are right and have proven to be right? You have asked Dune to furnish you with examples of where UKIP have been proven right, so in the interests of fair play, I call on you to do the same exercise in support of your ideals.


Having ideals is not the exclusive territory of the left, you know. Those on the right also have their own set of ideals and I know that the prime method of attacking those who oppose the position of the lefties is to insinuate snidely that they are somehow of inferior intellectual prowess. No doubt it makes them feel superior, when in reality all that they are is pseudo-intellectuals.


Historically, UKIP has prophecised that the bureaucratic powers of the EU would increase and reduce British Sovereignty, that they would increasingly intrude on our own personal freedoms. They predicted that despite the weasel promises by the Political establishment, we the electorate, would be denied a referendum on treaties which considerably reduced our Sovereignty and our right to veto things that we didn't agree with. In that respect, they have been proved right. Whilst you attempt to defend your own ideals, you can try and dispute that too.


The Little Englanders are swimming against the tide. We will not leave the EU because 99% of British business is against it.


Even old Dave Cameron realises this, hence not much mention of Europe in the election campaign. Many British companies are European owned (I work for one of them) and we have been told that if we left the EU, production would be moved to mainland Europe locations.


Many other companies would follow suit.

The Little Englanders are swimming against the tide. We will not leave the EU because 99% of British business is against it.


Even old Dave Cameron realises this, hence not much mention of Europe in the election campaign. Many British companies are European owned (I work for one of them) and we have been told that if we left the EU, production would be moved to mainland Europe locations.


Many other companies would follow suit.


Ok, thats companies, but how much would it cost us in people moving to the UK and taking the money back to their own countries, or the ones using out health service etc


Does it really work in our favour being part of the EU?

The Little Englanders are swimming against the tide. We will not leave the EU because 99% of British business is against it.


Even old Dave Cameron realises this, hence not much mention of Europe in the election campaign. Many British companies are European owned (I work for one of them) and we have been told that if we left the EU, production would be moved to mainland Europe locations.


Many other companies would follow suit.


No doubt you will be delighted to furnish us all with the evidence to back up your assertion that 99% of British businesses is against us leaving the EU. Or was that just hyperbole, or a figure plucked from the air, or provided by the Department of Guesswork? Perhaps because you work for a European Company that would relocate elsewhere, you think that all companies must be the same. I suspect that what your company haven't told you, is that they might relocate anyway, probably to somewhere behind the old Iron Curtain, where unit labour costs are much lower than here. Oh no, that can't be. So long as we're in the EU, they've promised to stay here come thick or thin. :rolleyes:


Just to respond to your comments one by one:-


1) Yes, we are part of a community of trading nations, but I wouldn't exactly describe it as loose, bearing in mind the powers that Brussels have over the bureaucratic restrictions that they place over much of the products we produce and the hoops that they force many of our manufacturers/growers/producers to jump through. But as to the claim that we we have greater strength by being part of a stronger and tighter economic group, what exactly does that mean? I ask again, would us leaving the EU mean that the Germans wouldn't want to sell us their Volkswagens, or the French their Renaults, or the Italians their fridges? No, it wouldn't. And if they wanted to export their goods to us, we are in a powerful position to demand that they reciprocate by buying our goods. That is the essence of a trading relationship. But outside of the EU, we would be able to find new markets or strengthen ties with other Countries. As we are a nett importer, we are in a powerful bargaining position.


A) The other markets elsewhere demand at least as stringent checks & hoops to be jumped through...the difference between the European markets is that there are workable limits set in place by Brussels so that the goalposts don't move in the same way as a non-EU country could decide to do thereby keeping the playing field more level. Of course we would still want German & Italian goods but we know what standards they have to be built to & within the EU parameters the UK government can't plant a huge import tariff on these to load the dice against the competition - it doesn't preclude other traders selling their products indeed the likes of Honda, Toyota, Nissan etc have set up factories within the UK so as to compete within the market...are you saying that this is a bad thing? We don't really have a car production business any more but where we do have a surplus or a currency advantage the EU markets are statutorily open to us in a way that others are not required to be.


2) The elections to the European Gravy Train, sorry, Parliament, is a joke, as such a small proportion of the electorate even bother to vote. Our representation in the European Parliament is derisory and since the enlargement of the body to include those numerous former Iron Curtain States, our influence is considerably reduced. Perhaps if only nett contributors to the funding of the United States of Europe were allowed to vote on its policies, then I wouldn't mind so much. And there is already an EU flag and supposedly a main language, thankfully English, although that wouldn't be so if the French had their way. How long do you reckon it will be before there is an EU anthem? No ministers in our Parliament, granted. But much of European law has precedence over the laws passed by our Parliament, so what would be the necessity for their Ministers sitting in our Parliament. It is already emasculated.


B) I agree that it is a poorly administrated & unenthusiastically voted for forum...which makes the likes of Farage & Co seem even less palatable for despising it yet trousering the dollar. Without being an elected part of it, however, how can we either represent our case or change it....I revert back to the desperately juvenile antics of F & B..they cannot & will not ever be taken seriously so destroy any chance that UKIP has of being representative. As for anthems etc please don't expect me to consider that as part of any economic argument which is my only interest in this. Ideologically I don't have an issue either way...insular thinking is not what this is about for me.


3)There are several trading groups we could join to enhance our export capabilities. One that we could consider growing would be the Commonwealth. Our historical links with many of those countries means that there is already a natural reason for us to maintain a trading relationship with many of them, to our mutual advantage. And in the same way that Canada has joined NAFTA, we could join the EFTA and thereby probably encourage others to follow suit.


C) As before...we can still trade with who we like - it's just easier to do so from the strength of a trading group. In a sense EU standards ensure that our products are of an acceptable, safe & hopefully desirable quality so all we have to get right is the cost - currency has a role - the £ is weaker than the euro so we have an export advantage (I'm an importer so the opposite applies) to whoever has the choice of buying from either currency. What having trading laws within Europe ensures is that Germany can't suddenly slap an import tax of 50% on a Caterham whereas Canada, for instance, could.


I'm sorry for the reply format..I'm not very bright with things computerish....I rarely have time to get in to discussions like this but a new system is being installed so I'm making the most of it.


I can accept rational argument but this is not supplied by UKIP...anyone can say no, no, no but to gain credibility you have to provide logical & workable alternatives espoused by people capable of commanding respect and backed by business leaders. This is unequivocally not the case.

No doubt you will be delighted to furnish us all with the evidence to back up your assertion that 99% of British businesses is against us leaving the EU. Or was that just hyperbole, or a figure plucked from the air, or provided by the Department of Guesswork?


Why are you not asking the same questions of dune's 'facts'?

Why are you not asking the same questions of dune's 'facts'?


Until you give a satisfactory explanation for UAF not taking issue with non white racists I will not be answering any of your questions. You claimed to be a member of this horrible far left/Marxist group yet you have yet to explain why they march alongside islamic extremists and they haven't even commented on Sharia schools teaching anti semetic hate.

No, but Blue Labour have just comitted to pumping billions into these countries. I could just about accept us contributing to the bail out of Ireland (as our national interest is interwoven so much with theirs), but the thought of our money going to Portugal and Spain makes me very angry. People have talked about cracks in the coalition between the liberals and the conservatives, but imo the real cracks will be within the Conservative party if Cameron continues to ride roughshod over the Right of the party. I can see some Tories defecting to UKIP before this parliament is out.


We are lending Ireland money because if there eceonomy fails then it will have a massive knock on effect in this country. We are lending at a rate that is higher than we are paying, so we will profit from helping them out. Seems like a win win to me. I don't rate Gideon Osborne, but he is right on this one.

We are lending Ireland money because if there eceonomy fails then it will have a massive knock on effect in this country. We are lending at a rate that is higher than we are paying, so we will profit from helping them out. Seems like a win win to me. I don't rate Gideon Osborne, but he is right on this one.


I concur, but when we start borrowing to lend to Portugal and Spain I don't think it's right. These countries are in the mess they are in because they joined the Euro so it should be for the Eurozone to sort out.

Do you think the Canadians would put up with the US police force arresting Canadian citizens on Canadian soil for something that is not a crime in Canada?


A) This is not happening here without a warrant - how is this relevant? How many fugitives are their on the so called Costa Crime that can't be arrested without going through extradition procedures? If there was a paedophile from Belgium here or a fraudster from the UK in Italy surely we should be making it easier for their extradition..the EU parliament gives that a fair chance of happening.


Would they put up with as many Mexicans (another member of NAFTA) as wanted to, having the right to settle in canada, and there was not a damn thing the Canadians could do about it?


B) That would depend, naturally on what they had signed up to. In the same way as most EU countries have opt-outs & vetos (the UK more than most I believe) individual members could negotiate their own conditions. It is, of course, reciprocal...Mexico could decide on their own criteria for Canadians. This may be deemed unequal...until Mexico discovers oil or something that Canadian companies want a part of. Many UK companies are taking advantage of East European labour not just in the UK but setting up factories in the old Eastern Bloc so it's designed to be two way.


Would the Canadians give away Jurisdiction over vast swaythes of their domestic laws to NAFTA, without consulting the people of Canada?


C) See above


Who elected Herman Van Rompuy, because I didn't get a vote, did you?


No - but I had the option to vote for our UK representation which is why I find it reprehensible that UKIP having got in democratically p*ss in the face of the electorate who appointed them! 'My manifesto includes calling an elected representative of a partner country names'...I must have missed that bit...it wouldn't have got votes in a primary school!


OK - again apologies for the format

I concur, but when we start borrowing to lend to Portugal and Spain I don't think it's right. These countries are in the mess they are in because they joined the Euro so it should be for the Eurozone to sort out.


Are we going to lend to them then? I actually agree with what you are saying if we are.

Ok, thats companies, but how much would it cost us in people moving to the UK and taking the money back to their own countries, or the ones using out health service etc


Does it really work in our favour being part of the EU?


I think we would be better served in Europe, so that we can influence the very concerns that you, I and a great many people have. If we can work with the Germans and France (our military brother) to mould a different Europe we could potentially be better off than by leaving it.


Currently, it appears that the benefits of the EU membership are less than the drawbacks. Throwing in the towel, and taking our ball back isn't necessarily the best way of dealing with the problem though.

No doubt you will be delighted to furnish us all with the evidence to back up your assertion that 99% of British businesses is against us leaving the EU. Or was that just hyperbole, or a figure plucked from the air, or provided by the Department of Guesswork? Perhaps because you work for a European Company that would relocate elsewhere, you think that all companies must be the same. I suspect that what your company haven't told you, is that they might relocate anyway, probably to somewhere behind the old Iron Curtain, where unit labour costs are much lower than here. Oh no, that can't be. So long as we're in the EU, they've promised to stay here come thick or thin. :rolleyes:



Theyre the same 99% that always say they are going to emigrate from the UK if the tories/labour get elected.....funny how the population always seems to stay the same after each general election

Posted (edited)
I think we would be better served in Europe, so that we can influence the very concerns that you, I and a great many people have. If we can work with the Germans and France (our military brother) to mould a different Europe we could potentially be better off than by leaving it..


That's what they have been saying for the last 25 years. Better to be in Europe and have some influence......******....there is a long term agenda that began 35 years ago....We were suckered into the European Community believing it was about trading agreements - we walked into with European Union (with reservation) - we resisted the Euro - but make no mistake - the end game is the United States of Europe. The USofE is the only way the Euro can survive long term so they will not give up on pursuing that goal and will squander billions of taxpayer money in their relentless pursuit of their dream.


I have found it largely ironic that over the last 20 years, the various regions of the UK have clamoured for more regional accountability - Scotland and Wales have got their wish - but we have also had at least the North-East and the South-West demanding local assemblies. Yet, at the same time more responsibilities are handed over to Brussels. Contradictory?


As for all these businesses that will relocate to foreign shores if we are not in the EU.......none of them should be here....did they not all say they would leave the UK if we did not join the Euro? There was nothing wrong with the idea of a European Community where members could trade freely - it does not have to be full European integration or nothing.


tbh - it saddens me that this whole Europe thing has gone this far. The EU does not work for the people - Britain should negotiate a withdrawal that leaves trading avenues open. I'm pretty sure we would not be alone - and leave the Federal Europe to those countries that really want it.

Edited by BigShadow
Until you give a satisfactory explanation for UAF not taking issue with non white racists I will not be answering any of your questions. You claimed to be a member of this horrible far left/Marxist group yet you have yet to explain why they march alongside islamic extremists and they haven't even commented on Sharia schools teaching anti semetic hate.


This has been done to death on another thread and Badger answered these questions more than satisfactorily.


I'm with dune on this one. I have signed up to the crusade. When do we all start? There didn't seem to be many details on the website. Can I get a lift with you, dune? Will Thatcher and Churchill be there? I do ruddy hope so, as I love all them videos and quotes and stuff. Really stirring. Gets you right in the heart strings, so you don't even have to think about the issues at all. Just gets me roused and ready for action with all those stirring words and pithy witticisms aimed at the easily persuaded like me. Chaaaaaaargggge!


Like many of my generation I quite like being a part of Europe but even I baulk at being "in" Europe.


I love the freedom of movement, right to work etc but I'd be manning the barricades if they attempted to coerce us into a full union or the euro.

I'm with dune on this one. I have signed up to the crusade. When do we all start? There didn't seem to be many details on the website. Can I get a lift with you, dune? Will Thatcher and Churchill be there? I do ruddy hope so, as I love all them videos and quotes and stuff. Really stirring. Gets you right in the heart strings, so you don't even have to think about the issues at all. Just gets me roused and ready for action with all those stirring words and pithy witticisms aimed at the easily persuaded like me. Chaaaaaaargggge!


That's the spirit. I think we need a costume though. May I suggest;



A) This is not happening here without a warrant - how is this relevant? How many fugitives are their on the so called Costa Crime that can't be arrested without going through extradition procedures? If there was a paedophile from Belgium here or a fraudster from the UK in Italy surely we should be making it easier for their extradition..the EU parliament gives that a fair chance of happening.







If I was to go on British TV and deny the Holocaust ever happened, the German police could come and arrest me. Holocaust denial is not an offense in England (maybe it should be, but it isn't) but is in Germany. Under the new EU treaty the police force of a member state can issue a warrent, arrest me and there's not a damn thing my MP, my local police force or anyone in the UK can do about it.Who gave away the right of the British people to determine their own laws, surely it can not be right that I can be arrested in my own country for something that is not illigal in my own country?

A) This is not happening here without a warrant - how is this relevant? How many fugitives are their on the so called Costa Crime that can't be arrested without going through extradition procedures? If there was a paedophile from Belgium here or a fraudster from the UK in Italy surely we should be making it easier for their extradition..the EU parliament gives that a fair chance of happening.







If I was to go on British TV and deny the Holocaust ever happened, the German police could come and arrest me. Holocaust denial is not an offense in England (maybe it should be, but it isn't) but is in Germany. Under the new EU treaty the police force of a member state can issue a warrent, arrest me and there's not a damn thing my MP, my local police force or anyone in the UK can do about it.Who gave away the right of the British people to determine their own laws, surely it can not be right that I can be arrested in my own country for something that is not illigal in my own country?


Your first and second points completely contradict each other.


What form is this Express crusade going to take? In fact, what form do any of them take?


The term's always made me giggle, I keep envisaging the entire Express readership - a mighty army of a few thousand portly middle-aged insurance men with high blood pressure, armed with broomhandles and with colanders on their heads - embarking on the nearest Sea France at Dover to sort out the immigrant-wog-commie-dago-kraut-EU-Diana killers.


With their elderly mums giving them Thermos flasks of really, really milky tea and nice woolly scarves that they knitted specially :lol:


Right, dune. I've bought my white hood and cloak and I'm ruddy well ready for this crusade. Where shall we meet? I'm assuming standard Tory/right-wing practices stand, so bagsy I'm behind you in the circle of love.

Your first and second points completely contradict each other.


My first point was quoting another poster, my second one was showing him how what he claims is good for Britain is another area where we have no control over our own laws.


Sorry for any confussion.

What form is this Express crusade going to take? In fact, what form do any of them take?


The term's always made me giggle, I keep envisaging the entire Express readership - a mighty army of a few thousand portly middle-aged insurance men with high blood pressure, armed with broomhandles and with colanders on their heads - embarking on the nearest Sea France at Dover to sort out the immigrant-wog-commie-dago-kraut-EU-Diana killers.


With their elderly mums giving them Thermos flasks of really, really milky tea and nice woolly scarves that they knitted specially :lol:


Everyone knows you can't put milky tea in a Thermos, that's why they have flasks with a little screw on container at the bottom.

A) This is not happening here without a warrant - how is this relevant? How many fugitives are their on the so called Costa Crime that can't be arrested without going through extradition procedures? If there was a paedophile from Belgium here or a fraudster from the UK in Italy surely we should be making it easier for their extradition..the EU parliament gives that a fair chance of happening.







If I was to go on British TV and deny the Holocaust ever happened, the German police could come and arrest me. Holocaust denial is not an offense in England (maybe it should be, but it isn't) but is in Germany. Under the new EU treaty the police force of a member state can issue a warrent, arrest me and there's not a damn thing my MP, my local police force or anyone in the UK can do about it.Who gave away the right of the British people to determine their own laws, surely it can not be right that I can be arrested in my own country for something that is not illigal in my own country?


Sorry for the delay replying to this - I had thought what cr*p - that can't possibly be the case but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction so I posted the following question to the Open University law Q & A section:


'If a UK citizen appears on UK TV and denies that the Holocaust ever took place (an offence in Germany) - could he be liable for arrest either in Germany, in the UK or by extradition to Germany'


The answer I've pasted below:


'Categorically not. In cases of a law passed specifically relating to an issue of a national law unrelated to another member country statute or joint EU membership compliance the law can only be applied to citizens of that country committing the offence in the country to which that applies or those who commit an offence within that country.'


I think that is concise but pretty clear - if a law passed by the EU parliament (such as the European Court of Human Rights legislation) or our own is broken then there is a case within the country of the 'crime'. Anything else is unrelated -so feel free to deny to your heart's content...just don't go on TV in Germany & do it!;)


I saw in the Newsagents today the Express are on their way to winning another 'crusade' (the actual wording they use!) today in getting day light savings abolished. Ohhh that's a big concern of mine that one! Morons.

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