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There's not a hope in hell of UK withdrawing from the EU.


None of the major parties support it as they know ot would be disastrous for UK businesses. Neither the CBI or the TUC support it (not often those two agree).


The EU is supported by (amongst others) Unilever, BT, BMI, BAE Systems, Ernst & Young, Ford Motor Co, Kelloggs, KPMG, Nestle and many other major employers.


People might vote for UKIP for a laugh in the Euro elections, but they've achieved nothing nationally. They did increase their share of the vote by a massive 0.9% in 2010 but even their fellow nutjobs in the BNP managed 1.9%.


Farage is a good laugh when you listen to him. Maybe he'd get elected in the US as they elected Reagan and they even seem to take Sarah Palin (we must stand by our friends in North Korea) seriously.

Sir James Goldsmith, Lord Lowe of Withington and Lord Pearson of Rannoch are three off the top of my head.


One of whom is dead...another is the one who invited Geert Wilders (sp?) to the UK & hardly rates as a business leader! Not heard of Lowe unless he's related...?


You prove my point for me!

There's not a hope in hell of UK withdrawing from the EU.






People might vote for UKIP for a laugh in the Euro elections, but they've achieved nothing nationally. They did increase their share of the vote by a massive 0.9% in 2010 but even their fellow nutjobs in the BNP managed 1.9%.



I would have thought coming second above the Lab and Lib/dems parties was pretty decent, hardly "nothing nationally". The way I read the results was thus; in a European election the mainly Euro sceptic Tories and the withdraw from EU UKIP, came first and second.

I would have thought coming second above the Lab and Lib/dems parties was pretty decent, hardly "nothing nationally". The way I read the results was thus; in a European election the mainly Euro sceptic Tories and the withdraw from EU UKIP, came first and second.


Unfortunately at a national level Cameron is betraying us on Europe. I had thought that UKIP's days were numbered, but the Conservatives are nothing but Blue Labour on this issue. If you look at the seats the Tories just lost in the general election many would have swung their way with UKIP votes so they ignore us at their peril.

Unfortunately at a national level Cameron is betraying us on Europe. I had thought that UKIP's days were numbered, but the Conservatives are nothing but Blue Labour on this issue. If you look at the seats the Tories just lost in the general election many would have swung their way with UKIP votes so they ignore us at their peril.


We need an in or out vote to sort this once and for all. The reason we dont get one is that the EU doesn't do democracy in case the Euro Loons lose, they want a Superstate piece by piece, inch by inch. The people's views are an irrelevant to them. Grocer Heath lied to us and the Euro loons have been deceiveing us ever since.


The Beano have a similar thing to the Express where you can register to become a Beano VIP on their website:




Similarly to the Express, it's a lot of fun for those signing up, but essentially it means absolutely nothing and has no effect on anything else whatsoever. It just makes the people signing up feel like they are special. And they are, really.

the beano have a similar thing to the express where you can register to become a beano vip on their website:




similarly to the express, it's a lot of fun for those signing up, but essentially it means absolutely nothing and has no effect on anything else whatsoever. It just makes the people signing up feel like they are special. And they are, really.




Is it only me who keeps imagining that Dune is some old spinster who has a picture of the queen on her wall and still believes Great Britain has an empire? As for the Daily Express, are you ****ing joking? I'm amazed they havn't spun the story so that the EU was involved in the killing of Princess Di. Perhaps if Dune was sincere in his spouting rather than trying to be the internet equivalent of a TalkSport phone-in he'd get some respect. Love and Hugs Swanny.


If we left the EU, GB would be even more of an irrelevance politically on the world stage, isolated economically, and ignored completely in Washington. Thats why the Tories, Labour, and Lib dems don't want it. Even that mad bat Thatcher wouldn't pull us out.

The only people who call for it our low brow right wing papers who see an easy target to aim their vitriol at and wind up their gullible readers.


I suppose if it stops Dirty Des from running with meaningless stories about Princess Di, house prices and the mythical dissolving of the middle classes, then it can't be all bad?


As european union is such a failure I am sure their currency must be weak against the strength of mighty sterling....





As european union is such a failure I am sure their currency must be weak against the strength of mighty sterling....






This is good news for Ireland an Greece and Portugal and Spain is it?

As european union is such a failure I am sure their currency must be weak against the strength of mighty sterling....






If the Euro was such a great thing, why were the peoples of Europe never given a vote on joining?


2 Countries were, Denmark and Sweden. Guess what, neither are in the Euro.

This is good news for Ireland an Greece and Portugal and Spain is it?


If they want to come here on Holiday yes. Obviously not good news for anyone in the UK wanting to go to euroland for a holiday.


My point is you numbers do not lie and as far as the Euro is concerned it has become a very strong (possibly too string) currency that has survived the doomsayers at its inception that said it could not work.

If the Euro was such a great thing, why were the peoples of Europe never given a vote on joining?


2 Countries were, Denmark and Sweden. Guess what, neither are in the Euro.


Because politicians know people have a tendency to put sentimentality (i.e. liking their own currency) over reason (i.e. advantages of a single currency). I don't know if anyone can find any research on this but I would be surprised if the majority of people in countries that now have the euro wanted to return to their original currency.


My point is you numbers do not lie and as far as the Euro is concerned it has become a very strong (possibly too string) currency that has survived the doomsayers at its inception that said it could not work.


It's only been a few years, so it's way too early to start saying "it's worked".


The latest German opinion polls show 51% want the Deutschmark back, if the Germans or French say it's finished, it's finished. Come back in a generation, then tell us it's worked.

It's only been a few years, so it's way too early to start saying "it's worked".


Its been 11 years and I suspect that most those claiming it would not work were referring to its immediate future not 20 years down the line.

If they want to come here on Holiday yes. Obviously not good news for anyone in the UK wanting to go to euroland for a holiday.


My point is you numbers do not lie and as far as the Euro is concerned it has become a very strong (possibly too string) currency that has survived the doomsayers at its inception that said it could not work.


The tourist pound is not important, what is important to an economy is business. By being out of the Euro Sterling has been able to find it's natural level just like currencies of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain would have. The Euro will fail at the next crisis, but it will survive this time IMO. It's a totally unsustainable mechanism for such disparate economies. The EU bureucrats want a Federal United States of Europe and EMU is the best way for them to achieve it so they will plough money in to keep it going this time. I believe that Portugal will follow Ireland and will require a bailout because the contagen has set in, but Spain probably will just about scrape through.

Because politicians know people have a tendency to put sentimentality (i.e. liking their own currency) over reason (i.e. advantages of a single currency). I don't know if anyone can find any research on this but I would be surprised if the majority of people in countries that now have the euro wanted to return to their original currency.


This is a typical pro EU arguement, we can not ask the people because they dont really understand the benefits. Why dont we go all the way and let people like Ken Clarke and Mandleson decide the Govt, after all some people vote for the wrong reasons and dont understand the manifestos.

Its been 11 years and I suspect that most those claiming it would not work were referring to its immediate future not 20 years down the line.


It was always going to fail, and it will eventually fail. The only way it could posibly survive is if boom and bust were a thing of the past. Another recession will come along (despite what Gormless Brown told us) and when it does EMU will not be bailed out again - the people of Germany will not allow this to happen.


The only people who call for it our low brow right wing papers who see an easy target to aim their vitriol at and wind up their gullible readers.


I hope that you're not referring to dune. I'm sure that he seeks a wide spectrum of opinion, examines the statistical evidence behind the more sensationalist and xenophobic headlines and then comes to a considered opinion using his formidable intellect (and what Nigel Farage says).


Sarcastic? Moi?

I hope that you're not referring to dune. I'm sure that he seeks a wide spectrum of opinion, examines the statistical evidence behind the more sensationalist and xenophobic headlines and then comes to a considered opinion using his formidable intellect (and what Nigel Farage says).


Sarcastic? Moi?


You lefties must be seething at the fact that everything you've ever believed has been shown to be nonsense. Nigel Farage and UKIP has consistently voiced a message on Europe and they have been proved right every time. The tide has turned and people like you are now sounding more and more bonkers.

Because politicians know people have a tendency to put sentimentality (i.e. liking their own currency) over reason (i.e. advantages of a single currency). I don't know if anyone can find any research on this but I would be surprised if the majority of people in countries that now have the euro wanted to return to their original currency.


Would you apply that logic to all such decisions made by politicians on "sentimental" grounds or just those you support, hardly democratic?

From speaking over the years (not just recent past) I have known many Greeks for example who hated the move to the euro (probably ebenmore anti now!) and polls in Germany have suggested that many felt they had gone backwards when the lost the DM and before France went in their was a majority against it - this not just a British thing. The point is whether the politicians or people are right in their thinking the politicians are there to serve the poeple. If the politicians have got the right idea surely they should be able to convince the people of their cause or not do it - that is democracy.

You lefties must be seething at the fact that everything you've ever believed has been shown to be nonsense. Nigel Farage and UKIP has consistently voiced a message on Europe and they have been proved right every time. The tide has turned and people like you are now sounding more and more bonkers.


Not really, we're idealists. By the way, can you list every time UKIP have been right?

This is a typical pro EU arguement, we can not ask the people because they dont really understand the benefits. Why dont we go all the way and let people like Ken Clarke and Mandleson decide the Govt, after all some people vote for the wrong reasons and dont understand the manifestos.


We elect people to do the deciding for us. If the people had to decide everything then would end up in the same state as California where they do let people vote on major decisions regularly and they have ended up with a state that votes money for various projects and votes for lower taxes to the point that the state is just about bankrupt but they can't sort it out because they are bound by the decisions of the people.

Its been 11 years and I suspect that most those claiming it would not work were referring to its immediate future not 20 years down the line.


Theres a point there. The two main problems with the eurozone one-size-fits-all interest rate at its launch were that for Germany it was way too high because of their tiny growth rate, and for Portugal it was way too low to address their runaway inflation. Now the Germans are somewhat less than happy about bailing out the rest of them, and Portugal is about to go the same way as Greece and Ireland. When/if that particular sh*tstorm hits Spain then its game over imho, I cant see the euro surviving that.

Not really, we're idealists. By the way, can you list every time UKIP have been right?


Idealists lol. Get in the real world.

We elect people to do the deciding for us. If the people had to decide everything then would end up in the same state as California where they do let people vote on major decisions regularly and they have ended up with a state that votes money for various projects and votes for lower taxes to the point that the state is just about bankrupt but they can't sort it out because they are bound by the decisions of the people.


We have a government in this country that was elected by over 60%, they are implementing according to how they see fit so presumably you are happy with all of that?

Idealists lol. Get in the real world.


You can't miss the real world. Just turn left at dune and carry on till you reach it.

Portugal is about to go the same way as Greece and Ireland. When/if that particular sh*tstorm hits Spain then its game over imho, I cant see the euro surviving that.


No, but Blue Labour have just comitted to pumping billions into these countries. I could just about accept us contributing to the bail out of Ireland (as our national interest is interwoven so much with theirs), but the thought of our money going to Portugal and Spain makes me very angry. People have talked about cracks in the coalition between the liberals and the conservatives, but imo the real cracks will be within the Conservative party if Cameron continues to ride roughshod over the Right of the party. I can see some Tories defecting to UKIP before this parliament is out.

You lefties must be seething at the fact that everything you've ever believed has been shown to be nonsense. Nigel Farage and UKIP has consistently voiced a message on Europe and they have been proved right every time. The tide has turned and people like you are now sounding more and more bonkers.


The well-publicised rant by Farage against the Belgian leader plus the eviction of Godfrey Bloom for quoting Hitler in the EU Chamber must make you so very proud?!


To use Farage as a comparative in a scale of 'bonker' wrings any last shred of credibility from your pronouncements...NB - I don't use the word argument...that would denote that you had a hint of a case to make.

We have a government in this country that was elected by over 60%, they are implementing according to how they see fit so presumably you are happy with all of that?


I am not happy at some of their decisions (Gove scrapping the SSC on ideological rather than reasoned grounds for example) but I except that in our system they have the right to make those decisions. They may be stupid, dogma driven and often plain wrong but that have earnt their turn at screwing up the country.

Idealists lol. Get in the real world.


I pity you.


You've shown yourself up AGAIN by not answering my question, for the simple reason that you can't. You did this yesterday as well; posting a link/****ty YouTube clips of the Witch who should burn/copying and pasting articles is not an answer. As a side note, as I know deep down you love the public sector, I'm not at work today, the school is shut because of the snow yet I still get paid and have two weeks holiday coming up on the 17th of December; think of that when you open your pay cheque next month and see your PAYE deductions.

I pity you.


You've shown yourself up AGAIN by not answering my question, for the simple reason that you can't. You did this yesterday as well; posting a link/****ty YouTube clips of the Witch who should burn/copying and pasting articles is not an answer. As a side note, as I know deep down you love the public sector, I'm not at work today, the school is shut because of the snow yet I still get paid and have two weeks holiday coming up on the 17th of December; think of that when you open your pay cheque next month and see your PAYE deductions.


Sometimes (most of the time if truth be told) I wonder how one so immature ever got a job teaching.

The well-publicised rant by Farage against the Belgian leader plus the eviction of Godfrey Bloom for quoting Hitler in the EU Chamber must make you so very proud?.


They have no respect the chamber in which they sit, nor should they. I fully support everything they said.

Done. Even though the Express is a rubbish paper. Hope we can continue close links with Europe though but totally oppose any sort of Union.




Let's get real here - any 'crusade' that is adopted by Farage, Bloom & their ilk is intellectually doomed from the start.


Ultimately the EU is a trading partnership that the UK has managed to cherry-pick for it's better bits whist avoiding the currency bear trap.


Getting out of it would send many businesses to the wall & contribute massively to the rising unemployment figures...you'll not see credible business leaders joining the campaign.


This is the usual scare-mongering claptrap that is trotted out whenever this topic surfaces. Do you seriously believe that the Germans and French won't want to continue selling us their Volkswagons and Renaults, or the Italians their Zanussi fridges? As the article points out, our imports from Europe are far greater than our exports to them. All we have to do, is continue our trading agreements with them, but sever everything else including our membership of the European Parliament and their ability to meddle in matters of our governance and law-making processes and the interference of their unelected bureacracy in our everyday lives. As for the rising unemployment figures you forecast, and which is something that to my mind is not necessarily proven to happen, billions of £s would be saved by us leaving, money to invest in our manufacturing industries which in turn would encourage rises in employment.


The attempt to discredit the "Crusade" (in my opinion an excellent name for the campaign) by sneering at those who associate themselves with it, is a feeble one. Farage is a leading figure with UKIP, whose aim is our departure from the EU, so that is hardly a surprise. But then again, there have been plenty of Political heavyweight intellectuals who have also been Euro-sceptics in the past. So many, that the term Euro-sceptic has passed into common usage, understood by all. It is equally feasible to label many of those Euro-fanatics as being short of intellectual prowess.

We elect people to do the deciding for us. If the people had to decide everything then would end up in the same state as California where they do let people vote on major decisions regularly and they have ended up with a state that votes money for various projects and votes for lower taxes to the point that the state is just about bankrupt but they can't sort it out because they are bound by the decisions of the people.


I happen to believe that anything that affects the sovereignty of a nation is for the people to decide, it is not for politicans to give away to unelected faceless officals in a foregin country. The Euro loons wont give people a say because the people will reject their vision of Europe, even when they do vote no, they're bribed and told to vote again.The history of British membership of the EEC has been built on deceit and lies and if the Euro loons vision of Europe was laid before the people in 1975 they would have voted to leave. The vote was about an Economic union not a union where German police can arrest an Englishman in England for something that is not illigal under English law. Where we have no say in how many Europeans can settle in our country and where it becomes an offense to sell goods in pounds and ounces.

This is the usual scare-mongering claptrap that is trotted out whenever this topic surfaces. Do you seriously believe that the Germans and French won't want to continue selling us their Volkswagons and Renaults, or the Italians their Zanussi fridges? As the article points out, our imports from Europe are far greater than our exports to them. All we have to do, is continue our trading agreements with them, but sever everything else including our membership of the European Parliament and their ability to meddle in matters of our governance and law-making processes and the interference of their unelected bureacracy in our everyday lives. As for the rising unemployment figures you forecast, and which is something that to my mind is not necessarily proven to happen, billions of £s would be saved by us leaving, money to invest in our manufacturing industries which in turn would encourage rises in employment.


The attempt to discredit the "Crusade" (in my opinion an excellent name for the campaign) by sneering at those who associate themselves with it, is a feeble one. Farage is a leading figure with UKIP, whose aim is our departure from the EU, so that is hardly a surprise. But then again, there have been plenty of Political heavyweight intellectuals who have also been Euro-sceptics in the past. So many, that the term Euro-sceptic has passed into common usage, understood by all. It is equally feasible to label many of those Euro-fanatics as being short of intellectual prowess.


So it's scaremongering claptrap if you disagree and a crusade if you do?


You know as well as I do that trade wouldn't be as free between EU countries as it is now - it wasn't pre-EU so what would be the incentive to return to a world of tarriffs & taxation that we (I run an importing business by the way so am dealing with these every working day) experienced before and that we still do when encountering trade-protective policies with other parts of the world?


Of course we're always going to be a nett importer...we're a small, heavily-populated island. It's one of the attractions of being a part of a greater free-trade partnership that allows us to take advantage of the trade freedoms accorded to a group with the buying/selling power of the EU.


It amuses and frustrates me to read and hear the puerile Empirical stance taken by UKIP...we don't have a Commonwealth any more....it's essential that we have a strong position with a geographically-logical group of trading partners to enhance our ability to get the better terms available. Why would such a group tolerate what you are suggesting? You don't buy a season ticket to watch just one small percentage of the pitch - you don't join a trading partnership just to take what you want. Sure there are bits that aren't as you'd do them if standing alone but you are dreaming about being able to have the benefits without the whole.


I'm not politically driven in my support for the EU as it stands...I'm a businessman who employs staff who would quite like for it to continue that way. I have dealings with Asia, Europe, US & the Antipodes & I understand the consequence of being on the outside looking in - the EU is far from perfect & currently being out of the Euro is beneficial (although most in my position would argue that being in from the start would have benefitted the UK more) but to do as UKIP are suggesting would be copmmercial suicide on a huge scale. Your 'All we have to do' list is ill-considered fantasy from where I'm standing I'm afraid and would result in exactly what I warn of...fortunately it will not happen because, whatever I think of the Condems, they are backed by business people with too much to lose by supporting anything that resembles this & Labour would be idealogigally against it.


UKIP are out on a credibility limb for a reason...blind nationalism doesn't pay bills.

Posted (edited)

I tell you what.we are one of the worlds major exporters/importers....

as a country..we are very wealthy...


I really cant see trade drying up if we never followed the loons in brussells...

russia will still sell us their gas...we we still sell arms to the middle east..

knob heads will still buy BMWs and we will still go (embarrassingly) en mas to mainland europe for 14 days of sun per year



I find it utterly amazing (in a bad way) that will like minded people (say canadians or aussies) who we share long and rich history with..who WE SHARE THE SAME FUKING HEAD OF STATE with..are not freely to come and go and work here (if we are going to do that) yet, europeans who we have less in common with are..


why cant we decide not he EU..?

Edited by Thedelldays

We can be in a loose community of trading nations without having laws and other European dictates forced upon us by an unelected body. The choice is not EU or protectionism/tarriffs. The Canadians are in NAFTA without the US imposing laws, an anthem and a foregin minister on them.

Sometimes (most of the time if truth be told) I wonder how one so immature ever got a job teaching.


It's no real surprise; those that can't etc...

We can be in a loose community of trading nations without having laws and other European dictates forced upon us by an unelected body. The choice is not EU or protectionism/tarriffs. The Canadians are in NAFTA without the US imposing laws, an anthem and a foregin minister on them.


1) We already are in a loose community of trading nations - we have a greater strength to deal with them by being a part of a stronger & tighter economic group.

2) We elect to the European Parliament, not the other way round..no anthem or ministers are resident in our Parliament

3) Canada is one of the loose community as in 1) - note they choose to be a part of NAFTA to enhance their deals & influence with the rest of the world.

'I tell you what.we are one of the worlds major exporters/importers'


50% of this statement is true:D



meh...we have the 6th largest economy in the world...our exports are in the region of $350m and imports around $475m


im pretty sure that would still be the case even if it meant some no mark in brussels had no power over us

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