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Red hair, often associated with a fiery temper, not to mention the bad behaviour of media millionaire Chris Evans, may be the legacy of Neanderthal man.


Oxford University scientists think the 'ginger gene', which is responsible for red hair, fair skin and freckles, could be up to 100,000 years old.


They say their discovery points to the gene having originated in Neanderthal man, who lived in Europe for 260,000 years before the ancestors of modern man arrived from Africa about 40,000 years ago.


Research leader Dr Rosalind Harding said: 'It is certainly possible that red hair comes from the Neanderthals.'


The Neanderthals are generally thought to have been a less intelligent species than modern man, Homo sapiens.


They were taller and stockier, but with shorter limbs, bigger faces and noses, receding chins and low foreheads.


They had a basic, guttural vocabulary of around 70 words, probably at the level of today's two-year-old, and they never developed a full language, art or culture.


hey settled in Europe about 300,000 years ago, but 40,000 years ago a wave of immigrants - our fore-bears, Cro-Magnon Man - emerged from Africa and the two species coexisted for 10,000 years.


Dr Harding's research - which she is presenting at a conference of the Human Genome Organisation later this week - suggests the two species interbred for the ginger gene to survive.


But Dr Harding said Chris Evans and other redheads should not be offended by being linked to the primitive Neanderthals.


She said: 'If it's possible that we had ancestry from Neanderthals then it says that Neanderthals were more similar to us than we previously thought. 'No one should take offence from the research.'


Scientists at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, at Oxford University, compared the human ginger gene - known in scientific terms as the melanocortin-1 receptor - with the equivalent in chimpanzees. They found 16 differences, or mutations, between the two genes.


Since an early version of the gene developed in chimps roughly ten million years ago, the scientists estimated there has been one mutation every 625,000 years. They used a computer to calculate how long it must have taken for one particular mutation - the one responsible for ginger hair - to have passed down through the generations and become so common among people in Britain. They concluded the mutation was older than 50,000 years and could be as old as 100,000 years.


A Channel 4 drama last year explored new evidence that Neanderthals were actually 'ultrahumans' - able to adapt to extremes of climate and surviving for 272,000 years, compared with modern man's 40 ,000 years and 'civilised ' man's 7,000. But they finally became extinct - about 28,000 years ago - because Cro-Magnon Man was more socially advanced and able to develop communities and a language.


In the end, Neanderthals were outwitted for territory and food.



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-38826/The-ginger-gene-revealed.html#ixzz15dfkBc4j


Sorry but that article is totally wrong.

Everyone knows that super intelligent aliens landed on Earth a million years ago and saw what a sorry state the human race was in.So they left ginger people here to kick start the human race to try for better things.Eventually the ginger gene infiltrated into the main and the rest is history.

Lets look at the facts.............Before there were ginger people,humans lived in caves and smelled yukky.After ginger people the human race has invented things such as the wheel,electricity,flight,space travel etc.

I rest my case for the defence!!!!

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