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No, not the footballer, but the disease.


Seems you lot aren't getting out enough and when you DO see the sun, wrapping up in Factor 250 is doing you harm!.


So the nimbynambypamby's tell you not to go out in the sun incase you get skin cancer and so instead that causes you lot to have your bones rot away instead.




Obviously, this isn't a problem up the M27..



there ain't no Middle Class kids up there


Limiting time in the sun? What fecking sun???

Better not let the cousins from down the road read that article, too many paediatric words, lynch mobs are gearing up as we speak...

Rickets! LOL Knock Knees and Bow legged A, Should get out of them stables a bit more,,,,,Wots a betting three of you knuts walking down a street spell O X O ,


Inter-breeding does have it advantages you know as it makes you immune from things like this!

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