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SAINTS CELEBRATE 125 YEARS at the Mayflower Feb 13th 2011

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Ex saints issued statement saying not in dispute with club,have good relationship with them and they have had nothing to do. With these events


That speaks volumes to be honest. If this isn't an official "Ex-Saints" event, then surely the club have no obligation to it?


Adkins says there is no ban, the Ex-Saints say there is no rift, and this isn't their event. More mud slinging for no reason? Sounds like it to me.


I really hope none of this nonesense is given any lip service on sunday evening, I'd prefer it to concentrate on the 125 yrs, not the last few days but I get the feeling there will be some comments made albeit light hearted

the greasy spiv you seem to hero worship.
why do you belittle yourself with such distasteful remarks. You are more than capable of giving a good argument without such comments. Get a grip CB
Shearer a "confirmed guest"? He's on MOTD right now.

I get the feeling this night is going the way of Silverspoons at the JPT final, tbh.



Hope the traffic isnt bad then.

London to Southampton leaving London at midnight to get here for 7.30pm......tough call !! ;-)

How long does it take to get to Southampton?


Hope the traffic isnt bad then.

London to Southampton leaving London at midnight to get here for 7.30pm......tough call !! ;-)



Got my dates mixed up...

Let's see in 2021 who would go to an evening with the greasy spiv you seem to hero worship.


So you've sunk to the level where you're most comfortable -the gutter.


You have nothing constructive to say, no biting wit, nothing in the way of intelligent debate, just puerile and childish playground name-calling. Pathetic.


Was at the event last night


Great to see so many Saints related players and officials. (Not current ones obviously)


Also some old faces who are long time supporters of the club


Didnt seem much of a recession when the Auction was held!!


No adverse comments made re the current regime apart from possibly one fairly restrained one.


Tommy Doc presented Lawrie Mack with the 'Lifetime Award', which was a nice touch


The Cabaret chappie was really good. Supposed to be an Armenian Immigrant but presumably British. A v funny routine


He could also play the piano really well as part of his act


No idea of his name but a star in the making


All in all a thoroughly enjoyable evening only spoilt by a quite appalling main course served up by the De Vere


Onto the Mayflower tonight!!

According to the Echo, James Beattie was there (having been on the bench for Blackpool during the afternoon) and LM got a lifetime achievement award !!!!

Who from if the Ex Saints didn't arrange the event ?




Good to see the Plate Hurling Championship duo (from The Clump) c1997 were reunited for the occasion:





Surprised Rupert was unable to join them in person, did they have a live link up by satellite from Gloucestershire ?

Tommy Doc presented Lawrie Mack with the 'Lifetime Award', which was a nice touch



Tommy Doc certainly came out of that defeat in 1976 with good grace,and surprisingly to many given his reputation elsewhere in the game.


Subsequent Manc managers would do well to heed a lesson from him.

Was at the event last night


Great to see so many Saints related players and officials. (Not current ones obviously)


Also some old faces who are long time supporters of the club


Didnt seem much of a recession when the Auction was held!!


No adverse comments made re the current regime apart from possibly one fairly restrained one.


Tommy Doc presented Lawrie Mack with the 'Lifetime Award', which was a nice touch


The Cabaret chappie was really good. Supposed to be an Armenian Immigrant but presumably British. A v funny routine


He could also play the piano really well as part of his act


No idea of his name but a star in the making


All in all a thoroughly enjoyable evening only spoilt by a quite appalling main course served up by the De Vere


Onto the Mayflower tonight!!





















A friend who is there tonight just txt saying they have slagged NC off again.


Just left the place. It was Tommy Doc who said something about the current board, not any of the ex saints.

Just left the place. It was Tommy Doc who said something about the current board, not any of the ex saints.


Would like to know exactly what was said to be fair.


Hope everyone that went had a good time.


The Cabaret chappie was really good. Supposed to be an Armenian Immigrant but presumably British. A v funny routine


He could also play the piano really well as part of his act


No idea of his name but a star in the making


This guy...



Doesn't let me embed :(


Would like to know exactly what was said to be fair.


Hope everyone that went had a good time.


He just said he never got on with chairman and after what he's read in the papers he doesn't think much of ours, that's all. There was nothing on the subject from Matty, Osman, Lawrie etc.


It was a good celebration of the past, and they wished the current squad good luck with promotion.


you better have a good lawyer.Nicola Cortese name was never mentioned.Le Goddard;966097]A friend who is there tonight just txt saying they have slagged NC off again.


Wonderful evening, paying tribute to some great heroes of mine. Really great spirit from the audience and those on the stage didn't fail to entertain and amuse. Lasted three hours including a break and the chat was interspersed with a number of good montages (going back to the 60's).


Great to see and hear from Danny Wallace who looks in decent enough shape. Bryn Elliott (who???) stole the show, but Matty, Shearer, Flowers, Keegan and Channon were in fine form. Some wonderful stories greatly appreciated by the audience. My dad appreciated some of the older names including O'Brien, Huxford & co.


Going in to the break there was a tribute to those no longer with us with Mills, Hayes, Ossie, Ball, Bates and Liebherr all recognised and appreciated by all.


Le Tiss one the Echo poll of Saints best player (final three inc Channon and Paine)


Well held together by Osman throughout and the mood was uplifting, entertaining and fun. It's on nights like these that you really see the depth of feeling for the Club and its impact on those who have followed it over the years.


Very proud to be a Saints fan after that.

Same here, I think I'll probably still go as a mate wants someone to go with. Listening to Mike Osman trying to be funny for a couple of hours won't really be pleasant.


A friend who is there tonight just txt saying they have slagged NC off again.

no they didn't at all! Must have a sad life to try and stur again. I have been happy with cortese but I think he's been a complete muppet over this. These things happen very rarely. Should embrace clubs history. Great to see le tiss honoured like that. What a player who put club ahead of himself. Nobody should ever forget what he did for us.


The night was a wonderful night full of laughter and tears. Great memories and shows without history our club has nothing. Even a thought for the fan that passed away at the game yesterday.


Great night, laughs, emotions, such a shame Bally, Osgood, and Stokes were not alive to have been here with us all tonight for this celebration of our club. Im sure i was not the only one with a lump in their throats when they showed the players that passed away .


Great evening, full of nostalgia, plenty of laughter and a few tears. Mike Osman held the evening together really well and Le Tiss has certainly come a long way with his public speaking ably supported by Channon, Laurie Mac and Tommy Doc. All in all a night to remember.

you better have a good lawyer.Nicola Cortese name was never mentioned.Le Goddard;966097]A friend who is there tonight just txt saying they have slagged NC off again.


is this a serious post? :?

Wonderful evening, paying tribute to some great heroes of mine. Really great spirit from the audience and those on the stage didn't fail to entertain and amuse. Lasted three hours including a break and the chat was interspersed with a number of good montages (going back to the 60's).


Great to see and hear from Danny Wallace who looks in decent enough shape. Bryn Elliott (who???) stole the show, but Matty, Shearer, Flowers, Keegan and Channon were in fine form. Some wonderful stories greatly appreciated by the audience. My dad appreciated some of the older names including O'Brien, Huxford & co.


Going in to the break there was a tribute to those no longer with us with Mills, Hayes, Ossie, Ball, Bates and Liebherr all recognised and appreciated by all.


Le Tiss one the Echo poll of Saints best player (final three inc Channon and Paine)


Well held together by Osman throughout and the mood was uplifting, entertaining and fun. It's on nights like these that you really see the depth of feeling for the Club and its impact on those who have followed it over the years.


Very proud to be a Saints fan after that.


Good. Sounds good positive celebration.

Are we going to have 8 pages of moans because of the Mayflower ticket tax?


Actually I went there to avoid it, and you get charged anyway even if you're at the bleeding kiosk. So yes. Kinda.


Thoroughly enjoyed the Mayflower gig, great to catch up on the history that was before my time. Really good vibe and the old spine was tingling many times during the evening listening to the stories and anecdotes. Mick, Lawrie and Le Tiss were class, Tommy Docherty was a one man show (shame about the 'board' dig) and gave a heart felt appraisal of our club and the FA Cup defeat and as for Bryn, what a guy 85 and still on the ball. All the non scripted banter had me in tears of laughter at times.


Loved what Kev said about the reason such great players came to Saints was because 'they cared' - it's that sentinment that seems to run so deep through this club and is sooo conspicuous through it absence in the modern game - I hope some of the current crop heard what was said!!


Thought the choice of music for the montage of players no longer with us was a little morbid but was great when we all started clapping when Markus came up.


Just a crying shame this could not have been morphed into a club orientated event and had more players from the modern era, but that aside, to see the older friends of mine that have been fans for 50 years + with a tear in their eye at some of the footage and stories will stay with me forever.


My heart became even more red and white tonight.


Just a crying shame this could not have been morphed into a club orientated event


There were lots of official events and markings of the 125th year at the actual time of the anniversary in November 2010. It is now February 2011.


Alan Ball's grandson giving it the thumbs over the shoulder to 'Ball' on his shirt was special.


Alan Shearer giving respect to Danny Wallaces' overhead kick saying it was discuused with his MOTD buddies with reference to Rooneys strike.

Keegans similar strike was class, first time I'd seen that.


Danny Wallace and the crowds response, what an absolute trooper.


Frannies only goal, thought for a moment Osman might not be back before he ran out of anecdotes.


Good effort Osman, you're a Saints man through and through and you did well my son.



Thought Le Tiss acceptance speech was spot on paying due deference to his peers and especially Dennis Rofe.

There were lots of official events and markings of the 125th year at the actual time of the anniversary in November 2010. It is now February 2011.


A tad pedantic MLG? It was a shame this evenings event was not tied into the modern era a little more with the current crop of players. Athough it's nowt to do with the current tensions would've liked to seen the likes of Pahars, Oakley, Niemi, Claus, Killer, Beattie, Strachan, CMFG, I could go on but on reflection we would have been there till Monday morning and I think they got it about right.

no they didn't at all! Must have a sad life to try and stur again. I have been happy with cortese but I think he's been a complete muppet over this. These things happen very rarely. Should embrace clubs history. Great to see le tiss honoured like that. What a player who put club ahead of himself. Nobody should ever forget what he did for us.


Agree with this. A lot of nonsense has been written on this forum in the last few days on this subject and it is a crying shame that MLT and other Saints greats have been subjected to so much needless criticism by the faction on here whose raison d'etre is "Cortese can do no wrong". The two events this weekend were joyous celebrations of our history - nothing more, nothing less. I saw Alan Shearer on TV say that he enjoyed every minute at the Mayflower and wouldn't have missed it for the world. What a shame that members of the current squad were not given the opportunity to share in what was a wonderful experience for all those that attended these events.

Alan Ball's grandson giving it the thumbs over the shoulder to 'Ball' on his shirt was special.


Alan Shearer giving respect to Danny Wallaces' overhead kick saying it was discuused with his MOTD buddies with reference to Rooneys strike.

Keegans similar strike was class, first time I'd seen that.


Danny Wallace and the crowds response, what an absolute trooper.


Frannies only goal, thought for a moment Osman might not be back before he ran out of anecdotes.


Good effort Osman, you're a Saints man through and through and you did well my son.



Thought Le Tiss acceptance speech was spot on paying due deference to his peers and especially Dennis Rofe.


I think you will find that was Dave Merrington, all in all a very enjoyable night I had forgotten how funny the Doc could be.


So in other words despite one attempt, which was way off the mark, there was no mention of Cortese at all? It was just a genuine event, organised by genuine Saints fans.

So when it transpired that the Ex Saints didn't have a beef with the club, certain people were all over this board demanding apologies. I wonder if they'll offering a apology for making assumptions about this event?

Let's see in 2021 who would go to an evening with the greasy spiv you seem to hero worship.


Classy. Nice little xenophobic dig followed by questioning the legality of what NC does.


As I said, classy.

He didnt, he thanked Dave Merrington and Bally.


He thanked Merrington for looking after him between the ages of 16 & 18 and said he played his best football during the 18 months Bally was manager. With regard to Docs pop at the board I have a feeling that he might have had a senior moment and thought that Lowe was still in charge.

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