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Posted (edited)

At the Oving traffic lights, on the Chichester Bypass, you can see Beaver Tool Hire, which always makes me giggle.


They usually do some funny road side advertising and a couple of years ago they had the strapline "Trim your bush with a Beaver Trimmer" underneath a female mannequin. After many complaints, they had to take it down.


EDIT: Just found a picture




More recently, they had Darth Vader with a garden fork along with the strapline "Use the Fork"

Edited by Johnny Bognor
BJ Champion, seen a few of thier vans around. Scoffolding company i think, great with erections.



There's another sacffolder in Southampton (RBS possibly) who's tag line is

"make sure your next erection is in safe hands".

There's another sacffolder in Southampton (RBS possibly) who's tag line is

"make sure your next erection is in safe hands".


Was just gonna mention that motto. It belongs to a fencing company. Havn't seen them around for a while but always have a little chuckle whenever I see it.

there was a launderette in one of the Grand Theft Autos called Mr Wong's.


It had the motto "If it aint Wong it aint white"


Thought that was clever.


Also 'Wang Cars'


Fork n' Chips in Woolston is quite good.


Noticed their windows were smashed in last week. Either the work of someone who hates puns, or possibly that of militant local who believes the rumours they've heard about the owner.....


I once saw a lorry driving down the M1. Didn't catch the name of the company but underneath it they had their strapline "Transport Workers and Tautliner Specialists" and underneath that in huge bold text they had the acronym for it....





I once saw a lorry driving down the M1. Didn't catch the name of the company but underneath it they had their strapline "Transport Workers and Tautliner Specialists" and underneath that in huge bold text they had the acronym for it....






There used to be a cafe in Cardiff called "The Warm As Toast Cafe", but the sign on the fron just said:




There was a builders van doing the rounds in Woolston a while ago which was used by some people who maybe came from the Pakistan,India region and on the side it said,

"Youve tried the cowboys,now try the indians".

Made me laugh!

At the Oving traffic lights, on the Chichester Bypass, you can see Beaver Tool Hire, which always makes me giggle.


They usually do some funny road side advertising and a couple of years ago they had the strapline "Trim your bush with a Beaver Trimmer" underneath a female mannequin. After many complaints, they had to take it down.


EDIT: Just found a picture




More recently, they had Darth Vader with a garden fork along with the strapline "Use the Fork"


I recall them having a full sized TARDIS on the roof a while back, can't recall the wording though.


The shop in Burgess Road with the sign 'Aids for the Disabled'.


Sat on the upstairs of a bus with a friend when he spotted it and said to me 'as if they haven't got enough problems!!'

I recall them having a full sized TARDIS on the roof a while back, can't recall the wording though.


they also had a life size doll dressed as Michael Jackson dangling Blanket off the side of the roof a few years back. had a spate of doing some very topical send ups *smileygrinthing*

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