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Now, I understand this might be a touch controversial but I wondered if anyone else in the Northerm Stand is finding themselves more and more frustrated to the poiunt of embarrassed at the actions of the fans up there. I will list a few things below for you to rip apart in you own particular way.


The day we were all giving thanks for Marcus' life, within the first five minutes of the game a player goes down on the opposing side and the song 'let him die' flys around from the back rows. - Take a moment to think about it lads.


Lloyd James was booed until being drowned-out by the rest of the stadium on Saturday.


The team were booed from there after Saturday. - I realise this is pretty subjective but IMO it was nearly good enough and far from a **** performance.


There are more but I think you get the message, apart from the fact that I can't be arsed to type anymore. Wondered what you lot think about this..


Upper Block 4 is the new Northam. Nothing but strong positive support from up here and plenty singing.



Plenty of room if you've had enough of the fickle Northam (you'll have to change your username though).:o


Bring your drums too!!!

Upper Block 4 is the new Northam. Nothing but strong positive support from up here and plenty singing.



Plenty of room if you've had enough of the fickle Northam (you'll have to change your username though).:o


Bring your drums too!!!


HA! I really would if they would let me in with them Ron.


This is indeed the point you see I'm seriously considering moving my ticket. Block 4 is the Itchen yes?

No it's pretty good. Just bored this evening.


What's your excuse 'Mr over 4000 posts on an internet forum'?


Haha lol.


i like the banter including the childish stuff but I did think the boo boys couldve given it a rest at the Leyton orient game

That was supposed to be a day for Markus

Haha lol.


i like the banter including the childish stuff but I did think the boo boys couldve given it a rest at the Leyton orient game

That was supposed to be a day for Markus


Childish stuff is fine it's the inability to deduce fact in football matches and have an awareness of what is happening around them that ****es me off.


I see your point but it is a very small minority, those booing at the end I reckon would have been 10-20 people at the most, same goes for the Lloyd James one.


Really? I could have sworn it must've been more then that.


I agree with you - why boo Lloyd James? Fair enough, if it was Ricardo Fuller, go ahead and boo - but I for one was pleased to see him back and applauded when he was brought onto the pitch, with the majority of the crowd doing the same.


Full credit to most of the Northam for years of vocal support! The Itchen Corner when it was in the corner was by far the best support we had at SMS. Always remember that video clip when we beat P*mpey!

Full credit to most of the Northam for years of vocal support! The Itchen Corner when it was in the corner was by far the best support we had at SMS. Always remember that video clip when we beat P*mpey!


That's what attracted me there, but when the chips are down they're equally the first to react.


The atmosphere is crap in the Northam now. It's populated by opinionated prats who are too busy moaning about Puncheon to bother singing.


I used to have my season ticket in the Northam for 5 years about half way up, and I enjoyed the games much more with a bit of banter. I now go and watch the games in other areas of the ground and it is not quite the same, and I look over at the Northam and see them as the heartbeat of the stadium, but I go with my 8 year old now and she would not be able to see any of the game.


Still think the Northam are pretty impressive even if it does have some idiots, but they are just youngsters having fun in their own minds.

Upper Block 4 is the new Northam. Nothing but strong positive support from up here and plenty singing.



Plenty of room if you've had enough of the fickle Northam (you'll have to change your username though).:o


Bring your drums too!!!


I often look over there and see about 2 rows standing at the back and clapping, never hear anything though.


The atmosphere at St. Mary's is only decent when you have the Itchen North open and a big away support.


I appreciate that the bulk of the noise comes form the Northampton but they just sing way too fast that buy the time people have worked out what they are singing or where in the song they are it is too late and the song is over. Many people have asked for the Northam to slow but falls on deaf ears. Shame.


anybody got link to that clip please


Full credit to most of the Northam for years of vocal support! The Itchen Corner when it was in the corner was by far the best support we had at SMS. Always remember that video clip when we beat P*mpey!

The booing was coming from Block 41, and ceased about as quickly as it arrived due to the retards realising that there was only about 30 of them doing so.


The booing for Lloyd James? I didn't hear it from block 42. I for one, applauded him. Thought he was utter tripe for us but glad for him that he has found his feet at a decent club.


Northam is Carp now. The atmosphere is appaling. I'm on row JJ and I can honestly say that barely anyone below me gives vocal support unless we have just had a good effort on goal and they can pull themselves away from there crossword. That is unless, the teewats are singing "One Alan Pardew", in which case the whole stand ignites into a flurry of vocal activity.


The only thing that annoys me and i really cannot understand is why virtually every home match we have to have a bloody geography lesson !


We're The Northam over ere

We're The Itchen over ere.

and on and on


Yeah, we all know, whats the point, does it put the fear of God up the away support or do they just think "eh ?"


I just fail to see what the point of that chant is.......some of the stuff sang from The Northam is very funny and quite clever.

But that is just a waste of bloody time.

Many people have asked for the Northam to slow but falls on deaf ears. Shame.


The difficulty is how to do it. If you have 50 people trying to sing slower, and 50 trying to sing faster, the slower ones will always keep up with the faster ones. I have tried to keep the slow OWTS going before but it's just impossible, the ones who have control of the tempo are those at the back who can hit the boards.



I just fail to see what the point of that chant is.......some of the stuff sang from The Northam is very funny and quite clever.

But that is just a waste of bloody time.


I'm in the "any noise is good noise" camp (within reason).


Sure, we would all like every chant to be witty, clever, original etc etc but in the absence of a large group introducing new ones surely it's better to sing something than nothing?


I know it didn't quite turn out so funny for us.

But the "Harry and Jim, Red and White" chant going on for ages after full time, with the Pompey fans unable to get out of the stadium (so being forced to listen to it) is f*cking classic.

What a day that was, just look at the crowd near the end.


was just as bad for us at fratton with that ****ing amerillo song :(


The atmosphere has been getting progressively worse at st marys for a few years now which is a real shame. The northam was great for the first few seasons but now has far too many women and kids who panic at the sight of a steward telling them to sit, hardly any decent songs now just oh when the saints on fast forward. I enjoyed standing in the itchen north for a while until the club decided to begin its clampdown on atmosphere and close that part of the ground, the small group left in block 4 are nothing in comparison. All in all it is a very sad state of affairs, we need to get promoted to get some bigger away followings down here as thats the only way the atmosphere will get going again.


There is a select group in block 42 led by this one fat cvnt who paticularly annoy me. Booing Matt Paterson in the Southend game last season was cringeworthy, this paticular guy also boos Dan Harding's name every time it is read out.


I didn't hear any booing when Lloyd James came on and I'm two thirds up block 42.


I think that a thread like this critical of the atmosphere (or lack of it) in the Northam, is not altogether unexpected considering where we are in the league at the moment. What was cringeworthy were the Alan Pardew chants everytime a goal was scored against us. That was ridiculous bearing in mind that it was his team letting in goals at one end and failing to score at the other. Thank God there weren't any AP chants on Saturday and hopefully that episode is now closed.


As soon as we start winning and climbing the table, the Northam will regain its atmosphere. In the meantime, it rather seems a bit pot and kettle when the rest of the ground is always so lacking in vocal support and atmosphere.


I wasn't impressed with two fat blokes screaming over the top abuse at Cortese at the final whistle, they obviously felt that Adkins reign of 90 minutes was enough time to turn things round and it was time to demand answers.

Even if this behaviour was deeply rooted in their frustration at failing to get women, they shouldn't bring it into the Northam.


And the 'over here' chants are I believe a nod to Dell history and earn their place in the setlist on tradition grounds.

there are a few mongs in the Northam like anywhere , but we create a special atmosphere


No, you really don't create a great atmosphere; Unless you mean 'special' as in retarded. I agree with JRM: The Northam was great for the first two or three seasons at St Marys, but it's embarrassing now. Anyone who thinks The Northam creates a fantastic atmosphere with it's limited choice of songs, OWTSGMI sung at 4 x proper speed and the Northern Monkeys "Southampton til I die" tune are, themselves, 'special'. Those who have their heads up their special Northam arses should have them removed by spending a while listening to Man Utd, Spurs, Leeds, Man City crowds on YouTube.


Some of you on here are pathetic- we all support the same team FFS! How you can slag off fans just because they sit in the Northam End is beyond me. Of course there are a few idiots but don't tar everyone with the same brush. You are a disgrace to this club.


NorthamSteve: I wonder if it's an age related problem for you. When you were younger it was good fun to sing songs that maybe now make you cringe? Maybe you once enjoyed the atmosphere and the adrenaline rush of a football game? Maybe you once bemoaned a players poor pass without even thinking (because of your age) that it would affect the players morale?


If so, you're just like me. I can honestly agree with the majority of the posters when they say that the Northam was fantastic for two or three seasons, followed by the Itchen North for a season or two. The Itchen North in my opinion will always be better than the Northam because you're almost facing the away fans and therefore the banter is more fun, whereas the only way you can face the away fans in the Northam is to either crane your neck or to turn away from the game completely.


I also agree that we need to get off the players backs. Sure we pay good money to be entertained, but then I've never heard anyone booing at a poor show at a theater or at a cinema. The majority of home games, Swindon away (apart from the sunbathing aspect) and MK Dons away, I feel ashamed to be a Saints fan and can feel myself 'turning off' during the game, either because the game is rubbish or mainly because I find myself getting more and more wound up with fellow supporters who CONSTANTLY moan. More and more I find myself trying to reason with people that are in a close proximity, sometimes rather heated, which can't be good.


I wish the club would open block two again and let me transfer my season ticket.

I sit in the Northam because I like to sing when I go to a game. Anywhere else in the stadium you just get funny looks and you're on your own. Away games are much better tbh.


I don't think people are bemoaning the fact that you [The Northam Stand] sing; It's more that you sing predictable and boring songs - "Do do do do, *any player*" "Southampton Til I Die" (this tune/song has traditionally been adopted by thick northern monkey teams and P*mpey) "Red Army" (if someone asked you what colour Saints plated in, you wouldn't say 'Red' - it's ridiculous) and OWTSGMI at 100mph.


The only time we get all four sides of the ground singing in unison is when OWTSGMI is sung SLOWLY; Even then, it is only on the second time around if the Northam Muppets haven't started clapping like seals on speed and singing like they're in a race to finish. The only way we'll get s great atmosphere back is if we slow it down and The Northam get off of their high horse belief that they create an amazing atmosphere. They don't - they ruin the atmosphere at present.


Yes the Northam isn't anywhere near as good as it was when St MArys first opend and yes there are plenty of idiots that go in there, but surely the question should be why is the rest of the ground completley dead, silent and generally unanimated? There are blocks after blocks of seats full of fans who appear half-asleep.


Also, while I agree the Northam isn't great and has more than its fair share of retards, how many grounds in Leagues One or the Championship have a better "end"? Not really that many that I can think of.

The only way we'll get s great atmosphere back is if we slow it down and The Northam get off of their high horse belief that they create an amazing atmosphere. They don't - they ruin the atmosphere at present.


Bull****. I do agree with some of what's been written on here, some of the stuff that comes from the Northam is not what I would do personally (booing at the end on Saturday one example), but if you took those fans away and just left the three other stands there would be f*** all atmosphere.


If you think that the rest of the ground are just sitting there waiting for the Northam to slow down so they can join in the singing, you are deluded.

I don't think people are bemoaning the fact that you [The Northam Stand] sing; It's more that you sing predictable and boring songs - "Do do do do, *any player*" "Southampton Til I Die" (this tune/song has traditionally been adopted by thick northern monkey teams and P*mpey) "Red Army" (if someone asked you what colour Saints plated in, you wouldn't say 'Red' - it's ridiculous) and OWTSGMI at 100mph.


The only time we get all four sides of the ground singing in unison is when OWTSGMI is sung SLOWLY; Even then, it is only on the second time around if the Northam Muppets haven't started clapping like seals on speed and singing like they're in a race to finish. The only way we'll get s great atmosphere back is if we slow it down and The Northam get off of their high horse belief that they create an amazing atmosphere. They don't - they ruin the atmosphere at present.


I don't think the Northam are "amazing" at all, but they contribute far more to the atmosphere at St Mary's than any other part of the ground, by a long, long way.


The only time all four stands have sung in unison this season has been when OWTSGMI has been sung slowly. I'm not saying that the other three stands are full of people who want to be standing up and singing. If they did, they'd probably move to the Northam. However, the other stands will join in and thus a better atmosphere would be created if we didn't just get the 100mph songs from The Greatest Stand At St Marys types.



The only time we get all four sides of the ground singing in unison is when OWTSGMI is sung SLOWLY; Even then, it is only on the second time around if the Northam Muppets haven't started clapping like seals on speed and singing like they're in a race to finish. The only way we'll get s great atmosphere back is if we slow it down and The Northam get off of their high horse belief that they create an amazing atmosphere. They don't - they ruin the atmosphere at present.


This is a joke, right? I agree with some of what you've got to say, there ARE some delinquent fans at the back of 41/42 for sure, but do come on. If you closed the Northam tomorrow St.Marys would sit in silence and become the quietest football ground in the country. Blame *whoyoulike* for closing the Itchen North, but not the Northam for St.Marys often woeful atmosphere.


Its been so embarassing in the Northam so far this season and the pinnacle of this was the muppets giving each pass an "ole" while we were 2-0 down to Rochdale. People have this idea that it is one of the top stands in Britain when in reality it is just 3 blocks which are 90% full of complete and utter mongs who sing the most predictable songs. There is never a chance for any new songs to catch on or witty banter with the away fans. I remember some cracking chants from the Archers and the first couple of seasons in the Northam. Now it is the typical "who are ya" and "come in a taxi". And why are there so many retards who dont understand football who will just boo if we are not winning at half time.


Anyway its good to see that they have their seasonal scapegoat sorted in Puncheon taking over from James last year.

Its been so embarassing in the Northam so far this season and the pinnacle of this was the muppets giving each pass an "ole" while we were 2-0 down to Rochdale.


Football fans in 'trying to lighten atmosphere whilst losing 2-0 to awful team' shocker.

Football fans in 'trying to lighten atmosphere whilst losing 2-0 to awful team' shocker.


But its not funny and just embarassing, just like singing "we're going to win 6-5" when a team is 5-0 down. It may have been slightly amusing the first time a team ever sang it but its hardly original now.

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