Saintandy666 Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 (edited) £13m of taxpayers money is to be spent on his visit, but does anyone actually care? His opinions are bigoted to say the least, and his history of inaction and turning a blind eye to abusive priests is startling. If the Pope was the head of a real country(screw the Holy See being a real country), he would probably be less than welcome because of some of his views... Let’s take a look at some of his views with a few quotes for good measure. Condoms help the spread of aids - 'The problem of aids cannot be ‘overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problem’ - On Homosexuality - ‘it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder’ On Gay Marriage - 'Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children’ On Women being ordained as priests - Earlier this year, the Catholic church put this ‘sin’ as a ‘grave crime’, the same language used to describe child abuse(which plenty of Priests seem to have been indulging in themselves…) However, I guess on this one it is THEIR religion, but still it is obviously a sexist one. On Harry Potter - He sent a letter to the author of a book which claims that the Harry Potter series would ‘corrupt’ children, saying how enlightening the book was. Now what is wrong with Harry Potter? It's a storybook ffs! But back to seriousland… I could go on to some of his other social views and what not, but I think I have said enough for now. But yeaaa, what does everyone think about him and what not and him coming over here... Edit: I have to add this one... in 1990, he said the Catholic Churches treatment of Galileo had been 'rational and just'. Edited 14 September, 2010 by Saintandy666
Dog Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 I met the Pope once in Morrissons, he was buying some crab sticks and a bag of Wotsits
BadgerBadger Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 He can kiss my ass and **** right off, each to their own I guess - on a lighter note I once thought chickens grew underground but I was young and naive
Jonnyboy Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 hes a nazi gimp, our equivalent of an African witch doctor
Smirking_Saint Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 Why do we have to spend sh*t loads on his visit when as a nation we are having to cut serious debts ?? Can't he pay for it out of the millions christianity makes every year ?? He does have some pretty extreme views but that is religion. also I am not homophobic in the slightest but i can't see how having gay couples bringing up kids is anything other than damaging.
Saintandy666 Posted 14 September, 2010 Author Posted 14 September, 2010 Smirking_Saint said: Why do we have to spend sh*t loads on his visit when as a nation we are having to cut serious debts ?? Can't he pay for it out of the millions christianity makes every year ?? He does have some pretty extreme views but that is religion. also I am not homophobic in the slightest but i can't see how having gay couples bringing up kids is anything other than damaging. Why does the parents being gay change anything? :S How does that affect their parenting skills... I know many people who have been brought up in single parent families(the closest example similar to gay adoption I can think of), where obviously they don't really have either a Dad or a Mum and they have turned out all absolutely fine.
Jonnyboy Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 Smirking_Saint said: Why do we have to spend sh*t loads on his visit when as a nation we are having to cut serious debts ?? Can't he pay for it out of the millions christianity makes every year ?? He does have some pretty extreme views but that is religion. also I am not homophobic in the slightest but i can't see how having gay couples bringing up kids is anything other than damaging. you gotta be trolling?
Smirking_Saint Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 Saintandy666 said: Why does the parents being gay change anything? :S How does that affect their parenting skills... I know many people who have been brought up in single parent families(the closest example similar to gay adoption I can think of), where obviously they don't really have either a Dad or a Mum and they have turned out all absolutely fine. Hmm, i suppose that makes sense when you bring in the single parent example, it is not because of their lifestyle as such but IMO if someone has no father figure, or mother figure growing up then they will not be as well rounded as an individual as someone who has had both. Equally it will not do them any favours in the playground no matter how you look at it, and don't come back with the same old arguement of homophobia as i am not but kids are kids and will give them an unfair amount of stick.
Saintandy666 Posted 14 September, 2010 Author Posted 14 September, 2010 (edited) Smirking_Saint said: Hmm, i suppose that makes sense when you bring in the single parent example, it is not because of their lifestyle as such but IMO if someone has no father figure, or mother figure growing up then they will not be as well rounded as an individual as someone who has had both. Equally it will not do them any favours in the playground no matter how you look at it, and don't come back with the same old arguement of homophobia as i am not but kids are kids and will give them an unfair amount of stick. Not necessarily, homophobia isn't really too much an issue these days in schools and colleges like it used to be. These days it's more about class if I'm honest and I should know, I'm there! Edited 14 September, 2010 by Saintandy666
Smirking_Saint Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 Saintandy666 said: Not necessarily, Homophobia isn't really too much an issue these days in schools and colleges like it used to be. These days it's more about class if I'm honest and I should know, I'm there! I suppose, Its probably just because it has never really happened, but i just can't see it as being anything other than damaging and that is not saying that they will not be good 'parents' just because of the situation that they will be in i suppose. But i still believe it strong family values, and the breakdown of this is causing a lot of the yoof being as much of a bunch of c*nts as they are, but then in that case i suppose very young parents and single families are as bad.
bridge too far Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 Smirking_Saint said: I suppose, Its probably just because it has never really happened, but i just can't see it as being anything other than damaging and that is not saying that they will not be good 'parents' just because of the situation that they will be in i suppose. But i still believe it strong family values, and the breakdown of this is causing a lot of the yoof being as much of a bunch of c*nts as they are, but then in that case i suppose very young parents and single families are as bad. Very many single parent families are superb! What about a situation where one parent dies. Does that mean that that family is doomed? And what about a situation where one member of a heterosexual family realises that s/he is gay? Are you saying that offspring of that union will suffer any more than children whose parents just split up? You just can't generalise. I am sure that there are plenty of 'normal' (man / woman and married) families that are horrendous!
Smirking_Saint Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 bridge too far said: Very many single parent families are superb! What about a situation where one parent dies. Does that mean that that family is doomed? And what about a situation where one member of a heterosexual family realises that s/he is gay? Are you saying that offspring of that union will suffer any more than children whose parents just split up? You just can't generalise. I am sure that there are plenty of 'normal' (man / woman and married) families that are horrendous! True, i am backing away from this topic now
bridge too far Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 I have just been doing some research and I've discovered that a very, very distant family member, who is a Catholic priest, had a job offer at the Vatican rescinded. Why? Because he supports the ordination of women (catholic) priests! I am so very proud of him (even though I have no religion).
sotonist Posted 14 September, 2010 Posted 14 September, 2010 oprah winfrey and her audience cost only $2.5m AUD. we're getting fleeced.
Durleyfos Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 Why should the general public (the taxpayers) pay for his visit? Let the Catholic Church pay for the visit. I resent having to pay for this mans visit.
OldNick Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 Its all Blairs fault, he turned catholic and so the floodgates have opened, just you wait and see the Pope ask for asylum. We will be over run with them before long.Lol I read with interest the Catholic churches views on homosexuality, if only their priests acted as they preached. Filthy despicable people taking advantage of young helpless kids
tartanowl Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 There aren't many things that irritate me but this certainly has. He is a bigot, a former nazi, belonging to a bigoted institution, and I think it's a bloody disgrace that we the taxpayers are footing the bill for his visit. It could also be argued that his church is just as guilty of 'corrupting children' and that his 'book' is also a made-up story. Many people share this opinion. It amazes me that in this day and age that so many people still believe in their claptrap.
Sheaf Saint Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 As Tim Minchin so eloquently puts it... F*** the Motherf***er!
Chin Strain Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 A quote I found: "Like coffee, religion props people up and gets them through their day, and in this sense I believe that religious institutions are like Starbucks in that there are way too many of them and they sell a lot of crap--the only difference is that at least Starbucks pays taxes and offers WiFi."
Joensuu Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 Chin Strain said: A quote I found: "Like coffee, religion props people up and gets them through their day, and in this sense I believe that religious institutions are like Starbucks in that there are way too many of them and they sell a lot of crap--the only difference is that at least Starbucks pays taxes and offers WiFi." I've always disliked Starbucks but perhaps I should have come up with a better reason that 'their coffee isn't very good'. Now that I know they are indoctrinating children, and encouraging their regular attendees not the ask questions about the nature of the world, I think I might have a found better excuse to go to Pret instead. Perhaps all the answers can be found written in the scriptures on the back of the sacred serviette? IMO, the only good part of religion is the beautiful architecture; a point Starbucks can't (yet) compete on - sort it out Mr Schultz.
Trader Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 The Catholic Church has gone particularly soft in recent years. They should re-introduce the Inquisition, witch burning, and other similar measures. This would go down well in Portsmouth and the rest of the Third World.
saintjay77 Posted 15 September, 2010 Posted 15 September, 2010 Smirking_Saint said: Why do we have to spend sh*t loads on his visit when as a nation we are having to cut serious debts ?? Can't he pay for it out of the millions christianity makes every year ?? He does have some pretty extreme views but that is religion. also I am not homophobic in the slightest but i can't see how having gay couples bringing up kids is anything other than damaging. My next door neighbours are a female gay couple. The kids are completly screwed up and one is now in foster care. Some would blame that on the gay relationship above them but people who are close can see that its there past with a peodo dad and peodo aunty's that disagreed with gay relationships. Add there mum passing away from Lukemea when the eldest was 10 and years in counceling shows that the gay relationship above them was probably the most stable relationship thay have ever been aware of. Bad people can be anyone. Singling out Priest's, Gay's and nutters doesnt get anyone closer to the truth. FWIW. The Pope can do one. Pay for himself or get the UK churches to pay for his visit. We will be laying on an all expences visit for Osama Bin laden next.
richie Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 As a Catholic (who actually attends church) I am offended when people call the pope a Nazi etc. But people are entitled to their views and I hold no grudge All I would say is that I do not agree with all of his views but all the pope is doing is telling people the beliefs of the Catholic Church. You cannot expect a religion to change thousands and thousands of years of history to accomodate say more liberal views so that religon is more popular or does not offend people. Religion is not a popularity contest. If the catholic church decided to agree with homosexuality, women priests etc then we have no catholic religion. I agree with contraception to prevent pregnanacies'STI's but dont agree with dishing out condoms like sweets to teenagers expecting it will solve everything but again that is not a view that is neccessariuly antyhing to do with my faith. Anyway I went to the MK dons match last night and it was sh1t and I hate football at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FWIW as practising catholic the way the sex abuse scandal as been dealt with has been terrible. I do not have a problem with homosexuality. It is tolerated in the catholic church but not encouraged. There are one or two openly gay people who attend our church and there is no problem at all. It is not an issue. Having said that I do not agree with same sex couples having children or being married in churches. But that is a view that might shared by lots of non relgious people. In respect of abortion I agree with it in absolutley exceptional circumstances - it should not be a life style choice.
Hatch Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 Whats he doing Saturday, Can he play up front?
RedAndWhite91 Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 £13m for a 4 day trip?! He should have gone to Magaluf, £500 for 7 days, and it was all inclusive.
thefunkygibbons Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 It is rude We invited the Pope to visit We cannot now complain about the cost of crowd control and the cost of keeping him safe It is simply good manners
Sheaf Saint Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 richie said: You cannot expect a religion to change thousands and thousands of years of history to accomodate say more liberal views so that religon is more popular or does not offend people. Religion is not a popularity contest. If the catholic church decided to agree with homosexuality, women priests etc then we have no catholic religion. I agree with contraception to prevent pregnanacies'STI's but dont agree with dishing out condoms like sweets to teenagers expecting it will solve everything but again that is not a view that is neccessariuly antyhing to do with my faith. You state that if the church was to modernise and change its stance on certain things then there would be no Catholic religion, which I understand perfectly, but you then go on to say that you yourself do not hold the same views on subjects like contraception. Far be it from me to knock your (or anyone else's) beliefs but I was wondering how, as a practising Catholic, you manage to reconcile the fact that you hold beliefs which are completely contradictory to that which is taught by the church?
richie Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 The catholic faith is not just about contraception and homosexuality. Its core beliefs are love, family values, supporting those in need to name a few. In that respect I adhere to those as best I can and because of that the church would welcome anyone who has those values. It does not matter one bit to catholics or members of any other religion if you do not share every view of your chosen religion. The headline grabbing beliefs of the cathloic church which the papers like to bang on about make up such a tiny proportion of what a christian is about. It amazes me that a faith that promotes loves, peace, helping each other and has spoken up many times against the wars and iraq etc gets such a hammering from people. I bet if Robert Mugabe came over he would get less hassle than the pope has
dune Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 It'd be funny as **** if there was a riot and the pope mobile got tipped over.
thefunkygibbons Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 dune said: It'd be funny as **** if there was a riot and the pope mobile got tipped over. And yet if it was some other older man over 80, would we find it funny
dune Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 thefunkygibbons said: And yet if it was some other older man over 80, would we find it funny I would.
saintjay77 Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 thefunkygibbons said: And yet if it was some other older man over 80, would we find it funny Do bears crap in the woods?
saintjay77 Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 richie said: The catholic faith is not just about contraception and homosexuality. Its core beliefs are love, family values, supporting those in need to name a few. In that respect I adhere to those as best I can and because of that the church would welcome anyone who has those values. It does not matter one bit to catholics or members of any other religion if you do not share every view of your chosen religion. The headline grabbing beliefs of the cathloic church which the papers like to bang on about make up such a tiny proportion of what a christian is about. It amazes me that a faith that promotes loves, peace, helping each other and has spoken up many times against the wars and iraq etc gets such a hammering from people. I bet if Robert Mugabe came over he would get less hassle than the pope has The idea that religion is all about being nicer people sits fine with me. I think everyone should strive to be the best person they can be and help out when ever possible. If thats the basics then fine. But I dont get the whole believing in an invisible man who made the earth and everything on it. Its been proven thats not the case yet its still drummed into followers as fact. Its all religions too. I know they cant all be right yet they all claim to be and often wars that you say Catholics speak up against are caused by religion its self. I dont claim to know nearly enough about the in's and out's of religions or what they represent but I have not seen a conflict that cant be traced back to peoples belief's. Like I said, if it was all about being a good and nice person I wouldnt have a problem. But they all go way deeper than that and it seems to show the human race up as a gullable bunch.
solentstars Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 Trader said: The Catholic Church has gone particularly soft in recent years. They should re-introduce the Inquisition, witch burning, and other similar measures. This would go down well in Portsmouth and the rest of the Third World. thank god for henry 8 ,let the outdated bigots keep their catholic church,i,ve got respect for people like mother teresa before she died and went to slums to help people rather than those idiots living in their palaces and finery.
derry Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 And the Pope is bigoted! This thread in places is a pretty good example of ingrained bigotry.
Deano6 Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 solentstars said: thank god for henry 8 ,let the outdated bigots keep their catholic church,i,ve got respect for people like mother teresa before she died and went to slums to help people rather than those idiots living in their palaces and finery. I too lost all respect for her when she went and died.
Special K Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 Hatch said: Whats he doing Saturday, Can he play up front? They all have a good reputation for playing behind the front man, generally in the hole and always with the youth team.
dune Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 My neighbour grew up in Glasgow and they always refered to the priest as "the dirty beast". How anyone can have even an ounce of respect for this so called church that has harboured paedophiles for years is beyond me. The popes and all the other bishops that knew about it, but covered it up, are ****s and deserve stringing up in this life and burning in hell in their next life. **** the pope and the Catholic church. They are the last people who should be lecturing anyone.
Saintandy666 Posted 16 September, 2010 Author Posted 16 September, 2010 richie said: The catholic faith is not just about contraception and homosexuality. Its core beliefs are love, family values, supporting those in need to name a few. In that respect I adhere to those as best I can and because of that the church would welcome anyone who has those values. It does not matter one bit to catholics or members of any other religion if you do not share every view of your chosen religion. The headline grabbing beliefs of the cathloic church which the papers like to bang on about make up such a tiny proportion of what a christian is about. It amazes me that a faith that promotes loves, peace, helping each other and has spoken up many times against the wars and iraq etc gets such a hammering from people. I bet if Robert Mugabe came over he would get less hassle than the pope has Hitler ran some good social programmes that improved the german economy, and the life of germans... you have to look at the whole picture. You can't just discount opinions and actions just because there are some good things that happened.
Special K Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 richie said: The catholic faith is not just about contraception and homosexuality. Its core beliefs are love, family values, supporting those in need to name a few. In that respect I adhere to those as best I can and because of that the church would welcome anyone who has those values. It does not matter one bit to catholics or members of any other religion if you do not share every view of your chosen religion. The headline grabbing beliefs of the cathloic church which the papers like to bang on about make up such a tiny proportion of what a christian is about. It amazes me that a faith that promotes loves, peace, helping each other and has spoken up many times against the wars and iraq etc gets such a hammering from people. I bet if Robert Mugabe came over he would get less hassle than the pope has I agree with your comments. I'm not Catholic myself (and will have a cheap gag or two at any religion, admitedly), but the "aggressive atheism" that was mentioned on the news yesterday, is pretty evident in some of the posts on this thread. It's all rather dispiriting really.
dune Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 He looks like a normal choirboy growing up in 1930's Germany.
dune Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 Special K said: I agree with your comments. I'm not Catholic myself (and will have a cheap gag or two at any religion, admitedly), but the "aggressive atheism" that was mentioned on the news yesterday, is pretty evident in some of the posts on this thread. It's all rather dispiriting really. To be fair the church only has itself to blame for that due it's hypocrisy. They have absolutely no moral right to preach.
Sergei Gotsmanov Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 I am sorry Andy but your hypocrisy is astounding. You clearly do not subscribe to its teachings but do not respect those that do. You are the bigot. The Catholic Church is a cornerstone for millions and millions around the World and it is only right that its leader is given the appropriate treatment when he does visit. The Pope is a good man; you may disagree with his religion but do not demonise him. That Andy is intolerance.
Saintandy666 Posted 16 September, 2010 Author Posted 16 September, 2010 Sergei Gotsmanov said: I am sorry Andy but your hypocrisy is astounding. You clearly do not subscribe to its teachings but do not respect those that do. You are the bigot. The Catholic Church is a cornerstone for millions and millions around the World and it is only right that its leader is given the appropriate treatment when he does visit. The Pope is a good man; you may disagree with his religion but do not demonise him. That Andy is intolerance. I am not demonising him. I am merely quoting him and some of his churches view. I totally respect that religion gives people faith and that can be good. However, I do not see why I should give a church that is responsible for slowing down so much social and scientific development respect. I am not hating on religion. Churches and religion are two different things. Why should I respect someone with backwards views? Why am I not allowed to highlight these views for the absurdness they contain?
dune Posted 16 September, 2010 Posted 16 September, 2010 Sergei Gotsmanov said: I am sorry Andy but your hypocrisy is astounding. You clearly do not subscribe to its teachings but do not respect those that do. You are the bigot. The Catholic Church is a cornerstone for millions and millions around the World and it is only right that its leader is given the appropriate treatment when he does visit. The Pope is a good man; you may disagree with his religion but do not demonise him. That Andy is intolerance. He's good man is he? Yeah right and you're telling me that he knew nothing about the widespread child abuse and played no part in cover up and protection of his priests? I have absolutely no respect at all for him and to think he's got the brass necked nerve to criticise the way Britain is.
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