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I see the the two hookers who went with Rooney are now apologising in the sunday red tops. Apologising for not realising he was married etc. Sense when haf prostitutes taken the moral high ground re who they sell their wheres to.


I thought the majority of their clients were married or are they just called mistresses


One of them is seen sobbing her poor wee heart out. She knew exactly what she was doing and who she was doing it with.


Sorry I don't buy the tear ridden apology to Mr Rooney


She saw the cash the NotW waved in her face, took the dollar without thinking of the consequences.

Now she has realised how she has hurt so many people, including her own family.

|Dumb ******

Posted (edited)
She saw the cash the NotW waved in her face, took the dollar without thinking of the consequences.

Now she has realised how she has hurt so many people, including her own family.

|Dumb ******


More like took the cash from shriek, took the cash from Sunday screws. Then took more cash from Sunday screw so they could fill a page with her crocodile tears,


Paid 3 times for 5min on yer back,,,,,,,,Deal of the day!

Edited by mack rill
Her apology is an opportunity to some public support on her side. She has given up prostitution, so her next move is likely to be reality shows.


Then with a depressing inevitability she will have her own chat show and end up selling her own brand of perfume and clothing. There are no depths to which the media of this country will not sink to give celebrity status to untalented nobodies.


Good way to get paid all over again and establish a good "tart with a heart" narrative which will hopefully lead into a "career" as a Z-lister.


More amused by the parents' apology to be honest - what are they apologising for? Did Rooney bone them as well? :lol:


The people who I feel most sorry for in all this is the other girls in the brothel. They're only trying to make a living and now the punters are going to dry up like the Sahara, now the selfish cow has blabbed and the place has got a reputation for indiscretion.

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