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Out of curiosity, does anyone know how many people fit in that bracket? Double figures? In the hundreds?


I'm not suggesting that the lower the figure the less these people should feel disenfranchised, but just curious as to how many people we're actually talking about here who didn't (couldn't) renew because of the withdrawal of the payment scheme


Well im in that bracket.

I bet some right pikies turn up.


I have complained about this before.




As any self respecting Hampshire Hog knows, they are cackers or didicoi's.


What are you, one of them plastic cocernies from down the road in the land of the skate?



In other news: If I had the chance to ask him a few questions it would be


- How do you see your plan to fulfil the legacy left behind by Markus differeing from a fans outside view?


- How do you quantify the funds required to achieve the goal?


and if I was given the chance for a few more


- Who would be your ideal candidate for manager now/NPC/Premier

- Who cuts your hair?

- Did Markus ever watch Dragons Den and comment 'I could buy you, Khanie, The Bubble, the Sweaty Sock, the Blond Bint and Stretch at the end.' but using German vernacular?

- Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Hulk?

- have you got any photographs of you smiling?


As you can see i am back from holiday, back at work, and can't be arsed to do my Site Waste Management Plan update, and can't take things too seriously.

I have complained about this before.




As any self respecting Hampshire Hog knows, they are cackers or didicoi's.


What are you, one of them plastic cocernies from down the road in the land of the skate?



In other news: If I had the chance to ask him a few questions it would be


- How do you see your plan to fulfil the legacy left behind by Markus differeing from a fans outside view?


- How do you quantify the funds required to achieve the goal?


and if I was given the chance for a few more


- Who would be your ideal candidate for manager now/NPC/Premier

- Who cuts your hair?

- Did Markus ever watch Dragons Den and comment 'I could buy you, Khanie, The Bubble, the Sweaty Sock, the Blond Bint and Stretch at the end.' but using German vernacular?

- Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Hulk?- have you got any photographs of you smiling?


As you can see i am back from holiday, back at work, and can't be arsed to do my Site Waste Management Plan update, and can't take things too seriously.


I can clear that up for you, Superman everytime

Pleased to see some positives stuff emerging about NC.

We need more of these type of events so Nicola can overcome the growing nos of doubters but this is a start in the right direction.


Please note Fitzhugh Fella in positive post shock


LOL... there is always a first Duncs!


I was once (politely) asked why I felt NC was right for SFC... Naturally you can never be 100% about these things, and its true if we are not offered explanations, it leaves the imagination/media/speculation rumour mill to run riot and Saints fans do seem to bask in the negative stories that this evolves, rather than any equally valid positive spin you could put on things... but, my rational was really quite simple: Markus Liebherr. Sure no one is 'holier than thou' - but I think we all came to respect Markus for being a man of integrity, a decent man, who was committed in everything he did. The fact he gave up his share of Liebherr to make his own mark with MALI, rather than just sit on the board of the family firm, implies a lot of character - so I asked myself, if NC is really the 'tyrannical, miserable beast' that he was being made out to be, why would someone like Markus, not just work with him, but actually be a close and trusted friend?


The two did not add up. Sure some might spin this and say he was Markus's foil or bad cop, but I simply don’t buy that.


The media shyness has been criticized, yet ironically that was something we all wished a chairman would have when the previous incumbents were in the hot seat, not least Lowe. Add to this that we knew they would work confidentially when it came to the more sensitive matters (the buy out from the administrators showed that - we knew nothing about the deal or who they were until it was tied up) AND that in Switzerland the kind of media interest is not seen, and we should be able to understand the lack of comfort in the media spotlight.


He will make mistakes, some of which will be interpreted by the more negative, as ignorance and naivety, and in some aspects that may be true, but the important thing is I think we know the INTENTION is good, the ambition fierce and desire to achieve success matches that of the fans. We just need to be less aggressive and personal in attacking what we see as mistakes, especially when we do NOT have the rational behind the decisions.


Time will Judge NC, and how that success is achieved. He will be a hard task master for any manager, some will not see eye to eye, but be able to work together, we hope we can get someone who understands fully the strategy and does not just accept it, but actually sees the logic in it and embraces it... which is why Adkins for me looked a good choice, intelligent, and not full of ego or set in 'traditional ways' yet knows what it takes to do well in this tier... seems to me NC knows what he is doing, and had the Scunny chairman remained quiet, we would not have had all this rubbish yesterday... seems to me its him who wanted to scupper it... we shall see.

A question many people would like answered is why the sacking of Pardew, Downes and Murdoch was not better explained.


It should have been clear whether it was a dismissal or a parting by mutual agreement.


If it was a sacking for performance reasons, which is what the official statment implied, there should have been clarification of why performance was not regarded as good enough and an explanation for the timing. In other words, a statement based on the reasons given to Pardew himself.


If it was not for performance reasons, it should not have been implied that it was, since the fans are entitled to expect honesty from the club, even if there are things that cannot be said.


If it was for misconduct, or for complaints by players, a form of words should have been used to say that the parties had agreed that they could no longer work together.


If it was Pardew objecting to restrictions on the way he could do his job, then mutual agreement or no longer able to work together would have done it.


If an answer to this was provided at the dinner I'm sure it will be given to the press by either the club, or by someone who was there, but if we hear nothing it would seem reasonable to assume that no explanation was given.


I have got to be honest, if NC was going to give ANY of the above, or if AP insinuated any of it, a law suit would be entered into. You have to be very careful of what you put into the public domain if the reason for the sacking is not clear cut and provable. Not long ago had to give evidence on a long drawn out wrongful dismissal case where professional capability was hinted at as well as safety incident record. I don't think the reason will ever be revealed as AP wants another job and NC needs to employ a replacement.

Actions speak louder than words nothing there you wouldn't expect him to say, nothing he hasn't said before in the main plus he's hardly going to say anything that makes him look bad. sound positive but lets not all fall at the feet of NC in worship I'll judge him on his actions not his words.


I have great respect for you, doddy, and I agree with your statement, as long as those that do as well do not judge him on OTHER PEOPLES words, as some are want to do


If there is underway, a change of approach with regard to the media, could it be down to Cortese apparently having engaged PR Company Square1? The following may well have been posted on here as I was abroad when published by the Mail on 3/9.


"David Bick , Square 1’s financial PR ringmaster who orchestrated the Liverpool takeover media frenzy, has given himself a double task surely beyond even his creative abilities.


He will defend the way media-banning Nicola Cortese is running Southampton and try to convince us that China’s Kenny Huang, who has withdrawn his bid, will be the next owner of Liverpool".

If there is underway, a change of approach with regard to the media, could it be down to Cortese apparently having engaged PR Company Square1? The following may well have been posted on here as I was abroad when published by the Mail on 3/9.


"David Bick , Square 1’s financial PR ringmaster who orchestrated the Liverpool takeover media frenzy, has given himself a double task surely beyond even his creative abilities.


He will defend the way media-banning Nicola Cortese is running Southampton and try to convince us that China’s Kenny Huang, who has withdrawn his bid, will be the next owner of Liverpool".


I seem to recall Lowe using 'Square 1' as well.... (?)

Out of curiosity, does anyone know how many people fit in that bracket? Double figures? In the hundreds?


I'm not suggesting that the lower the figure the less these people should feel disenfranchised, but just curious as to how many people we're actually talking about here who didn't (couldn't) renew because of the withdrawal of the payment scheme


I've never had a ST but this year was wavering between getting my very first one; the lack of installment plan was the clincher for me to not get one. Yes, I could have got a credit card etc etc, and maybe I cut my nose off to spite my face, but I took the decision that if the club weren't going out of their way to entice customers then why should I.


As it is I made the right decision as I've since got a new job that will mean I'll be out of the country for half the season anyway....

LOL... there is always a first Duncs!


I was once (politely) asked why I felt NC was right for SFC... Naturally you can never be 100% about these things, and its true if we are not offered explanations, it leaves the imagination/media/speculation rumour mill to run riot and Saints fans do seem to bask in the negative stories that this evolves, rather than any equally valid positive spin you could put on things... but, my rational was really quite simple: Markus Liebherr. Sure no one is 'holier than thou' - but I think we all came to respect Markus for being a man of integrity, a decent man, who was committed in everything he did. The fact he gave up his share of Liebherr to make his own mark with MALI, rather than just sit on the board of the family firm, implies a lot of character - so I asked myself, if NC is really the 'tyrannical, miserable beast' that he was being made out to be, why would someone like Markus, not just work with him, but actually be a close and trusted friend?


The two did not add up. Sure some might spin this and say he was Markus's foil or bad cop, but I simply don’t buy that.


The media shyness has been criticized, yet ironically that was something we all wished a chairman would have when the previous incumbents were in the hot seat, not least Lowe. Add to this that we knew they would work confidentially when it came to the more sensitive matters (the buy out from the administrators showed that - we knew nothing about the deal or who they were until it was tied up) AND that in Switzerland the kind of media interest is not seen, and we should be able to understand the lack of comfort in the media spotlight.


He will make mistakes, some of which will be interpreted by the more negative, as ignorance and naivety, and in some aspects that may be true, but the important thing is I think we know the INTENTION is good, the ambition fierce and desire to achieve success matches that of the fans. We just need to be less aggressive and personal in attacking what we see as mistakes, especially when we do NOT have the rational behind the decisions.


Time will Judge NC, and how that success is achieved. He will be a hard task master for any manager, some will not see eye to eye, but be able to work together, we hope we can get someone who understands fully the strategy and does not just accept it, but actually sees the logic in it and embraces it... which is why Adkins for me looked a good choice, intelligent, and not full of ego or set in 'traditional ways' yet knows what it takes to do well in this tier... seems to me NC knows what he is doing, and had the Scunny chairman remained quiet, we would not have had all this rubbish yesterday... seems to me its him who wanted to scupper it... we shall see.


I don't know you are or your cousin Frank, but I have to say that is an excellent post..................




....it has no place on this forum.

If there is underway, a change of approach with regard to the media, could it be down to Cortese apparently having engaged PR Company Square1? The following may well have been posted on here as I was abroad when published by the Mail on 3/9.


"David Bick , Square 1’s financial PR ringmaster who orchestrated the Liverpool takeover media frenzy, has given himself a double task surely beyond even his creative abilities.


He will defend the way media-banning Nicola Cortese is running Southampton and try to convince us that China’s Kenny Huang, who has withdrawn his bid, will be the next owner of Liverpool".

Bick has been involved since the takeover went through. He was also in a similar role in the Hone/Hoos/Dulieu era.

I can clear that up for you, Superman everytime


But the hulk has unlimited strength and regeneration, Superman has to rely on the solar radiation from the sun for his strength.


I feel an episode of 'THE BIG BANG THEORY' comming on.


I have been critical of Cortese there have been things that I was not happy about Payment plan for 1 I now understand why that happened and can see the reasoning so fair play.


The wall of silence and the supposed my way or the highway approach has fueled speculation that we have another meglomaniac in charge, nobody can be in any doubt that if the fans are informed of the reason for decisions he would be seen in a better light.


I am not saying he has to be Mr nice guy and keep us informed of every thought he has, he clearly dosent like anything reported on until it is signed & sealed but when you hear nothing a lot of people will believe the worst sometimes with a little justification.


The 1 thing I really don't understand is the fall out with the press every business needs good exposure in the media to get into a row where niether side will back down is not a smart move. He also hung the Echo out to dry over the speculation regarding Pards in the summer not that I have any love for the Echo but it seemed vindictive & contrived the Echo needed taking down a peg or two but it has gone to far the club needs the local press on side and vice versa.


I hope my misgivings for NC are wrong and well wide of the mark if they are I will hold my hands up and say I was in the wrong for the sake of SFC I hope I am wrong time and a little more information will tell.


Very promising responses and the original initiative to invite fans in the first place is very welcome.

I am troubled by the response to photograher ban question, as unless i have my days mixed up, the ban had already been lifted or negociated.

Not a big thing in it's self, but if it was an open and honest forum, why not just tell them or the person who asked the question, that he already backed down.


Small blot on what are some very promising ambitions

Very promising responses and the original initiative to invite fans in the first place is very welcome.

I am troubled by the response to photograher ban question, as unless i have my days mixed up, the ban had already been lifted or negociated.

Not a big thing in it's self, but if it was an open and honest forum, why not just tell them or the person who asked the question, that he already backed down.


Small blot on what are some very promising ambitions


Err... when was the photographer ban lifted? It's still in place isn't it?

Err... when was the photographer ban lifted? It's still in place isn't it?

Lifted some time in the last 7-10 days.


Someone told me on Twitter this morning that there were some Rochdale-based photographers in the ground on Saturday - can't say I noticed, but I've tried to block as much as possible about that afternoon from my memory :lol:


Since then, there have been reports in journalist-targeted publications (example) that it has been lifted, and also the Sun dropped the "South Coast Team" replacement in their article about Nigel Adkins this week, which would suggest that an agreement has been reached.


I can see a lot of good coming from this episode because Cortese has been well and truely humbled, and he won't be wanting to be put in the same position again.

Lifted some time in the last 7-10 days.


Someone told me on Twitter this morning that there were some Rochdale-based photographers in the ground on Saturday - can't say I noticed, but I've tried to block as much as possible about that afternoon from my memory :lol:


Since then, there have been reports in journalist-targeted publications (example) that it has been lifted, and also the Sun dropped the "South Coast Team" replacement in their article about Nigel Adkins this week, which would suggest that an agreement has been reached.



and Cortese visited the News International offices on Tuesday for a meeting with the Sun sports editor, which fits in with the decision being made either on that day or prior to it.

Lifted some time in the last 7-10 days.


Someone told me on Twitter this morning that there were some Rochdale-based photographers in the ground on Saturday - can't say I noticed, but I've tried to block as much as possible about that afternoon from my memory :lol:


Since then, there have been reports in journalist-targeted publications (example) that it has been lifted, and also the Sun dropped the "South Coast Team" replacement in their article about Nigel Adkins this week, which would suggest that an agreement has been reached.


Which, also fits with the other theory.


NC (and maybe the club) knew about Markus's health and did not want photographers & to an extent Journalists in the stadium taking pictures, commenting or speculating on his health or appearance.


It is a strong co-incidence that the ban slotted closely into the first home game (when Markus was DUE to attend but was too unwell) and ends after the family have been to SMS after the funeral.


Obviously that is simply an analysis. But the facts fit pretty closely.


And if it is true then a fair few may just need to step up and apologise, because again obviously IF it was done as protection to Markus & the Family then there would be no damned way THAT would have been stated as the reason.


Could quite easily have been two birds and one stone. He also had the chance to see if he could actually make money.


If NC is true to the form he has shown though, I expect we won't be told and that is the dignified way to be, let the moaners continue as we all are - in ignorance

Lifted some time in the last 7-10 days.


Someone told me on Twitter this morning that there were some Rochdale-based photographers in the ground on Saturday - can't say I noticed, but I've tried to block as much as possible about that afternoon from my memory :lol:


Since then, there have been reports in journalist-targeted publications (example) that it has been lifted, and also the Sun dropped the "South Coast Team" replacement in their article about Nigel Adkins this week, which would suggest that an agreement has been reached.


Yes the photographer in front of me was cheering and punching the air towards the away fans last week when they scored the 2nd goal. I wanted to go down and ram his camera where the sun don't shine!

LOL... there is always a first Duncs!


I was once (politely) asked why I felt NC was right for SFC... Naturally you can never be 100% about these things, and its true if we are not offered explanations, it leaves the imagination/media/speculation rumour mill to run riot and Saints fans do seem to bask in the negative stories that this evolves, rather than any equally valid positive spin you could put on things... but, my rational was really quite simple: Markus Liebherr. Sure no one is 'holier than thou' - but I think we all came to respect Markus for being a man of integrity, a decent man, who was committed in everything he did. The fact he gave up his share of Liebherr to make his own mark with MALI, rather than just sit on the board of the family firm, implies a lot of character - so I asked myself, if NC is really the 'tyrannical, miserable beast' that he was being made out to be, why would someone like Markus, not just work with him, but actually be a close and trusted friend?


The two did not add up. Sure some might spin this and say he was Markus's foil or bad cop, but I simply don’t buy that.


The media shyness has been criticized, yet ironically that was something we all wished a chairman would have when the previous incumbents were in the hot seat, not least Lowe. Add to this that we knew they would work confidentially when it came to the more sensitive matters (the buy out from the administrators showed that - we knew nothing about the deal or who they were until it was tied up) AND that in Switzerland the kind of media interest is not seen, and we should be able to understand the lack of comfort in the media spotlight.


He will make mistakes, some of which will be interpreted by the more negative, as ignorance and naivety, and in some aspects that may be true, but the important thing is I think we know the INTENTION is good, the ambition fierce and desire to achieve success matches that of the fans. We just need to be less aggressive and personal in attacking what we see as mistakes, especially when we do NOT have the rational behind the decisions.


Time will Judge NC, and how that success is achieved. He will be a hard task master for any manager, some will not see eye to eye, but be able to work together, we hope we can get someone who understands fully the strategy and does not just accept it, but actually sees the logic in it and embraces it... which is why Adkins for me looked a good choice, intelligent, and not full of ego or set in 'traditional ways' yet knows what it takes to do well in this tier... seems to me NC knows what he is doing, and had the Scunny chairman remained quiet, we would not have had all this rubbish yesterday... seems to me its him who wanted to scupper it... we shall see.


Cracking post once again Frankie Boy !


Could not agree more.

LOL... there is always a first Duncs!


I was once (politely) asked why I felt NC was right for SFC... Naturally you can never be 100% about these things, and its true if we are not offered explanations, it leaves the imagination/media/speculation rumour mill to run riot and Saints fans do seem to bask in the negative stories that this evolves, rather than any equally valid positive spin you could put on things... but, my rational was really quite simple: Markus Liebherr. Sure no one is 'holier than thou' - but I think we all came to respect Markus for being a man of integrity, a decent man, who was committed in everything he did. The fact he gave up his share of Liebherr to make his own mark with MALI, rather than just sit on the board of the family firm, implies a lot of character - so I asked myself, if NC is really the 'tyrannical, miserable beast' that he was being made out to be, why would someone like Markus, not just work with him, but actually be a close and trusted friend?


The two did not add up. Sure some might spin this and say he was Markus's foil or bad cop, but I simply don’t buy that.


The media shyness has been criticized, yet ironically that was something we all wished a chairman would have when the previous incumbents were in the hot seat, not least Lowe. Add to this that we knew they would work confidentially when it came to the more sensitive matters (the buy out from the administrators showed that - we knew nothing about the deal or who they were until it was tied up) AND that in Switzerland the kind of media interest is not seen, and we should be able to understand the lack of comfort in the media spotlight.


He will make mistakes, some of which will be interpreted by the more negative, as ignorance and naivety, and in some aspects that may be true, but the important thing is I think we know the INTENTION is good, the ambition fierce and desire to achieve success matches that of the fans. We just need to be less aggressive and personal in attacking what we see as mistakes, especially when we do NOT have the rational behind the decisions.


Time will Judge NC, and how that success is achieved. He will be a hard task master for any manager, some will not see eye to eye, but be able to work together, we hope we can get someone who understands fully the strategy and does not just accept it, but actually sees the logic in it and embraces it... which is why Adkins for me looked a good choice, intelligent, and not full of ego or set in 'traditional ways' yet knows what it takes to do well in this tier... seems to me NC knows what he is doing, and had the Scunny chairman remained quiet, we would not have had all this rubbish yesterday... seems to me its him who wanted to scupper it... we shall see.


A cup of tea, a chocolate digestive biscuit, a comfy armchair and one of your long posts.


A perfect 5 minutes of any evening ;)

A question many people would like answered is why the sacking of Pardew, Downes and Murdoch was not better explained.


It should have been clear whether it was a dismissal or a parting by mutual agreement.


If it was a sacking for performance reasons, which is what the official statment implied, there should have been clarification of why performance was not regarded as good enough and an explanation for the timing. In other words, a statement based on the reasons given to Pardew himself.


If it was not for performance reasons, it should not have been implied that it was, since the fans are entitled to expect honesty from the club, even if there are things that cannot be said.


If it was for misconduct, or for complaints by players, a form of words should have been used to say that the parties had agreed that they could no longer work together.


If it was Pardew objecting to restrictions on the way he could do his job, then mutual agreement or no longer able to work together would have done it.


If an answer to this was provided at the dinner I'm sure it will be given to the press by either the club, or by someone who was there, but if we hear nothing it would seem reasonable to assume that no explanation was given.


I totally disagree. Whilst there has been a parting they do not have to explain themselves to us. Its called professionalism.


Well done to Cortese for inviting those lucky ST holders for a Q and A session and dinner.He didnt have to do that.

The answers he gave seem very encouraging and i think judging by what i have read,NC seems to have the welfare of the club at his heart.

So thanks NC,but please can you be a little bit more open with your fanbase in future,which would stop a lot of rumours and bad feeling.

Right not much more to add from the original transcript other than when we get promotion ( god this will start the better fan than you arguement ) season ticket holders who have stayed loyal with the club through thick and thin will get much cheaper tickets than those who havnt.

And the meal was roast duck with plenty of free wine and beer.


Oh Noes .... is Roops back in favour :scared:

Well done to Cortese for inviting those lucky ST holders for a Q and A session and dinner.He didnt have to do that.

The answers he gave seem very encouraging and i think judging by what i have read,NC seems to have the welfare of the club at his heart.

So thanks NC,but please can you be a little bit more open with your fanbase in future,which would stop a lot of rumours and bad feeling.


I think he probably did have to do that. His PR to date has been pants and a well timed charm offensive was probably suggested to him as a way of getting fans back onside. It looks like it worked judging by the way people on here are ready to throw themselves behind him, despite the fact that his answer about the sacking created more questions, but still, favour is cheeply bought in the short term. Lets us hope that we can eventually pick up where we left off last season.

Main problem seems to be that Cortese hasn't worked in an industry before that has fans. Reading that link, he comes across really well. I just wish he'd communicate more with the fans through press releases on the OS to keep us informed. For example if the season ticket installments were stopped for the reasons given, and will be reintroduced at a later date, then we should have been told that when they were originally withdrawn. This would have saved a lot of anger and conjecture amongst the fans - not just on here too. Fair play to him for meeting with the fans like that. Interesting that I suggested something similar on the clubs feedback questionnaire before the start of the season. I await my invitation to the next meeting Nicola!


Cortese has two contentious issues he has never had to deal with before, fans and their reaction, the unpredictability of a competitive results based environment.


I am concerned for Saints and Cortese in what the future holds. From my brief encounters with Cortese, I know very little apart from the focus, but snippets coming back from his wife are a concern.


He is very driven for Saints to succeed, even to the point of obsession. In his mind he knows he is totally committed to Saints and has told the fans, so there is nothing further that needs explaining. With everything else just getting in the way of the job he has in hand. The problem is with this level of commitment is that life cannot continue to revolve around this one aspect at the expense of others. Should things reach meltdown for Cortese and the Liebherrs have to start again, I doubt we will get another who wants to take us to the highest step. I would fear that the relationship, drive and expectations from any new relationship with the Liebherrs would not be near the same. Cortese can tap into Markus Liebherrs thougts that no one else can in getting that point across to the family.


He has never had to deal with the uncertainties of relying upon football results as a measure of success or the stupidity and whims of football fans. Combine this with the drive and nerves that does not allow him to eat until late afternoon on a match day, you are starting to get an idea of what makes the guy ticks. Cortese is too focused for his and Saints own good and what we have been seeing appears a byproduct of his intense desire for our success.


I was impressed that Cortese decided to keep Pardew on last season. He must have come close to sacking him then, but reviewed everything and his options and decided at the end of last season to go with Pardew for the next season. That showed me he was prepared to accept his own personal ire / disappointment for the good of the club. Myself and I believe the majority of fans thought Pardew had shown us some exceptional football that needed consistency to justify staying on (but not unprovisional backing). When it comes to the sacking of Pardew, I don't believe any training ground incident alone would have been sufficient to sack Pardew, if he felt he could guarantee promotion. I felt there was more than enough to sack Pardew without that and was just the straw to break the camels back. Our performances were poor for what looked like a team made up of last years players of league 1, unfit, injured and tactically short. We seemed really badly advised on Lallana, give him an exploratory op at the end of last season and he could just have been back for the start of training if nothing was wrong. Nothing lost if it required further work and further recovery time. But to take a chance and then subject him to a full 90 minutes in a nothing cup game showed no logic what so ever. Combine that with Pardew's statement "it was not a priority game, but we treated it like one anyway" was asking for a pay off.


Cortese is obsessed with Saints being a success and because that's all he thinks about, he finds it difficult to undestand why others cannot understand this. He has no ego regarding these matters and just finds the press an inconvenience to the job in hand. These traits give you the imperfect CEO that we have in Cortese, but I believe we will be worse off should we lose him and why I am prepared to cut him an unprecedented amount of slack.


What has largely been overly looked in this thread so far...


One of the last face to face chats with Markus.


Markus said "I want to get back in the Premier League and be about a mid table team". Nicola Cortese said "I cant do that, I want to win the Champions League". Apparently Markus' eye widened and he said "do what you've got to do".


If that is true, then Markus has left the club with access to a huge amount of funding. Just look how much Man City are spending to win the Champions League. I'm sure Nicola and Markus would be fully aware of the amount of investment that would be required.

What has largely been overly looked in this thread so far...




If that is true, then Markus has left the club with access to a huge amount of funding. Just look how much Man City are spending to win the Champions League. I'm sure Nicola and Markus would be fully aware of the amount of investment that would be required.



I doubt there are hundreds of millions left for saints...I think it was an expression of not settling for mediocracy in what ever league we are in....


If what you say is true Up And Away, the man needs help. Those are not the actions of a rational human being, they are those of someone with huge issues. I am serious.

do behave ffs


If that is true doesn't it ring any alarm bells with you? Perhaps that is normal for people who spend long periods submerged underwater but where I come from it spells personality disorder.

Cortese has two contentious issues he has never had to deal with before, fans and their reaction, the unpredictability of a competitive results based environment.


I am concerned for Saints and Cortese in what the future holds. From my brief encounters with Cortese, I know very little apart from the focus, but snippets coming back from his wife are a concern.


He is very driven for Saints to succeed, even to the point of obsession. In his mind he knows he is totally committed to Saints and has told the fans, so there is nothing further that needs explaining. With everything else just getting in the way of the job he has in hand. The problem is with this level of commitment is that life cannot continue to revolve around this one aspect at the expense of others. Should things reach meltdown for Cortese and the Liebherrs have to start again, I doubt we will get another who wants to take us to the highest step. I would fear that the relationship, drive and expectations from any new relationship with the Liebherrs would not be near the same. Cortese can tap into Markus Liebherrs thougts that no one else can in getting that point across to the family.


He has never had to deal with the uncertainties of relying upon football results as a measure of success or the stupidity and whims of football fans. Combine this with the drive and nerves that does not allow him to eat until late afternoon on a match day, you are starting to get an idea of what makes the guy ticks. Cortese is too focused for his and Saints own good and what we have been seeing appears a byproduct of his intense desire for our success.


I was impressed that Cortese decided to keep Pardew on last season. He must have come close to sacking him then, but reviewed everything and his options and decided at the end of last season to go with Pardew for the next season. That showed me he was prepared to accept his own personal ire / disappointment for the good of the club. Myself and I believe the majority of fans thought Pardew had shown us some exceptional football that needed consistency to justify staying on (but not unprovisional backing). When it comes to the sacking of Pardew, I don't believe any training ground incident alone would have been sufficient to sack Pardew, if he felt he could guarantee promotion. I felt there was more than enough to sack Pardew without that and was just the straw to break the camels back. Our performances were poor for what looked like a team made up of last years players of league 1, unfit, injured and tactically short. We seemed really badly advised on Lallana, give him an exploratory op at the end of last season and he could just have been back for the start of training if nothing was wrong. Nothing lost if it required further work and further recovery time. But to take a chance and then subject him to a full 90 minutes in a nothing cup game showed no logic what so ever. Combine that with Pardew's statement "it was not a priority game, but we treated it like one anyway" was asking for a pay off.


Cortese is obsessed with Saints being a success and because that's all he thinks about, he finds it difficult to undestand why others cannot understand this. He has no ego regarding these matters and just finds the press an inconvenience to the job in hand. These traits give you the imperfect CEO that we have in Cortese, but I believe we will be worse off should we lose him and why I am prepared to cut him an unprecedented amount of slack.


Well done you've just made him sound like some sort of nut job. I feel rather worried having read that.

What has largely been overly looked in this thread so far...




If that is true, then Markus has left the club with access to a huge amount of funding. Just look how much Man City are spending to win the Champions League. I'm sure Nicola and Markus would be fully aware of the amount of investment that would be required.


Tenuous at the very best.

If what you say is true Up And Away, the man needs help. Those are not the actions of a rational human being, they are those of someone with huge issues. I am serious.


You should know.

Posted (edited)
Cortese has two contentious issues he has never had to deal with before, fans and their reaction, the unpredictability of a competitive results based environment.


I am concerned for Saints and Cortese in what the future holds. From my brief encounters with Cortese, I know very little apart from the focus, but snippets coming back from his wife are a concern.


He is very driven for Saints to succeed, even to the point of obsession. In his mind he knows he is totally committed to Saints and has told the fans, so there is nothing further that needs explaining. With everything else just getting in the way of the job he has in hand. The problem is with this level of commitment is that life cannot continue to revolve around this one aspect at the expense of others. Should things reach meltdown for Cortese and the Liebherrs have to start again, I doubt we will get another who wants to take us to the highest step. I would fear that the relationship, drive and expectations from any new relationship with the Liebherrs would not be near the same. Cortese can tap into Markus Liebherrs thougts that no one else can in getting that point across to the family.


He has never had to deal with the uncertainties of relying upon football results as a measure of success or the stupidity and whims of football fans. Combine this with the drive and nerves that does not allow him to eat until late afternoon on a match day, you are starting to get an idea of what makes the guy ticks. Cortese is too focused for his and Saints own good and what we have been seeing appears a byproduct of his intense desire for our success.


I was impressed that Cortese decided to keep Pardew on last season. He must have come close to sacking him then, but reviewed everything and his options and decided at the end of last season to go with Pardew for the next season. That showed me he was prepared to accept his own personal ire / disappointment for the good of the club. Myself and I believe the majority of fans thought Pardew had shown us some exceptional football that needed consistency to justify staying on (but not unprovisional backing). When it comes to the sacking of Pardew, I don't believe any training ground incident alone would have been sufficient to sack Pardew, if he felt he could guarantee promotion. I felt there was more than enough to sack Pardew without that and was just the straw to break the camels back. Our performances were poor for what looked like a team made up of last years players of league 1, unfit, injured and tactically short. We seemed really badly advised on Lallana, give him an exploratory op at the end of last season and he could just have been back for the start of training if nothing was wrong. Nothing lost if it required further work and further recovery time. But to take a chance and then subject him to a full 90 minutes in a nothing cup game showed no logic what so ever. Combine that with Pardew's statement "it was not a priority game, but we treated it like one anyway" was asking for a pay off.


Cortese is obsessed with Saints being a success and because that's all he thinks about, he finds it difficult to undestand why others cannot understand this. He has no ego regarding these matters and just finds the press an inconvenience to the job in hand. These traits give you the imperfect CEO that we have in Cortese, but I believe we will be worse off should we lose him and why I am prepared to cut him an unprecedented amount of slack.


Maybe some of our fans (you know who you are) should STFU and cut him some slack.


We are in a much worse position without him.


I am back on side today, crossing my fingers that he gets the manager appointment right.

Edited by alpine_saint
Well done you've just made him sound like some sort of nut job. I feel rather worried having read that.


Do you want him to fail ?


Do you get a kick out of hearing the stress the guys suffers, just because he's dared add some small fees to a few things ?


Grow up, FFS.

Do you want him to fail ?


Do you get a kick out of hearing the stress the guys suffers, just because he's dared add some small fees to a few things ?


Grow up, FFS.


No one wants him to fail Alps, but be honest, that post by Up & Away was a bit creepy wasn't it?

No one wants him to fail Alps, but be honest, that post by Up & Away was a bit creepy wasn't it?


not really...am amazed that you have not dismissed it out of hand..like burleys drinking habbits

No one wants him to fail Alps, but be honest, that post by Up & Away was a bit creepy wasn't it?


He obviously cares so much it hurts him when things dont go right.


Its worrying because the guys health is at risk.


Its pleasing that we have someone who cares about the success of the team at last.


Anyone on here trying to make captial out of Up and Away's post should be ashamed of themselves.


They are not human and they certainly arent Saints fans.

Do you want him to fail ?


Do you get a kick out of hearing the stress the guys suffers, just because he's dared add some small fees to a few things ?


Grow up, FFS.


No I would worry about anyone in charge carrying that sort of baggage around, No one in that sort of postion should be that emotionally involved he should be making descions with his head not his heart. Everyone kows you back everything NC does good for you. I'd rather take a more balanced view. Personally I couldn't give a **** about booking fees or carpark charges. However IMO the **** with the press and the whole episode with the managers has been less than well handled. and If you don't like my opinion feel free to F uck off.

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