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How can a dumb a£s footballer ever be a role model

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So Rooney's been caught out and the old line about football players being role models gets spun out. When will people realise these bunch of idiots are about as capable of filling the role as Pol Pot or Idi Amin. They have about as much brains between them as a can of baked beans, think the likes of you and I are a bunch of peasants, are completely unable to do anything for themselves and have total disregard for anyone and anything.

The only problem is, the 'yoof' of today are just as thick and look up to these twerps, forgiving and forgetting their every downfall.

It's not so much the fact old spud head has been behind his missus back, I dare say a few on this forum have done the same, it's the fact that though we hear he's upset that whatsername will go spare (some BS put out by his agent no doubt or likely made up by the filth on the newsdesk at the SM or NOW), he could not give 2 shoites as life for him will go on and he'll score a wonder goal and in time the indiscretion will be forgotten.

All this sleb adulation is sickening


Is this story in addition to the other 3 court injuctions that have been granted to England players, or is this one of them which restrictions have now been lifted.


Most footballers never get any social education of worth, never learn to be humble or hear the word 'no', and do have a sense of entitlement. This, coupled with the stupid money they get, is a problem of the game's own making.

Most footballers never get any social education of worth, never learn to be humble or hear the word 'no', and do have a sense of entitlement. This, coupled with the stupid money they get, is a problem of the game's own making.


You dont need education to know that famous person + ****ging a hooker = trouble.

You dont need education to know that famous person + ****ging a hooker = trouble.


True. But its coming to something when a hooker can lecture you in the press on morals and no-one laughs.


Personally, I couldn't give a toss about what sportsman do in their spare time. Although I find it hypocritical of them to cheat on their wives whilst sponsorships etc. dictate they should be clean family men (Tiger Woods, Rooney).


I would have more respect if they just came out and said 'I'm not sorry, it's just that I'm famous and loaded and am going to **** what I can while I can'.


I have far more respect for George Best, because he actually admitted his shortcomings with the opposite sex and didn't apologise to the 'public' for them.

True. But its coming to something when a hooker can lecture you in the press on morals and no-one laughs.


Cheeky c*nt, a hooker has never lectured me on my morals in the press or otherwiss.

Personally, I couldn't give a toss about what sportsman do in their spare time. Although I find it hypocritical of them to cheat on their wives whilst sponsorships etc. dictate they should be clean family men (Tiger Woods, Rooney).


I would have more respect if they just came out and said 'I'm not sorry, it's just that I'm famous and loaded and am going to **** what I can while I can'.


I have far more respect for George Best, because he actually admitted his shortcomings with the opposite sex and didn't apologise to the 'public' for them.


and Best didn't have to pay to get laid.


Was reading the article in the car while mate drove me to Heathrow yesterday. Thought the whole thing was pretty meh, except for one phrase used by the chick.....


blah blah, got a friend of mine along blah blah...





Really don't need to say anything else

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