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Has anyone seen this film? If so what do you think of the part where it transpires that American companies are taking life insurance policies out on their employees and cashing in if they die. The families get nothing, a memo from citibank ( i think ) said that not enough employees were dying for the company to realize high enough gains from the policies.

Another part of the film mentioned in a leaked Citicorp memo that the USA, UK and Canada were no longer democracies but plutonomies ( Economies controlled by the very wealthy ) and the thing that they weren't too happy about was that it was still one man one vote :-0

Has anyone seen this film? If so what do you think of the part where it transpires that American companies are taking life insurance policies out on their employees and cashing in if they die. The families get nothing, a memo from citibank ( i think ) said that not enough employees were dying for the company to realize high enough gains from the policies.


I have seen the film and thought this was the best bit.

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