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Hitting a woman

Dave Benson Phillips

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Can those of you who have hit back in retaliation not block punches?


This was my first stage of self defence when an ex who was a bit of a mentalist started throwing punches at me outside her block of flats one evening after a conversation that had ended with me telling her I’d had enough of her being a d!ck. She obviously didn’t take to that too well and started throwing punches.


The trouble with blocking punches is that after a while of doing that you get a bit bored, so my next step (as we were on grass) was to grab her and push her to the ground, I then knelt on her whilst I got her flat keys, then once I had them I legged it into her block (leaving her outside) grabbed my stuff that was there, came back down, gave her back her keys and left her shouting at me to come back!

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Alot of men give women too much power by saying you should NEVER hit a woman. I agree that it should be avoided at all costs, but in some scenarios men would have to fight back (luckily, this doesn't happen much). Problem is though, even in these situations when men fight back as the Doris genuinely deserved it, other men will always stick up for the women. Feel sorry for any blokes who are being physically abused by women really, it's lose lose for them.

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This was my first stage of self defence when an ex who was a bit of a mentalist started throwing punches at me outside her block of flats one evening after a conversation that had ended with me telling her I’d had enough of her being a d!ck. She obviously didn’t take to that too well and started throwing punches.


The trouble with blocking punches is that after a while of doing that you get a bit bored, so my next step (as we were on grass) was to grab her and push her to the ground, I then knelt on her whilst I got her flat keys, then once I had them I legged it into her block (leaving her outside) grabbed my stuff that was there, came back down, gave her back her keys and left her shouting at me to come back!


Good work. There really is no need to hit them.

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In this society where equal rights are at least vaguely upheld as an ideal, of course it's bloody alright. If it's not OK for a bloke to hit a woman, then the reverse is not OK either. The thing is, self defence requires use of minimum force, so your mate, Stuey, is probably considered to have used undue force. A red mark versus a split lips sounds like it, too.

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I had this one woman who spun round and kicked me right in the jaw, I stood still and laughed before I gave her applause for such a great kick in my class. Big deal I thought and that men should be men to take it.


I see it as a weakness for blokes that let woman hit them and a bigger weakness if they hit them back full force in the face as a revenge act.

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If a woman slaps me (open palm) then nothing but restraining is required.


If I womam punched me, I would let that be that. If they did it again, I would do the same back.


Some women think they can get away with violence towards me just because they are a woman and think they are untouchable. It's these women who need to be hit back.


Please can you change your username to Golden No Balls the ***** Slapper.

I did punch my sister out cold once for dating a negro, well tbf it was a back hander and she only went out to KFC for sunday lunch, she is no longer my sister, I must add.

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I don't like the idea of hitting a woman, but why not, if the circumstances dictate? I would protect my wife and my family with my life and take ANY steps against ANY person if I felt they were in danger. I don't condone violence, but when there is no alternative then gender should have nothing to do with it. We have females in our armed forces and you can be sure they are trained to kill or maim in exactly the same way as men are. If you've been in to town on any Friday night you will see some gobby little sh!tes (male and female) looking for trouble. I'll avoid them if I can, but I wouldn't hold back if they launched into me or my family.

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To be fair, she slapped him hard enough to leave a mark. Is it his fault that he punches harder than she does? Or is it her fault for picking a fight on someone who is tougher than her?


If it was a gobby yoof who got punched you would say " well if he is gonna try and act all hard then he has to face the consequences when he comes unstuck "


Why isn't it the same rule for women?


It just isn't


TBF i don't agree with the current PC standing of men and women are equal, we are different, get over it.


He should have chucked her over his shoulder and gave her a right good fisting.

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