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  revolution saint said:
Bloke buys a watch for his mate....that must be the most touching story I've ever read. I'm sorry but this thread is making me wretch. Will people stop pretending Markus was Mother Teresa. I'm sure he was a nice bloke and I am sad he's dead but really? Some of the posts on here are just very sad - have a bit of dignity and stop pretending this is the end of the world. If I was Markus or knew him I would be embarassed by this thread.


Complete lack of empathy you first grade c*nt.

  revolution saint said:
Yep, I do and Hypo doesn't. I think it's silly and I don't mind putting it out on here. I think this is over sentimentality. To be honest i don't really care if you disagree - as you've said countless times this is an internet forum and it's all up for debate.


Man, you are so hardcore.

  revolution saint said:
Bloke buys a watch for his mate....that must be the most touching story I've ever read. I'm sorry but this thread is making me wretch. Will people stop pretending Markus was Mother Teresa. I'm sure he was a nice bloke and I am sad he's dead but really? Some of the posts on here are just very sad - have a bit of dignity and stop pretending this is the end of the world. If I was Markus or knew him I would be embarassed by this thread.


So you're a really dispassionate, unfeeling, unemotional sort of bloke who sneers at others who are not and believes that any show of emotion is a weakness, lacking dignity.


Well, I feel sorry for you. I also expect that somebody as cold and unfeeling as you, has few real friends and is therefore inclined to despise those others who have touched the lives of thousands who had never met them. And it's retch, but you probably got it right with wretch.

  revolution saint said:
Bloke buys a watch for his mate....that must be the most touching story I've ever read. I'm sorry but this thread is making me wretch. Will people stop pretending Markus was Mother Teresa. I'm sure he was a nice bloke and I am sad he's dead but really? Some of the posts on here are just very sad - have a bit of dignity and stop pretending this is the end of the world. If I was Markus or knew him I would be embarassed by this thread.


I think you may have rather missed the point of the gift.

  Wes Tender said:
So you're a really dispassionate, unfeeling, unemotional sort of bloke who sneers at others who are not and believes that any show of emotion is a weakness, lacking dignity.


Well, I feel sorry for you. I also expect that somebody as cold and unfeeling as you, has few real friends and is therefore inclined to despise those others who have touched the lives of thousands who had never met them. And it's retch, but you probably got it right with wretch.


I feel sorry for you Wes always right and never a care for how other people feel


I was quite inspired by this. I'm actually not the sort of guy who ever cries (emotionally frigid, dead inside) but it did make me well up a bit. I've had a reasonable relatinship with my old dad, but I've always felt something was missing, you know? I mean, he's not a very good communicator. He'll often not say what he feels, he's not one to say sorry, in short, he's a typical dad in many ways. So anyway, he's not that young any more and has a range of health issues that always worry me, and I was touched by this beautiful story. I went out and bought him one of these: http://www.thewatchsource.co.uk/images/watches/114270Black_main.jpg (I know, I'm sure it's not as good as St Markus's!!) and he was so pleased. We went to the pub together for the first time in years. So I wanted to thank people for relaying this story, and Markus (RIP) for helping bring my dad and me a bit closer together.


To be honest mate i think you have said it all. The story of the watch was indeed a very sad one and it certainly meant that a great many of us maybe just got to appreciate what a kind man Markus was. If this story inspires peeps to get closer to their loved ones or repair broken bridges then his legacy will be greater than having saved our football club....alas for me i left it to late to say sorry to my father but it has made me dammed sure i wont make that mistake with those i hold close to me.


R.I.P Markus

  John B said:
I feel sorry for you Wes always right and never a care for how other people feel


I'm amused at the irony of you accusing me of not caring for how others people feel, when I'm defending and empathising those who feel grief for the passing of Markus Liebherr. Revolution saint owes you a debt of gratitude for standing up for him, although I feel sure that he is perfectly capable of doing that himself.


But just reading his post again, I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, (I suspect not), but personally I feel the loss of Markus Liebherr far more than I did Mother Theresa, or Princess Diana for that matter. Neither of those individuals impacted on me directly as a person, whereas Markus did, therefore much more relevance attached to his departing from my life and the implications are possibly ongoing.


revolution saint:

If I was Markus or knew him I would be embarassed by this thread.


If you were Markus, you wouldn't be embarassed at this thread, would you? You would still be alive, so the thread would not exist. :rolleyes: But thanks for the insight that you know that Markus' friends would be embarassed by this thread. Presumably you know them well enough to make that judgement?


David Bick did ask the family and NC for permission to relate the anecdote about the watches, so I am presuming that if they would have been embarassed by it, they would have refused permission.

To be honest mate i think you have said it all. The story of the watch was indeed a very sad one and it certainly meant that a great many of us maybe just got to appreciate what a kind man Markus was. If this story inspires peeps to get closer to their loved ones or repair broken bridges then his legacy will be greater than having saved our football club....alas for me i left it to late to say sorry to my father but it has made me dammed sure i wont make that mistake with those i hold close to me.


R.I.P Markus



That in itself is a worthy legacy of Markus


Those on here that decry the Watch Story and this thread are, IMHO, completely Heartless, or, as I suspect in the majority of cases, have never lost anyone close to them


I went yesterday, and I cried, and I am not ashamed to admit it, because I felt Honoured to be part of it


It can never be overestimated exactly How Much he did for Southampton Football Club, in such a short space of time


The Hypocrites would do well to remember that, because it is because of that , that they still have a Club to support


R.I.P Markus Leibherr


I think it's important to note that this thread has set a new benchmark in things SWF posters will argue about.


We've gone from "This is a nice story about a watch" to "first grade c*nt" in under two pages.

  NickG said:
think it deserves a thread



and I am very grateful to Markus’s partner, Lore, and to Nicola for their kind permission to enable me to tell you this story.


“It concerns a watch – of course, it’s Switzerland, it’s bound to concern a watch. It concerns a watch, or at least at the beginning of the story two watches.


“I think this story tells you about Markus as a thoughtful man. I believe it tells you Markus knew a lot more about himself than he was letting on.


“A few weeks after the Wembley final, Markus and Nicola were having one of their constant discussions about the further progress and development of the club.


“Markus was convinced that this season the Saints would gain promotion, if not actually win the League One title.


“Markus said to Nicola, ‘Starting this season I will buy you a special new watch every time we win a trophy, or a title, or gain promotion.’


“Nicola said ‘That’s fine Markus, but every time you must also buy the very same watch for yourself, so that we can both wear the watch commemorating every success.’ Markus readily agreed with this.


“Then, more recently, Markus spent a few days with Nicola’s family on holiday. He said he was going to physically go to buy the first two watches in the very near future.


“Nicola replied ‘Really, there’s no rush Markus, there’s a long season ahead.’ Then, nearly two weeks ago Markus flew into England for his first league match of the season.


“At this point he had not been well. In the event, Markus was not well enough to actually attend the game. But he still managed to attend Nicola’s birthday party that evening, Saturday, August 7.


“Markus said to Nicola ‘I wanted to show you, in person, the book containing a description of the model of watch I want to buy for you and for me.’


“Yet again, Nicola said to him ‘There is no rush.’


“As Markus was leaving that Sunday for Switzerland, Markus opened the car door so that he could show Nicola a photograph he had taken of the watch being advertised on an airport posterboard.


“Markus had only days earlier walked painfully across from one side of Zurich Airport to the other to buy the watch.


“Because the model of the watch was so new, he was told at the airport shop that it was only available from headquarters.


“Markus immediately phoned through an order for the watch, for his collection later from a shop in the centre of Zurich.


“That Sunday, after the first match of the season, was to be the last time Markus and Nicola saw or spoke to each other.


“On the Monday, despite Lore's plea for him not to travel alone, he drove himself from his main home the 80 miles to his apartment in Zurich.


“From there, he took himself to the shop to buy the new model of watch that he had reserved some days earlier.


“He returned to the apartment and spoke to Lore and said simply ‘I have got the watch, I have got the watch for Nicola.’ “He passed away just a little later that evening.


“It turned out that he had only bought a single watch. It seems that he never intended to buy one of the watches for himself.


“To Markus, it was so, so important that he got the watch for Nicola, even though it seemed at the time that he could have waited for nine months.


“Why did Markus not buy that watch for himself, why did he not buy the two watches as they had agreed?


“Only Markus knows the full answer to that one, but I’m sure we can all reach our own conclusions.


“It was a mark of this delightful man that he was pre-occupied with doing thoughtful acts for others, especially his dearest friend Nicola, even while he was suffering pain and discomfort.


  Robsk II said:
I was quite inspired by this. I'm actually not the sort of guy who ever cries (emotionally frigid, dead inside) but it did make me well up a bit. I've had a reasonable relatinship with my old dad, but I've always felt something was missing, you know? I mean, he's not a very good communicator. He'll often not say what he feels, he's not one to say sorry, in short, he's a typical dad in many ways. So anyway, he's not that young any more and has a range of health issues that always worry me, and I was touched by this beautiful story. I went out and bought him one of these: http://www.thewatchsource.co.uk/images/watches/114270Black_main.jpg (I know, I'm sure it's not as good as St Markus's!!) and he was so pleased. We went to the pub together for the first time in years. So I wanted to thank people for relaying this story, and Markus (RIP) for helping bring my dad and me a bit closer together.


I posts some cr@p and stats etc on here, but pleased I did this thread after reading that.

  revolution saint said:
Bloke buys a watch for his mate....that must be the most touching story I've ever read. I'm sorry but this thread is making me wretch. Will people stop pretending Markus was Mother Teresa. I'm sure he was a nice bloke and I am sad he's dead but really? Some of the posts on here are just very sad - have a bit of dignity and stop pretending this is the end of the world. If I was Markus or knew him I would be embarassed by this thread.


Typical of revolution moron.



  Robsk II said:
I was quite inspired by this. I'm actually not the sort of guy who ever cries (emotionally frigid, dead inside) but it did make me well up a bit. I've had a reasonable relatinship with my old dad, but I've always felt something was missing, you know? I mean, he's not a very good communicator. He'll often not say what he feels, he's not one to say sorry, in short, he's a typical dad in many ways. So anyway, he's not that young any more and has a range of health issues that always worry me, and I was touched by this beautiful story. I went out and bought him one of these: http://www.thewatchsource.co.uk/images/watches/114270Black_main.jpg (I know, I'm sure it's not as good as St Markus's!!) and he was so pleased. We went to the pub together for the first time in years. So I wanted to thank people for relaying this story, and Markus (RIP) for helping bring my dad and me a bit closer together.




  hypochondriac said:
Mate, best confine that sort of talk to our PM conversations! You will get absolutely roasted now.




If it wasn't for ML, it's highly likely we'd all have been mourning the death of SFC by now... I wonder if those posters who think the emotional response is "over the top" would have been equally untouched if SFC had died?

  sadoldgit said:
Another sad point - we have learned more about Markus the man since he passed then we ever knew when he was here.


I have always felt what an exceptional person Liebherr was when it came to his involvement with Saints. Truly a one off and everything I am now hearing just seems to be confirmation. What other self made billionaire would not meddle when he is fronting all the finance, refusing to become involved with even the smallest aspect of politics. The only one directive he gave to Cortese was for exciting attcking football, to play football the Southampton way!


Finding people this rich and powerful is not unknown, but mix that with the level of humility and modesty that he stands out like the giant he was. My ever lasting memory of him will be of taking his snap shots at Wembly, looking like a schoolboy in a sweet shop.

  Wes Tender said:
So you're a really dispassionate, unfeeling, unemotional sort of bloke who sneers at others who are not and believes that any show of emotion is a weakness, lacking dignity.


Well, I feel sorry for you. I also expect that somebody as cold and unfeeling as you, has few real friends and is therefore inclined to despise those others who have touched the lives of thousands who had never met them. And it's retch, but you probably got it right with wretch.


ha ha talk about making presumptions. My reaction is against those on this thread who seem to feel as if this is a death in the family or as if Markus personally touched them. He didn't. What do you people do when someone you actually know dies? Go into meltdown?


You know as much about me as you do about Markus and yet you're as happy to slag me off and make judgements as you are to laud Markus. Fact of the matter is you like him because he had pots of money and he spent it on Saints. That's great and I love it. I hope he enjoyed it and I'm very thankful that he spent it on us.


I'm sad he died, really I am, but I refuse to speculate about a bloke I never knew. None of us ever heard him speak. If I was a member of his family and some of the stuff on this thread was said to me by complete strangers I would think they were strange and a bit weird. I wouldn't presume that he had as much as impact upon my life as he did on the people he knew - but that's how a lot of you come across.


You mention a lack of empathy. I have nothing but empathy for Markus's family which is why I wouldn't presume to "feel their pain" or pretend I did because, again, i never knew him. I can say how much I recognise their loss but a lot of you are confusing their loss with "our loss". Our loss is just a bloke we never knew who had a lot of money and seemed a decent sort and that's it.


So get over yourself - I've got plenty of friends in the real world and none of them feel like the bed wetters on here.

  revolution saint said:
ha ha talk about making presumptions. My reaction is against those on this thread who seem to feel as if this is a death in the family or as if Markus personally touched them. He didn't. What do you people do when someone you actually know dies? Go into meltdown?


You know as much about me as you do about Markus and yet you're as happy to slag me off and make judgements as you are to laud Markus. Fact of the matter is you like him because he had pots of money and he spent it on Saints. That's great and I love it. I hope he enjoyed it and I'm very thankful that he spent it on us.


I'm sad he died, really I am, but I refuse to speculate about a bloke I never knew. None of us ever heard him speak. If I was a member of his family and some of the stuff on this thread was said to me by complete strangers I would think they were strange and a bit weird. I wouldn't presume that he had as much as impact upon my life as he did on the people he knew - but that's how a lot of you come across.


You mention a lack of empathy. I have nothing but empathy for Markus's family which is why I wouldn't presume to "feel their pain" or pretend I did because, again, i never knew him. I can say how much I recognise their loss but a lot of you are confusing their loss with "our loss". Our loss is just a bloke we never knew who had a lot of money and seemed a decent sort and that's it.


So get over yourself - I've got plenty of friends in the real world and none of them feel like the bed wetters on here.


He saved my football club. He personally touched me alright...........

  SaintRichmond said:
That in itself is a worthy legacy of Markus


Those on here that decry the Watch Story and this thread are, IMHO, completely Heartless, or, as I suspect in the majority of cases, have never lost anyone close to them


I went yesterday, and I cried, and I am not ashamed to admit it, because I felt Honoured to be part of it


It can never be overestimated exactly How Much he did for Southampton Football Club, in such a short space of time


The Hypocrites would do well to remember that, because it is because of that , that they still have a Club to support


R.I.P Markus Leibherr


I also cried, felt like a penis though.


I Love you dad, but you have plenty of watches lets be honest.

  revolution saint said:
ha ha talk about making presumptions. My reaction is against those on this thread who seem to feel as if this is a death in the family or as if Markus personally touched them. He didn't. What do you people do when someone you actually know dies? Go into meltdown?


You know as much about me as you do about Markus and yet you're as happy to slag me off and make judgements as you are to laud Markus. Fact of the matter is you like him because he had pots of money and he spent it on Saints. That's great and I love it. I hope he enjoyed it and I'm very thankful that he spent it on us.


I'm sad he died, really I am, but I refuse to speculate about a bloke I never knew. None of us ever heard him speak. If I was a member of his family and some of the stuff on this thread was said to me by complete strangers I would think they were strange and a bit weird. I wouldn't presume that he had as much as impact upon my life as he did on the people he knew - but that's how a lot of you come across.


You mention a lack of empathy. I have nothing but empathy for Markus's family which is why I wouldn't presume to "feel their pain" or pretend I did because, again, i never knew him. I can say how much I recognise their loss but a lot of you are confusing their loss with "our loss". Our loss is just a bloke we never knew who had a lot of money and seemed a decent sort and that's it.


So get over yourself - I've got plenty of friends in the real world and none of them feel like the bed wetters on here.


So you decline to tell us how you know why Markus' family would feel embarassed then? OK.


You're the one who needs to get over himself, making assumptions and presumptions over how either other people feel about this, or how you believe they ought to feel.


And just for your information, it is obvious that he touched the lives of many including me. If he didn't touch yours, then bully for you.


I really can't be bothered to waste any more time on you at this time.

  revolution saint said:
ha ha talk about making presumptions. My reaction is against those on this thread who seem to feel as if this is a death in the family or as if Markus personally touched them. He didn't. What do you people do when someone you actually know dies? Go into meltdown?


You know as much about me as you do about Markus and yet you're as happy to slag me off and make judgements as you are to laud Markus. Fact of the matter is you like him because he had pots of money and he spent it on Saints. That's great and I love it. I hope he enjoyed it and I'm very thankful that he spent it on us.


I'm sad he died, really I am, but I refuse to speculate about a bloke I never knew. None of us ever heard him speak. If I was a member of his family and some of the stuff on this thread was said to me by complete strangers I would think they were strange and a bit weird. I wouldn't presume that he had as much as impact upon my life as he did on the people he knew - but that's how a lot of you come across.


You mention a lack of empathy. I have nothing but empathy for Markus's family which is why I wouldn't presume to "feel their pain" or pretend I did because, again, i never knew him. I can say how much I recognise their loss but a lot of you are confusing their loss with "our loss". Our loss is just a bloke we never knew who had a lot of money and seemed a decent sort and that's it.


So get over yourself - I've got plenty of friends in the real world and none of them feel like the bed wetters on here.


  Nicola Cortese said:
The way that our fans have reacted since Markus's passing has filled his family and me with pride. The tributes at St Mary's and the Memorial Service on Wednesday will never be forgotten. The way in which the Saints family has come together to remember Markus has only reiterated my desire to fulfil the promises and plans that he and I made.


You see revolution, I get the impression you are very much on your own. You seem to be pretty much alone, fighting against a vast majority of our feelings. I feel for you if you really are as heartless and just plain argumentative as you make out on here.


I dread to think what would have happened if we had all reacted like yourself. Left no flowers, scarves, shirts, messages, didnt sign the book and didn't feel like we had lost someone close... Because I think Cortese and the Family would have had to seriously question wether or not it really was something Markus would have wanted. Personally, if i was them and we all reacted like you? I'd pull the plug.


Why dont you just leave people to it? If you dont feel like you have lost someone, fine. But dont berate others who feel they have. There is no need for it and you just make yourself look a c*nt.

  Deppo said:
I can only assume that Revolution Saint is overcome with grief for this filth to be coming out of his mouth.


I can only suggest that he lives up to his name, goes round in ever decreasing circles at the speed of light, and disappears up his own Orafice


But first, a Question for him ? As an outsider, what do you think of the Human Race ???

  SaintRichmond said:
I can only suggest that he lives up to his name, goes round in ever decreasing circles at the speed of light, and disappears up his own Orafice


But first, a Question for him ? As an outsider, what do you think of the Human Race ???


Please, don't ask him that. I dread to think of what foul mouthed response will spew from his disease ridden guts. As of now Revolution Saint is dead to me, but I won't be signing any condolence book for him, I can tell you that for free.

  • 1 month later...
  NickG said:
think it deserves a thread



and I am very grateful to Markus’s partner, Lore, and to Nicola for their kind permission to enable me to tell you this story.


“It concerns a watch – of course, it’s Switzerland, it’s bound to concern a watch. It concerns a watch, or at least at the beginning of the story two watches.


“I think this story tells you about Markus as a thoughtful man. I believe it tells you Markus knew a lot more about himself than he was letting on.


“A few weeks after the Wembley final, Markus and Nicola were having one of their constant discussions about the further progress and development of the club.


“Markus was convinced that this season the Saints would gain promotion, if not actually win the League One title.


“Markus said to Nicola, ‘Starting this season I will buy you a special new watch every time we win a trophy, or a title, or gain promotion.’


“Nicola said ‘That’s fine Markus, but every time you must also buy the very same watch for yourself, so that we can both wear the watch commemorating every success.’ Markus readily agreed with this.


“Then, more recently, Markus spent a few days with Nicola’s family on holiday. He said he was going to physically go to buy the first two watches in the very near future.


“Nicola replied ‘Really, there’s no rush Markus, there’s a long season ahead.’ Then, nearly two weeks ago Markus flew into England for his first league match of the season.


“At this point he had not been well. In the event, Markus was not well enough to actually attend the game. But he still managed to attend Nicola’s birthday party that evening, Saturday, August 7.


“Markus said to Nicola ‘I wanted to show you, in person, the book containing a description of the model of watch I want to buy for you and for me.’


“Yet again, Nicola said to him ‘There is no rush.’


“As Markus was leaving that Sunday for Switzerland, Markus opened the car door so that he could show Nicola a photograph he had taken of the watch being advertised on an airport posterboard.


“Markus had only days earlier walked painfully across from one side of Zurich Airport to the other to buy the watch.


“Because the model of the watch was so new, he was told at the airport shop that it was only available from headquarters.


“Markus immediately phoned through an order for the watch, for his collection later from a shop in the centre of Zurich.


“That Sunday, after the first match of the season, was to be the last time Markus and Nicola saw or spoke to each other.


“On the Monday, despite Lore's plea for him not to travel alone, he drove himself from his main home the 80 miles to his apartment in Zurich.


“From there, he took himself to the shop to buy the new model of watch that he had reserved some days earlier.


“He returned to the apartment and spoke to Lore and said simply ‘I have got the watch, I have got the watch for Nicola.’ “He passed away just a little later that evening.


“It turned out that he had only bought a single watch. It seems that he never intended to buy one of the watches for himself.


“To Markus, it was so, so important that he got the watch for Nicola, even though it seemed at the time that he could have waited for nine months.


“Why did Markus not buy that watch for himself, why did he not buy the two watches as they had agreed?


“Only Markus knows the full answer to that one, but I’m sure we can all reach our own conclusions.


“It was a mark of this delightful man that he was pre-occupied with doing thoughtful acts for others, especially his dearest friend Nicola, even while he was suffering pain and discomfort.


this doesn't read like people trying to sell the club to me as some posters today are suggesting was the case at the time

  Saints foreva said:
Sell the club?


Did I miss something?


There are stories circulating that Nicola and the liebherr's are actively looking to sell the club, hence the lack of any transfer activity.


although i'm not too sure about it myself.


only from Derry and FF on the false dawn thread.


FF's rumour was that they were trying to sell prior to Markus' death. Hence me linking this story as hopefully this makes FF's rumour less likely to be true.

  S-Clarke said:
There are stories circulating that Nicola and the liebherr's are actively looking to sell the club, hence the lack of any transfer activity.


although i'm not too sure about it myself.

I would be suprised by this, Nicola and his wife paid a big wedge for a house in Chilworth only a fortnight ago, not the actions of a man who was looking to leave.

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