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Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread. I was not able to go, but feel like I was there. It sounds like it was a moving but fitting service. The watch story brought a tear to my eye, and just shows the friendship that Markus and Nicola had, and in my mind the faith he has in us to succeed this season.


RIP Markus

Reckon it demonstrates the level of respect and consideration that player has.


And he aint even that good.


Maybe his suit was in the wash, or he didn't realise what the dress code was, or he had a **** hot pair of jeans he wanted to wear in honour of Marcus. Either way it's not in the slightest bit important.

Reckon it demonstrates the level of respect and consideration that player has.


And he aint even that good.


Agreed. He should be ashamed of himself. He's an adult and unless he is completely thick as **** he should know how to dress at an occasion like this.


I asked for someone to give a blow by blow and many thanks to all here who delivered. I do dearly wish I could have gone to pay my respects to Marcus and as this is the local church to where I grew up and also I attend it at Christmas midnight mass with the family, so it is also very poiniont and moving for me personally. But at least I can image it in my minds eye and envision what the service was like.


Many thanks to Wes who brought it home to me, to Itchen dan for the speach, Landford, Bean counter and beatle on their personal experiences of the event as well. Also I think Glasgow for his link to that tribute, and Matt Le God for what I think is the best tribute, thanks Mates.


It all brought a tear to my eye and I feel deeply moved, I am still at work and waited for everyone to leave before logging on. Didn't know how I would take it, really and I don't know why. Probably because he comes across as a really nice, humble simple man who I wish I had known personally. I will always be thankful for what he did.


I do ask, lets start another thread, shall we, for all the questions, queries, disagreements and discussions around what happened today, and leave this one soley as a tribute to Marcus.


Also, I would like to see another statue at St. Marys. The other side of the Forecourt from Ted, of Marcus stood up waving wearing his saints scarf, in the pose that we all remember at the JPT, (and, if you're not sure which one, look at LA77's Avatar). What do you reckon? I think a fitting tribute.

Maybe his suit was in the wash, or he didn't realise what the dress code was, or he had a **** hot pair of jeans he wanted to wear in honour of Marcus. Either way it's not in the slightest bit important.


Not to you, it seems. Thats your opinion and you are entitled to it.


For me, it demonstrates a total lack of respect for the importance of the occasion. I am entitled to think that too.


Anyway, I am glad that the memorial service was so appropriate and moving.


Markus's influence on the club will be much missed.

Agreed. He should be ashamed of himself. He's an adult and unless he is completely thick as **** he should know how to dress at an occasion like this.


Yeah, either he is so aloof he really isnt aware of the world the way turns, or it was some kind of Sex-Pistols anti-establishment statement.

Yeah, either he is so aloof he really isnt aware of the world the way turns, or it was some kind of Sex-Pistols anti-establishment statement.


Or probably he's just got no class. I would expect he will be reprimanded about it because I know my employers would "have words" in similar circumstances.


No coverage or mentionon BBC South at all, just some info on Boeteng being sold down the road, and Pittman. Oh the Engand womens rugby team got at least 5 mins, really poor show, in fact so p....ed off I've emailed South Today.

Meridian have about 2 mins with a couple of interviews with Nick O'Callaghan 'Independent Supporters' ? and a shot of Mick Channon.

Or probably he's just got no class. I would expect he will be reprimanded about it because I know my employers would "have words" in similar circumstances.




Anyway, I am done with this now. My apologies to all those I offended. Lack of respect is just one of things that get under my skin.

No coverage or mentionon BBC South at all, just some info on Boeteng being sold down the road, and Pittman. Oh the Engand womens rugby team got at least 5 mins, really poor show, in fact so p....ed off I've emailed South Today.

Meridian have about 2 mins with a couple of interviews with Nick O'Callaghan 'Independent Supporters' ? and a shot of Mick Channon.


Thats appalling.


Well done MLG excellent poignant video just shows how Markus has touched the Saints community in his short time with us. The Watch story just tells you all you need to know about the man. Today his family found out just how much he has touched a community, they already new what a good man Markus was and whatever we feel, their loss will be so much more!

Whatever happens in our future, at least we have a future thanks to Markus. I truly hope we never forget that.

No coverage or mentionon BBC South at all, just some info on Boeteng being sold down the road, and Pittman. Oh the Engand womens rugby team got at least 5 mins, really poor show, in fact so p....ed off I've emailed South Today.

Meridian have about 2 mins with a couple of interviews with Nick O'Callaghan 'Independent Supporters' ? and a shot of Mick Channon.


It was on before the sports round up. Not as much coverage as Meridian, but a report. So you must've missed the first 10 minutes

Maybe his suit was in the wash, or he didn't realise what the dress code was, or he had a **** hot pair of jeans he wanted to wear in honour of Marcus. Either way it's not in the slightest bit important.


i agree those moaners are pathetic ,their was alot of saints fans who had their football shirts on and all paying their respects rather than whinging about trivial matters .


r.i.p markhus from all those who attended the church in honour of the great man.

No coverage or mentionon BBC South at all, just some info on Boeteng being sold down the road, and Pittman. Oh the Engand womens rugby team got at least 5 mins, really poor show, in fact so p....ed off I've emailed South Today.

Meridian have about 2 mins with a couple of interviews with Nick O'Callaghan 'Independent Supporters' ? and a shot of Mick Channon.


I would e mail them an apology if I were you. They actually had the good grace to have it as a seperate, yet brief, story apart from the Sports news, which it should have been.

i agree those moaners are pathetic ,their was alot of saints fans who had their football shirts on and all paying their respects rather than whinging about trivial matters .


r.i.p markhus from all those who attended the church in honour of the great man.

I was one of them, jeans and Saints shirt. Was I showing disrespect? It was a lovely service (if any such service can be lovely). I and my wife were both pleased we went, please let's leave the bickering for another day and be in rememberence of Markus.

i agree those moaners are pathetic ,their was alot of saints fans who had their football shirts on and all paying their respects rather than whinging about trivial matters .


For me that is different.


Markus's club play in Saints shirts, not T-shirts and jeans.

I would e mail them an apology if I were you. They actually had the good grace to have it as a seperate, yet brief, story apart from the Sports news, which it should have been.


I watched it from start to finish and there was no coverage in my area which is Southampton


I am sure that most other owners of football clubs in Britain[steve Gibson apart],could learn an awful lot about class and humanity

from Markus. A wonderful human being.Thank you again Markus and R.IP.


Thank you to those that attended and posted reports for us on here that were unable to attend. It brings a lump to your throat and a tear in your eye reading what a fantastic, generous, giving and humble man we were so so lucky to have been associated with.


The warmth he has shown to us and the care and love he obviously regards NC and his family with, is a true testiment to the man, our saviour and eternal Saint. I used the word family in that statement, as that what us, as fans and supporters of our club should be, to each and every one associated with 'our' club.


Let's stop the nit picking and looking for arguments, wind up's etc etc. Build on this tragic event as a family and all grow up together and see Markus' dreams come reality.


We owe it to him, he wanted that for us. So it's support for NC, AP, ALL the team (no matter what clothes they wear), a united fan base, supporting the WHOLE team, through thick and thin, remembering we win as a family and lose as a family.

Who gives a **** what clothes people were wearing.


This place is full of weirdos.


Well actually I care quite a lot about people showing respect. Especially in religious buildings like a church and especially when you are a very public figure.

Well actually I care quite a lot about people showing respect. Especially in religious buildings like a church and especially when you are a very public figure.


I agree with hypochondriac. He has spent the past week showing respect. He is a symbol of what we should all be like. He's like Jesus or summink.

I agree with hypochondriac. He has spent the past week showing respect. He is a symbol of what we should all be like. He's like Jesus or summink.


Slight difference between writing an opinion on here and how you behave in a church. Just something I feel strongly about :)


I cannot believe one or two are starting to bicker on this day of all days on this thread.

Thanks Wes for your report. Being a member of Saints List I have been very fortunate to know Herbie and Im very greatful for his post on this sad occassion.

herbie who read out a verse conveys his thoughts on being there in only the way Herbie can. He tells us about Young Jake flannighan reading out the poem

Im not going into everything Herbie has Posted but together with Wes's accounts I feel proud to be a Saints Supporter for lots of reasons. The true spirit of Southampton is Back thanks to Markus

giving us hope and uniting us. Also to Nicole long may he stay with the club after all he was joined at the hip with Markus.

A sad day


I was there today and I'm an old 'un who goes back to Ted Bates Charlie Wayman in the postwar years and I want to say that I have never felt more proud of the club than today, it was all carried off with respect and dignity and a lot of love, in particular when that Under 15 lad read that piece I thought 'we've got a family club again' and he read it like a scholar and without a nerve, if he plays football like that, we're in for a treat. I just hope critics will come round to accept that NC who was there as a deep mourner now needs every support he can get as we all do after a bereavement.

I watched it from start to finish and there was no coverage in my area which is Southampton


Sorry but there definitely was - there is only one South Today with only one Sally Taylor (thankfully :-) )


I can only add my sincere thanks to all those posters who have provided such moving and fitting reports on the memorial service and to those who compiled tributes to Markus a true Saint. The spirit and soul of our great club has shone through and I can only surmise that Markus recognised this when he saved us from oblivion.


Success by Bessie Anderson Stanley

He has achieved success

who has lived well,

laughed often, and loved much;

who has enjoyed the trust of

pure women,

the respect of intelligent men and

the love of little children;

who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

who has left the world better than he found it

whether by an improved poppy,

a perfect poem or a rescued soul;

who has never lacked appreciation of Earth’s beauty

or failed to express it;

who has always looked for the best in others and

given them the best he had;

whose life was an inspiration;

whose memory a benediction

For me that is different.


Markus's club play in Saints shirts, not T-shirts and jeans.


What about all the fans who turned up in shirts and jeans then? Check out the pics on the saints site and tell me all the fans at the back of the church are wearing Saints shirts because they are not.


It doesn't matter.


The service was a credit to Southampton...the city and the club. The only disrespect was mobile phones ringing - that is just plain thoughtless.


I also enjoyed chatting to other Saints fans that I don't normally meet (ie don't sit or drink where I do on match days)....sitting on the wall with the 2 guys from Salisbury, the blonde girl at the back of the church who did have the sense to turn off her mobile (but wouldn't give me her number so I could test it!) and the guys in the pub after - even if one did have Hammond on the back of his shirt - so must be questionable.

Or probably he's just got no class. I would expect he will be reprimanded about it because I know my employers would "have words" in similar circumstances.


People forget these are working class people, and working class people generally don't know how to behave in public.




























This is a joke by the way.

Erm why are people commenting on Puncheon when fans attending were wearing football shirts? Thats pretty poor tbf.


Umm, no its not. Punheon was an invited guest, part of the first team squad. They all wore dark suits, as did all the staff from St Marys.

The supporters were NOT invited guests, the supporters went along in their own time with the expectation of standing outside and hearing the service relayed to them. I was there and I can assure you that the fans did not expect to gain entry to the church. It was a touching and lovely decision by someone at the football cub, possibly Cortese, to let us in. So the supporters turned up in their shirts because they were honouring a man who had saved the club and expected to honour him from a distance so to speak.


Puncheon is a paid employee of SFC and no matter what some people pontificate on here about the right and wrongs of casual dress, hands in pockets and sauntering down the aisle at the end of the service, I can tell you he stuck out like a sore thumb and did not look like he realised he was in a place of worship, unlike the rest of his colleagues. It did not reflect well on him, he would have been better chaging into a black tracksuit like the academy boys if he doesnt own a suit.

Umm, no its not. Punheon was an invited guest, part of the first team squad. They all wore dark suits, as did all the staff from St Marys.

The supporters were NOT invited guests, the supporters went along in their own time with the expectation of standing outside and hearing the service relayed to them. I was there and I can assure you that the fans did not expect to gain entry to the church. It was a touching and lovely decision by someone at the football cub, possibly Cortese, to let us in. So the supporters turned up in their shirts because they were honouring a man who had saved the club and expected to honour him from a distance so to speak.


Puncheon is a paid employee of SFC and no matter what some people pontificate on here about the right and wrongs of casual dress, hands in pockets and sauntering down the aisle at the end of the service, I can tell you he stuck out like a sore thumb and did not look like he realised he was in a place of worship, unlike the rest of his colleagues. It did not reflect well on him, he would have been better chaging into a black tracksuit like the academy boys if he doesnt own a suit.


In addition, I think wearing the team shirt to the funeral of the team owner is entirely appropriate. Its the link between departed and mourner, just like soldiers, policemen and firemen wear their uniform to funerals of departed colleagues.


Puncheon sounds like he went for the aloof disinterested bum look, by accounts on here.

Would like to think most of them could reattach their feet to the ground for a funeral


It wasn't a funeral.


I've been to black tie evens with footballers before and they often turn up in all sorts of dodgy clobber. I wouldn't read anything into it at all.

Umm, no its not. Punheon was an invited guest, part of the first team squad. They all wore dark suits, as did all the staff from St Marys.

The supporters were NOT invited guests, the supporters went along in their own time with the expectation of standing outside and hearing the service relayed to them. I was there and I can assure you that the fans did not expect to gain entry to the church. It was a touching and lovely decision by someone at the football cub, possibly Cortese, to let us in. So the supporters turned up in their shirts because they were honouring a man who had saved the club and expected to honour him from a distance so to speak.


Puncheon is a paid employee of SFC and no matter what some people pontificate on here about the right and wrongs of casual dress, hands in pockets and sauntering down the aisle at the end of the service, I can tell you he stuck out like a sore thumb and did not look like he realised he was in a place of worship, unlike the rest of his colleagues. It did not reflect well on him, he would have been better chaging into a black tracksuit like the academy boys if he doesnt own a suit.


Exactly hope this gets back to him, but doubt it, I was there yesterday and with all the saints fans who did not expect to get in and agee totally, I was near Jason Dodd and he showed he was a not just a saint but a gent at the same time, something pucheon would never be able to get the hang of.

Then again think its a society thing, Brian Clough would have them thrown out the club not to mention the team, those were the days!


well that answers that. sorry i thought maybe the fans at the back were a select few - anyway with regard to puncheon i think its a part of wider society as a whole but he will certainly get a frosty reception from fans now.


Only just got back to internet coverage thought id chuck in my thoughts.


Got to the church about 10.50 and it was soon filling out rapidly in the grounds. Great to see all the saints players looking deeply moved and dodd with all the academy players. It was a lovely gesture to invite the fans inside as well and the order of service booklet was beautiful. Lovely service from start to finish and the stories and tributes were most fitting. Interesting to hear that markus had actually visited the church when considering purchasing us.


As for the players kelvin and hammond sat up front with the coaching staff followed by the players a few rows behind. I was right near the barrier and thought puncheon looked smart in what were smart black trousers and certainly were not noticeable jeans. I also believe he was wearing a cardigan over his black smart shirt. The only two fashion faux pas i saw were not JP but fonte choosing to wear a t shirt and mills wearing the brightest white shirt possible and no suit jacket looking more akin to a summer wedding.

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