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The thread sort of went off track a little there - soldiers, nurses, pay scales and graduates, all pretty irrelevant really. The fact remains that our Armed Forces (particularly the Army, and more particularly our Infantry, Marines and Special Forces) are currently in one hell of a fight trying to help the people of Afghanistan. The nature of this work means that many of them will (and have) paid the ultimate price, and as a result many good minded folk feel the need to do thier 'little' to make life for serving soldiers (Sailors & Airmen) that little bit more comfortable. A way to show their appreciation, to give a little to guys who have given a whole lot more - it actually probably means more to the giver than the reciever, if truth be known.


Do our Forces deserve such 'perks' - fukin' right they do:




How many nurses, police constables, fire fighters or McDonalds workers have died over the last 3 years in the course of their duty - a few. But whilst some of these people conduct some thankless and dangerous job roles, none come even close to what your average soldier on operations experiences on a day to day basis.


For those of you that question our Forces, I really hope you are around on the day that this country gets invaded - you might then see first hand just how good these guys are at what they do, and appreciate them for the selflessness that they show.


A few free tickets for putting your life on the line day in day out - scant, scant reward.

What is the problem with giving servicemen and woman a reminder that they are valued. If you think trawlermen, miners etc should benefit from a similar initiative then promote the bloody thing. As it stands, Justin is talking about servicemen in his post so lets deal with the subject matter. Should our forces benefit from the odd freebie? As an ex Royal Engineer, I have served in war and I have never asked for anything off the civ pop but a little reminder that people back home value what our forces are doing would and does make a hell of a difference. Any points made relating to the validity of this current campaign or any other are really academic in terms of the original post. Service personnel are not very well paid considering they work in theory 24 hours a day 7 days a week and any leave periods can be cancelled at the drop of a hat dependent on operations manning. Yes we all joined up of our own accord but if we didn't then conscription would be brought back. Giving squaddies a freebie here and there is no great shakes and I really cannot understand the level of forces resentment on here.




Christ, this thread is depressing. There is some real petty points-scoring going on out there. I cannot believe some of the opinions being expressed.


Our armed forces are in the middle of the sh*ttiest war they've had in decades, fighting a losing battle on the political and equipment fronts as well, and some smart-arses safely tucked up in their four-bedroom detatched houses in Hedge End or two-up two-downs paid for by Housing benefit are sitting there talking like know-it-alls about their incomes, how it is used, and their working conditions.


FFS. No-one has said give tickets to servicemen instead of sick and disabled kids. We have enough empty seats for both. F**king grow up.

Posted (edited)
Stu wins another internet argument by saying 'I won that internet argument'.


I must admit you have got me so brilliantly that I didn't notice. Could you please give me a summary of just how and explain what you meant by 'some of our fans are morons' and I'll crawl away with my tail between my legs.


Some of our fans are morons, one reason it people such as yourself come on here trying to be the funny man. For example, you stated that I think soldiers are deserving of free tickets, when infact I said nothing of the sort.


Others are morons for many different reasons, mainly for trolling the internet and saying things they wouldnt do away from the safety of their PC.


The main morons are the people kicking off about Soldiers getting free tickets. Absolutely fookin pathetic.

Edited by Dave Benson Phillips
The thread sort of went off track a little there - soldiers, nurses, pay scales and graduates, all pretty irrelevant really. The fact remains that our Armed Forces (particularly the Army, and more particularly our Infantry, Marines and Special Forces) are currently in one hell of a fight trying to help the people of Afghanistan. The nature of this work means that many of them will (and have) paid the ultimate price, and as a result many good minded folk feel the need to do thier 'little' to make life for serving soldiers (Sailors & Airmen) that little bit more comfortable. A way to show their appreciation, to give a little to guys who have given a whole lot more - it actually probably means more to the giver than the reciever, if truth be known.


Do our Forces deserve such 'perks' - fukin' right they do:




How many nurses, police constables, fire fighters or McDonalds workers have died over the last 3 years in the course of their duty - a few. But whilst some of these people conduct some thankless and dangerous job roles, none come even close to what your average soldier on operations experiences on a day to day basis.


For those of you that question our Forces, I really hope you are around on the day that this country gets invaded - you might then see first hand just how good these guys are at what they do, and appreciate them for the selflessness that they show.


A few free tickets for putting your life on the line day in day out - scant, scant reward.


Absolutely spot on.


What the majority of people on this thread don't realise is that the MAIN role of the British Forces is home defence. If we were to get invaded / severe terrorist attack etc then it would be these people who will put their lives on the line to save the lives of YOU.


If the Fire Service decide they want another unreasonable pay rise, and go on strike again - It's the Army that will step in and cover for them which might save YOU or your familes lives.


If there is a natural disaster... who will be called in?


People would do well to remember that the British Army is to serve and protect British people and British interests - they might be in Afghan at the moment, but sooner or later they will be protecting your arses again.


Bridgetoofar is f*cking insulting by trying to compare a soldier to a healthcare support worker when justifying pay. It either shows a good ability of getting me to bite or shows her to be completely stuck up her own arse.

Absolutely spot on.


Stu agrees with that statement.


So the obvious thing to do would be to take the opposing view for the sake of humanity.


My friend at school always used to say the army was for thick people who couldn't get a proper job.


For my two pennies, I appreciate the job they are doing, as in a slap on the back type 'you're doing a great job' type thanks, but free tickets? How about the police, or the fire brigade? If they did it for free then of course, but they do get remunerated for their job.

My friend at school always used to say the army was for thick people who couldn't get a proper job.




Some people say that people from Dibden Purlieu are all inbred and stupid and have sex with animals.


Not my opinion of course. Just that some people say.

For those of you that question our Forces,


Who is questioning our forces? I think everyone on here says what a great job they do and how much they are admired. Still no reason for them to be given free tickets to the football just because of the job they've chosen to do.


I suggest a few on here spend a few minutes with the military boy n girls, you have no idea what they go through. yes they signed up and there doing a job and a damn good one at that, I think all they ask is a bit of pride and support from us and yes if we can give something back why not.

I thank god i emigrated sometimes.

I suggest a few on here spend a few minutes with the military boy n girls, you have no idea what they go through. yes they signed up and there doing a job and a damn good one at that, I think all they ask is a bit of pride and support from us and yes if we can give something back why not.

I thank god i emigrated sometimes.


Again, who is questioning them? Or not supporting them. I've got a few mates in the forces, I know what they get involved in, they love thier jobs. Still no reason to give away free tickets to them.

We do have an idea what they go through and we do have pride and support. But freebies just for doing a job is a stupid idea. Yes fair enough things like Dominos giving Police,Fire,NHS,Army half price pizza is ok but actual events, no! Just pay like everyone else. The army probably have more "free cash" to spend how they like than the rest of us as they have no outgoing for most the year.


Do you have an idea... explain? No you don't because you have never been in that environment.


Once again there are so many things that are wrong and misguided with your post.


Just so you know again... if a soldier wants a normal quality of life ( away from living in shared single soldiers accomodation which one can only compare to living at home with your Mum and Dad and 30 brothers ) then they pay EXACTLY THE SAME as anyone else, the same bills, the same rent/mortgage, the same tax.


If you are begrudging someone having their rations paid for whilst they are living out of a fookin tent for 6 months and see that as them having 'free cash' then you really need to get some sort of reality check.


I put it to you that you are just bitter and twisted because you were not good enough to get into the Army ( once again, to combat the 'thick, anyone can join' posts which will follow )


Less than 10% of people that come in to the careers office to join the Army make it through training and into battalion.

Do you have an idea... explain? No you don't because you have never been in that environment.


Once again there are so many things that are wrong and misguided with your post.


Just so you know again... if a soldier wants a normal quality of life ( away from living in shared single soldiers accomodation which one can only compare to living at home with your Mum and Dad and 30 brothers ) then they pay EXACTLY THE SAME as anyone else, the same bills, the same rent/mortgage, the same tax.


If you are begrudging someone having their rations paid for whilst they are living out of a fookin tent for 6 months and see that as them having 'free cash' then you really need to get some sort of reality check.


I put it to you that you are just bitter and twisted because you were not good enough to get into the Army ( once again, to combat the 'thick, anyone can join' posts which will follow )


Less than 10% of people that come in to the careers office to join the Army make it through training and into battalion.


Surely you could go round in circles all day trying to compare the amount of spare cash a soldier may or may not have compared to others, utterly pointless, as different in every situation and also not really the point of the thread?

Just so you know again... if a soldier wants a normal quality of life ( away from living in shared single soldiers accomodation which one can only compare to living at home with your Mum and Dad and 30 brothers ) then they pay EXACTLY THE SAME as anyone else, the same bills, the same rent/mortgage, the same tax.


What?! That is inhumane! I can't believe that they are subjected to paying the same as everyone else! What is the world coming to? I now retract all of my previous statements and firmly believe that soldiers deserve to get everything they can for free. They deserve our charity. Like people with mental illnesses, etc.

Posted (edited)

Let me see now. I served my country with distinction, and I am now in Construction.

Based on a survey of 89 people in construction that are under my direct control, the results are:


If, as an industry we would be entitled to free tickets for sporting events, do you believe we should


Give free Tickets to service Personnel : 77 %

Don't Give free Tickets to service Personnel : 11 %

Keep them for ourselves : 10 %

Undecided : 2 %


Not scientific I know, but the lads who work next to highspeed traffic with nothing but a 1m lump of plastic between them and certain death vote to give theirs away.


Hardly scientific, but if we are entitled to free tickets


Oh, and we kill and maim more in a year than the armed forces, and still think they are deserving of it.

Edited by Secret Site Agent
What?! That is inhumane! I can't believe that they are subjected to paying the same as everyone else! What is the world coming to? I now retract all of my previous statements and firmly believe that soldiers deserve to get everything they can for free. They deserve our charity. Like people with mental illnesses, etc.


It's quite obvious the point I was making was in response to claims that soldiers have more disposable income than others which is b*llocks when you compare like for like.


I am not sure what you are trying to do with your username, trying to be the sarcastic funnyman all of a sudden. But just so you know, you are about as funny as chlamydia.

Let me see now. I served my country with distinction, and I am now in Construction.

Based on a survey of 89 people in construction that are under my direct control, the results are:


If, as an industry we would be entitled to free tickets for sporting events, do you believe we should


Give free Tickets to service Personnel : 77 %

Don't Give free Tickets to service Personnel : 11 %

Keep them for ourselves : 10 %

Undecided : 2 %


Not scientific I know, but the lads who work next to highspeed traffic with nothing but a 1m lump of plastic between them and certain death vote to give theirs away.


Hardly scientific, but if we are entitled to free tickets


With all due respect, I'm sure you could do a survey on the views of those in the construction industry and get some fairly dubious results (I know I work in the industry). There are loads of professions I admire, the armed forces are certainly one of those, I doubt I could manage to do what they do. Still doesn't mean they should be given free tickets just because of the job they have chosen to do.

With all due respect, I'm sure you could do a survey on the views of those in the construction industry and get some fairly dubious results (I know I work in the industry). There are loads of professions I admire, the armed forces are certainly one of those, I doubt I could manage to do what they do. Still doesn't mean they should be given free tickets just because of the job they have chosen to do.


Why should kids get given free tickets?

With all due respect, I'm sure you could do a survey on the views of those in the construction industry and get some fairly dubious results (I know I work in the industry). There are loads of professions I admire, the armed forces are certainly one of those, I doubt I could manage to do what they do. Still doesn't mean they should be given free tickets just because of the job they have chosen to do.


Just a quick view. As I saind, NOT scientific as it is only based on those around me that I have access too. But I find it strange that you don't support this? We in the construction industry normally end up with them after they have left the military, (in a lot of cases as Safety Advisors). I am of course biased and remove myself from making any judgement on those here, as I would agree to them being given what little tokens of appreciation we can. They, as I did, go where their told, and do what they are told by Politicians who only have their expensis to worry about. My point, as added in my edit above, is that we kill and maim more in construction, I believe, than have been killed this year in conflict and yet the feeling is that they are still deserving of preferencial treatment.


All in my, and the workforce's here, honest opinion, which stops here.


I havent read most of the posts but just want to advise folk that when are boys are on patrol there will always be a medic or nurse

male or female with the patrol. some have been badly wounded by roadside bombs etc. Also we have medics based with all front line FOPs whether Kajaki, sangin . Further more when ever a soldier is injured during a fire fight not only is the medic on the ground doing his or her bit but the first peopleinto the area are the MERT team made up of more A&E specialists. Most of our Doctors, Nurses and Medics are TA medics who are called up . Finally reduced tickets for forces personnel especially those injured is not a new concept but has been around for decades. Lloyds of london provide discounted tickets for various events from cricket, shows or whatever.

I went to Lords to watch a test match curtesey of Lloyds.

Posted (edited)


Some people say that people from Dibden Purlieu are all inbred and stupid and have sex with animals.


Not my opinion of course. Just that some people say.


He wasn't from DP, but I agree. Had to get away from there as there really are a load of 6 fingered simpletons there.

Edited by Dibden Purlieu Saint
With all due respect, I'm sure you could do a survey on the views of those in the construction industry and get some fairly dubious results (I know I work in the industry). There are loads of professions I admire, the armed forces are certainly one of those, I doubt I could manage to do what they do. Still doesn't mean they should be given free tickets just because of the job they have chosen to do.


With all due respect, sticking my neck on the line, guessing and assuming for once, I doubt very much that the MoD went cap in hand to any of the various agencies that donate to this 'charity'. I believe all such tickets were offered as a token of gratitude towards the Forces personnel, and it has grown somewhat since it's inception. Perhaps the MoD should have just declined the offer if so many people think that unworthy workers are being treated to these perks - who knows.

Stupid Idea.


Pay like the rest of us. Just because you shot some turban head doesn't make you different to us "civvys"


With comments such as that, believe me - I really am a whole lot different to you. Your post started with the word 'stupid'; sit and think awhile.

It's quite obvious the point I was making was in response to claims that soldiers have more disposable income than others which is b*llocks when you compare like for like.


I am not sure what you are trying to do with your username, trying to be the sarcastic funnyman all of a sudden. But just so you know, you are about as funny as chlamydia.




did you ever use a prostitute when you were in the TA?

For those of you that question our Forces, I really hope you are around on the day that this country gets invaded - you might then see first hand just how good these guys are at what they do, and appreciate them for the selflessness that they show.


Me too, but I think I'm busy that day. I've managed to get some free tickets to Holiday on Ice, by dint of being a moron.

Oh come on. Regardless of your personal feelings towards the army, you cannot possible compare the job of a nurse with that of a soldier.


From a humanitarian perspective, you could argue that a nurse does a lot more good than a soldier. I think you're being very unfair to nurses.


Having done 21 years in the military (and still serving) this thread is extremely depressing reading. There seems to be many ill informed views from people not comprehending the job some of these guys do in Afghanistan and those who recently and still serve in Iraq. And the so called housing "perks" from cheap accomodation is laughable. Especially as most rent charges for married quarters are getting comparable with most civilian rentals.


The living conditions in the field, I very much doubt 90% of those who contributed to this thread would last more than a couple of days. I, knowing the job that all 3 of the armed forces do in theatre, do not begrudge them anything given as a freebie.


To bring firemen into the same category is laughable. They strike when their starting wage is around 27K and due to their shift system many have time to have a second job to bolster their "small" income.


I feel sorry for the instigator of this thread to see his initial good intentions descend into a shameful slanging match as this.


Others are morons for many different reasons, mainly for trolling the internet and saying things they wouldnt do away from the safety of their PC.


Is the fact that somebody thinks soldiers shouldn't be given free football tickets a reason to give them a good kicking? That's what you seem to be implying with all your 'safety of their PC' rhetoric.

Why should service people get free tickets over anyone else? We all (most of us) work for a living and the services is a job choice like any other.


If its about people doing a dangerous job, how about free tickets for trawlermen, merchant seamen, commercial and lorry drivers, miners, oil and gas riggers, construction workers..... All jobs in which people get killed.


If its about troops being killed in Afganistan - they shouldn't be there in the first place. Its not the fault of the soldiers that they are there, but these sort of schemes encourage the public to be patriotic about fighting wars that the UK should not be a part of. Anything that encourages the politicians to put our young people in danger without a good reason need to be thought about very carefully.


A standard Professor type post in line with his judgement calls over Lowe's greatness in previous years.... IMHO of course, but each to their own and well done to the lads who benefit from such a charity by contributing their lives and limbs to allow 'The Professor' to profess in a way that many in Afghanistan and elsewhere cannot through free speech. This charity is for those who allow you to spirt political crap like this on a football website.


Its a great way of saying thank you to the lads ad lasses for their sacrifice. I therefore assume you'll be making a contribution Prof seeing as you are the only person on here thus far who has exercised that free speech.


Golden Post nomination for Justin C please mods.


With respect SR, your own post is just as political as Professor’s, just perhaps more “mainstream”. People who take up minority or “unpopular” viewpoints are normally dismissed as “politically motivated” whereas the majority viewpoint is somehow not political.


Personally the Afghan war disgusts me. We install a bandit as leader of their “government” and now we complain about corruption. We pay protection money to groups to allow our convoys through. Why would these bandits ever want conflict to end? They make their money from it, and pretty much always have done.


Nevertheless I am equally upset about young men getting killed and horrifically maimed, and have no doubt our government will one day have to spin some story about how our aims have been achieved, which will be so much bullsh*t.


But if some of our soldiers get a free ticket that’s fine by me. And if the club wanted to give a few tickets to unmarried mothers, OAPs with dementia or any other cause it wanted to support, that’s fine too. Justin, I’m with you, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.


In relation to OP (and probably not the previous 100+ posts), if the club wish to make a gesture then why not. As a season ticket holder I would have no objection if members of the armed forces received some free tickets (although certain that club has already made this gesture at a fixture last season). Furthermore, if the club wished to put tickets aside at other times for, nurses, police, fire brigade, children, schools, sick children etc... again if the seats are empty then why not acknowledge certain members of our society and hopefully show some appreciation and offer some 'joy' to people.


It would be better than a lot of the pure anamosity that seems to be shown on this forum recently


Shame all the mods seem to be on holiday, thought rule number one was keep subject saints related, that certainly seems to have disappeared on this thread !

Is the fact that somebody thinks soldiers shouldn't be given free football tickets a reason to give them a good kicking? That's what you seem to be implying with all your 'safety of their PC' rhetoric.


Talk about twist and spin. Did I say that? What I said is its yet another case of people showing off behind their PC and will almost certainly not be their opinion in the real world.

Talk about twist and spin. Did I say that? What I said is its yet another case of people showing off behind their PC and will almost certainly not be their opinion in the real world.


Why would their opinion be any different in "the real world"? That seems to be an odd thing to say. What reason would they have to lie?


It seems to me what you're attempting to say, in only a thinly veiled way, is that you would like to "meet" these people in "the real world" and try to intimidate them into changing their mind. Which is what Wilco is saying and is how you're coming across.

Having done 21 years in the military (and still serving) this thread is extremely depressing reading. There seems to be many ill informed views from people not comprehending the job some of these guys do in Afghanistan and those who recently and still serve in Iraq. And the so called housing "perks" from cheap accomodation is laughable. Especially as most rent charges for married quarters are getting comparable with most civilian rentals.


The living conditions in the field, I very much doubt 90% of those who contributed to this thread would last more than a couple of days. I, knowing the job that all 3 of the armed forces do in theatre, do not begrudge them anything given as a freebie.


To bring firemen into the same category is laughable. They strike when their starting wage is around 27K and due to their shift system many have time to have a second job to bolster their "small" income.


I feel sorry for the instigator of this thread to see his initial good intentions descend into a shameful slanging match as this.


Dude, most of us value immensely the job you people do. Unfortunately, idiots are everywhere....

Dude, most of us value immensely the job you people do. Unfortunately, idiots are everywhere....


I'm with alpine on this. I can't see anything wrong at all with Service personel getting free tickets. Just a small thankyou for the immense job they do for all of us...

We do have an idea what they go through and we do have pride and support. But freebies just for doing a job is a stupid idea. Yes fair enough things like Dominos giving Police,Fire,NHS,Army half price pizza is ok but actual events, no! Just pay like everyone else. The army probably have more "free cash" to spend how they like than the rest of us as they have no outgoing for most the year.


army having free cash....lol..funny

My friend at school always used to say the army was for thick people who couldn't get a proper job.


For my two pennies, I appreciate the job they are doing, as in a slap on the back type 'you're doing a great job' type thanks, but free tickets? How about the police, or the fire brigade? If they did it for free then of course, but they do get remunerated for their job.

I dont think anyone is saying fireman or policeman cant or should not have the odd free ticket...


maybe you or someone should set up a "help for policeman" sort of campaign.


do people realise that it is NON members of the armed forces that push for these freebies now and then...

I went as part of the "tickets for troops" for the England v Mexico game back in May...it was very embarrassing and overwhelming havikng so many people wanting to shake your hand and say thank you......why they wanted to say that, that is their reasons...


like it or not....people in the armed forces are dear to many MANY people in the UK it seems

Posted (edited)
Why would their opinion be any different in "the real world"? That seems to be an odd thing to say. What reason would they have to lie?


It seems to me what you're attempting to say, in only a thinly veiled way, is that you would like to "meet" these people in "the real world" and try to intimidate them into changing their mind. Which is what Wilco is saying and is how you're coming across.




I just don't believe that is their opinion in the real world. Maybe it is because 2 of the more 'controversial' posters on here, myself and D*lldays are military/ex-military and they see it as a good opportunity to get a bite... who knows.


Wilko comes across as a very bitter person, I am guessing that his ex-missus left him for a soldier, or something similar.


Luckily the vast majority of the country don't feel the same as Wilko, proven by Poppy Day, Help for Heroes, Military Awards, Armed Forces Day, British Legion etc etc , not to mention Tony Blair donating all proceeds from his book to the Royal British Legion.

Edited by Dave Benson Phillips


I just don't believe that is their opinion in the real world. Maybe it is because 2 of the more 'controversial' posters on here, myself and D*lldays are military/ex-military and they see it as a good opportunity to get a bite... who knows.


Wilko comes across as a very bitter person, I am guessing that his ex-missus left him for a soldier, or something similar.


Luckily the vast majority of the country don't feel the same as Wilko, proven by Poppy Day, Help for Heroes, Military Awards, Armed Forces Day, British Legion etc etc , not to mention Tony Blair donating all proceeds from his book to the Royal British Legion.


Gulity conscience by Blair then?

not to mention Tony Blair donating all proceeds from his book to the Royal British Legion.


Tony Blair is guilty for every single military death since 1997. Big deal.

Having done 21 years in the military (and still serving) this thread is extremely depressing reading. There seems to be many ill informed views from people not comprehending the job some of these guys do in Afghanistan and those who recently and still serve in Iraq. And the so called housing "perks" from cheap accomodation is laughable. Especially as most rent charges for married quarters are getting comparable with most civilian rentals.


The living conditions in the field, I very much doubt 90% of those who contributed to this thread would last more than a couple of days. I, knowing the job that all 3 of the armed forces do in theatre, do not begrudge them anything given as a freebie.


To bring firemen into the same category is laughable. They strike when their starting wage is around 27K and due to their shift system many have time to have a second job to bolster their "small" income.


I feel sorry for the instigator of this thread to see his initial good intentions descend into a shameful slanging match as this.


Do you know what? I don't sit in awe at what Davey is doing, because I have done it. I sit in awe because he is still there doing it, and has devoted his life to the defence of ours, (and I may be a little bit selfish that I am not in the military any more.I know my family are) I sit mostly behind a desk now but still remember what it was like. Yes, they may choose to do this job, but in todays day and age it is more than a job, it is a calling. There are also other members who do this as a part time job and give up their safe and highly paid jobs to go and act as support personel, such as nurses, doctor etc. They do it so that WE don't have to. They do not choose to go, they are sent. And some of them, including a few friends of mine, pay the ultimate price. I make mistakes now, like most of us, and clients and companies lose money, they make msitakes and people lose lives. They don't have the protection of the law such as Firemen and police as recent evidence in the high court shows, they are not protected by H&S legislation, by the Human Rights Act or are they allowed to strike. Since the days of my Grand Father the British Army hasn't been the most well supplied, (I still have the Silca primatic compass I 'aquired' from a Swiss officer,(I did intend to give it back, honest) and remember playing poker with Yanks on Joint Trainig exes' for MRE's.) But we expect our armed forces to still do a job, and they do it better than any armed forces around the world, on the meager outdated little they do get. And now the government want them to do it on less.

I said I was biased, and I am. But are they not worth a free ticket here or there as a small gesture of appreciation.


Excellent post Site Agent.


A quote I think is rather apt for some on here - 'Every man thinks meanly of himself for not having been a soldier, or not having been at sea' Samual Johnson.


My view point is quite simple. Yes, I DO appreciate what the troops do, and I wouldn't f**king do it.


BUT, as other people have pointed out, ANYONE who joins the army can easily find out what's in store for them. Asking troops, even a internet search could tell anyone "You wont get paid much, you'll be one of many sardines when trying to sleep in your uncomfy bed, You might have to kill people, or see people get killed, you will work stupid hours, you will be told what to do regularly, Oh, and you might die"


They do a bl00dy good job, but they didn't have to sign up when reading the job description. A pat on the back is enough imo.

My view point is quite simple. Yes, I DO appreciate what the troops do, and I wouldn't f**king do it.


BUT, as other people have pointed out, ANYONE who joins the army can easily find out what's in store for them. Asking troops, even a internet search could tell anyone "You wont get paid much, you'll be one of many sardines when trying to sleep in your uncomfy bed, You might have to kill people, or see people get killed, you will work stupid hours, you will be told what to do regularly, Oh, and you might die"


They do a bl00dy good job, but they didn't have to sign up when reading the job description. A pat on the back is enough imo.


Surely the fact they ALL know what to expect from the Army, the risks that are involved serving their country etc and yes STILL choose to serve, warrants them even more respect? Yes?


What a f*cking stupid case you are trying to make... I suppose Nelson Mandela shouldn't get any more than a pat on the back, he knew he would go to prison for sticking up for the blacks after all eh? :rolleyes: And I suppose all the fundraising for the St Marys Firefighters was wrong as well? I mean come on, they knew there was a chance they would get killed... so surely a polite applause is more than enough?


ANYONE who puts their life in danger for the sake of others deserves to be treated with respect and be made to feel as if their efforts are appreciated. If free tickets help, then fair play.

Surely the fact they ALL know what to expect from the Army, the risks that are involved serving their country etc and yes STILL choose to serve, warrants them even more respect? Yes?


What a f*cking stupid case you are trying to make... I suppose Nelson Mandela shouldn't get any more than a pat on the back, he knew he would go to prison for sticking up for the blacks after all eh? :rolleyes: And I suppose all the fundraising for the St Marys Firefighters was wrong as well? I mean come on, they knew there was a chance they would get killed... so surely a polite applause is more than enough?


ANYONE who puts their life in danger for the sake of others deserves to be treated with respect and be made to feel as if their efforts are appreciated. If free tickets help, then fair play.


Like firemen? Oh no those bastards can go on strike so screw them. Or nurses nope they earn too much and can't possibly be compared can they? if you want a bit of respect then you have to give it as well . I don't see anyone denigrating servicemen and I don't see anyone slagging them off - there's a few people who think they don't deserve free tickets and that's all. If you're ****ed off with the way this thread is going it's because you couldn't accept an alternate point of view.

Like firemen? Oh no those bastards can go on strike so screw them. Or nurses nope they earn too much and can't possibly be compared can they? if you want a bit of respect then you have to give it as well . I don't see anyone denigrating servicemen and I don't see anyone slagging them off - there's a few people who think they don't deserve free tickets and that's all. If you're ****ed off with the way this thread is going it's because you couldn't accept an alternate point of view.


I respect the work firefighters do when they are working. I thought they were absolute scum for going on strike. It is possible to hold both views.


Nurses cannot be compared because there is no element of danger in their job... so no, course they can't be compared.


Bridgetoofar compared like for like an Infantry Soldier to a Healthcare Support Worker. How the fook would you not call that slating? With all due respect to Healthcare Support Workers, it is an entry level job.


I am sorry to burst a few stereotypes on here, but an Infantry Soldier is a highly skilled job, even more so nowadays with the technology and weapons that are available. Not 'anyone' can be an Infantry Soldier... as I have said a few times... less than 10% of people who apply to join the Army make it to battalion.



I just don't believe that is their opinion in the real world. Maybe it is because 2 of the more 'controversial' posters on here, myself and D*lldays are military/ex-military and they see it as a good opportunity to get a bite... who knows.


Wilko comes across as a very bitter person, I am guessing that his ex-missus left him for a soldier, or something similar.


Luckily the vast majority of the country don't feel the same as Wilko, proven by Poppy Day, Help for Heroes, Military Awards, Armed Forces Day, British Legion etc etc , not to mention Tony Blair donating all proceeds from his book to the Royal British Legion.




It is my opinion in both the 'real world' and here on the internet, which is also the real world, unless I'm very much mistaken about what happens when I surf the internet. I see no reason why I would waste my time posting things I do not believe in on an internet forum.


As for your statement that it's 'lucky' most of the country doesn't agree with me. I don't think you have any proof of this, as I suspect you have no idea whether most of the country thinks servicemen should be given free football tickets. If there has been any recent scientific polling on the issue, please feel free to post a link to it.






Mmmm.. lots of ITK bull ****e as per normal.


I live in an 'army' town and I'll tell you a cupla things.


1. I have respect for guys who decide to join the army.

2. The whole town (apart from the off licence) wish they would fuk off and live somewhere else.

3. why is that? Cos most of them come into town every friday and saturday and act like a bunch of fukin morons!! i.e get drunk . . fight the locals.. if no locals fight each other... are sexually aggressive to the women they meet...generally pretty thick...

4. Society requires cannon fodder because a Western capitalist society needs everyone to take their place - that includes everyone from greedy bankers to Privates getting nailed in Afghan.



Do they deserve tickets?

Fuk no.. they know the job spec when they sign up. Most of em are hoping for a whole lot of playing with a gun and a woman in every port.

I've moved to a different town now I have kids as I don't want that influence in their life.



I started this by saying I respect the Armed Forces.

I really do.. but don't look at this with rose tinted specs....

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