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Announced that Catherine ( Markus daughter ? ) is determined to carry on the legacy of her father. Statement is in German , have tried to translate the best I can .

Thats not a german statement issued by Ms. catherine Liebherr though is it ?


That is an english statement on the Mali group website that was posted this morning by someone.


The MALI website is available in English and German versions. Click on the flags. The thread I linked to is discussing the English version of the statement where it says his daughter is taking control.

we are not Mali group so not about us


the statement includes the phrases;


......business partners and dear friends of MALI (MArcus LIebherr) my highlighting.

(Catherine) ..will carry on the legacy ...

...and his ideas for the future....


I'd guess we'd fit into one of those categories..wouldn't you ?

It's definitely not his daughter anyway, he hasn't got any kids.


I think I'm inclined to believe the comment on the Mali site that he has.


More to the point, who decided "Catherine" when the website clearly states "Katharina", which assists with Googling somewhat...

Ok, found it : mentions "the legacy of her father"... first time I've ever seen kids mentioned anywhere.



He was so private very little was known about him. Even his death didn't come to the public domain for 48 hours and we still have no idea of cause and maybe never will. He also had a son bit he doesn't seem to be involved in the family businesses.

He was so private very little was known about him. Even his death didn't come to the public domain for 48 hours and we still have no idea of cause and maybe never will. He also had a son bit he doesn't seem to be involved in the family businesses.


There's a lot more about Katharina Liebherr if you can read German...


The ever reliable Wikipedia insists "heart attack [citation needed]" so someone's having a guess...

Not much out there on her, what have you found?


A bit of MALI Group business stuff in German, more than there is in English, but not much, as you say.

Is the lady to the left of markus in this photo Mrs. Katherine Liebherr? Have seen her in several photos over the last few days.



No, think that is Mrs Cortese.

I can read German if you need any links translating....bit upset to hear he died Monday and the last Saints game was Plymouth :(


didn't see him then either so may have been last season

the statement includes the phrases;


......business partners and dear friends of MALI (MArcus LIebherr) my highlighting.

(Catherine) ..will carry on the legacy ...

...and his ideas for the future....


I'd guess we'd fit into one of those categories..wouldn't you ?


We all hope that SFC's future would have been secured by Marcus Leibherr, but only time will tell whether that is the case


"Carrying on the Leibherr legacy" may NOT include SFC, it maybe just a reference to MALI


A lot of people have expressed desires to do this and do that, but unfortunately do not cement it in the form of a Will


Markus Leibherr would of course left a will, and it will not be until the details of that are made public, that we will really be sure IF actual contingencies were put in place


Meantime, my "aspirations" as to Saints future are on hold

He wasnt at the Plymouth game, I meant the last Saints game he knew about was Plymouth, would have been nice to win for him. We have to STUFF Orient next week - WIFM!


Think you'll find he was at the Plymouth game. or maybe a 'doppelganger'

Think you'll find he was at the Plymouth game. or maybe a 'doppelganger'


As I couldnt see well enough from where I sit, I can usually spot his image which I could not last week. I did note his usual wagon was outside, so somebody here must know whether he was there or not.

As I couldnt see well enough from where I sit, I can usually spot his image which I could not last week. I did note his usual wagon was outside, so somebody here must know whether he was there or not.


I have been told by a chap I work with that he was there Saturday as his son in law works in the Megastore and Marcus had a wander round the Store.

I have been told by a chap I work with that he was there Saturday as his son in law works in the Megastore and Marcus had a wander round the Store.


I didn't see him in his usual seat but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Not quite sure what they mean when they refer to 'Liebherr' though.


Pretty sure they are referring to the old family business which he left in 1993.


And Im pretty sure she has been to a few games with Markus.

Pretty sure they are referring to the old family business which he left in 1993.


And Im pretty sure she has been to a few games with Markus.


Thats what I mean, if he left in '93 , what part of Liebherr has he left to them.

Maybe they meant Mali Group.

I didn't see him in his usual seat but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


That was more or less my reply when I was told about his visit to the Megastore.

Thats what I mean, if he left in '93 , what part of Liebherr has he left to them.

Maybe they meant Mali Group.


I think it was just badly phrased, meaning that out of the original siblings only Willi and Isolde run the family business - not related to his death but more to his relinquishing of his shares in 93.


I think the "acid test" will be whether we DO actually sign anyone imminently


Why ??


SFC is run as a Business


The "business" was controlled by Leibherr/Cortese


Very regretably Marcus has passed away


The Business however HAS to go on, day to day decisions STILL have to be made


IMHO, if we add to the squad now, it will be a sign of "Business as Usual"


Marcus was at the Plymouth game, i am informed, but from what i can gather he banged his leg so never made it to his seat in the stands, but watched the game from inside the stadium, somewhere.

Marcus was at the Plymouth game, i am informed, but from what i can gather he banged his leg so never made it to his seat in the stands, but watched the game from inside the stadium, somewhere.


Any idea if it was a long or a short illness?

Any idea if it was a long or a short illness?


Not sure how to answer that Hypo.The written word is sometimes hard to decipher, so i am not sure, with all due respect, if you are taking the mick.I know nothing about his illness and i don't think the effects of banging his leg caused his death, although i guess it is medically possible.

Marcus was at the Plymouth game, i am informed, but from what i can gather he banged his leg so never made it to his seat in the stands, but watched the game from inside the stadium, somewhere.


There is a possibility that, if banging his leg is true, he may have died as a result of a thrombosis caused by that knock. A blood clot can travel from the leg to the heart or brain and be fatal.

This is similar to deep vein thrombosis suffered by a few after long flights.


Just a guess as he died after a short illness.




If anyone wants us to know how he died, we will be told. I can't see that it matters much, and I respect privacy in this regard. Speculation and any leaks would be distasteful IMO.

There is a possibility that, if banging his leg is true, he may have died as a result of a thrombosis caused by that knock. A blood clot can travel from the leg to the heart or brain and be fatal.

This is similar to deep vein thrombosis suffered by a few after long flights.


Just a guess as he died after a short illness.




If that were the case, then his passing would not have been "expected", which puts a completely different take on everything, ie "Trust Fund" etcf

There is a possibility that, if banging his leg is true, he may have died as a result of a thrombosis caused by that knock. A blood clot can travel from the leg to the heart or brain and be fatal.

This is similar to deep vein thrombosis suffered by a few after long flights.


Just a guess as he died after a short illness.



Oh please stop.......dreaming up speculative (and possibly far-fetched) causes of death are not very tasteful. If the family want the cause to be in the public domain then we will find out in due course.
Marcus was at the Plymouth game, i am informed, but from what i can gather he banged his leg so never made it to his seat in the stands, but watched the game from inside the stadium, somewhere.


Markus was definitely at the game, apparently he did not feel well and chose to sit in a box with some close friends.

Markus was definitely at the game, apparently he did not feel well and chose to sit in a box with some close friends.



100% True.....He was in his box as he was ill and did not go to his normal seat.

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