georgeg Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 just in from work ... shocking news RIP Markus . we will never forget what you have done for our beloved club and our city
dannysfc Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 I only just found out on the South Today news as I have just got back from holiday today and I am still Absolutely Gutted that this Great Man in Markus Liebherr had suddenly passed away and if it wasn't for him and Cortese then I don't think that we would be here now and especially Liebherr is a top man as well ! RIP Markus You Legend!!
Crazy Diamond Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 First of all I'd like to wish his family well, their grief must be nothing in comparison to ours. I'd like to thank Mr. Liebherr for devoting his time and resources to us and giving us a club to be proud of once again. If his efforts with our club are anything to go by, he must have truly been a great man. Thank you Mr. Liebherr, rest in peace.
Jimmy_D Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Statement from The Football League
Sad Sam Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 So sad this evening. Thank you so much for all you have done for our club. Rest in Peace Markus, a true Saint forever.
Tac-tics Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Utterly speachless, what a strange sensation this is :s We really need to sell out at home next. and get him in that heading Banner NOW!!
austsaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 What shocking news. Let's hope the club name the stadium or a stand within to perpetuate the memory of this generous human being.
sydney_saint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 A man I never met, yet was still one of the most influential people on my life. RIP Markus- from Newcastle, Australia, showing that your greatness did spread across the globe
alki_in_korea Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Thank you for everything. You are and always will be a true Saint!!!
STEVEADAMS Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus, you will always be in our thoughts. You will be there with us on our journey, thankyou for your passion and vision for this amazing club.
saint peach Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Terrible news; a truly sad day. This man did as much as any person in the football club's history and he will never be forgotten. RIP Markus and danke schön.
positivepete Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Condolences to all the Liebherr family, you will always be welcome and generously remembered in our community. May we all finish what he started in his name, and in the spirit he intended.
tombletomble Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 My thoughts go out to all of his family and friends. For what Markus has done for our club I will be eternally grateful. At one point last year I was trying to mentally prepare myself for how I would feel when I no longer had a club to support. Because of him I never had to go though that. For saving us Markus you have become a legend of Southampton FC. In such a short period of ownership you provided me with more happiness they any other season spent supporting saints. I will never forget my day at Wembley that would have not been possible without you. I wish to echo previous posts in suggesting that the ground is renamed in his memory. Without hijm there would be no Saints, it is the least he deserves. Come on you Saints, win the league for Markus.
rooney Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus, our condolences to all your family. You saved this club and we will always be in your gratitude. You will go down in history.
Frank's cousin Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Heart goes out to his family and friends. A modest man who literally saved our club and embraced it with so much enthusiasm which was clear to see... a real fan who will be sadly missed. Any tribute will be supported by me, from 'The Liebherr Academy' to the The Markus Liebherr Stadium, as long as its lasting, so we dont forget what he did for us.
thorpie the sinner Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 still in a state of shock this morning! It does seem like Markus was enjoying the ride not looking for profit! Lets hope the 'Southampton style' comes through now and we win the league in style for our saviour! RIP to a true gentleman! (right thread this time)
Sterlingsaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 absolutley shocked and gutted. You are truly a Saints legend. would certainly support the Markus liebherr Stadium as a lasting tribute. RIP Markus.
saintbenny Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 So very Sad. The man who saved our club gone. R.I.P Markus. Thoughts are with your family
SW11_Saint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus, and thank you for everything you did for our club. Our thoughts are with your family and friends.
notnowcato Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Very sad news. We only had the joy of Marcus for a year but no Saint has made more of an impact to this club in our recent history. Thank you Marcus. R.I.P.
Saint Johnno Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Very sad for his family. My best wishes to them at this difficult time. As a Saints fan. I can only echo what everyone is saying ----- a big THANK YOU!
Foxstone Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 I only heard this tragic news this morning. My sincere condolences to the great mans family and friends. Markus will always be remembered as the man who rescued this great club from despair and put it back on the right track to success. Therefore a fitting, lasting memorial should be adopted by the club as a tribute to this mans integrity, passion and vision and for all he has done in such a short time for the Saints. The Markus Liebherr Stadium would certainly get my support. RIP Markus and heartfelt thanks
Truesaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus. The impact that you had upon my life by saving my club, you could never know. You always will be a True Saint. Thankyou. My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.
Bailey Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 It's the morning after and it still hasn't sunk in. I'm gutted. Thoughts go out to his family and friends. Without you Liebherr, there would be no SFC. For that, you are, and always will be, a true Saint.
Alright Dave Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus, my condolences to all your family! We can't thank you enough for what you've done for Saints!
ibizasaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Thank You Markus- You were a true saint, with the greatest respect RIP.
Barfy Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 I heard this news late last night, and I am truly stunned and shocked... like everyone else here my thoughts are with his family at a time like this. In some ways I don't think there could be a tribute that the club could make that would be fitting for what he did for Southampton Football Club, but a return to the premiership would be a start RIP Herr Liebherr
saintmonkey1979 Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 R.I.P Markus. Thankyou for everything you havevdone for our club. You will never be forgotten. My thoughts are with your family and friends.
WindsorSaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus. A great man that will be greatly missed by us all. My thoughts are with his family and friends...
Crab Lungs Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Went to bed in a daze, woke up in daze, still thinking of Markus. I think this picture pretty much sums up the groundswell of feeling amongst all of us:
sidthesquid Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Sad day. He seemed like a genuinely decent bloke & will always be a Saints legend.
Master Bates Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Nice: R.I.P Markus Liebherr - from a Man City fan. - Great guy, all you wanted was abit of success, well you've got it by taken over as owner of Southampton and they are great fans. R.I.P and I hope Southampton can carry his dream on and proceed to the Premiership.
SNB Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 My sincerest condolences to Markus's family and friends. Markus thankyou for all you did for Southampton football club, you truly were our saviour and you will never be forgotton by Saints Fans. Your association with the club was all too short but hopefully your legacy will live on for a very very long time. RIP.
Gorgiesaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 A very sad day and my thoughts are with his family. The word legend is often overused, but despite that we have had a number of legends at the club including off the pitch. Markus was definately one of those - never has one man had such a positive effect on the Saints in such a short space of time. I would agree with those calls for re-naming the stadium as the Markus Liebherr Stadium. RIP Markus.
John Smith Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 RIP Markus, my heart goes out to your family and friends. Thank you for bringing a smile back to our club once more. Your touch was infectious.
mulletsaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 Completely shocked. Maybe this may explain why things on the transfer front have been quiet. The papers are reporting this morning that he had been I'll. They are also reporting that Markus made sure that in the event of his death his wishes for Southampton continue to be carried out. What can I say? A true legend who saved the club I love from extinction, and even in death has ensured that the club has a bright future. R.I.P Markus. Always remembered.
Hatch Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 nearly crashed the car last night when they announced it on the radio. RIP Marcus.....and Thank You.
christineb Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 positivepete said: Condolences to all the Liebherr family, you will always be welcome and generously remembered in our community. May we all finish what he started in his name, and in the spirit he intended. +1. RIP Markus
sammysaint Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 rip markus your a legend that word is always over used but you truly are, saved Southampton Football Club and gave us all hope and promise which we needed wen we thought we were going to be morning the death of the club last season but now we sadly lose our saviour. Rename the stadium or a stand after ML
OldNick Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 My endearing memory of Marcus Liebherr was the obvious joy he had when the fans showed their appreciation of him when his picture came up on the big screen at Wembley. he can rest knowing he was adored by the clubs fanbase and i dont think he had an enemy within us
Sport_Monkey Posted 12 August, 2010 Posted 12 August, 2010 All the best to the Leibherr family at this terrible time! Rest In Peace and thank you for saving the club!
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