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Can't get laid? Good News - you're gonna die earlier as well

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As if it isn't bad enough going through a "lean period" research now indicates that it will affect your lifespan as well....





Thought the whole thing sounded quite sensible and plausible until the end when it said...


The article


we know from other evidence that marriage is good for your health


Oh and no, sorry ladies, seems to be about blokes only


I think it's been known for a long time that married men have a happier and healthier life than married women.


And that single women have a happier and healthier life than single men.


Make of that what you will!

I think it's been known for a long time that married men have a happier and healthier life than married women.


And that single women have a happier and healthier life than single men.


Make of that what you will!


Well, of COURSE a married woman would say that her Husband is happy.....


Of course she would believe that - epecially since he has to do everything she tells him.... "I'm happy, I tell him everything he has to do so therefore by deduction of course my Husband is happy






In a winky smiley irony sort of way of course BTF


my wife is unbelievably happy as she married me. I can't see how single women are happy, as they always seem to be desperate to get married to make them so.

Ps im am very happy and lucky as well


Hang on a minute. An unpleasantly f*ck-free existence only knocks three months off your life?


Something wrong with the methodology, I think.

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