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Libellous posts

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

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People are entitled to have their opinions, and are entitled to speculate, as are people entitled to join in the debate, disagree with it and indeed express their own views. This is supposed to be an independant forum and you and Ponty ( note I don't say the OWNERS Boj and Steve ) .

ie...your mates who allow you to spout your constant abuse and constantlt flaunt forum rules..change your name and then allow you to be a registered user upon request...


maybe you should mellow out and stop the abusive messages and it may not have come to all this

I have to disagree with this Hypo, problem is that he just can't debate himself, he only EVER sees his side and will never admit he is in the wrong, more often than not he gets personal abuse in if you argue against him or even resorts to character attacks because he is unable to see both sides of an arguement and actually debate it. Unfortunately he gets the abuse he gets as he is far too quick to give it out himself.


I have said it before and will again, both you and SteveGrant are much better as you are able to see both sides and debate sensibly and intelligentely.


As for DBP attack on DSM and Ponty, you have to laugh at that really, they probably bring a much more common sense approach to infractions and moderating than Baj/Steve IMO, also DBP seems inside one of the owners pockets seeing as he gets away with so much. I can't see any impartiality from Baj or Steve, Baj seems to ignore anything i write even if directed at him and since all this NC crap it is clear Steve has an agenda and IMO i was unfairly and rashly infracted for one of my threads which coincidentally was in opposition to the anti NC camp.


Personally i would have left the Patred thread in the interest of fairness however you have to see it from the forums perspective, unless the OP could give credible evidence it could be libelous, you can effectively say anything otherwise.


Allow me to save my last post for you.


Firstly I would request that DMS leave this thread open, regardless of content and just infract people as needed. Leave this as the 'clear the air' thread, so to speak.


As for seeing other peoples side of the story, I post on very few threads, generally only sticking to ones on which I have a strong opinion on, or personal experience of. This obviously makes me come across very one sided. If other people also avoided threads which either didn't interest them or didn't affect them then the forum would be a better place. I think the most ironic thing about your post there is that you say that I don't listen to other peoples side of the story, yet yourself you discredit anyone who has a bad word to say about Cortese as having an agenda. MASSIVE pot,kettle,black moment there.


If you don't believe a rumour or something which has been posted, then why not just ignore it? All you do by jumping on there and insulting the OP is keeping the thread at the top of the forum. If you left it then it would just dissapear! It's not a hard concept to grasp.


DSM and Ponty moderate to fit their own opinions, Steve and Boj let both sides of the story run and moderate individual posts as opposed to whole threads. FYI as well, I have 9 infraction points, apart from a couple from DSM for saying the ghey word, all other infractions are from Steve and Boj... so not sure where you are going with that one, I certainly don't get special treatment.


Some of you spend far too much time defending NC and trying to discredit those that have a bad word to say about him. Why not just ignore the threads and they would just dissapear, rather than keeping them alive! The Nick ST thread is a great example. 20 pages, and about 15 of them insulting people and rubbishing it ( when in reality it was pretty bloody obvious it wasn't an admin error, as has now been confirmed ) . If people just ignored it the thread would have died long before.


As for why I went back down to registered user. Got bored of replying to the same mongs who were jumping on every single post I was posting. This way is much better. See you tommorow lunchtime. xx

Allow me to save my last post for you.


Firstly I would request that DMS leave this thread open, regardless of content and just infract people as needed. Leave this as the 'clear the air' thread, so to speak.


As for seeing other peoples side of the story, I post on very few threads, generally only sticking to ones on which I have a strong opinion on, or personal experience of. This obviously makes me come across very one sided. If other people also avoided threads which either didn't interest them or didn't affect them then the forum would be a better place. I think the most ironic thing about your post there is that you say that I don't listen to other peoples side of the story, yet yourself you discredit anyone who has a bad word to say about Cortese as having an agenda. MASSIVE pot,kettle,black moment there.


If you don't believe a rumour or something which has been posted, then why not just ignore it? All you do by jumping on there and insulting the OP is keeping the thread at the top of the forum. If you left it then it would just dissapear! It's not a hard concept to grasp.


DSM and Ponty moderate to fit their own opinions, Steve and Boj let both sides of the story run and moderate individual posts as opposed to whole threads. FYI as well, I have 9 infraction points, apart from a couple from DSM for saying the ghey word, all other infractions are from Steve and Boj... so not sure where you are going with that one, I certainly don't get special treatment.


Some of you spend far too much time defending NC and trying to discredit those that have a bad word to say about him. Why not just ignore the threads and they would just dissapear, rather than keeping them alive! The Nick ST thread is a great example. 20 pages, and about 15 of them insulting people and rubbishing it ( when in reality it was pretty bloody obvious it wasn't an admin error, as has now been confirmed ) . If people just ignored it the thread would have died long before.


As for why I went back down to registered user. Got bored of replying to the same mongs who were jumping on every single post I was posting. This way is much better. See you tommorow lunchtime. xx


Its not about discrediting its about not getting my knickers in a twist over what are in reality small issues around the club.


I have an opinion you have an opinion, i respect everyones opinions but it doesn't mean i have to just leave it alone, otherwise we wouldn't have a forum would we ?


As for the whole NC thing, i have agreed on many subjects, i agree he is farkin sh*te at PR and wot not and the parking prices IMO are astronomical. I also remember that the club is a business and not a big free house for all and sundry, the sooner people realise we are just customers the better IMO. I don't agree with the conspiracy theories nor beating NC with any stick you can find.


As for the not believing rumours, if i don't believe it i will say so, it was obvious Patred had no actual evidence, this also goes for FF. They had every oppotunity to prove me wrong, or indeed if they wanted to keep it quiet send me a PM and i will publically apologise, but no nothing, so in essance it could be seen as libel and b*llocks.


NI ? Lol, yes it was pretty obvious it wasn't an admin error and TBF it was a bit OTT of NC but then, he is a disruptive CUSTOMER and companies don't like them, so in a way it is justified.

Its not about discrediting its about not getting my knickers in a twist over what are in reality small issues around the club.


I have an opinion you have an opinion, i respect everyones opinions but it doesn't mean i have to just leave it alone, otherwise we wouldn't have a forum would we ?


As for the whole NC thing, i have agreed on many subjects, i agree he is farkin sh*te at PR and wot not and the parking prices IMO are astronomical. I also remember that the club is a business and not a big free house for all and sundry, the sooner people realise we are just customers the better IMO. I don't agree with the conspiracy theories nor beating NC with any stick you can find.


As for the not believing rumours, if i don't believe it i will say so, it was obvious Patred had no actual evidence, this also goes for FF. They had every oppotunity to prove me wrong, or indeed if they wanted to keep it quiet send me a PM and i will publically apologise, but no nothing, so in essance it could be seen as libel and b*llocks.


NI ? Lol, yes it was pretty obvious it wasn't an admin error and TBF it was a bit OTT of NC but then, he is a disruptive CUSTOMER and companies don't like them, so in a way it is justified.


No, it is in no way justified. If true then it is bullyboy tactics and an alarming glimpse of how the club is run. Would it be as funny if the people who organised the Lowe Out protests last season were being made unwelcome?

Allow me to save my last post for you.


Firstly I would request that DMS leave this thread open, regardless of content and just infract people as needed. Leave this as the 'clear the air' thread, so to speak.


As for seeing other peoples side of the story, I post on very few threads, generally only sticking to ones on which I have a strong opinion on, or personal experience of. This obviously makes me come across very one sided. If other people also avoided threads which either didn't interest them or didn't affect them then the forum would be a better place. I think the most ironic thing about your post there is that you say that I don't listen to other peoples side of the story, yet yourself you discredit anyone who has a bad word to say about Cortese as having an agenda. MASSIVE pot,kettle,black moment there.


If you don't believe a rumour or something which has been posted, then why not just ignore it? All you do by jumping on there and insulting the OP is keeping the thread at the top of the forum. If you left it then it would just dissapear! It's not a hard concept to grasp.


DSM and Ponty moderate to fit their own opinions, Steve and Boj let both sides of the story run and moderate individual posts as opposed to whole threads. FYI as well, I have 9 infraction points, apart from a couple from DSM for saying the ghey word, all other infractions are from Steve and Boj... so not sure where you are going with that one, I certainly don't get special treatment.


Some of you spend far too much time defending NC and trying to discredit those that have a bad word to say about him. Why not just ignore the threads and they would just dissapear, rather than keeping them alive! The Nick ST thread is a great example. 20 pages, and about 15 of them insulting people and rubbishing it ( when in reality it was pretty bloody obvious it wasn't an admin error, as has now been confirmed ) . If people just ignored it the thread would have died long before.


As for why I went back down to registered user. Got bored of replying to the same mongs who were jumping on every single post I was posting. This way is much better. See you tommorow lunchtime. xx


Do you realize how much you irritate most posters on this forum. Any thread you decide to get involved in seem to degenerate into a slagging match. You come across as a sad lonely individual who desperately needs to hear the sound of your own voice (i suspect this is due to the fact that in day to day life your opinion counts for very little).


I do believe in the principal of freedom of speech, but do wish you could find a life and spend less time on this forum. You have yet to understand that your opinion on here generally (which you force down everyone elses throat) is yours alone and happily is not reflected by the majority of posters. Please go and find a hobby!

No, it is in no way justified. If true then it is bullyboy tactics and an alarming glimpse of how the club is run. Would it be as funny if the people who organised the Lowe Out protests last season were being made unwelcome?


No it wouldn't. And i do feel sorry for NI i really do. However St Marys is a business establishment and Saints is a business, business' rid themselves of troublesome customers, if the Lowe out brigade was banned by Lowe everyone would have known why and in a way it would be justified due to their actions.


NI puts his name everywhere and has publically posted, blogged and given negative interviews etc, all this plus the fallout from the Silverspoons fiasco (not entirely his fault) that would have almost indefinately got back to the club. In that respect his actions will put him at risk, the same way in which if i wanted a product i wouldn't go up to the store manager and call him a c*nt.


FWIW my subscription runs out tomorrow...and if i've set it properly i won't be renewing. Returned from ten days holiday to a bunch of kids squabbling over half truths. It's boring as f::ck and i just can't see how i'm going to get three posts out of here at the moment. May change my mind of course but we'll see. Had really hoped that the days of obsessing over what a pantomime like figure does in the boardroom had ended...but oh no...some of you just can't get over it at all.


IMO, some posters on here are here just for the hell of it. They have great enjoyment in slamming someone and with no proof and little justification. For example, the one or two people on here that claim they know people in the club that are fearful of their jobs for so many reasons, ok, so one or two may have links to people who are disrupting the boat at SMS and are rightly or wrongly under pressure, fine, but a. we don;t know if this is true, b. we don;t know why this may be the case even if it is true, and c. the idiots on this site that jump on these unstantiated 'rumours' and then state them as fact or FACT.


So, where does this leave us, it leaves us with a handful, yes a handful of mindless idiots hell bent on bringing this site to its knees because the majority, and an overwhelming one at that, won;t listen to them. Some on here have agenda's with the club. These are 'personal' agenda's and those people are abusing the readership of this forum to fly their flag in the face of a club that we all love. they are putting themselves above the club and above the love of the fans for this club. there are ways and means to communicate your issues, stop using this site for your propeganda and unwanted views. They are your own personal views based on your own personal experiences and cannot or will not share that specific information and therefore you are just rumour mongering. This may be just, but your interests are not mine. And for those of you that spout the 'I'm all right jack' line, again and again, remember this,. this site is for the fans, the supporters, if you have an employment issue, go to an employment tribunal or a lawyer, not here. If you have an issue with something the club has or hasn;t done, specifically about ticketing half the time, go to the club, follow the proceedures, it aint rocket science. Is this a case of I'm alright jack, NO. It's about football, or supposed to be, not a love fest in the community, get a f*c*ing life! If you can;t go to games, that's a shame, I couldn;t go to games for many, many years due to finances of my parents, I didn;t expect ANYONE of YOU to do ANYTHING about it, not having money is my lookout, not yours and quite frankly, if you picked up my mantle for me, I'd tell you to back the f**k off, I don;t need, nor want your interfering, goody toe shoes attitude rubbing itself all over me and using me as a pawn in your own agenda, you patronising pieces of ****.


Like I've said before, if you don;t like it, don;t go. Is this patronising, NO, this is your right and your only remedy. I did it when lowe came back, it was my only remedy. He left, I came back. I will continue to go all the time I can afford to, if I can;t I won't. As for those who run to the Echo and then get upset when the club reacts, are you thick or something. get a life, get on with your jobs and support the saints, or stay away!

Up to you. You chose the bizarre anecdote, whether it was NC or those who support him you were distastefully using a Nazi-era anecdote with which to criticize/abuse , it doesnt matter....


Please note the difference - I said you were OTT and offensive, not that you had accused someone of being a Nazi. An important distinction, I think.


Anyway, I am not getting myself banned over something you wrote, so its my last word on the subject.


Rather strangely that same turn of phrase was used in a PM to me by a mod. I took no offence because I was able to see where he was coming from.


Let's hope that this whole thing improves the forum. Maybe a natural progression to not talking Politics/Religion or any other contentious issues might help? Just a thought mind.

.... Ponty moderate to fit their own opinions....


I'd like to see any evidence of that. I've locked one thread because it could have been posted on one of the similar threads but that's just usual housekeeping. I have my own opinions, and sometimes I voice them, but I've never moderated by them. Show me one infraction, anybody, one locking, one banning or even an official warning that can be put down to opposing opinion.


Sometimes you talk a right load of ****, Dave.


Actually, that's unfair.


Most of the time, you talk a right load of ****.


Just voicing my opinion, you understand.

I'm making an effort not to post on here at the moment because I am sick of it but this is out of order I feel. Below is the message I have sent to DSM:


Had it confirmed that you were acting alone and did not have the agreement of the other mods when you were locking threads for seemingly no reason (because you disagree with the content.) and telling people off for libel (there was none that I can see if you read the post by Darren.) I can't tell you how to do your job, but I think you need to respect the views of others, especially someone like patred who has impeccable sources and who is a longstanding and trustworthy member of the forum. I doubt you would have done a similar thing if it was a positive rumour.
He may have acted alone, but don't run away with the idea that he doesn't have support from fellow mods.

I love the expression oft' used in the UK 'respect' opinon or views. Nonsense.


Had I been an adult around the 1920s and 1930s I would not have 'respected' the opinions of the Nazis and their ilk. So why should I respect the opinions of people I consider to be fools or ignoramuses.


I do the other thing - ignore them and don't visit this forum too often.


I will never, ever respect those whose opinions deserve so little respect.


A couple of points.


1. When DSM states there are a number of posters who cannot post without deliberately trolling, i.e looking for a reaction, it's easy to pick on those whose views are not the views of the majority, but this is not necessarily trolling - it can be because they are the views they believe in. I believe in everything I post apart from when i'm joking, but as a rule I don't joke about serious matters such as politics - be that that national politics or club politics. Everyone has a view on everything and there will always be differences of opinions and that is healthy and there will naturally be majority views and minority views. The views of the majority can never be construed as trolling because they are conformist, but this does not mean that the majority view is right - often the minority view is right.


2. On the subject of libelous posts I agree that this is a dodgy area for both those posting and those who run the forum, and i'm no expert on this, so some in depth advice from those who know what theyre talking about would, I feel, benefit everyone.


Would a compromise perhaps be a possible solution?


Libellous, racist or outright offensive etc posts obviously need a heavier hand but my solution would be:


'The Cage'


It might complement the main site, lounge and muppet show quite well actually; somewhere to send threads that are descending into the ridiculous. Make it a forum where threads cannot be started, only sent.


I find some of the spats quite amusing tbh, but there certainly are some very aggresive people on here. Some I would even go as far to say, post as if they are on some kind of anger-inducing narcotic; one minute wel constructed intelligent arguments then all of a sudden 'KPow!' they start hammering away at their keyboards like a man possessed, the sort of personality trait that clears pubs.


Just my opinion, and the 'Cage' suggestion was a serious one btw.

Do you realize how much you irritate most posters on this forum. Any thread you decide to get involved in seem to degenerate into a slagging match. You come across as a sad lonely individual who desperately needs to hear the sound of your own voice (i suspect this is due to the fact that in day to day life your opinion counts for very little).


I do believe in the principal of freedom of speech, but do wish you could find a life and spend less time on this forum. You have yet to understand that your opinion on here generally (which you force down everyone elses throat) is yours alone and happily is not reflected by the majority of posters. Please go and find a hobby!


You want to be careful what you wish for because it's threads such as those Stu contributes on that generally have the most replies and the most views. Personally I think he puts forward a good argument whether I agree with him or not. This place would be very mundane if everyone agreed with each other as essentially all a thread woulkd comprise of is the OP and it wouldn't be a forum.

He may have acted alone, but don't run away with the idea that he doesn't have support from fellow mods.


In this instance he didn't have the support of all of them. It's why he apologised (very grateful for that BTW) and IMO the matter is finished.

Not bizarre, you just don't have the fecking intelligence to understand it. Your reply just shows you for what you are...


Now you're just doing what you usually do when you lose an argument or act like thick twonk .. you run and hide...


For what it's worth I'd rather be OTT or offensive than a sad, bitter, thick, bigotted, blinkered , thick little troll who lives to get attention because he's probably so ineffectual or dull in real life and revels in the "notoriety" he gets on here...


Sorry DSM, ban me, please but I just had to get that off my chest... Phew, feel so much better for that....


I hope he doesnt ban you; you contribute some very good stuff sometimes which on the whole I agree with.


Recently you've written some right pompous cobblers though.

You want to be careful what you wish for because it's threads such as those Stu contributes on that generally have the most replies and the most views. Personally I think he puts forward a good argument whether I agree with him or not. This place would be very mundane if everyone agreed with each other as essentially all a thread woulkd comprise of is the OP and it wouldn't be a forum.


This thread reminds me why I never bothered to join as a full member.


Thank f*ck for The Ugly Inside. Say what you like about Nick I but he very rarely finds the need to censor or lock threads and it all goes along without problem.


Not that you're one to talk SF76 - when you had the chance to screw up ForeverSaints as a Mod you did it by completely editing other peoples posts to reflect your own opinion. I see you don't use the Klu Klux Klan Avatar on here.

Not that you're one to talk SF76 - when you had the chance to screw up ForeverSaints as a Mod you did it by completely editing other peoples posts to reflect your own opinion. I see you don't use the Klu Klux Klan Avatar on here.


Surely thats libellous, unless of course it happens to be true ;)


I remember foreversaints...dune banned most people and those who stayed..he would edit their posts...it got to the point where he was the only one posting..even replying to himself..

As for DBP attack on DSM and Ponty, you have to laugh at that really, they probably bring a much more common sense approach to infractions and moderating than Baj/Steve IMO, also DBP seems inside one of the owners pockets seeing as he gets away with so much. I can't see any impartiality from Baj or Steve, Baj seems to ignore anything i write even if directed at him and since all this NC crap it is clear Steve has an agenda and IMO i was unfairly and rashly infracted for one of my threads which coincidentally was in opposition to the anti NC camp.


How does Steve an agenda? He's giving his opinion. This is just the sort of comment that annoys me because anyone who doesn't toe the majority opinion is either a troll or has "an agenda". Yesterday I made the following posts:


So - is the Echo stirring up trouble or are they merely just reporting back a fact and are duty bound so to do? Just reporting facts which is what a free press does.


Are Saints out of order for breaching a wriiten agreement or is it a storm in a teacup? Saints are out of order


Is it important that Saints maintain a good relationship with their local neighbours or should they be grateful that Saints give them the time of day? Of course Saints should have good relations with Eastleigh - they're not a rival club they're friends of SFC.


To which you replied:


In many ways you are worse than SRS


That was my opinion.


I have no problem with you disagreeing with my opinion. In fact i'd love you to tell me why you think i'm wrong so I could then explain to you why you're misguided.;)


That is the whole point of a forum.

This thread reminds me why I never bothered to join as a full member.


Thank f*ck for The Ugly Inside. Say what you like about Nick I but he very rarely finds the need to censor or lock threads and it all goes along without problem.


Not that you're one to talk SF76 - when you had the chance to screw up ForeverSaints as a Mod you did it by completely editing other peoples posts to reflect your own opinion. I see you don't use the Klu Klux Klan Avatar on here.


That is completely and utterly untrue. I only ever edited 1 guided missile post for a laugh and he went divvy which made it all worthwhile.


This forum obviously encompasses a wide spectrum of Saints fans, young old, left right, pessimist optimist etc etc etc.

There are trolls ignore them.

They will be those that post negative if you don't like them ignore them

There are that post happy clappy if you don't like them ignore them.


But above all let's all cut out the personal stuff because as sure as hell if you were standing next to someone at a game you didn't know and your views disagreed no way would you call him a Nazi or a trolly dolly or whatever.


One of my main rivals on here is NickG who I regard as way OTT in his optimism. It gets on my nerves and I'm sure I get on his with my pessimism but I'll give him his due he never resorts to personal stuff and that is what is making this forum quite an unpleasant place to frequent.


I thought about jacking it in but there are parts of this forum I like, it is informative, I find it helps me when saints lose and sometimes it is bloody funny.

I lost my job recently after 34 years. No problem I'm grown up but it still hurts and I have 2 kids still at school. I don't need every time I post a load of people referring to what I used to do for a living or why I got sacked - it is not relevant to SFC just as the colour of my skin or my religion is not relevant. I come on here to get away from work not to have it rammed down my throat by anonymous people I've never met.

I feel a bit sorry for the mods because whatever they do they will get criticism but really it is up to us to moderate ourselves or at least cut out the personal stuff.

The irony is we are all Saints fans so we all have at least one thing in common.

Sorry gone on a bit but I think we all need to have a look at ourselves sometimes.

This thread reminds me why I never bothered to join as a full member.


Thank f*ck for The Ugly Inside. Say what you like about Nick I but he very rarely finds the need to censor or lock threads and it all goes along without problem.


Not that you're one to talk SF76 - when you had the chance to screw up ForeverSaints as a Mod you did it by completely editing other peoples posts to reflect your own opinion. I see you don't use the Klu Klux Klan Avatar on here.


That started me laughing so much that my belly wobbled me up to Eastleigh and back. Truly revealing in it's entirety. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


But then most of us already knew, you spoiled it for us. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

This forum obviously encompasses a wide spectrum of Saints fans, young old, left right, pessimist optimist etc etc etc.

There are trolls ignore them.

They will be those that post negative if you don't like them ignore them

There are that post happy clappy if you don't like them ignore them.


But above all let's all cut out the personal stuff because as sure as hell if you were standing next to someone at a game you didn't know and your views disagreed no way would you call him a Nazi or a trolly dolly or whatever.


One of my main rivals on here is NickG who I regard as way OTT in his optimism. It gets on my nerves and I'm sure I get on his with my pessimism but I'll give him his due he never resorts to personal stuff and that is what is making this forum quite an unpleasant place to frequent.


I thought about jacking it in but there are parts of this forum I like, it is informative, I find it helps me when saints lose and sometimes it is bloody funny.

I lost my job recently after 34 years. No problem I'm grown up but it still hurts and I have 2 kids still at school. I don't need every time I post a load of people referring to what I used to do for a living or why I got sacked - it is not relevant to SFC just as the colour of my skin or my religion is not relevant. I come on here to get away from work not to have it rammed down my throat by anonymous people I've never met.

I feel a bit sorry for the mods because whatever they do they will get criticism but really it is up to us to moderate ourselves or at least cut out the personal stuff.

The irony is we are all Saints fans so we all have at least one thing in common.

Sorry gone on a bit but I think we all need to have a look at ourselves sometimes.


Good post, D.

That is completely and utterly untrue. I only ever edited 1 guided missile post for a laugh and he went divvy which made it all worthwhile.


You're sure about that are you?


What was it Churchill said about fascists? Oh I see you've just deleted the quote against your Location - FAF.

You're sure about that are you?


What was it Churchill said about fascists? Oh I see you've just deleted the quote against your Location - FAF.


nah come to think of it i'm not sure about it.:lol:


As for the quote I deleted it yesterday to add a different quote but it didn't fit in the space provided.

nah come to think of it i'm not sure about it.:lol:


As for the quote I deleted it yesterday to add a different quote but it didn't fit in the space provided.


Well if you see SF76 tell him he's a fascist bastard and that my mate Old Sarum Saint sends his regards.


I remember foreversaints...dune banned most people and those who stayed..he would edit their posts...it got to the point where he was the only one posting..even replying to himself..


Do you mean that he was mass debating all on his own?:blush:

Well if you see SF76 tell him he's a fascist bastard and that my mate Old Sarum Saint sends his regards.



In my opinion:


TSF has lost it since it went pay per view. All the little boys who shelled out their £5 paper round money bore the arse off me. All the intelligent posters have vacated the site.


TUI is a clique of boring farts full of endless 'Best 3 makes of vest' type threads.


I won't even mention the others.


I'm glad to find the UI is to your liking now mate.:)

FWIW my subscription runs out tomorrow...and if i've set it properly i won't be renewing. Returned from ten days holiday to a bunch of kids squabbling over half truths. It's boring as f::ck and i just can't see how i'm going to get three posts out of here at the moment. May change my mind of course but we'll see. Had really hoped that the days of obsessing over what a pantomime like figure does in the boardroom had ended...but oh no...some of you just can't get over it at all.


yep, really can't wait for saturday win, lose or draw. It has been painfully frustrating and boring on here this summer, the worst since I became a member..... It's kind of ironic actually seeing as we have alot to look forward to going into this season. I just think too many fans have been tainted due to years of false dawns and general **** coming out of the club and don't seem to get any enjoyment out of it....shame really

There have been far too many instances recently of vitriolic posts which have arguably been libellous. We cannot and will not tolerate any more slanging matches about the way the club is run. We all have our opinions about the management of the club and we are all entitled to those opinions. However, when they decent into name calling, trolling and likening the actions of an individual to Nazism, then it's clear that we need to act.

Any more extreme behaviour will be acted upon strongly and decisively.


Having just worked my way through the replies so far, I reckon that you are on to a loser !

...........There are trolls ignore them.................


Its not quite as simple as that. there are trolls, and then 90%+ of all the subsequent posts are reactions to the trolling. If there was an anti-troll and anti-wind-up-in-response-to-the-trolls you could post them as "ignore", but there isn't. There are pages of insults, vitriol, spite and bile, which end up with this being a pretty miserable forum, TBH.

How does Steve an agenda? He's giving his opinion. This is just the sort of comment that annoys me because anyone who doesn't toe the majority opinion is either a troll or has "an agenda". Yesterday I made the following posts:




To which you replied:




That was my opinion.


I have no problem with you disagreeing with my opinion. In fact i'd love you to tell me why you think i'm wrong so I could then explain to you why you're misguided.;)


That is the whole point of a forum.


I'd debate with anyone on the forum.


Unfortunately i just don't like you very much, so i don't bother

Its not quite as simple as that. there are trolls, and then 90%+ of all the subsequent posts are reactions to the trolling. If there was an anti-troll and anti-wind-up-in-response-to-the-trolls you could post them as "ignore", but there isn't. There are pages of insults, vitriol, spite and bile, which end up with this being a pretty miserable forum, TBH.


Yep. I think it is the people who react who are infinitely worse.


mod's, thanks for cracking down on on the sh*te posted on here lately. Its been hard work on here lately reading 3 pages of a thread to fine 3 or 4 relevant posts. and I think that most visit the site to read rather than post.


Can I ask all members for a favour for the coming year - If you don't have something that adds to a thread, don't bother posting. I cant understand why some people are so eager to increase their postcount, it's not an indication of how cool/important/clever you are.


I think part of the problem is the close season. Every single year in between seasons things deteriorate, and usually it repairs itself to a degree once the proper football restarts and people have something substantial to discuss.


This is stupid moderation and is exactly why I am not renewing my subscription.


Yes there are some extreme views on here but that's what makes the forum different to the rest,everybody is entitled to have their say,if you are offended by anything that is written you can either ignore it or report it.

You have the personal details of every member so if anybody gets threatens libel action then pass those details on.


I'm sorry to say that all of the best members have abandoned this forum a long time ago.


Just to put my two pennies in:


I don't fully agree with Alpine, but sometimes I agree with him fully

I don't fully agree with DBP/SRS/The Mask, but I have agreed with him occasionally in the past

I don't fully agree with DSM, but I agree with him more than not

I don't fully agree with Stevegrante, but mostly I agree with him

I don't fully agree with Hypo, but I agree with him most of the time

I don't fully agree with Smirkin Saint, but I agree with him nearly always

I don't fully agree with Everyone, but sometimes I agree with them fully

Just to put my two pennies in:


I don't fully agree with Alpine, but sometimes I agree with him fully

I don't fully agree with DBP/SRS/The Mask, but I have agreed with him occasionally in the past

I don't fully agree with DSM, but I agree with him more than not

I don't fully agree with Stevegrante, but mostly I agree with him

I don't fully agree with Hypo, but I agree with him most of the time

I don't fully agree with Smirkin Saint, but I agree with him nearly always

I don't fully agree with Everyone, but sometimes I agree with them fully


Id pretty much go along with that, and ive never quite understood the animosity towards alpine, maybe its past history from before my time.


and for my own pennys worth, DSM is the only person since ive been on here to directly and needlessly insult me. I pointed out as much at the time but avoided a fullblown slanging match for the sole reason that he is listed as a moderator.

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