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I've been having a problem with my iPod touch (error 6004) this comes up with a picture of iTunes and a picture of a USB cable on the iPod itself. iTunes wants me to restore the iPod which i have tried doing but when doing so it comes up with this error 6004. I have found a help point on the apple website for this error but tried just about everything but still doesn't seem to be working :?


Would be helpful if someone that has had this problem and fixed it to share this method with me, cheers ;)


Make sure you are connected directly to your laptop / desktop and not to a remote USB port on a monitor. I had a problem doing a software update and it was because i was plugged into the monitor USB port, not sure why.


No it isn't the USB connection, that is fine and all connected properly, the computer can see the iPod but just can't preform the restoring part, cheers anyway


google the error message, there are quite a few people out there that can help, my son Jailbroke his and now charges £5 to jailbreak others all via this chatboard, also try youtube !


I have google'd this error and found many people with the same problem and have tried their methords to fix my iPod but as i said, haven't worked. I tried jailbreaking it but then it it turned to error 6001 so i had to fix that which then turned back to error 6004


I think it may be something wrong with the actually iPod itself rather than the softare and just the error :?


cheers anyway

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