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  Smirking_Saint said:
It wouldn't have been hard to come out and say that the Ted Bates trophy was not going to be competed this year IMO


I think a lot of the hatred of NC could have been avoided if he was to actually communicate the reasons behind doing some of his more bizare stunts.


Precisely! I now have to attempt to go to the fans forum so I can seek out answers when really I shouldn't have to, these questions should have been answered on the OS when the decisions were taken and although I would still be unhappy, I would accept it.

  hypochondriac said:
Precisely! I now have to attempt to go to the fans forum so I can seek out answers when really I shouldn't have to, these questions should have been answered on the OS when the decisions were taken and although I would still be unhappy, I would accept it.


Isn't that the postion your in anyway? We as fans have little or no control on what goes on at SFC we can either accept what goes on or walk away. I'm not ready to walk away I love matchdays to much so I'll just have to accept what the club decide to do with or without explaination.

  docker-p said:
It wasn't sarcasm, and the rest, although tongue in cheek, wouldn't surprise me if it hadn't crossed NCs devious mind.

He is demonstrating a worrying lack of empathy with Southampton FC, it's fans, and it's heritage.


Ahhh ok. Well in that case, I think you hit it pretty spot on.

  Matthew Le God said:
I'd love to know your logic behind that.


1) Obviously it is a reference to the sash you don't like. That is for 1 season. It is the 125th year, the club wore it 125 years ago. That is the heritage you crave rather than a lack of heritage.


2) As for the trophy. Why does the club continuingly have to have a game for Ted Bates. He has a good memorial for his great service in the form of the statue in a prominent position outside the stadium. Tacking his name to a friendly once a year does little. Just because a traditional has been started does NOT mean it is right for it to continue indefinitely.


1) Yes and I wonder when the slash disappeared there were those that were arguing lack of empathy with the fans etc


2) Fans know about the TBT, why not create an opportunity to increase readership of the OS by adding a page about Ted Bates, the trophy and the reason behind cancelling/postponing it. A little effort can go along way.

  hypochondriac said:
I think there are a minority on both sides who ruin the discussion for everyone else because they polarise everything and put forward ridiculous arguments both for and against Cortese.


Yed and this trolling is getting tedious. How many threads have been hijacked in this way so far. Come on mods.. do your job.. it is £5 renewal time soon you know fellas!!!

  gjphilsaint said:
Yed and this trolling is getting tedious. How many threads have been hijacked in this way so far. Come on mods.. do your job.. it is £5 renewal time soon you know fellas!!!


None really. Generally speaking, the anti-Cortese stuff has been kept to anti-Cortese threads.


If people don't agree then they don't have to read the thread.


Listen, I didn't start the thread for it to descend into Cortese v Cortese again.


I guess that in my own little warped mind brought up on the 'family' feel of SFC that a little nod to one bloke who gave so much over so many years would be a nice touch.

It also would give some of the chavvy element and Under 25's a reason to understand why some of us older gits still go to Saints. I'm 35. Ted Bates was involved still when I first went, but I've heard enough about him from my Dad to know we wouldn't be where we are as a club without him.


Just a little common courtesy to say why it's been dropped wouldn't go a miss.


I like Cortese - he's a businessman, nothing else.

Some need to get over that.


If Cortese's successful, we're successful. I'm happy with that.

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
None really. Generally speaking, the anti-Cortese stuff has been kept to anti-Cortese threads.


If people don't agree then they don't have to read the thread.


But i read this thread to find out about the Ted Bates trophy nothing else... lets leave this thread for this notion...

  gjphilsaint said:
But i read this thread to find out about the Ted Bates trophy nothing else... lets leave this thread for this notion...




Well I asked the club why it had been removed and was told I would recieve a reply from "the club spokesman" in good time.


I will let you know, when I know, which will probably be in 2032


Maybe the club decided it was an insult to the mans memory?


1. We do have a very nice statue of the man at the front of the stadium, a clear mark of respect

2. Is Reading a 'big' enough fixture to warrant a cup for such a big man in Southampton's history?

3. If any of you have been to previous TBT games you'll know that by the time the trophy is presented most have the crowd have left because they couldn't give a toss about it, sad but true...

  HurleyBurley said:

3. If any of you have been to previous TBT games you'll know that by the time the trophy is presented most have the crowd have left because they couldn't give a toss about it, sad but true...


The same could be said of a proper league match, if you substitute the bold with 'final whistle blows' and ignore from 'becaise they.....' onwards

  HurleyBurley said:
Maybe the club decided it was an insult to the mans memory?


1. We do have a very nice statue of the man at the front of the stadium, a clear mark of respect

2. Is Reading a 'big' enough fixture to warrant a cup for such a big man in Southampton's history?

3. If any of you have been to previous TBT games you'll know that by the time the trophy is presented most have the crowd have left because they couldn't give a toss about it, sad but true...


I don't think the issue is it being removed, the issue is it's timing ( weeks after his widows death and during out 125th year celebrations ) and the fact the club have not given any explanation for its removal.

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