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Posted (edited)
At the moment there is a very delicate situation going on between myself and the club , whilst i am loathe to comment for obvious reasons I think its pertinent to make sure that the facts are not distorted.


1. After the season ticket repayment plan was withdrawn at the start of June, the Saints Trust issued a statement requesting Nicola Corstese to reconsider, this statement was printed in part by the Echo and also on this website. A letter was also sent to Nicola Cortese requesting a meeting and recieved an e mail acknowledgement that this had been recieved and would be dealt with


2. The Trust recieved no reply from the club regarding either the statement or the request for a meeting


3. The Trust then recieved other correspondence from the Club regarding other matters, the Trust complied with the Club's request to take down the Club badge amongst other images off of its website, indeed the Trust removed the entire website to ensure that there could be no confusion.


4. Shortly after the season ticket deadline I noticed that my money had been refunded by the club. I have to date recieved no correspondence from the club to explain this.


5. Despite repeated e mailed requests to various members of senior management at the club and attempts to speak to them on the phone I again have received no reason for this happening or until yesterday anyone who would actually acknowledge my correspondence.


At present I do not have a season ticket for the forthcoming season, this is the first time this has been the case in appoximately 20 years, indeed since I first entered the Dell in January 1972, nearly 39 years ago I would hazard a guess that I have missed no more than around 20 matches or so.


I have no idea what is going on, so i cannot give a reason as to what has happened so I am loathe to comment further at present



I have also heard that the "requests" to remove the club crest were actually a darn sight more threatening than that. Thoughts?

Edited by hypochondriac
I have also heard that the "requests" to remove the club crest were actually a darn sight mire threatening than that. Thoughts?


Having a rich single owner would appear to be a good idea but of course he can do what he wants unchecked which obviously is not good.


I always have had a bad feeling things were not going to done for the benefit of the club or the fans but for the benefit of Revenue accurred


I think Ducan Holley discussed the situation well last year

Having a rich single owner would appear to be a good idea but of course he can do what he wants unchecked which obviously is not good.


I always have had a bad feeling things were not going to done for the benefit of the club or the fans but for the benefit of Revenue accurred


I think Ducan Holley discussed the situation well last year


Yes and I abused Duncan at the time. I have since apologised but then I did not know what Duncan was hearing.

Having a rich single owner would appear to be a good idea but of course he can do what he wants unchecked which obviously is not good.


I always have had a bad feeling things were not going to done for the benefit of the club or the fans but for the benefit of Revenue accurred


Exactly, that's the problem. Is the club now being run soley as a business with no consideration to its supporters? It certainly seems that way. Even when you take some of the gestures that the club have done ( no sponsor, 125 year kit, offering to steward extra allocation at Wembley ) etc, it is clear to see that the decisions where commercial and ones which the club would MAKE money on, as opposed to losing it.


The long term will be that the football fans will walk away, some may might not come back. These fans will be replaced by Corporate clients, which is all very well when you are in the Premiership, but when you drop down again, that's when things start going wrong and the core fans you used to rely on have found something else to do on a Saturday afternoon.


I haven`t got a lot of sympathy for NI .I was one of those idiots that paid to go into Silverspoons.I made a complaint and to this day i haven`t received a reply.And now he wants to complain about people ignoring e mails and being treated shoddily .What goes around.........

I haven`t got a lot of sympathy for NI .I was one of those idiots that paid to go into Silverspoons.I made a complaint and to this day i haven`t received a reply.And now he wants to complain about people ignoring e mails and being treated shoddily .What goes around.........



Exactly, that's the problem. Is the club now being run soley as a business with no consideration to its supporters? It certainly seems that way. Even when you take some of the gestures that the club have done ( no sponsor, 125 year kit, offering to steward extra allocation at Wembley ) etc, it is clear to see that the decisions where commercial and ones which the club would MAKE money on, as opposed to losing it.


The long term will be that the football fans will walk away, some may might not come back. These fans will be replaced by Corporate clients, which is all very well when you are in the Premiership, but when you drop down again, that's when things start going wrong and the core fans you used to rely on have found something else to do on a Saturday afternoon.


I think the Saints and the Echo are part of the Social Structure of the City and the football club should not be just used as a means for making money


I think this sorry episode again highlights the major communications breakdown inherent at the club. The club are seemingly intent on putting up a huge barrier between themselves and the fan base, whereby the only conduit of information comes through the official site. Previously supporters were able to contact individual staff members directly for answers to personal or public questions, this is now seemingly being severely restricted.


Akin to the Daily Echo ban, this smacks of bitterness and supreme pettiness by SFC.

Exactly, that's the problem. Is the club now being run soley as a business with no consideration to its supporters? It certainly seems that way. Even when you take some of the gestures that the club have done ( no sponsor, 125 year kit, offering to steward extra allocation at Wembley ) etc, it is clear to see that the decisions where commercial and ones which the club would MAKE money on, as opposed to losing it.


The long term will be that the football fans will walk away, some may might not come back. These fans will be replaced by Corporate clients, which is all very well when you are in the Premiership, but when you drop down again, that's when things start going wrong and the core fans you used to rely on have found something else to do on a Saturday afternoon.

Stu you of all persons Im surprised at your dewey eyed position.Do you really think the club has looked at the supporters any other way? We have always been lambs to the slaughter.

If you ran a business and had lots of people from unelected organisations trying to tell you how to run it, you'd tell them to f right off.

It is a business full stop, and as much as I believe it is about my home town club, it is not it is about 22 men kicking a bag of wind and us paying for the privilage to watch.Let NC do it the way he wants and see how we all get to enjoy.If he fails, they will be off as quick as a flash and not look back at the train crash left.


or he could pay to go to games, watch the games and perhaps not get involved with things that are none of his business. I dont remember him stumping up circa £12million to give him a right to have a say. As far as I can see the club are running it with some sensible business acumen and this alone will secure the future of the club.


its not difficult, pay to see a game either up front or game by game, cheer when we win, boo when we lose. Isnt what footy is about ? all the other shyte us just well shyte annd not worth losing sleep over.

I think the Saints and the Echo are part of the Social Structure of the City and the football club should not be just used as a means for making money
and when the football club was hours from being extinguished, where was the city then?


I was one of those that felt shafted by the Silverspoons scenario BUT don't think you can compare like for like in this instance. Why should anybody be refused a season ticket in this way ?


I don't like all the anti-Cortese messages that seem to be flying around as alot of them seem to be from people with individual agendas BUT each case has to be taken on balance and this one is a bit worrying.

I think the Saints and the Echo are part of the Social Structure of the City and the football club should not be just used as a means for making money


So have I. And I am sure Southampton FC will realise they need The Echo more than The Echo need them.


The Echo only have to come online to find some news to print, they can buy pictures of freelancers and still interview players or re-hash others.


What the Echo can do is sway the feeling of the majority of fans through their storys away from the uber-fan bubble of this forum.

or he could pay to go to games, watch the games and perhaps not get involved with things that are none of his business. I dont remember him stumping up circa £12million to give him a right to have a say. As far as I can see the club are running it with some sensible business acumen and this alone will secure the future of the club.


its not difficult, pay to see a game either up front or game by game, cheer when we win, boo when we lose. Isnt what footy is about ? all the other shyte us just well shyte annd not worth losing sleep over.


I think the whole point of this is precisely that he can't do this.


What's all the fuss about?

The badge has a licence and a copyright - hence in theory this (or any other) forum could also be asked to remove it from the site.

As for the season ticket issue....I think this is just about having a go at Nick Illingsworth isn't it?

I mean he is a fan who loves the club and runs heads up a band that alledgedly represents the majorityof fans! The fact he published a fanzine, get's on TV and gives interviews in The Echo about the club in an uncontrolled way surely endears him to the owners and employees of Southampton Football Club.

Fortunately I don't wish to be seen as "the greatest fan ever" or want to be accepted by the media or the club as Mr.Southampton. However I would hazard a guess if Mr.Illingsworth was a professional (say a doctor or barrister) and worth a few quid, had contacts and generally offered the club something he would be welcomed with open arms.

There is an old saying "You reap what you sow" - and perhaps some chickens are coming home to roost!

Anyway how's the representation on the board going for The Trust?

Stu you of all persons Im surprised at your dewey eyed position.Do you really think the club has looked at the supporters any other way? We have always been lambs to the slaughter.

If you ran a business and had lots of people from unelected organisations trying to tell you how to run it, you'd tell them to f right off.

It is a business full stop, and as much as I believe it is about my home town club, it is not it is about 22 men kicking a bag of wind and us paying for the privilage to watch.Let NC do it the way he wants and see how we all get to enjoy.If he fails, they will be off as quick as a flash and not look back at the train crash left.


I know it's a business and always has been... but to maximise business you rely on keeping a feelgood factor and making sure the club is part of the community. If you try and exclude the community and the fans to the extent they don't feel part of the club, then their loyalty will weaken and they will find other ways to spend their money.

or he could pay to go to games, watch the games and perhaps not get involved with things that are none of his business. I dont remember him stumping up circa £12million to give him a right to have a say. As far as I can see the club are running it with some sensible business acumen and this alone will secure the future of the club.


its not difficult, pay to see a game either up front or game by game, cheer when we win, boo when we lose. Isnt what footy is about ? all the other shyte us just well shyte annd not worth losing sleep over.


exactly right....Nothwithstanding that - this trumped up arsehole deliberately shafted fellow saints fans at Wembley..IMO Nicola Cortese has not turned a blind eye to that fact !!


So why exactly have Cortese/The Club decided to do this then? Was there something he did specifically that caused them to do this that has been pointed out or has that yet to come out and everyone is just jumping to either the conclusion that it is a disgrace or that it is right because he's a tool...?

or he could pay to go to games, watch the games and perhaps not get involved with things that are none of his business. I dont remember him stumping up circa £12million to give him a right to have a say. As far as i can see the club are running it with some sensible business acumen and this alone will secure the future of the club.


Its not difficult, pay to see a game either up front or game by game, cheer when we win, boo when we lose. Isnt what footy is about ? All the other shyte us just well shyte annd not worth losing sleep over.



IMO...anyone that uses saints games to blatently rip off fans royally deserves this...


But as has been pointed out to you on more than one occasion, that is not the point.

IMO...anyone that uses saints games to blatently rip off fans royally deserves this...


If that were indeed the reason for this, then I would of course agree with you.


I just don't think it is though, and is more a reflection of his previous article(s) about the club.

If that were indeed the reason for this, then I would of course agree with you.


I just don't think it is though, and is more a reflection of his previous article(s) about the club.


maybe so...maybe fans contacted the club about the silverpsoons issue also...people will email the club about anything..even if it has nothing officially to do with them

Game by game basis he can.


This is massive speculation on my behalf, granted, but if he has not been allowed to buy a season ticket why should he be any moe successful trying to buy a matchday ticket?


Anyway, I'm getting well beyond where I wanted to be without being in posession of the full facts.

who decides the point then...you..?


Apologies for the analogy but sometimes extremes are necessary to get through to some.


If a murderer is released and then someone finds out he murdered someone and shot him, you might say that the murderer deserved it. Doesn't make the second man less guilty or deserving of punishment.

Apologies for the analogy but sometimes extremes are necessary to get through to some.


If a murderer is released and then someone finds out he murdered someone and shot him, you might say that the murderer deserved it. Doesn't make the second man less guilty or deserving of punishment.


WTF ???? Depends whether he made a large fortune by ripping off the fans he was supposed to be representing i reckon .... dont you ??

And did he?


Even if he did (which he didn't), why should that influence whether he gets a season ticket or not? Will there now be a CRB check at the door with only those deemed "saintly" enough allowed to enter?

Even if he did (which he didn't), why should that influence whether he gets a season ticket or not? Will there now be a CRB check at the door with only those deemed "saintly" enough allowed to enter?

maybe the club did not like it very much that he used the back of saints fc and in colusion with a known EX 657 hoolie to rip off families that were going to the game...


just putting it out there


But it is him and until the silverspoons debacle i had no problem with him. I didn`t ask for my money back but a simple apology would have made all the difference!


I see other peoples points that this is all part of something else. For what it`s worth i hope he gets his season ticket.


The Saints Trust = Non Entity

Nick Illingsworth is a non entity who has put him self on a pedastal which has lasted a few years due to the state of the club.

A professional person enters the equation (NC) and starts creating a perception of a professional club and kicks the stool from under muppets like Nick Illingsworth and the Daily Echo.... and rightly so.

The Clues are there ...70% use the official site...the official site reports the facts as they happen.....and so on and so on


This does not bother me. I support the club, always have and always will. Quite why there needs to be a Supporters Trust I will never understand. Just go along and watch your team and support them. If you want to engage in some friendly banter and debate, pop onto SWF every now and then. But thats it. People like Nick Illingsworth are troublesome busy-bodies, have too much time on their hands and can **** right off. Same goes for those that run the Echo. Well done Saints.

maybe the club did not like it very much that he used the back of saints fc and in colusion with a known EX 657 hoolie to rip off families that were going to the game...


just putting it out there


I fail to see the connection though DD; surely by that rationale the club would also be looking to cut out the likes of DBP who made money from his coach scheme. Then you're getting into the fellas on street corners who sell flags and merchandise, where does it end?


Like I said, I would very much agree with you if that was definitely the reason NI is unable to get a season ticket. But surely, even if it were the case, why the veil of secrecy whereby they won't even tell him why he is excluded? That on its own makes little sense to me, whatever the reason ends up to be.

Even if he did (which he didn't), why should that influence whether he gets a season ticket or not? Will there now be a CRB check at the door with only those deemed "saintly" enough allowed to enter?


Even if he didnt ( which many cant believe) .. many hundreds of saints fans were left feeling ripped off by this mans false promises on our day at Wembley..were they not ?

He then goes on in a attempt to make representation of behalf of Saints fans ??? .. i can see why nicola cannot take him seriously and appears to have turned his back on him even if a few on here cant .

I fail to see the connection though DD; surely by that rationale the club would also be looking to cut out the likes of DBP who made money from his coach scheme. Then you're getting into the fellas on street corners who sell flags and merchandise, where does it end?


Like I said, I would very much agree with you if that was definitely the reason NI is unable to get a season ticket. But surely, even if it were the case, why the veil of secrecy whereby they won't even tell him why he is excluded? That on its own makes little sense to me, whatever the reason ends up to be.

maybe they have told him why but he wont disclose it as it may embarrass him..?

we dont know

maybe they have told him why but he wont disclose it as it may embarrass him..?

we dont know


True. Anyway, as I've perviously said I'm well beyond where I'd like to be without the full facts, and I'm sure they'll come out eventually.

Even if he did (which he didn't), why should that influence whether he gets a season ticket or not? Will there now be a CRB check at the door with only those deemed "saintly" enough allowed to enter?


funny how the ex 657 skate was bragging on pompey-fans site about how much money he made that day....


My personal feeling is that the club have done the right thing. I feel that giving this topic its own thread is a bad idea. Remember these SISA guys fed off of attention last time around and this will just encourage them.

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