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Sad day for all that knew him my Grandfather “Ted” Sandall Eastleigh born and bred.

Passed away this morning aged 94. Life long Saints fan, watched many a game over the years, followed them whenever he could , quite disappointed he could not make the trip to Wembley back in March.

He even trained with the players prior to the war in the 1930’s not as a player but just to keep fit. How times have changed.


TC you ole bugger !!


Always sad when a fan passes away, it sounds like he had a fantastic innings though, full respect to the guy. Hope he finds heaven.


And yeah, training with the players?


God bless you Ted.....I went to Greggs and PE was on the common, the Saints used to train there and running with Keegan, Channon and co. was worth the bollockings ten times over....only one guy understood and tried to explain to the other teachers, but it fell on deaf ears.........Sorry Dad


Very sorry to hear about Ted's passing. I spoke to him a couple of years ago when staying at the Concorde when last in UK. Being related, and living near his parents, I'd known Ted most of my life. Although very much younger than Ted I did enjoy a beer with him from time to time when Pirelli's had club rooms at Dew Lane in Eastleigh. He played rugby for many years and I believe he was a pretty fair boxer in the army during WW2. A really good person to know.

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