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The most advanced jet fighter in the sky at the moment.


Just watch the short take off and instant high rise, it really is amazing.



I witnessed this actual film on saturday afternoon.




You're forgetting the Typhoon, of course, which is every bit as advanced in its own way, but that is for different operations. The F-22 has vectored thrust, first introduced on the P1127 or Kestrel. Very soon that developed into the Harrier, and the rest is history. However, we will see the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter soon [well, in about 2 years, they say], capable of short take off [note, not VTOL as the old Harrier was capable] and vertical landing, once depleted of stores.


I have an old F-22 Raptor PC-Sim from DiD, circa 1999, that is still fun to have a go at, at times. Plus an F-35 Sim, [not DiD] from a little later, that is absolute crap. Time seems to fly faster than these aircraft.

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