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Useless Virgin Media....

saint lard

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I have had enough of them.

I have been with them for a good few years,i did have a whole telephone,broadband and tv package.

That stopped when i moved and really could not afford the whole thing so just went for broadband medium pack.Costs £20.50 per month.


For nye on 6 weeks i have not been able to access my email account due to them,without prior notice migrating it all to Google,so when i try all i get is account disabled.

Apparently they did send an email to inform people but this was after the event,hence i did'nt recieve the relevent info.

I along with thousands (i have checked the problem online,people are majorly miffed) are now left phoning them and getting nowhere as they don't know how to fix the problem,it's down to the fact that i am using ntlworld.com in my email address.


So all my contacts are gone and i am now not recieving important emails.

I think i am being fobbed off with 'it will be fixed in 5 working days' routine.


Anyone else on here have the same problem, if so was it ever rectified?

Should i cut my losses,kick them into touch and find another ISP,if so who is one of the better ones?

It seems it is a mindfield out there,perhaps i could get a good deal with perhaps a tv package? although that would be a bonus more than a nesessity

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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They sent me an email telling me that they were changing some things.

It contained a handy link to some code to use with Outlook that would update all necessary settings.

Everything worked fine for me.


I think it may be something to do with implementing imap protocols for email rather than having ntlworld.com in your email address.

I have a similar address and like I said....no problem.


You are obviously a technospaz. Have you thought about using parchment and a quill pen for all your future correspondence? :lol:


Only kidding!


Here is the email I received (that maybe you didn't), it has the link to the mail client settings tool that worked for me.

Maybe it will work for you too.

I hope so.


PS. Virgin email now integrates nicely with Googlemail on your phone or browser.


Hello and welcome to your new and improved Virgin Media Mail!


Virgin Media Mail is an upgrade to your existing ntlworld.com email account and if you're reading this, then you've logged in already. Brilliant!


Your existing email address still works and we have no plans to change that. We hope you'll find Virgin Media Mail much easier to use than your old email account and because we now use Google to provide your service, there are some fantastic new features too!


Using Virgin Media Mail through webmail

• Check your emails wherever you are with easy-to-use Google mail on your mobile phone

• Find that elusive email easily with Google search for your inbox

• Chat with other Google Mail users in your contacts

• No need to delete emails to clear storage space - just archive them as you now have 7000 MB of storage to use (that's gone up from 30 MB that you used to have!)


To find out more about all the exciting new benefits of Virgin Media Mail, there is lots more information at virginmedia.com/vmmailwelcome


Frequently Asked Questions


If you're wondering why you are seeing some old emails being re-delivered to your inbox, or if you're having issues with accessing your email from multiple devices and/or other computers, check out our Frequently Asked Questions at virginmedia.com/emailfaqs


Virgin Media Mail and email programs

To make sure Outlook Express or other email programs keep working, you'll need to make a few quick changes before you start using your new Virgin Media Mail account. We've created a little software program to help you get it all sorted. And don't worry, your emails, messages and contacts won't be affected.


Download the automated setup tool at virginmedia.com/cst

Get in touch


Don't forget, you can always contact us if you have any questions or problems, we'll be happy to help! You'll find our details at virginmedia.com/contact


Happy surfing!


Mark Davidson

Executive Director, Customer Care

Virgin Media

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I just kicked VM into touch as they've over loaded my local network leaving my 20mb service only getting 10-12mb in the evenings. Well, speedtest claims it's that fast but I'm unconvinced. I'm bored with the TV and crappy home phone service on which 1471 has never worked properly and I can't have a free caller display service.


So back to BT and gone for O2 broadband. O2 were offering three months free and £50 cashback through quidco so that's very cheap for 12 months.

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