Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 is it me are the vast majority of kids, spolit, pampered little brats these days? To give you an example i was working at a collegues house on wednesday when one of his mates popped round with his 5 year old daughter. She spent the whole time screaming at him if he so much as spoke to anyone else, demanding this that and the other and then cried when he said they weren't going to stop at the shops on the way home to buy her a toy. Now i have know this guy for years, he is quite a tough chap, real mans man, but was like a wet lettuce when speaking to his daughter, pandering to her every whim. the problem is this sort of behaviour is the norm these days, i remember if i behaved that my old dear used to crack me with a wooden spoon, those days seem long gone.
Nexstar Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 I thought kids these days were deprived drug addicts who sit on street corners with cheap vodka from the age of 11?
buctootim Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 I often wish Turkish's old Ma was moderating on this forum.
Redbul Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 is it me are the vast majority of kids, spolit, pampered little brats these days? To give you an example i was working at a collegues house on wednesday when one of his mates popped round with his 5 year old daughter. She spent the whole time screaming at him if he so much as spoke to anyone else, demanding this that and the other and then cried when he said they weren't going to stop at the shops on the way home to buy her a toy. Now i have know this guy for years, he is quite a tough chap, real mans man, but was like a wet lettuce when speaking to his daughter, pandering to her every whim. the problem is this sort of behaviour is the norm these days, i remember if i behaved that my old dear used to crack me with a wooden spoon, those days seem long gone. Ah, it's a Dad and his daughter; there would have been a completely different dynamic going on if it was his son.... But that scenario does smack of spoilt child. I really don't think it applies to all children nowadays.
swannymere Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 In my experience of working with kids the vast majority (at least 85-90%!) are lazy, scheming, stupid and thoughtless - and all of this is down to the parents. You get 1 in 10 that has been brought up in a home enviroment where they are expected to help their parents around the house and garden and they have common sense which sadly the rest are completely lacking. The rest are brought up by parents who think the sun shines out of their arses, spoil them rotten and don't expect them to do anything for themselves, they don't help clean, washup, wash clothes, walk dogs or help in any way whatsoever and it shows.
Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Author Posted 16 July, 2010 (edited) Ah, it's a Dad and his daughter; there would have been a completely different dynamic going on if it was his son.... But that scenario does smack of spoilt child. I really don't think it applies to all children nowadays. But then it goes the other way with mothers and sons, a friend of mine pampers and spoils the little kid and is totally obsessed by him. She has even been know to go home from work do's on a couple of occasions in tears because the baby sitter has rung her saying he wont go to bed because he is missing mummy so she goes rushing to be by his side. He is really spoilt little brat, one of those whinging little boys you just know is going to turn into a total wet blanket when he gets older, just like his dad. Edited 16 July, 2010 by Turkish
Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Author Posted 16 July, 2010 In my experience of working with kids the vast majority (at least 85-90%!) are lazy, scheming, stupid and thoughtless - and all of this is down to the parents. You get 1 in 10 that has been brought up in a home enviroment where they are expected to help their parents around the house and garden and they have common sense which sadly the rest are completely lacking. The rest are brought up by parents who think the sun shines out of their arses, spoil them rotten and don't expect them to do anything for themselves, they don't help clean, washup, wash clothes, walk dogs or help in any way whatsoever and it shows. They are all selfish little ****ers too, really annoys me, even something like offering sweets winds me up. When we were kids we were always told to offer sweets to other people first if we were given some, above friends little boy used to sometimes come to the pub after work and he'd sit there greedily chomping away at a whole bag of sweets without offering any to anyone else, its not that i wanted a sweet, it was that he never offered, which to me is basic manners. He'd then sit there moaning and complaing about everything. I'd rather have a son that was a bit of a little c*** and was out causing mischief than a selfish, whining little **** that is a contast pain the arse, at least then they have got a bit of personality and spark. You are spot on what you say about their parents thinking the sun shines out of their arses, i know plenty like that.
buctootim Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 They are all selfish little ****ers too, really annoys me, even something like offering sweets winds me up. When we were kids we were always told to offer sweets to other people first if we were given some, above friends little boy used to sometimes come to the pub after work and he'd sit there greedily chomping away at a whole bag of sweets without offering any to anyone else, its not that i wanted a sweet, it was that he never offered, which to me is basic manners. He'd then sit there moaning and complaing about everything. I'd rather have a son that was a bit of a little c*** and was out causing mischief than a selfish, whining little **** that is a contast pain the arse, at least then they have got a bit of personality and spark. You are spot on what you say about their parents thinking the sun shines out of their arses, i know plenty like that. Sharing their stuff along with being happy and not whingey is the two things I drum into my kids. Its the two basic building blocks for having a good life.
Golden Balls Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 I like the thought that all these kids are lazy and basically s*it. Means that when I have a kid, he/she will be top of the class, earn loads of money and have hardly any competition to get the good jobs.
Hatch Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 It's the IT age. When I was young I believed everything my parents told me, these days, kids can find out in seconds that most parents talk a load of blollox
dune Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 Sharing their stuff along with being happy and not whingey is the two things I drum into my kids. Its the two basic building blocks for having a good life. I quite agree with sharing stuff but only with like minded people. There's far too many ****s in life who are happy to accept a pint etc, but never return the favour.
Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Author Posted 16 July, 2010 I like the thought that all these kids are lazy and basically s*it. Means that when I have a kid, he/she will be top of the class, earn loads of money and have hardly any competition to get the good jobs. Most kids these days think they have a right to that and dont have to work hard to get there.
dune Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 Been watching the golf and yet again Tiger Woods confirms why I hate him with a passion with his tantrums and spoilt brat face when he misses - it's got the stage now when I love it when he ****s up so I can laugh at him. It's one thing to be competitive, but it's another to be a sour loser. Top sportsmen are role models for youngsters so I feel some blame for the attitude of some of the youths of today must be levelled at the likes of Tiger Woods.
JustMike Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 Been watching the golf and yet again Tiger Woods confirms why I hate him with a passion with his tantrums and spoilt brat face when he misses - it's got the stage now when I love it when he ****s up so I can laugh at him. It's one thing to be competitive, but it's another to be a sour loser. Top sportsmen are role models for youngsters so I feel some blame for the attitude of some of the youths of today must be levelled at the likes of Tiger Woods. i know of 0 kids who watch ******* golf!..... but yes, kids do look to other "adults" and copy them
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 I have to agree that kids do seem to be getting more and more spoilt- although there are still plenty of well brought up polite kids. At nearly 21, I'm hardly of a different generation to today's children, but I'm sure I was never impolite or rude. I used to help around the house and if I was a d*ck I'd get a smack (often with a wooden spoon like you Turkish!). I don't think it did me any harm and I wouldn't hesitate to do the same to my own kids if I have them. One thing I must say though, is having lived in South East London last year (Elephant and Castle/Old Kent Road area) and been in and around the large British African Caribbean community there, those kids have a hell of a lot more respect for their elders then the kids I've seen back in Southampton. They not only do as they are told by their parents because they know they'll get punished if they don't (quite funny seeing 'gangster' teenagers wincing as they're told off by their mum) but they also respect all adults in equal measure. I think a few parents could do well to take a lesson from them in how to discipline their children.
Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Author Posted 16 July, 2010 (edited) I saw yet another example of this at the gym tonight. I was stood at the bar (obviously after an intensive workout) at the end of the bar is a kids play area where this fit, sexy, mid thirties lady was calling her son who was about 7 for about five minutes and being totally ignored, eventually she went into the play area and grabbed hold of him by the arm saying polietly 'come on' he promptly started throwing a massive paddy, pinching her arm hard and screaming at her 'dont rush me mother' Much to my amazement the sexy lady didn't give the ****bag the hiding of his life for behaving like that in public, she told him quietly that she had to or he would be late for swimming. F*** me, if that was my son he'd have got a wallop there and then and taken straight home, the only swimming he'd be doing would be between their sheets at home in bed. Edited 16 July, 2010 by Turkish
swannymere Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 I'm not a parent but i think it comes down to laziness on the parents part, they can't be arsed to take the long and difficult route of being a parent and instilling discipline and respect they instead take the easy option of avoiding confrontation and tantrums by giving into their kids and letting them get away with stuff.
Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Author Posted 16 July, 2010 (edited) I'm not a parent but i think it comes down to laziness on the parents part, they can't be arsed to take the long and difficult route of being a parent and instilling discipline and respect they instead take the easy option of avoiding confrontation and tantrums by giving into their kids and letting them get away with stuff. It could be that in some cases but in a lot i think it is what he said further up, that they think the sun shines out of thier precious offsprings arse and even when they behave awfully make excuses for them. How many parents go mad when a kiddie gets told off at school these days? When i was about 9 i got in trouble for throwing wet paper towels at some pictures on the wall done by a lad i didn't like in another class, i got a letter sent home and banned from a school trip as punishment, when i got home got the wooden spoon treatment, these days a lot of parents would be up the school going mad at the teachers for punishing their pride and joy!! Edited 16 July, 2010 by Turkish
dune Posted 16 July, 2010 Posted 16 July, 2010 (edited) I saw yet another example of this at the gym tonight. I was stood at the bar (obviously after an intensive workout) at the end of the bar is a kids play area where this fit, sexy, mid thirties lady was calling her son who was about 7 for about five minutes and being totally ignored, eventually she went into the play area and grabbed hold of him by the arm saying polietly 'come on' he promptly started throwing a massive paddy, pinching her arm hard and screaming at her 'dont rush me mother' Much to my amazement the sexy lady didn't give the ****bag the hiding of his life for behaving like that in public, she told him quietly that she had to or he would be late for swimming. F*** me, if that was my son he'd have got a wallop there and then and taken straight home, the only swimming he'd be doing would be between their sheets at home in bed. The problem is that after 13 years of a nanny state Labour government if the lady had given the child a smack there would most likely have been a Liberal type who'd witnessed the event and reported her for child abuse. Edited 16 July, 2010 by dune
Turkish Posted 16 July, 2010 Author Posted 16 July, 2010 (edited) The problem is that after 13 years of a nanny state Labour government if the lady had given the child a smack there would most likely have been a Liberal type who'd witnessed the event and reported her for child abuse. sadly you are probably right and that is the problem with this country, its gone soft, to busy worried about offending minority groups or appearing to discriminate, when a parent cant punish an erring child without being worried about being reported to social services then the world is a ****ed up place. Edited 16 July, 2010 by Turkish
hutch Posted 17 July, 2010 Posted 17 July, 2010 If it's our fault as parents for not bringing the brats up properly, then I blame our parents.
Durleyfos Posted 19 July, 2010 Posted 19 July, 2010 My eldest boy (nearly 3) has to put all his toys away before he goes up for his bath in the evening. If he dosen't, he knows he won't watch Thomas TTE afterwards (it's his favourite) Sits at the table when we're having our meal, says 'please' and 'thank you' (sometimes the wrong way round!) and is generally polite to everyone. We've brought him up like that as that's how my wife and I were brought up. Only twice has he had a little tap on the back of the legs for not doing as he was told. That was after threateneing to take this and that away from him, no biscuit before bed etc... I'm sure some lilly livered liberal will tell me of for 'abusing' a child. :rollingeyethingy: Sometimes it's the only way to get through to them. I got a good whack when I was young if I was really naughty, didn't do me any harm.
RonManager Posted 19 July, 2010 Posted 19 July, 2010 My eldest boy (nearly 3) has to put all his toys away before he goes up for his bath in the evening. If he dosen't, he knows he won't watch Thomas TTE afterwards (it's his favourite). If he is to grow up and be properly well adjusted, and considered 'cool' by all and sundry, then you need to get him off 'Thomas' and onto 'Ivor the Engine' asap.
Block 5 Posted 19 July, 2010 Posted 19 July, 2010 The problem is that after 13 years of a nanny state Labour government if the lady had given the child a smack there would most likely have been a Liberal type who'd witnessed the event and reported her for child abuse. sadly you are probably right and that is the problem with this country, its gone soft, to busy worried about offending minority groups or appearing to discriminate, when a parent cant punish an erring child without being worried about being reported to social services then the world is a ****ed up place. I'm sure some lilly livered liberal will tell me of for 'abusing' a child. :rollingeyethingy: Sometimes it's the only way to get through to them. I got a good whack when I was young if I was really naughty, didn't do me any harm. So to summarise...... We need to beat children to create the 'right' kind of society? I wonder if this approach has ever been tried before?
Rorytheking Posted 19 July, 2010 Posted 19 July, 2010 The problem is that after 13 years of a nanny state Labour government if the lady had given the child a smack there would most likely have been a Liberal type who'd witnessed the event and reported her for child abuse. And there it is! It was only a matter of time before the expected Anti-Labour jibe appeared!
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