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iPhone Apps


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Where might someone with no knowledge of the development and design of such things go to sell an idea for an iphone app please? I have an idea which I personally would make use of and think it could be developed from something already out there , just needs a bit of tweaking imo.


Is it costly?

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Where might someone with no knowledge of the development and design of such things go to sell an idea for an iphone app please? I have an idea which I personally would make use of and think it could be developed from something already out there , just needs a bit of tweaking imo.


Is it costly?

Developing it can be......,interestingly this is something me and another forum member were looking into....

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I presume you have jailbroken it?


Obviously cydia and make sure you get bitesms which I find really useful. Opera mini is also decent IMO and then obvious ones like winterboard and the one that lets you have paid apps for free. Woop.


Getting paid apps for free? Isn't that illegal and/or immoral...?

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I presume you have jailbroken it?


Obviously cydia and make sure you get bitesms which I find really useful. Opera mini is also decent IMO and then obvious ones like winterboard and the one that lets you have paid apps for free. Woop.


It was Jailbroken but as it is a work phone and the company released a new IT policy telling people not to I removed it. Now I'm a good little boy and pay for the apps. Also been paying for music lately too. Its absurd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dropbox - view and share files between PC, Mac and iPhone.

Soundhound - like Shazam but much better

Rmaker - make ringtones for free (its a little tricky to synch them initially but read the manufacturers website and makes sense)

Pandora - internet based musical jukebox based on a song or artist you suggest

Convertbot - useful for converting measurements etc

Light - great flashlight for iPhone 4

iMapmyride - workout mapping tool

zippo lighter - pointless fun

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