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Not sure if peoples past experiences when waiting for new season tickets to be available are relevant this season, but was wondering whether people are expecting a mad rush to buy season tickets tomorrow and whether the online system is likely to have problems? :?


Im buying my first season ticket tomorrow and would like to get a seat around the dug out area. I know this is a popular area for ST holders so can anyone confirm my chances?


Just wondering how much of a fight im going to have on my hands tomorrow to get a good seat

  bpsaint said:
Why are you waiting till tomorrow, season tickets are already on general sale.


errr really :blush: did i misread something about only renewals being available until 30th?



Yes current season ticket holders only have till tomorrow to renew their seat,but new customers can buy one elsewhere in the ground now or claim the un-renewed seats from Thursday.

  bpsaint said:
Yes current season ticket holders only have till tomorrow to renew their seat,but new customers can buy one elsewhere in the ground now or claim the un-renewed seats from Thursday.


I'm a d1ck.....................................



.....But why cant I purchase it online?!?

  liquidshokk said:
errr really :blush: did i misread something about only renewals being available until 30th?



If a new applicant wants a seat and it is not occupied then the club will sell that seat. I bought two, as a new applicant, on the first day that tickets were available.


Probably unavailable online at the moment to stop current ST holders getting their online renewals mixed up with general ST's which means lots of calls to the Ticket Office to ask why they can't select their own seat. I'd give them a ring if I were you.

  EastleighSoulBoy said:
If a new applicant wants a seat and it is not occupied then the club will sell that seat. I bought two, as a new applicant, on the first day that tickets were available.


I did only get paid on friday so couldnt have really bout it without credit until then but Im still a d1ck :-S


Mods, feel free to close thread....


Cheers guys :blush:

  liquidshokk said:
I did only get paid on friday so couldnt have really bout it without credit until then but Im still a d1ck :-S


Mods, feel free to close thread....


My account/renewals


Oi, stop editing. My reply makes no sense now.


(No change there then!)

  RonManager said:
My account/renewals


Oi, stop editing. My reply makes no sense now.


(No change there then!)


hehe, sorry :) mine didnt make any sense when i saw the post before mine :-P


Cheers but its not a renewal and it doesnt give me any link to new ST under account/renewals

  liquidshokk said:
hehe, sorry :) mine didnt make any sense when i saw the post before mine :-P


Cheers but its not a renewal and it doesnt give me any link to new ST under account/renewals


Perhaps you've been bad and Nicola won't let you have one.

  RonManager said:
Perhaps you've been bad and Nicola won't let you have one.




Just called them and they said there isnt anything closer than row q available but lots of seats in the area that havent renewed, which will be available from thursday so they advised to try then. Shame as wanted to get it sorted today after realising im a dumbass :) guess there will be a fair rush on thursday still though....

  liquidshokk said:


Just called them and they said there isnt anything closer than row q available but lots of seats in the area that havent renewed, which will be available from thursday so they advised to try then. Shame as wanted to get it sorted today after realising im a dumbass :) guess there will be a fair rush on thursday still though....


Oooh quelle surprise. :-)


This thread just saved my bacon.. For some reason I thought the 30th was Friday so was planning on renewing the kids and my tickets Thursday.. Just had made dash to stadium to renew as can't get there tomorrow.. Phew...

  liquidshokk said:
Anyone else looking for a new st but cant find it online??? im guessing i SHOULD be able to order it online?


having the same problem i guess its the old phone call then !!!!

  liquidshokk said:
Anyone else looking for a new st but cant find it online??? im guessing i SHOULD be able to order it online?


its a difficult one liquidshock, but ive just found it -


click on MY ACCOUNT on the online page once you have logged in.

then go to cup match and season renewals and a list appears with a list of games

check the box next to season ticket and away you go :)

  Icey Saint said:
its a difficult one liquidshock, but ive just found it -


click on MY ACCOUNT on the online page once you have logged in.

then go to cup match and season renewals and a list appears with a list of games

check the box next to season ticket and away you go :)


Dont you have to put in customer number and access code?? mine is a new ST not a renewal and no matches are listed as you describe... ?!?


Icey Saint, I don't get this come up - I followed your instructions, clicked for renewals, and I don't get a list of games - I get an access code (random numbers and letters) and an expiry date in July 2009. No list appears. Anybody else get this?


Except all the marketing you propose will actually cost extra money to the club for what will essentially be a smaller uptake.


STH's are of the type that if they wish to buy a ticket, they will be checking the OS etc and so going to renew, i don't know of any STH that DOESN'T know they need to renew about this time so a marketing campaign to say so is pretty pointless IMO.

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
I see the massive marketing drive to maximise renewals has started... with a small article on the OS.


I don't think a bigger article would have persuaded people to part with £300+.

  Smirking_Saint said:
Except all the marketing you propose will actually cost extra money to the club for what will essentially be a smaller uptake.


STH's are of the type that if they wish to buy a ticket, they will be checking the OS etc and so going to renew, i don't know of any STH that DOESN'T know they need to renew about this time so a marketing campaign to say so is pretty pointless IMO.


Do I have to go through the whole Group A, Group B and Group C thing again?


Just because you are a super fan, doesn't mean there are many people who need convincing through advertising and marketing to buy one. That is a FACT in any aspect of membership sales.


Seriously, why can't you just appreciate that not everyone is as obsessed with Saints than you? Our core support is about 10k, probably less... everyone else will react to marketing, advertising, offers, value for money etc etc when making a decision on whether to renew or not or turn up to a game on a match by match basis.


And the costs.


Club to send email out to all on the database - If one person out of 50,000 reacts to that and buys a season ticket = costs covered.


Mailshot / Renewal Pack - If 5 people out of 13,000 react to that, and buy a season ticket as a result = costs covered.


Text to STH's - If 2 people renew as a direct result of the text = Costs covered.


Advertising on the OS - Free


Advertising/Renewal Forms in the Echo - If 3 people renew as a result then costs covered.


Indirect advertising in the Echo through stories etc in exchange for plugs - Free


Radio Advertising - If 5 people react to a Radio Advert and renew then costs covered.


West Quay - Having a stall on the main walkthrough, if it prompts 3 people to renew = Costs covered.


Leafleting in Southampton City Centre, get the Academy players out speaking to people, if 1 person decides on a season ticket = Costs covered.


I could go on, there is plenty more ways that the club could promote season tickets... IF THEY WANTED TO. The cost is irrelevent as it is a fraction of the return they would get from pushing them.


Don't forget that you can get a FREE ST for an under 8 if you are buying an adult ST.

This applies to anywhere in the ground, not just the Chapel stand.

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
Do I have to go through the whole Group A, Group B and Group C thing again?


Just because you are a super fan, doesn't mean there are many people who need convincing through advertising and marketing to buy one. That is a FACT in any aspect of membership sales.


Seriously, why can't you just appreciate that not everyone is as obsessed with Saints than you? Our core support is about 10k, probably less... everyone else will react to marketing, advertising, offers, value for money etc etc when making a decision on whether to renew or not or turn up to a game on a match by match basis.


And the costs.


Club to send email out to all on the database - If one person out of 50,000 reacts to that and buys a season ticket = costs covered.


Mailshot / Renewal Pack - If 5 people out of 13,000 react to that, and buy a season ticket as a result = costs covered.


Text to STH's - If 2 people renew as a direct result of the text = Costs covered.


Advertising on the OS - Free


Advertising/Renewal Forms in the Echo - If 3 people renew as a result then costs covered.


Indirect advertising in the Echo through stories etc in exchange for plugs - Free


Radio Advertising - If 5 people react to a Radio Advert and renew then costs covered.


West Quay - Having a stall on the main walkthrough, if it prompts 3 people to renew = Costs covered.

Leafleting in Southampton City Centre, get the Academy players out speaking to people, if 1 person decides on a season ticket = Costs covered.


I could go on, there is plenty more ways that the club could promote season tickets... IF THEY WANTED TO. The cost is irrelevent as it is a fraction of the return they would get from pushing them.

As part of your great business knowledge, can you tell me how much profit there is in a season ticket to make, for example, the sale of 5 tickets cover the cost of a radio advert, or 3 tickets cover the cost of an Echo advert??

  miserableoldgit said:
As part of your great business knowledge, can you tell me how much profit there is in a season ticket to make, for example, the sale of 5 tickets cover the cost of a radio advert, or 3 tickets cover the cost of an Echo advert??


As I said, season tickets are cold, hard cash. There is no set amount to how much profit each season ticket is worth, as regardless the club still needs to run. The 'profit' comes from the people that will renew regardless and don't need the advertising.


The 5 tickets bought as a reaction of a radio advert is 100% profit, because they would not have bought one if it was not for the radio advert. Of course you need to subtract the amount of games each new STH would have been to on a match by match basis. But for people to say " adverting costs money , it's all down to costs etc " obviously don't have a clue how the world works. Every single product/brand in the world advertises, not because it costs money, but because it generates money!

  Smirking_Saint said:
I would feel so much better if we had Stu running the club


Is that all you can say? Why not try and be constructive and tell me how I am wrong about advertising costs?


Oh... you can't, because you don't have a clue whereas I have worked in membership sales, digital sales, press sales and marketing, so I know of the costs involved.


Don't act like such a child, if I am wrong, put it to me in a constructive way, using facts, rather than spitting your dummy ouy.

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
I know how to run advertising and marketing campaigns, I also know the costs... and they are minimal considering the returns I have outlined above.


Stu, just as a matter of interest, is there anything that you don't know...?

  Micky said:
Stu, just as a matter of interest, is there anything that you don't know...?


It might seem like that, generally because I only post on threads that I have an interest in / or know about. I don't post on many threads.


You could always join in the debate in a constructive way, telling me if the sales strategy I have shown is wrong, and if so, what is wrong in what I say?

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
Is that all you can say? Why not try and be constructive and tell me how I am wrong about advertising costs?


Oh... you can't, because you don't have a clue whereas I have worked in membership sales, digital sales, press sales and marketing, so I know of the costs involved.


Don't act like such a child, if I am wrong, put it to me in a constructive way, using facts, rather than spitting your dummy ouy.


We have talked about it over PM Stu, and the issue is yes you do make some good points, however you are so single minded it really wouldn't matter if i had a counter arguement or not, your focussed and obsessed in attempting to make every one you meet share your hatred of NC.


You argue against this by saying not to go onto a thread that you have started on the subject however each and every f*cking thread i look at these days have you gobbing off on the same tedious subject.


You have made your points, you have argued and argued, you have even changed your name for some reason ? But all in all those that you would have influenced with this have been and those that are not going to be influenced are currently finding it all pretty boring.


NC is what he is, a businessman, he was never a fan of Southampton he just saw a business oppurtinity. How hard is that to see ?? We are customers of the club, always have been, no need to spit your dummy out because the club does not tailor to your every need. He is running the club as a business and is attempting to fund a successful charge to the PL whilst building the team and infrastructure along the way. All of these things you hear about him need to be taken with a pinch of salt to, as a lot of these 'rumours' are twisted and changed dependant on the word of mouths outlook towards them.


I would hazard a guess we still have a large ST uptake, and i would also argue atleast 80% of the STH would renew, which i would imagine to be a natural swing most seasons anyways. I agree NC is crap at PR, i agree he could have done things better and definately should have warned of the payment plan change before hand and should have reconsidered it's removal to the detriment of the fans. However we don't know all of the reasons for its removal, you did some research but only from one side of it. Personally i blame all those defaulters last season as without which i would hazard a guess NC would have kept it up but as per usual the selfishness of a few detriment on others and highlights the fact that if you can't afford something don't buy it. Everyone i know who is renewing had a moan about the payment plan but has now got over it and renewed and a few more of us are buying new ST's.


Most of us are happy with the progression, i am sort of on the fence about NC but understand this is a business not a charity. He will never alienate the entire fanbase, it will never ever happen FFS, prices won't ever be too astronomical (within reason) as it will stifle profits from attendance. And TBF if we are challenging like chelsea in the prem than yes i would pay for that premium.

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
It might seem like that, generally because I only post on threads that I have an interest in / or know about. I don't post on many threads.


You could always join in the debate in a constructive way, telling me if the sales strategy I have shown is wrong, and if so, what is wrong in what I say?


I've not even read your stategy Stu - and as I've never sold anything in my life (well, to earn a living anyway) I am not qualified to comment. I was only drawn to the thread because, once again, you seem intent on grasping the negatives, whinging about them and never letting go.


Is there anything about the club which you feel positive or upbeat about?

  Smirking_Saint said:
Got nothing to say then Stu ??

He is far too busy to reply ATM:-

David Brent[/b];769204]I am currently working on the setup and implementation of a sales and marketing strategy for a blue-chip company, as they expand their business into a new Industry sector. I have also been involved previously in the setup of various sales channels for another multi-million pound business ( on a more junior level though ) dealing with print and digital advertising specifically. Lastly, I was a membership sales manager for a well known gymnasium in the Southampton area, tasked with creating sales initiatives to drive sales and bring people into the club,through outreach / corporate events and advertising etc.


Is that enough for you?

Posted (edited)
  Smirking_Saint said:
I would hazard a guess we still have a large ST uptake, and i would also argue atleast 80% of the STH would renew, which i would imagine to be a natural swing most seasons anyways.


if less STs are sold than last summer then a `board' would normally ask some serious questions of the CEO. We have better players and the likelyhood of a promotion campaign on the cards. Any other season and you'd expect a significant rise. Maybe that will still happen.

Edited by Chez
  Smirking_Saint said:
We have talked about it over PM Stu, and the issue is yes you do make some good points, however you are so single minded it really wouldn't matter if i had a counter arguement or not, your focussed and obsessed in attempting to make every one you meet share your hatred of NC. If someone could provide me with reasonable and factual reasons as to how Cortese has shown himself to respect the supporters then I am happy to accept them, apart from saying hello to people queueing for a ticket and giving a baby a season ticket ( if accompanied by a paying adult lol )


You argue against this by saying not to go onto a thread that you have started on the subject however each and every f*cking thread i look at these days have you gobbing off on the same tedious subject. This bit you make yourself look a bit retarded, you think it is a tedious subject, yet you comment on the subject? I and many others have been directly affected by the aggressive season ticket sales and lack of pre-season tour notification, amoungst other things. You havent, yet you have such a strong opinion. That is retarded


You have made your points, you have argued and argued, you have even changed your name for some reason ? But all in all those that you would have influenced with this have been and those that are not going to be influenced are currently finding it all pretty boring. If your ignored me, the thread would die, instead you say " You're wrong " or make a sarcy reply, yet you offer nothing to the debate, you try to rubbish me when I make informative posts regarding how to market and sell membership based products etc, which I do from having the experience and working in that field previously.


NC is what he is, a businessman, he was never a fan of Southampton he just saw a business oppurtinity. How hard is that to see ?? We are customers of the club, always have been, no need to spit your dummy out because the club does not tailor to your every need. He is running the club as a business and is attempting to fund a successful charge to the PL whilst building the team and infrastructure along the way. All of these things you hear about him need to be taken with a pinch of salt to, as a lot of these 'rumours' are twisted and changed dependant on the word of mouths outlook towards them. I am not asking for the club to tailor my every need, just run it in a reasonable and customer friendly way, and offer a service every comparable club in the country offer. I don't think that is too much to ask. And you don't know where I hear these 'rumours' from, I know alot more than I would post on an internet forum, but again you are assuming.


I would hazard a guess we still have a large ST uptake, and i would also argue atleast 80% of the STH would renew, which i would imagine to be a natural swing most seasons anyways. I agree NC is crap at PR, i agree he could have done things better and definately should have warned of the payment plan change before hand and should have reconsidered it's removal to the detriment of the fans. However we don't know all of the reasons for its removal, you did some research but only from one side of it. Personally i blame all those defaulters last season as without which i would hazard a guess NC would have kept it up but as per usual the selfishness of a few detriment on others and highlights the fact that if you can't afford something don't buy it. Everyone i know who is renewing had a moan about the payment plan but has now got over it and renewed and a few more of us are buying new ST's. Once again, just to repeat myself once again, nobody from the club has ever said anything about defaulters, I can tell you thought that there is no chance it is anywhere near significant because if it was, every single comparable club, including those from less, shall we say " affluent" areas.


The blind loyalty on here really does stagger me, people seem to honestly believe that Cortese knows better than the other 91 clubs in the league, who have a much more customer friendly ticketing scheme.


Most of us are happy with the progression, i am sort of on the fence about NC but understand this is a business not a charity. He will never alienate the entire fanbase, it will never ever happen FFS, prices won't ever be too astronomical (within reason) as it will stifle profits from attendance. And TBF if we are challenging like chelsea in the prem than yes i would pay for that premium. What proof do you have that prices won't be astronomical? There are currently only about 16 teams in the UK with more expensive ticketing than us, yet we find ourselves 45th in the table, even if you do place us at the top of League 1.


I think there is every reason to believe that if he is allowed to, prices will keep going up and up and up. You might well accept is, being the uber-fan that you are, but many won't.




Does that answer your questions? Much more informative than simply making sarcy comments eh?

  Chez said:
if less STs are sold than last summer then a `board' would normally ask some serious questions of the CEO. We have better players and the likelyhood of a promotion campaign on the cards. Any other season and you'd expect a 20% rise not a 20% fall.


I agree with that, completely agree and think we should be selling more ST's especially after last season.


All i was saying that every season i would assume there would be a natural reduction of people renewing for whatever reason, obviously you can't have more people 'renewing' than already had a ST, but you will always get people that don't keep it up for whatever reason.


You then need to add to this with people that buy new tickets.


I honestly believe we will have more STH's than last season, all in all the payment plan has not affected as many as has been made out and the outcry has pretty much died down now, well in the people i know anyways and most of them arent exactly flush. It was a mistake by NC, i do get that and a shame on those few that it has affected which will generally be families.

  Dave Benson Phillips said:
Does that answer your questions? Much more informative than simply making sarcy comments eh?


So you shout me down for making sarccy comments and then within the last line bring up the ubber-fan crap that you keep bringing up ?? Why ? Why have i ever said i am an Uber fan ? Or better than you or anyone else ??


How have i made myself look retarded by commenting on these issues ?? How do you know about my position financially etc ??


Truth is Stu, i was going to buy a ST this season but i cannot justify paying the money upfront, so in essance i am effected by the removal of the payment plan as i would have almost definately bought one if it were still available. I could get a 0% credit card etc but instead have re-assessed my priorities and have settled on hand picking as many games as i can and will probably go to more away games and miss the majority of mid-weekers.


All in all though i can see the number of STH's increasing, and so how would NC have f*cked up ? We would have more than usual. I would never advocate a club having more than 2/3rds of its supporters being STH's anyways, it just does not make good financial sense and stifles the growth of a fanbase.


You laugh at him walking around saying hello to the fans and giving away a ST to a newborn as a minute gesture and you are then up in arms as fans that only read the daily echo (i would argue not a massive % of the fanbase) have to wait a massive 24 hours for news, wow.


Every club has differences, infact the majority are in the red, saints are not, i would much much prefer a stable future and a decent team, ambition and set up then a few more PR 'stunts' from the chairman.


And as for the prices, they will always stay within a level that is sustainable to keep a decent level of attendance, and for that reason will never become too astronomical.


But well done to you to being more knowledgeable than all of us to the running of a major business within an industry not governed by the same rules that affect those in a usual commercial situation. You truelly are an idol amoungst forum posters.

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