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Posted (edited)

Now that he has brought the bread and circus of promotion to the hoi polloi, Don Nicola will be able to tighten his iron-grip and crush all dissenters....without a whimper. Don't need to be Italian and read your Machiavelli to know that old ruse. Cortese gonna get ya. BOO HOO :toppa:

Edited by shurlock

Interesting reading.....cue Fitzhugh Fella (post 149) with one of his psuedo-ITK subtle schitt-stirring posts.

Interesting reading.....cue Fitzhugh Fella (post 149) with one of his psuedo-ITK subtle schitt-stirring posts.


In the light of what then happened to Pardew then I think my post to be pretty relevant and accurate.

The biggest schitt stirrer on this forum imo is you Manji - and of course you conveniently do it behind the curtain of anonyminity.


What you have got against me and why is frankly beyond me but perhaps you would like to get in touch off list and we can discuss it properly?



I sometimes pull FF's leg (because he bites) but you can't question his dedication and passion. And I think you're being very mean Manji in dragging up all this old sh/t at a time when we're all (including FF) over the moon about going up.


I don't always agree with FF either, but I've never quite understood why manji has such an issue with him. He posts in good faith, and it's up to individual posters to decide whether they believe him or not based on their own perception and knowledge of things.

In the light of what then happened to Pardew then I think my post to be pretty relevant and accurate.

The biggest schitt stirrer on this forum imo is you Manji - and of course you conveniently do it behind the curtain of anonyminity.


What you have got against me and why is frankly beyond me but perhaps you would like to get in touch off list and we can discuss it properly?



Sounds a bit holleyer than thou to me!!


At last, a little light reading before bedtime.


Come on fellas, it's only two sleeps til the party.


Egos are for fools.


...oh, and chairman and ex pro's of course.

As it seems to be in vogue to resurrect old threads this week....this one caught my eye....




Surely you should spend less time on here and more time actually going to games?


For what its worth, I still have many of the same reservations about NC that I did back then, scraping promotion out of the third division won't change that. Fingers crossed he's learnt his lesson from a lot of the errors from a year/9months ago, will be interesting to see how Season tickets etc are handled this pre-season.


NC has handled the business and chosen his staff brilliantly, won us promotion and laid the foundations for the future, critics forget that we were heading for oblivion until he stepped in, thank you NC a million times over

In the light of what then happened to Pardew then I think my post to be pretty relevant and accurate.

The biggest schitt stirrer on this forum imo is you Manji - and of course you conveniently do it behind the curtain of anonyminity.


What you have got against me and why is frankly beyond me but perhaps you would like to get in touch off list and we can discuss it properly?



We have always had our differences but I have always thought of you as being genuine. The one thing where I disagree with you strongly is over the interpretation of information and the majority of the time it is not even your interpretation. Often we get the same information, with just the spin taking things in opposite directions.


One that sticks out being that Lowe was picking the team under Poortvliet by giving the manager a list of players he could use and could not use. Now I fully accepted that Lowe was doing this, but based upon playing bonuses and costs because of our precarious financial position, not because Lowe was picking the team on his own ego driven FM agenda. With Cortese the belief that he sacked Pardew irrespective, I find ludicrous. Cortese knew full well when he sacked Pardew the negative effect that would have on our gaining promotion this season and fully admitted as such when this was done. To try and imply this was definitely on the cards, irrespective of events just does not come near to standing up to logic. You were clear that you were passing on information from others and that included the opinion. But when you pass that on as such, you are placing yourself alongside that opinion and that is where these differences arise.


I fully agree Cortese is not everyone's cup of tea and I would prefer some of his actions never to have happened. But overall he is such a greater force for good for the club that all the negatives pale into insignificance in comparison. He is very driven, extremely hard working and his focus can let the niceties slip by too easily. I am sure many of the staff have difficulty working with him because of his high demands, as someone said to Oldknow "so basically he was a hard task master without interest in gossip?". There is no ego with Cortese but a forceful drive to push Saints as high and as quickly as possible. Now I see this as a very good thing as a Saints fan even allowing for his peccadillo's. Even if you see this as a fatal flaw, what viable alternatives are there? He could put us back where he found us tomorrow and we would still be better off, there's just no practical reason not to get aboard the bus.


The greatest difference I have seen in a long time at Saints is the total unity throughout the club, from fans to all areas. This is mainly down to Adkins, but Cortese has not been a barrier to this happening and his firm stance that politics has no place within the club is a cornerstone to this approach.


What's Cortese ever done for us? eh?


I preferred it when Rupert was in charge. At least we did play in the Prem when Rupert was in charge. All we got under Cortese is crappy League 1 football and even come the last game of the season we still aren't technically up.

I think it is good to resuurect threads like this. I wonder who David Benson Philips was ?


If serious, that was StuRomseySaint, if not, meh.

We have always had our differences but I have always thought of you as being genuine. The one thing where I disagree with you strongly is over the interpretation of information and the majority of the time it is not even your interpretation. Often we get the same information, with just the spin taking things in opposite directions.


One that sticks out being that Lowe was picking the team under Poortvliet by giving the manager a list of players he could use and could not use. Now I fully accepted that Lowe was doing this, but based upon playing bonuses and costs because of our precarious financial position, not because Lowe was picking the team on his own ego driven FM agenda. With Cortese the belief that he sacked Pardew irrespective, I find ludicrous. Cortese knew full well when he sacked Pardew the negative effect that would have on our gaining promotion this season and fully admitted as such when this was done. To try and imply this was definitely on the cards, irrespective of events just does not come near to standing up to logic. You were clear that you were passing on information from others and that included the opinion. But when you pass that on as such, you are placing yourself alongside that opinion and that is where these differences arise.


I fully agree Cortese is not everyone's cup of tea and I would prefer some of his actions never to have happened. But overall he is such a greater force for good for the club that all the negatives pale into insignificance in comparison. He is very driven, extremely hard working and his focus can let the niceties slip by too easily. I am sure many of the staff have difficulty working with him because of his high demands, as someone said to Oldknow "so basically he was a hard task master without interest in gossip?". There is no ego with Cortese but a forceful drive to push Saints as high and as quickly as possible. Now I see this as a very good thing as a Saints fan even allowing for his peccadillo's. Even if you see this as a fatal flaw, what viable alternatives are there? He could put us back where he found us tomorrow and we would still be better off, there's just no practical reason not to get aboard the bus.


The greatest difference I have seen in a long time at Saints is the total unity throughout the club, from fans to all areas. This is mainly down to Adkins, but Cortese has not been a barrier to this happening and his firm stance that politics has no place within the club is a cornerstone to this approach.


What a gread read, superb post.


One by one, the old dinosaurs will be filtered out, as old boys networks crumble and the back slappers start to fade.


A lot of supporters want to be influential, full of inside knowledge, they want to be important and they want recognition... theres loads of these personalities, either anonomously on here, loud mouths at the pub, the train station, the dell cafe, corporate suites etc... loads...


but the new regime dont get involved in little girls squabbles, these guys are so far above all of that, they must get confused when people get upset and start kicking off about them through various outlets.


the new generation of supporters are fully behind cortese, and were not too caught up/involved in all the LM/lowe/wilde and so on to become the next bunch of extremist supporters.


I like FF and own some of his books, but I think it is time he GOT ON THE BUS!


Don't get me wrong - i'm on the bus and am delighted we are going up, but I think people on here and Saints fans in general only see and hear what they want to hear and then tailor their posts/views accordingly.

I had info back then and i posted on the strength of it - not because i wanted attention as Manji maintains (for christs sake i get enough of that in my job) but because sometimes i think the fans deserve to know more than they do. Up and away is making all sorts of assumptions in his reply to me based on what? Just his opinion - that's fair enough but it is not objective.

Unfortunately I don't want rattle on now, because this is not the time or place and this is a week for all to be celebrating. NC and Adkins have delivered phase one. Fair play - I had reservations, I expressed them in this thread but their way has proved to be succesful so far. Let's hope that continues.


(On the strength of you buying the books If you e mail me your mobile quite happy to explain why I said what I did at the time) :)


why post it though FF.

saints fans in general seem to have had enough of "posts" letting us know what may or may not have happened horribly behind the scenes...


who are you to say they deserve to know what may not have actually happened..?

Surely you should spend less time on here and more time actually going to games?



Were we playing yesterday afternoon then?

What a gread read, superb post.


One by one, the old dinosaurs will be filtered out, as old boys networks crumble and the back slappers start to fade.


A lot of supporters want to be influential, full of inside knowledge, they want to be important and they want recognition... theres loads of these personalities, either anonomously on here, loud mouths at the pub, the train station, the dell cafe, corporate suites etc... loads...


but the new regime dont get involved in little girls squabbles, these guys are so far above all of that, they must get confused when people get upset and start kicking off about them through various outlets.


the new generation of supporters are fully behind cortese, and were not too caught up/involved in all the LM/lowe/wilde and so on to become the next bunch of extremist supporters.


I like FF and own some of his books, but I think it is time he GOT ON THE BUS!

You only have to look at the uglies to see certain reaction to cortese' judgements this season

why post it though FF.

saints fans in general seem to have had enough of "posts" letting us know what may or may not have happened horribly behind the scenes...


who are you to say they deserve to know what may not have actually happened..?


Sorry TDD but when I read this it seems like you're suggesting FF of arrogance for deciding people 'deserve to know what may not have actually happened'. Surely it would be more arrogant for him to decide that people didn't deserve to know and keep things to himself?


Fair enough if people don't want to know stuff, maybe it is gossip but surely it's fairer for people to share things and the rest of us make the decision for ourselves?


Yeah Cortese has really p*ssed me off, I've had to sit in my seat all season seeing win after win after win and have to go through the total humiliation of promotion. Damn you Cortese for giving me a happy season of football, Damn you for raising my expectations,Damn you for making me celebrate. It Southampton I support did you not read the page on Wikipedia that stated we are used to seeing **** and forever being disappointed. Damn you for making me happy

used to be more exciting when opposition scored occassionally as well


Weirdly, I actually find it more annoying than stressful now. I guess because our style of play seems to be really geared around control and clean sheets...

Weirdly, I actually find it more annoying than stressful now. I guess because our style of play seems to be really geared around control and clean sheets...


just noticed, in 18 home games since Adkins arrived we have only let in 7 goals, Oldham 2-1, Peterborough 4-1, Swindon 4-1, Mk 3-2, Brentford 0-2.

.. geared around control and clean sheets...


I think a few of our older comrades probably do lose control and end up with sh!tty sheets. Called incontinence.

Sorry TDD but when I read this it seems like you're suggesting FF of arrogance for deciding people 'deserve to know what may not have actually happened'. Surely it would be more arrogant for him to decide that people didn't deserve to know and keep things to himself?


Fair enough if people don't want to know stuff, maybe it is gossip but surely it's fairer for people to share things and the rest of us make the decision for ourselves?


The problem with the whole Pardew situation was that it seems Cortese didn't have much of a choice.


But then there are too many people on here and definately on the Ugly that want sticks to beat Don Cortese with.

Don't get me wrong - i'm on the bus and am delighted we are going up, but I think people on here and Saints fans in general only see and hear what they want to hear and then tailor their posts/views accordingly.

I had info back then and i posted on the strength of it - not because i wanted attention as Manji maintains (for christs sake i get enough of that in my job) but because sometimes i think the fans deserve to know more than they do. Up and away is making all sorts of assumptions in his reply to me based on what? Just his opinion - that's fair enough but it is not objective.

Unfortunately I don't want rattle on now, because this is not the time or place and this is a week for all to be celebrating. NC and Adkins have delivered phase one. Fair play - I had reservations, I expressed them in this thread but their way has proved to be succesful so far. Let's hope that continues.


(On the strength of you buying the books If you e mail me your mobile quite happy to explain why I said what I did at the time) :)


I believe there is an element of attention seeking but what really annoys me (and quite a few others on here) is the way that you and a couple of others on here (hi Um ! ) repeat blatant agenda led tittle-tattle ITK information as fact. I dont believe you know more than anyone else posting on this board.

Your not going to get a job as "club historian" , none of your drinking buddies are going to be a "fan on the board" and the club isnt going turn into socialist fan led peoples club so get on the bus or shut up.

Most of us are quite happy with the current benevolant dictatorship led by Nicola Cortese :)

Don't get me wrong - i'm on the bus and am delighted we are going up, but I think people on here and Saints fans in general only see and hear what they want to hear and then tailor their posts/views accordingly.

I had info back then and i posted on the strength of it - not because i wanted attention as Manji maintains (for christs sake i get enough of that in my job) but because sometimes i think the fans deserve to know more than they do. Up and away is making all sorts of assumptions in his reply to me based on what? Just his opinion - that's fair enough but it is not objective.

Unfortunately I don't want rattle on now, because this is not the time or place and this is a week for all to be celebrating. NC and Adkins have delivered phase one. Fair play - I had reservations, I expressed them in this thread but their way has proved to be succesful so far. Let's hope that continues.


(On the strength of you buying the books If you e mail me your mobile quite happy to explain why I said what I did at the time) :)


Fitzhugh, sorry... that post wasnt aimed directly at you, but my final sentence tied you in and perhaps gave the wrong impression. I was talking about all soundbiters/voices of the fans/ubers etc in general.


Great to hear you are on the bus.

Fitzhugh, sorry... that post wasnt aimed directly at you, but my final sentence tied you in and perhaps gave the wrong impression. I was talking about all soundbiters/voices of the fans/ubers etc in general.


Great to hear you are on the bus.


the wheels on the bus go round and round


Don't understand why people feel the need to moan. Since Cortese has been in the building, we've won a trophy and got promoted. We have a great manager and a great team. Now all we seem to need is a united fan base?

Don't understand why people feel the need to moan. Since Cortese has been in the building, we've won a trophy and got promoted. We have a great manager and a great team. Now all we seem to need is a united fan base?


1 trophy and 1 promotion in 2 seasons is better than we've had for a heck of a long time.

1 trophy and 1 promotion in 2 seasons is better than we've had for a heck of a long time.


But have we got 1st class catering, radio station and a train picture

(hi Um ! ) repeat blatant agenda led tittle-tattle ITK information as fact.


LOL you bedwetter. Agenda led tittle tattle ITK information me up.


This is a message board where stuff that is posted ranges from complete fantasy land stuff to a decent inside snippet, with millions in between!!!! It is up to the individual to look at the posts, for themselves to judge what they think of it, then reply, comment on it or ignore it.


No one individuals posts or opinions are "more valid" than anyone elses, something you yourself go on to say, so you would do well to wind it in, otherwise you'll be bursting a blood vessel with all your angst.


I dont believe you know more than anyone else posting on this board.


But seeing as you've sort of rumbled my agenda, i thought I should post it up here once and for all (so you can refer to it from time to time):


For Saints to be as successful as possible whilst providing entertainment and pleasure to its many supporters, wherever they may reside and in whatever capacity they follow the Club.

just noticed, in 18 home games since Adkins arrived we have only let in 7 goals, Oldham 2-1, Peterborough 4-1, Swindon 4-1, Mk 3-2, Brentford 0-2.


I know it's been a pleasure to watch the team really come together. We've been tight at the back but also really smart. Adkins kept saying we were chipping away and he was right, get the win done and keep one eye on the next game.


I remember the Tuesday night home game against Yeovil. We were winning - in control but not really pushing it and I knew then that the players were just seeing it out and making sure they didn't do anything to disrupt the more important game coming up - away to Bournemouth.


Not sure if it's the 'Southampton Way' of old, but it's good stuff and I'm enjoying it.



For Saints to be as successful as possible whilst providing entertainment and pleasure to its many supporters, wherever they may reside and in whatever capacity they follow the Club.


Oi, that's my agenda - get yer own.

Interesting reading.....cue Fitzhugh Fella (post 149) with one of his psuedo-ITK subtle schitt-stirring posts.


Given our apparent dreadful pre season under Pardew, the rumblings at the end of last season about Pardew staying or going and the manager being sacked a couple of months later, then Fitzhugh's note about perhaps outsiders not being aware of the tensions bubbling under the surface wasn't far off the mark at all.


As it turns out then Cortese's approach throughout this time has been vindicated, but I'm not sure that doesn't mean we should ignore that it was obviously a rocky period last summer with manager and CEO/Chairman being at odds with each other. In fact it could be said that given how bad we are led to believe it was, then it has totally vindicated Cortese's hard nose approach.

Don't get me wrong - i'm on the bus and am delighted we are going up, but I think people on here and Saints fans in general only see and hear what they want to hear and then tailor their posts/views accordingly.

I had info back then and i posted on the strength of it - not because i wanted attention as Manji maintains (for christs sake i get enough of that in my job) but because sometimes i think the fans deserve to know more than they do. Up and away is making all sorts of assumptions in his reply to me based on what? Just his opinion - that's fair enough but it is not objective.

Unfortunately I don't want rattle on now, because this is not the time or place and this is a week for all to be celebrating. NC and Adkins have delivered phase one. Fair play - I had reservations, I expressed them in this thread but their way has proved to be succesful so far. Let's hope that continues.


(On the strength of you buying the books If you e mail me your mobile quite happy to explain why I said what I did at the time) :)


Though not directly aimed at me, I can assure you that I do not view your posts as attention seeking. My only difference is that the information passed along is sometimes based upon the opinion of the source and that objectivity sometimes goes out of the window when repeating such a thing. There has been more than one occasion in the past where you have just posted the facts where I have fully supported your position and thankful of the information, even where others have attacked you.


This comes down to one thing alone, which you feel I am equally guilty of, objectivity. The rumour that Cortese would be sacking Pardew irrespective of events just lacked total objectivity to me, unless you envisage a Hitler like figure going through the last days in the bunker. You were representing the view that Cortese was prepared to risk this whole season based upon some bizarre relationship with Pardew, that changed from time to time irrespective of events? I say that lacks objectivity to everything we know so far of Cortese and his admitted belief that this set back our promotion push for this season. I can fully understand how the Pardew rumour got off the ground as Cortese looked at the possibility of replacing Pardew. I can further imagine that this would have unsettled Pardew to a certain degree, but that was his own fault when he went into print in the programme notes of prioritising the cups, against Cortese's expressed instructions. But that was well sorted before pre-season and Pardew had Cortese's full backing, even when other members of staff complained to Cortese that Pardews methods were doing more damage than good in pre-season.


I far prefer Adkins over Pardew, but that does not prevent me from readily accepting that Pardew could have got us promotion this season. Pardew made errors, one of which would have been enough to sack him for me, even though I thought he was capable of doing the job. It's possible Pardew could have been the better candidate for getting us out of the Championship and into the Premier, we just do not know. But one thing I feel very strongly about is that Cortese was prepared to risk this whole season because he was uncertain or playing mind games with Pardew, it just does not stack up with everything we know?


In the past I expect we have received some information from the same source, you directly and myself second hand. Luckily I have had someone who could peel the expected spin from it's known viewpoint to extract something of value, even though giving the unabridged version. I know we will never agree on these matters and will just leave it at that.

But that was well sorted before pre-season and Pardew had Cortese's full backing, even when other members of staff complained to Cortese that Pardews methods were doing more damage than good in pre-season.


What makes you say that (in a mild enquiring manner, not a confrontational prove it retort)????


Being honest I have to say that I never thought Pardew had Cortese's full backing towards the end of last season, then over pre-season and then throught the first few games. I never bought in to the "Pardew rumours", instead I always thought Cortese wanted him shot since the back end of last season, Liebherr was less certain and Liebherr's passing provided Cortese with the ideal opportunity (once a few weeks had passed).


And before Manji wets the bed, that opinion is based on nothing more than how things panned out and the tittle tattle expressed on here, at SMS and reading between the lines - probably incorrectly of course (no ITK whatsoever).

Given our apparent dreadful pre season under Pardew, the rumblings at the end of last season about Pardew staying or going and the manager being sacked a couple of months later, then Fitzhugh's note about perhaps outsiders not being aware of the tensions bubbling under the surface wasn't far off the mark at all.


As it turns out then Cortese's approach throughout this time has been vindicated, but I'm not sure that doesn't mean we should ignore that it was obviously a rocky period last summer with manager and CEO/Chairman being at odds with each other. In fact it could be said that given how bad we are led to believe it was, then it has totally vindicated Cortese's hard nose approach.


I think though what this all highlights is that we have over the years become so distrustful of any 'regime' - and to be fair, we have all had strong opinions on the merits and dismerits of the various incumbants often fuelled by our own 'agendas' depending on which side a particular fence we were sat on. During those periods that we would ideally all like to forget, those with 'links' to the club, naturally became sources of info. Ideally, the info would always have been provided without any associated bias, but it would be impossible to expect that and I think its appreciated by most that readers that they needed to make up their own minds as to the what could taken as fact, gossip, or rumour designed to maybe influence public feeling... propoganda is too strong a word, but it would be naive not to acknowledge that was certainly plenty of 'agenda dressed as info' at the time.


I think that suspicion and distrust was carried over by some when Markus and Nicola arrived, possibly as most fans still feel naturally concerned when owners arrive with no apparent links and only a buisness based background. However, I think for most we were just glad to be alive, to still ahve a club and felt that it was always somewhat churlish to begin poking and disecting every action and approach, looking for holes and undermining the joy most felt at simply having a club to support - and to be fair, the nit picking began almost from day one. It was as if some would simply not accept any regime unless it was 100% to their liking. and that ****ed a few folk off, because we just wanted to enjoy teh fact that we had not only survived, but had found someone who wanted to see us rise from the ashes as much as the fans did. Its hy many simply dont understand the need to be publically critical, even if the critism is perhaps justified when teh issue is taken in isolation - and i think that's it in a nutshell. NC has done things that when taken in isolation possibly wont be to everyones liking, fair enough. But when looked at over his tenure to date, or in light of the REAL reasons why certain actions were taken, they become almost trivial compared to the positives - I guess it depends pon your personal threshold for how much needs to be done inline with to your particular opinion... for me if 80% is right, I simply dont have the energy or desire to rake over teh 20% - seems daft to me, especially as most of it will be unsubstantiated or critiqued without the benefit of knowing teh rationale behind it.


The removeal of the payment plan was a classic - major wranglings on here, about its removal, yet i am sure now most understand WHY it was necessary, so the real critique should and eventually be aimed at the communication of it rather than the action itself - and for me, if NC is crap at communication, but delivers on the 5 year plan, thats more than good enough for me - and probably most fans - simply put, communication really only matters when things are not going well... and then most will describe it as spin anyway ! ;-)


Seriously, I think most are just fed up with the perceived NEED to know every litlle detail and if its negative at a time when on teh pitch everything is rosey, its becomes wide open to accustaions of conspiarcy and stirring teh pot of some hidden agenda. I have spoken and shared a few ales with Dincan on quite a few occasions. He commands (and has earned) my respect despite the fact I dont always agree with his views. The fact that he had links with some of teh players of the past, naturally makes it more difficult to be perceived as unbiassed when presenting info now... I would just say though, that personnaly I dont feel the need to worry aboutwhether NC is nice to work for or not or some otehr gossip, because his job is to deliver results, and from where I am sitting so far top marks!


I think we just need to lose the distrust of things associated with business in football. I do believe some of the maining naysayers probably have their roots deep within the old fashioned ideals of the local club run and owned in trusts by local people. None of that is wrong in principle but its almost impossible (especially for a club of Saints size) to deliver success on those ideals in this business driven age.


No one has ever said NC should be above criticism, no one should, but maybe just maybe, its time we put faith back into it and learned to trust those loooking after the club again so we focus on what really matters - support?


I guess, what I am getting at in 50 lines of verbage, is do we really need to criticise everything, or is that just to satisfy our own egos?


The rumours last year were obviously correct but it doesn't matter now.


Cortese is getting the important things right, that's all that matters - doesn't mean it's wrong to critcise anything though, feedback is always useful.


he wasn't sacked in summer - which is what the rumours were.


he was sacked due to something early season


think that is pretty obvious isn't it


I think we should all just get on with it and not worry about things we can't influence. Just a thought.

he wasn't sacked in summer - which is what the rumours were.


he was sacked due to something early season


think that is pretty obvious isn't it


Nick you are so wrong. I think you will find that he was sacked twice but the first sacking was swiftly rescinded. Don't believe me? Then ask AP himself.

No big deal but having being given his cards in May it is no surprise "Dead man Walking" AP rather lost his enthusiasm. You know the rest.


It is no longer a big deal. It has worked out fine. We are all leaving the building and boarding Nigels magic bus. But things are not or were not as you have been lead to believe.. it is sad that should you dare on here question the official story, the anonymous cyber warrior, aka Manji launches accusations of having drinking buddies who want a place on the board or me wanting to turn St Marys into a Stalinist kibbutz and not forgetting the cliche if you criticise you must have an agenda.

Manji must have been the inspiration for the bloke who wrote the cartoon show "wait till your father gets home" - ever fearful the commies were going to take over the world.


pardew being removed or not..he would have gone to work for his mate in newcastle anyway IMO


FF, like I have said...so many (i guess) are just tired of people posting rumours, "fact" and the like...for once, you feel the appetite on here of just seeing what happens for once...

so many (i guess) are just tired of people posting rumours, "fact" and the like......


This board would be nothing if rumour, tittle tattle, "facts", opinion etc were removed/banned. What people make of these rumours in the anonymity of the nerdy and relatively worthless interweb is up to them, but rumours and gossip are a part and parcel of this board (as it turned out the Pardew rumours were borne out within a few months).


If someone got hold of a rumour that Adkins was being tapped up for the Liverpool job, or Cortese was looking to replace him with someone who has gained promotion from the Championship or that Lallana was being tailed by Liverpool, then I'm sure we would all like to profer our opinion on the validity (or not) of them.

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