Toomer Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Oh dear! The veritable wit and wisdom of Somedunce, again exposed by one of our nicer fellow members! Much lolage in Eastleigh, Toomer old boy! Made I smile as well:).
Wes Tender Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Sometimes it doesn't matter how many points over the threshold you have you still won't always get the council house and that's a bit like kidding yourself this club will get an investor(s) of any worth. Thanks Sundance for your sage advice that if I were ever inclined to put myself on the Council House application list, it might end in bitter disappointment, as sometimes the points qualification is not sufficient. Fore warned is fore armed as they say. Eternally grateful.
Snowballs2 Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Sundance lets look at Rupert Lowe with honesty!...To return to a club that previously failed latterly under his executive management was never going to work. Like or hate the man he has frequently treated his customers with disdain, calling them Klingons..the lunatic fringe, rablerousels etc. Is it any wonder that many of us can never forgive his lack of investment after the Cup Final when finances were at a reasonable level. The result of this was the loss of a pretty good manager and the start of the slide into oblivion. Having then failed with the introduction of academy youth, on his return what does he do? he decides to use that approach once more, but this time in greater quantity than before. We do have views from different points of the spectrum, this may be down to a lack of public school education on my part. However I do have enough nous and intellect to know that I do not want him anywhere near our club. The damage that he and his cohorts have done is almost irrepairable, I dream of the day that he departs from our club.
Crouchie's Lawyer Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 You lot are'nt STILL clutching at straws are you? A takeover is NOT on the cards, get over it. Had there been any substance in the RUMOURS it would have happened by now. And even if you believe there is substance in the rumours, do you not think if they had the money they would have already purchased us? If they are still trying to aquire funds then are we likely to be any better off with more upheaval? I dont personally want another 'Wilde' saviour who has to check down the back of his sofa to find the extra few pence to buy us. Im afraid unless we get a foreign sugar daddy, then a takeover is not likely to happen. A certain Mr Lowe will not part company with his toy for what he believes is a like for like offer. Now without trying to sound rude, it seems to be the same culprits (Trousers, Delmary etc etc) who are dragging this on and on and on and on and on and on (get my drift?). Its boring and most of us have accepted the takeover is not going to happen in the days of Paul Allen (Cue funny person saying 'Is it back on again' or 'I have seen his boat'). If you channeled even half of your 'Im a detective get me out of here' skills into supporting the team then we may play better and actually stand a chance of attracting an investor! A REAL investor, not one you lot are making up to appease yourselves! Rant over, now close this bloody thread!
Sundance Beast Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Choice of words Sundance, I take it you are not a Saints fan then if you were you would have used the word our. Toomer, shall we discuss semantics and let hyenas like Offix and others revel in their amusement and naiveity that whilst crowd levels continue at presumably below break even point they can all revel in the prospect of AFC Southampton. And why is that? Lowe and Wilde may be perceived as our Ashley and Wise like nemesis but unlike Newcastle fans it appears a high percentage of Southampton fans are happy to protest by staying away and thereby more than happy to start writing out the death certificate whilst others still try to administer first aid. Forumites can discuss and debate until they are blue in the face about the use of Youth, Total Football, The Dutch Duo, swapping places with Leicester, etc and analyse and dissect every decision by the directors but it will all be irrelevent unless they actually go along and do what football supporters are supposed to do. Years ago the demise of clubs such as Aldershot were rare but the fickle nature of the modern day football supporter, and ours seem up with the best, hardly makes them long term investement opportunities unless they are a very big club with a following of the likes of Newcastle and Man City and we are clearly not in their league. Believe it or not Toomer I have a healthy respect for you not least because you personally reflect the core values of being a supporter of Southampton FC and what it genuinely means to the hard core who still and always attend. We will never see eye to eye on most issues but we have more in common than you appreciate or even want! Offix I can't remember the last time I missed a home game and actually turned down a lucrative move to the US some years ago. When I sat down with my family to confirm the move I realise I could not give up my lifestyle of which Sainst FC did and still do play a big part. Clearly an easier decision for some and those most vociferous against the club's current efforts are those generally furthest away with the obvious exception of Tim Mumford.
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Sundance lets look at Rupert Lowe with honesty!...To return to a club that previously failed latterly under his executive management was never going to work. Like or hate the man he has frequently treated his customers with disdain, calling them Klingons..the lunatic fringe, rablerousels etc. Is it any wonder that many of us can never forgive his lack of investment after the Cup Final when finances were at a reasonable level. The result of this was the loss of a pretty good manager and the start of the slide into oblivion. Having then failed with the introduction of academy youth, on his return what does he do? he decides to use that approach once more, but this time in greater quantity than before. We do have views from different points of the spectrum, this may be down to a lack of public school education on my part. However I do have enough nous and intellect to know that I do not want him anywhere near our club. The damage that he and his cohorts have done is almost irrepairable, I dream of the day that he departs from our club.So after the cup final who was choosing the players.WGS who did he go for McCann, Phillips those 2 players cost a fair amount. We had a team that had done ok and didnt need wholesale change.The bitter pill to swallow was that Bridgey was wooed away and he was an integral part of our attacking success.Not easy to replace and WGS said despondently at the time that the smaller clubs will never be able to compete as as soon as you get near they take tour best players away.I beleive that made him finally decide to leave. I dont6 recall RL making us play our young players first time around and so I cant see your 'return to using the acadamy youth' Please furnish us with the examples of us playing wholesale acadamy players? Of course it wasnt the case, but like Boro and Man c if you have a good acadamy if players are good enough you play them.As for his treatment of the fans, you only have to read the 'Would you' thread and you see he is not far wrong. Swapping places with Leicester FFS
trousers Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Now without trying to sound rude, it seems to be the same culprits (Trousers, Delmary etc etc) who are dragging this on and on and on and on and on and on (get my drift?). And here was me thinking it was the people going on and on and on and on about not going on and on and on and on that was keeping these threads alive....
NickG Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Newcastle have appointed Seymuor Price to sell them
trousers Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Newcastle have appointed Seymuor Price to sell them I'd have appointed Seymour Pierce personally. Are these other guys any good?
Saint Billy Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Toomer, shall we discuss semantics and let hyenas like Offix and others revel in their amusement and naiveity that whilst crowd levels continue at presumably below break even point they can all revel in the prospect of AFC Southampton. And why is that? Lowe and Wilde may be perceived as our Ashley and Wise like nemesis but unlike Newcastle fans it appears a high percentage of Southampton fans are happy to protest by staying away and thereby more than happy to start writing out the death certificate whilst others still try to administer first aid. Forumites can discuss and debate until they are blue in the face about the use of Youth, Total Football, The Dutch Duo, swapping places with Leicester, etc and analyse and dissect every decision by the directors but it will all be irrelevent unless they actually go along and do what football supporters are supposed to do. Years ago the demise of clubs such as Aldershot were rare but the fickle nature of the modern day football supporter, and ours seem up with the best, hardly makes them long term investement opportunities unless they are a very big club with a following of the likes of Newcastle and Man City and we are clearly not in their league. Believe it or not Toomer I have a healthy respect for you not least because you personally reflect the core values of being a supporter of Southampton FC and what it genuinely means to the hard core who still and always attend. We will never see eye to eye on most issues but we have more in common than you appreciate or even want! Offix I can't remember the last time I missed a home game and actually turned down a lucrative move to the US some years ago. When I sat down with my family to confirm the move I realise I could not give up my lifestyle of which Sainst FC did and still do play a big part. Clearly an easier decision for some and those most vociferous against the club's current efforts are those generally furthest away with the obvious exception of Tim Mumford. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, makes your heart bleed. Us council folk are all eternally grateful for your devotion to sfc, proven by your decision to pass over the opportunity to move away from the mecca of football. We must all follow your example and wave flags at the great Chairman Lowe. Yeh right!
Wade Garrett Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 So after the cup final who was choosing the players.WGS who did he go for McCann, Phillips those 2 players cost a fair amount. We had a team that had done ok and didnt need wholesale change.The bitter pill to swallow was that Bridgey was wooed away and he was an integral part of our attacking success.Not easy to replace and WGS said despondently at the time that the smaller clubs will never be able to compete as as soon as you get near they take tour best players away.I beleive that made him finally decide to leave. I dont6 recall RL making us play our young players first time around and so I cant see your 'return to using the acadamy youth' Please furnish us with the examples of us playing wholesale acadamy players? Of course it wasnt the case, but like Boro and Man c if you have a good acadamy if players are good enough you play them.As for his treatment of the fans, you only have to read the 'Would you' thread and you see he is not far wrong. Swapping places with Leicester FFS Strachan wanted De Pedro, Malbranque and Saha. Rupert didn't, Rupert gets his way.
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Strachan wanted De Pedro, Malbranque and Saha. Rupert didn't, Rupert gets his way. I cant recall what happened about DePedro but I thought there were complications, I thought in WGS book he said he was never interested in them but Lowe liked them.
dubai_phil Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 You lot are'nt STILL clutching at straws are you? A takeover is NOT on the cards, get over it. Had there been any substance in the RUMOURS it would have happened by now. And even if you believe there is substance in the rumours, do you not think if they had the money they would have already purchased us? If they are still trying to aquire funds then are we likely to be any better off with more upheaval? I dont personally want another 'Wilde' saviour who has to check down the back of his sofa to find the extra few pence to buy us. Im afraid unless we get a foreign sugar daddy, then a takeover is not likely to happen. A certain Mr Lowe will not part company with his toy for what he believes is a like for like offer. Now without trying to sound rude, it seems to be the same culprits (Trousers, Delmary etc etc) who are dragging this on and on and on and on and on and on (get my drift?). Its boring and most of us have accepted the takeover is not going to happen in the days of Paul Allen (Cue funny person saying 'Is it back on again' or 'I have seen his boat'). If you channeled even half of your 'Im a detective get me out of here' skills into supporting the team then we may play better and actually stand a chance of attracting an investor! A REAL investor, not one you lot are making up to appease yourselves! Rant over, now close this bloody thread! Here here. I have lost track of the number of times I have pointed out the fact that in the current economic climate, nobody with any brain cells will take this club over in the traditional manner. I have RSI from typing they should ALL 3 go OR all 3 stay. I have also lost track of saying - stop blaming Lowe for being back, the blame lies with the botched takeover, blame him all you like for what happened before, but then boycotting the club for past evils is like carrying on boycotting Japanese goods because of WWII, good morals but doesn't do YOU any good as a person, in fact you miss out! The club is in a mess, people on here have not found ONE single viable alternative apart from believing JP should have somebody experienced in the CCC around or NP should have stayed. Again, the decision was made but the ONLY way to undo it is to walk up to Rupert and say - OK I'll take over now. It's just nuts. The failure to move Euell, Thomas, Skacel & John means our wage bill is inflated by around 2million pounds a year. Our fans have given up, even IF Rupert gave his shares away for nothing, we'd be left with Wilde & Crouch, who from ALL accounts on here can't afford to lose that money AND haven't exactly covered themselves with glory in their previous spells playing with the train set. Name me ONE experienced Football CEO who has indicated that he (she) has the EXPERIENCE of running a club, the CONTACTS, and the MONEY and WANTS to come in and takeover and I'll join the queue of people lobbying them to come on down - there isn't anyone out there. The UK has bad weather. Saints have the wrong finances and wrong decisions. Unfortunately, at this moment in time neither can be changed, so we HAVE to get cold and wet or get OUT. Exuding hot air and moaning ain't gonna change things. And for the 500 or so people that will be happy to watch an AFC Southampton playing on the common next year, great, but many of us older fans won't be around to see them IF they ever get back in teh Football League, AND what is WORSE, what teams shirts will all those young kids in Southampton, Salisbury, Basingstoke & Winchester et al be wearing while you are standing in the mud and rain holding raffles to buy corner flags. This club is close to dying from apathy and nimby bl**dy moaning. What a dreadful epitaph Here Lies Southampton Football Club, once a noble light for the cause of the underdog, done to death by moaning and apathy, RIP sorely missed by nobody
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Here here. I have lost track of the number of times I have pointed out the fact that in the current economic climate, nobody with any brain cells will take this club over in the traditional manner. I have RSI from typing they should ALL 3 go OR all 3 stay. I have also lost track of saying - stop blaming Lowe for being back, the blame lies with the botched takeover, blame him all you like for what happened before, but then boycotting the club for past evils is like carrying on boycotting Japanese goods because of WWII, good morals but doesn't do YOU any good as a person, in fact you miss out! The club is in a mess, people on here have not found ONE single viable alternative apart from believing JP should have somebody experienced in the CCC around or NP should have stayed. Again, the decision was made but the ONLY way to undo it is to walk up to Rupert and say - OK I'll take over now. It's just nuts. The failure to move Euell, Thomas, Skacel & John means our wage bill is inflated by around 2million pounds a year. Our fans have given up, even IF Rupert gave his shares away for nothing, we'd be left with Wilde & Crouch, who from ALL accounts on here can't afford to lose that money AND haven't exactly covered themselves with glory in their previous spells playing with the train set. Name me ONE experienced Football CEO who has indicated that he (she) has the EXPERIENCE of running a club, the CONTACTS, and the MONEY and WANTS to come in and takeover and I'll join the queue of people lobbying them to come on down - there isn't anyone out there. The UK has bad weather. Saints have the wrong finances and wrong decisions. Unfortunately, at this moment in time neither can be changed, so we HAVE to get cold and wet or get OUT. Exuding hot air and moaning ain't gonna change things. And for the 500 or so people that will be happy to watch an AFC Southampton playing on the common next year, great, but many of us older fans won't be around to see them IF they ever get back in teh Football League, AND what is WORSE, what teams shirts will all those young kids in Southampton, Salisbury, Basingstoke & Winchester et al be wearing while you are standing in the mud and rain holding raffles to buy corner flags. This club is close to dying from apathy and nimby bl**dy moaning. What a dreadful epitaph Here Lies Southampton Football Club, once a noble light for the cause of the underdog, done to death by moaning and apathy, RIP sorely missed by nobody I agree with you. I would love for someone else to takeover who was credible. Not anybody though.
Wade Garrett Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Here here. I have lost track of the number of times I have pointed out the fact that in the current economic climate, nobody with any brain cells will take this club over in the traditional manner. I have RSI from typing they should ALL 3 go OR all 3 stay. I have also lost track of saying - stop blaming Lowe for being back, the blame lies with the botched takeover, blame him all you like for what happened before, but then boycotting the club for past evils is like carrying on boycotting Japanese goods because of WWII, good morals but doesn't do YOU any good as a person, in fact you miss out! The club is in a mess, people on here have not found ONE single viable alternative apart from believing JP should have somebody experienced in the CCC around or NP should have stayed. Again, the decision was made but the ONLY way to undo it is to walk up to Rupert and say - OK I'll take over now. It's just nuts. The failure to move Euell, Thomas, Skacel & John means our wage bill is inflated by around 2million pounds a year. Our fans have given up, even IF Rupert gave his shares away for nothing, we'd be left with Wilde & Crouch, who from ALL accounts on here can't afford to lose that money AND haven't exactly covered themselves with glory in their previous spells playing with the train set. Name me ONE experienced Football CEO who has indicated that he (she) has the EXPERIENCE of running a club, the CONTACTS, and the MONEY and WANTS to come in and takeover and I'll join the queue of people lobbying them to come on down - there isn't anyone out there. The UK has bad weather. Saints have the wrong finances and wrong decisions. Unfortunately, at this moment in time neither can be changed, so we HAVE to get cold and wet or get OUT. Exuding hot air and moaning ain't gonna change things. And for the 500 or so people that will be happy to watch an AFC Southampton playing on the common next year, great, but many of us older fans won't be around to see them IF they ever get back in teh Football League, AND what is WORSE, what teams shirts will all those young kids in Southampton, Salisbury, Basingstoke & Winchester et al be wearing while you are standing in the mud and rain holding raffles to buy corner flags. This club is close to dying from apathy and nimby bl**dy moaning. What a dreadful epitaph Here Lies Southampton Football Club, once a noble light for the cause of the underdog, done to death by moaning and apathy, RIP sorely missed by nobody Nice to judge local feeling from afar. The club is dying because Lowe and Wilde are a pair of self-serving, loathsome arseholes. People have had enough and are voting with their feet.
dubai_phil Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 I agree with you. I would love for someone else to takeover who was credible. Not anybody though. But who would pay out something like 30 mil now to buy us when for that money in this recession they could probably buy Bradford & Bingley....... or maybe even an American insurance giant. What we need is somebody who really undertsands our corporate structure to come up with a way of inviting an investor to come in to our operation WITHOUT buying up the shares and WITHOUT diluting shareholder value. It sounds impossible, but IMHO is more likely to be the solution than expecting Crouch & Wilde to lose their overpriced investments. Somehow or another IF they "give the club away" they would need to have SOME hope of getting SOME money back SOMETIME in the future. (If I knew how to do these things I wouldn't be down here, I'd have my own Island in the Carribean!)
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 But who would pay out something like 30 mil now to buy us when for that money in this recession they could probably buy Bradford & Bingley....... or maybe even an American insurance giant. What we need is somebody who really undertsands our corporate structure to come up with a way of inviting an investor to come in to our operation WITHOUT buying up the shares and WITHOUT diluting shareholder value. It sounds impossible, but IMHO is more likely to be the solution than expecting Crouch & Wilde to lose their overpriced investments. Somehow or another IF they "give the club away" they would need to have SOME hope of getting SOME money back SOMETIME in the future. (If I knew how to do these things I wouldn't be down here, I'd have my own Island in the Carribean!)you are preaching to the converted
Fan The Flames Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Really? You must find Nicholas Lyndhurst and Celia Imrie cerebal wits. Lowe has missed the odd match but he clearly has the interests of the club closer to his heart than the missing 5 - 7,000 so called supporters who I can assume actually want the club to go into administration by staying away. Great plan, it'll get rid of Rupert Lowe and not to mention the league status of your local club as we swap places with Salisbury and look forward to regional games against Basingstoke and Oxford. Sometimes it doesn't matter how many points over the threshold you have you still won't always get the council house and that's a bit like kidding yourself this club will get an investor(s) of any worth. Only at Southampton, pity you can't protest like Newcastle fans and not actually damage beyond hope the club you supposedly support. The 13,000 hard core fans I salute you all but it does look like our plastic fanbase has curiously doubled. It seems you need straightening out again. There is a phenomenon in football that goes something like this; you get lower crowds the lower the division you are in. Apart from a small minority this isn’t a boycott. Of course the crowds at Newcastle have not suffered much because they are in the top flight, but when their average attendance fell to 16,000 was this because they were boycotting, no it’s because they went down a division. You really do not know much about football or are just clutching at straws if you are trying to blame the attendance figure on a boycott. The fans are staying away for other reasons. Do you really think the more you bang on about it that people will start to believe it, the people know the truth that the ills at our club are not the making of us fans. Also clubs going bust is still as rare as it was when Aldershot went under, the only other league clubs to have suffered this way in my time was Newport County and Maidstone. So you can stop with the emotional blackmail.
benjii Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Really? You must find Nicholas Lyndhurst and Celia Imrie cerebal wits. . Why? I have not the slightest idea what a "cerebal wit" is or where I can find one for these people. Thank you for submitting a blustering, shrill, pugnacious, bloated trencherman of a post though. As always, its entertainment value far outweighed any substantive misgivings the reader may have had. Keep it up, Bruce Inson.
RoswellSaint Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Nice to judge local feeling from afar. The club is dying because Lowe and Wilde are a pair of self-serving, loathsome arseholes. People have had enough and are voting with their feet. Sometimes it takes someone looking from a distance to see what is happening - talking about DP here rather than myself, he usually speaks some wise words. But as he says, what is the alternative to Lowe & Wilde right now? What the players need right now is for the crowd to get behind them and cheer them on, encourage them, they don't need to see dwindling crowds. I realise that it is expensive to go to games and people are feeling the pinch right now but the players are under a lot of pressure and need the fans' support.
Sundance Beast Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Nice to judge local feeling from afar. The club is dying because Lowe and Wilde are a pair of self-serving, loathsome arseholes. People have had enough and are voting with their feet. It seems you need straightening out again. There is a phenomenon in football that goes something like this; you get lower crowds the lower the division you are in. Apart from a small minority this isn’t a boycott. Of course the crowds at Newcastle have not suffered much because they are in the top flight, but when their average attendance fell to 16,000 was this because they were boycotting, no it’s because they went down a division. You really do not know much about football or are just clutching at straws if you are trying to blame the attendance figure on a boycott. The fans are staying away for other reasons. Do you really think the more you bang on about it that people will start to believe it, the people know the truth that the ills at our club are not the making of us fans. Also clubs going bust is still as rare as it was when Aldershot went under, the only other league clubs to have suffered this way in my time was Newport County and Maidstone. So you can stop with the emotional blackmail. Why? I have not the slightest idea what a "cerebal wit" is or where I can find one for these people. Thank you for submitting a blustering, shrill, pugnacious, bloated trencherman of a post though. As always, its entertainment value far outweighed any substantive misgivings the reader may have had. Keep it up, Bruce Inson. Wade you represent all that is wrong with our prejudice fanbase and just because Phil is based in Dubai you feel it allows you not worthy to debate his summary of the reality of the situation. How do we ensure future CEO's are not self-serving loathsome arseholes - most people at their level tend to be a bit like that as they are traits you need to fight your way to the top and be a success. Its called singlemindedness and every CEO in the world will show significant tendancies towards this trait, so as it doesn't fit your cuddly profile requirements we seem screwed. Fan the Flames, the point I'm making is that if banks can be allowed to fail in todays world then no one is going to miss some poorly supported football club apart from the 13,000 or so loyal supporters. Use it or lose it. BTW i don't have an anorak knowledge of crowd numbers but seem to remember Man City pulling in crowds in excess of 25,000 when they were relegated to the 3rd teir and Leeds' crowd numbers hold up quite well. For some reason given we are a one city club we are do have a very ardent supporter base just a bunch of ignorant whingers. Benji, your posts say more about you and the worthiness of your contributions than your attempt to assasinate my character. Its clear you lack a cerebal wit so no point wearing that flat cap to keep your tool of achingly funny cleverness, warm.
Wes Tender Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 The word is cerebral. I'm sure that was what benji was probably alluding to. No wonder he didn't know what a cerebal wit was.
Fowllyd Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Benji, your posts say more about you and the worthiness of your contributions than your attempt to assasinate my character. Its clear you lack a cerebal wit so no point wearing that flat cap to keep your tool of achingly funny cleverness, warm. I can only assume that prolix pomposity is what passes for wit (cerebral, cerebal, cereal or otherwise) in Sundanceland...
Wes Tender Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 I can only assume that prolix pomposity is what passes for wit (cerebral, cerebal, cereal or otherwise) in Sundanceland... Is cereal wit too corny? Or is that cereal wheat? I'll get my coat
Wade Garrett Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Wade you represent all that is wrong with our prejudice fanbase and just because Phil is based in Dubai you feel it allows you not worthy to debate his summary of the reality of the situation. How do we ensure future CEO's are not self-serving loathsome arseholes - most people at their level tend to be a bit like that as they are traits you need to fight your way to the top and be a success. Its called singlemindedness and every CEO in the world will show significant tendancies towards this trait, so as it doesn't fit your cuddly profile requirements we seem screwed. Phil has decided from afar that nimby moaners are to blame for our club's demise. I just thought it was a bit rich coming to that conclusion based on a handful of messageboard posters, and not being here to actually gauge local feeling. I don't have a cuddly profile of a CEO, but one aspect of leadership is to get others to follow. Rupert is clearly incapable of this. It's why attendances are so low. You sound like you were born to be a CEO.
Fowllyd Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Is cereal wit too corny? Or is that cereal wheat? I'll get my coat Or maybe your oat!
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Phil has decided from afar that nimby moaners are to blame for our club's demise. I just thought it was a bit rich coming to that conclusion based on a handful of messageboard posters, and not being here to actually gauge local feeling. I don't have a cuddly profile of a CEO, but one aspect of leadership is to get others to follow. Rupert is clearly incapable of this. It's why attendances are so low. You sound like you were born to be a CEO. Are you saying the fans had nothing to do with where we are now?
Wade Garrett Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Are you saying the fans had nothing to do with where we are now? Ask yourself why fans aren't going. Rupert, Wilde and their bullsh*t experiment. People can only put up with so much.
saintstr1 Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 IMHO as probably one of the oldest fans on this forum all Saints Troubles began with Lowe and his ludicrous running of the club in the premier league , and will end with Lowe taking the club into administration. Get rid of Lowe, and JP might have a chance of making a fist of it this season and hopefully that could tempt a buyer for the club. I also think attendances at SMS would increase dramatically with Lowe & Wilde being permantly removed from the club,I know before you all start shouting at me that finding a real benefactor for the club is extremely difficult but it would be made a lot easier without Lowe. Watch them all line up to buy SFC once the bank pulls the plug.
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Ask yourself why fans aren't going. Rupert, Wilde and their bullsh*t experiment. People can only put up with so much.but the fans are partly to blame. (me included) I doubt we'd have been relegated had we not gone against RL wishing for GH to return.Saying that Im still not sad he did not come back.
OldNick Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 IMHO as probably one of the oldest fans on this forum all Saints Troubles began with Lowe and his ludicrous running of the club in the premier league , and will end with Lowe taking the club into administration. Get rid of Lowe, and JP might have a chance of making a fist of it this season and hopefully that could tempt a buyer for the club. I also think attendances at SMS would increase dramatically with Lowe & Wilde being permantly removed from the club,I know before you all start shouting at me that finding a real benefactor for the club is extremely difficult but it would be made a lot easier without Lowe. Watch them all line up to buy SFC once the bank pulls the plug.As the oldest it doesnt make you the wisest. Can you recall Askhams tenure? That was a disaster that only MLT and Branfoots removal saved us from this but 5 or so years before.
dubai_phil Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Phil has decided from afar that nimby moaners are to blame for our club's demise. I just thought it was a bit rich coming to that conclusion based on a handful of messageboard posters, and not being here to actually gauge local feeling. I don't have a cuddly profile of a CEO, but one aspect of leadership is to get others to follow. Rupert is clearly incapable of this. It's why attendances are so low. You sound like you were born to be a CEO. Ouch. I assume then that the nimby moaners have been the ones who bought Delgado, messed up managerial appointments, messed up takeover bids and astonishingly let KJ be sold without a sell-on clause... No my friend, nimby moaners are not the cause of the club's demise. That has been a truly outstanding effort by a succession of "Business Leaders" in the period since May 2003, linked to an outstanding effort to make money from nothing when the reverse takeover occurred. The club is ALREADY dead. This season is like watching the Parrot Sketch on TV. The club's heart was lost ages ago, and fitted with a pacemaker that is now running out of steam. The ONLY thing that will keep it going will be the fans. We've called an ambulance, but it is stuck in the global car crash called the "Global Banking f*ck up". It ain't coming. So in the meantime some of us watch in horror via the equivalent of web cams, whilst the majority of the fans sit around and argue over the diagnosis, and hardly ANY of them are trying to give CPR, because "they can't be bothered" or they are worried they may catch some nasty disease from breathing the fumes. No, the club was pretty much dead long ago, a couple of years of incorrect diagnosis by so called "chosen specialists" have made it terminal. It's the fans that have to keep putting 50p in the meter to keep the Life Support machine going so that MAYBE, just MAYBE a miracle will happen. But you know what, most can't even be bothered to pay out a miserly sum to listen to the death throes on the radio station. Someone must be to blame will be our epitaph and maybe when we finally die, some will try to lighten their souls by using ambulance chasing lawyers to seek legal redress for emotional heartbreak and sue Lowe/Wilde/Crouch/Askham/redKrap etc. Sod all good it will do then
SaintRichmond Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 IMHO as probably one of the oldest fans on this forum all Saints Troubles began with Lowe and his ludicrous running of the club in the premier league , and will end with Lowe taking the club into administration. Get rid of Lowe, and JP might have a chance of making a fist of it this season and hopefully that could tempt a buyer for the club. I also think attendances at SMS would increase dramatically with Lowe & Wilde being permantly removed from the club,I know before you all start shouting at me that finding a real benefactor for the club is extremely difficult but it would be made a lot easier without Lowe. Watch them all line up to buy SFC once the bank pulls the plug. Quite agree my friend ( my first match was way back in 1953, Fred Kiernan was the GK ) MORE than just a few Supporters have declined to go because of Lowelife and Judas Wilde The Reality is, Lowe is, in effect, an Administrator in all by appointment. He has done no more, no less, than an official one would have done. ........ Trouble is, with Lowe's tinkering, we are even deeper in the Sh*t than we would be under Admin, because whether you like it or not, Admin WOULS serve a great purpose to Saints Fans, painful as the exercise would be. What with all of Lowe's "other" jobs, he'd be hard pressed to be dedicating more than one day per week to SFC, and you cannot run ANY Business on a one day a week basis The quicker Lowelife and Judas Wilde go for ever, the better
Give it to Ron Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 but the fans are partly to blame. (me included) I doubt we'd have been relegated had we not gone against RL wishing for GH to return.Saying that Im still not sad he did not come back. Or stuck with Sturrock for more than the opening 2 games of the season - his record here was pretty good....compared to Wigley etc and we only needed 2 more wins!!! Its all hypothetical though Nick isn't it....who knows whether Hoddle could of turned this club round he didn't do so well at Wolves with double the money he would of had here. Edit: wait for the resident Norwich nutjob
Wade Garrett Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Ouch. I assume then that the nimby moaners have been the ones who bought Delgado, messed up managerial appointments, messed up takeover bids and astonishingly let KJ be sold without a sell-on clause... No my friend, nimby moaners are not the cause of the club's demise. That has been a truly outstanding effort by a succession of "Business Leaders" in the period since May 2003, linked to an outstanding effort to make money from nothing when the reverse takeover occurred. The club is ALREADY dead. This season is like watching the Parrot Sketch on TV. The club's heart was lost ages ago, and fitted with a pacemaker that is now running out of steam. The ONLY thing that will keep it going will be the fans. We've called an ambulance, but it is stuck in the global car crash called the "Global Banking f*ck up". It ain't coming. So in the meantime some of us watch in horror via the equivalent of web cams, whilst the majority of the fans sit around and argue over the diagnosis, and hardly ANY of them are trying to give CPR, because "they can't be bothered" or they are worried they may catch some nasty disease from breathing the fumes. No, the club was pretty much dead long ago, a couple of years of incorrect diagnosis by so called "chosen specialists" have made it terminal. It's the fans that have to keep putting 50p in the meter to keep the Life Support machine going so that MAYBE, just MAYBE a miracle will happen. But you know what, most can't even be bothered to pay out a miserly sum to listen to the death throes on the radio station. Someone must be to blame will be our epitaph and maybe when we finally die, some will try to lighten their souls by using ambulance chasing lawyers to seek legal redress for emotional heartbreak and sue Lowe/Wilde/Crouch/Askham/redKrap etc. Sod all good it will do then Phil, it's like the chicken and egg. As you rightly say, the boardroom have been horrendously incompetent for a number of years. People have had enough. Personally, I feel that an increase in attendances will just give the board even more opportunity to f*ck up. Then again, Lowe and Wilde are going nowhere. People will stay away. Like you say, the club is in terminal decline.
um pahars Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Here here. I have lost track of the number of times I have pointed out the fact that in the current economic climate, nobody with any brain cells will take this club over in the traditional manner. I have RSI from typing they should ALL 3 go OR all 3 stay. I have also lost track of saying - stop blaming Lowe for being back, the blame lies with the botched takeover, blame him all you like for what happened before, but then boycotting the club for past evils is like carrying on boycotting Japanese goods because of WWII, good morals but doesn't do YOU any good as a person, in fact you miss out! The club is in a mess, people on here have not found ONE single viable alternative apart from believing JP should have somebody experienced in the CCC around or NP should have stayed. Again, the decision was made but the ONLY way to undo it is to walk up to Rupert and say - OK I'll take over now. It's just nuts. The failure to move Euell, Thomas, Skacel & John means our wage bill is inflated by around 2million pounds a year. Our fans have given up, even IF Rupert gave his shares away for nothing, we'd be left with Wilde & Crouch, who from ALL accounts on here can't afford to lose that money AND haven't exactly covered themselves with glory in their previous spells playing with the train set. Name me ONE experienced Football CEO who has indicated that he (she) has the EXPERIENCE of running a club, the CONTACTS, and the MONEY and WANTS to come in and takeover and I'll join the queue of people lobbying them to come on down - there isn't anyone out there. The UK has bad weather. Saints have the wrong finances and wrong decisions. Unfortunately, at this moment in time neither can be changed, so we HAVE to get cold and wet or get OUT. Exuding hot air and moaning ain't gonna change things. And for the 500 or so people that will be happy to watch an AFC Southampton playing on the common next year, great, but many of us older fans won't be around to see them IF they ever get back in teh Football League, AND what is WORSE, what teams shirts will all those young kids in Southampton, Salisbury, Basingstoke & Winchester et al be wearing while you are standing in the mud and rain holding raffles to buy corner flags. This club is close to dying from apathy and nimby bl**dy moaning. What a dreadful epitaph Here Lies Southampton Football Club, once a noble light for the cause of the underdog, done to death by moaning and apathy, RIP sorely missed by nobody What do you mean here Phil?????? CEO's generally don't have the money to come in and take over, they are generally appointed executives who come in to run the company on day to day basis. I don't think there are any potential buyers out there willing to pay the amounts wanted by some of the larger shareholders, BUT that is a world away from having a different CEO/MD in place to run the Club. The problem is I don't think any of the large shareholders' egos would let that happen and you oly have to look at the Runnymede minutes to see that. Obviously the Dulieu/Hone episode didn't go down too well with them, but they never considered an independent Chairman or perhaps more importantly, an independent CEO. Instead were trying to share out all the top jobs for themselves (Richards as Chairman, Lowe as Director of Football etc etc etc). I personally would have gone for an independent, experienced and respected CEO & Chairman, empowered by the shareholders and free to get on to do the job in a professional manner. (Just because Hone and Dulieu turned out shy5ters, doesn't mean al CEO's are like that). This may have enabled the Club to issue a rallying call to supporters to get behind the team and forget past differences (soething which Lowe and/or Wilde are not able to do).
Wes Tender Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Or maybe your oat! That was barley worthy as a resonse, but you still rice to the bait.
Window Cleaner Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 That was barley worthy as a resonse, but you still rice to the bait. Wheat you talking about?
Wes Tender Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Wheat you talking about? I bet that you were chaffed with yourself for thinking of that one.
Window Cleaner Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 I bet that you were chaffed with yourself for thinking of that one. Rye do you say that?
InvictaSaint Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Wheat you talking about? It's barley worth arguing about to be honest.
70's Mike Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 As the oldest it doesnt make you the wisest. Can you recall Askhams tenure? That was a disaster that only MLT and Branfoots removal saved us from this but 5 or so years before. but is Guy still pulling the strings ?
saintstr1 Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 As the oldest it doesnt make you the wisest. Can you recall Askhams tenure? That was a disaster that only MLT and Branfoots removal saved us from this but 5 or so years before. Totally agree that I am not the wisest and yes I remember Askhams tenure very well And when he brought Lowe onboard that was the real start of our disaster's.
saintstr1 Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Quite agree my friend ( my first match was way back in 1953, Fred Kiernan was the GK ) MORE than just a few Supporters have declined to go because of Lowelife and Judas Wilde The Reality is, Lowe is, in effect, an Administrator in all by appointment. He has done no more, no less, than an official one would have done. ........ Trouble is, with Lowe's tinkering, we are even deeper in the Sh*t than we would be under Admin, because whether you like it or not, Admin WOULS serve a great purpose to Saints Fans, painful as the exercise would be. What with all of Lowe's "other" jobs, he'd be hard pressed to be dedicating more than one day per week to SFC, and you cannot run ANY Business on a one day a week basis The quicker Lowelife and Judas Wilde go for ever, the better Thank you , It is a pleasure to read someone who like me can remember us as a PROUD FOOTBALL CLUB. You are 100% correct in your observations about Lowe , He only came back to feather his own nest ( Again ) 1949 Ian Black in Goal....... So without being the wisest I have seen enough to have a valid opinion............I think !
JustMike Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 strange, i thought that this thread was about Asturius sports yet reading through the endless squabbling seems to be more an attack on a certain few. Time to grow up me thinks
Fan The Flames Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 Are you saying the fans had nothing to do with where we are now? After 23 pages you finally get it Nick
trousers Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 strange, i thought that this thread was about Asturius sports yet reading through the endless squabbling seems to be more an attack on a certain few. Time to grow up me thinks It's about wheat and chaff too..... (see above)
dubai_phil Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 (edited) What do you mean here Phil?????? CEO's generally don't have the money to come in and take over, they are generally appointed executives who come in to run the company on day to day basis. I don't think there are any potential buyers out there willing to pay the amounts wanted by some of the larger shareholders, BUT that is a world away from having a different CEO/MD in place to run the Club. The problem is I don't think any of the large shareholders' egos would let that happen and you oly have to look at the Runnymede minutes to see that. Obviously the Dulieu/Hone episode didn't go down too well with them, but they never considered an independent Chairman or perhaps more importantly, an independent CEO. Instead were trying to share out all the top jobs for themselves (Richards as Chairman, Lowe as Director of Football etc etc etc). I personally would have gone for an independent, experienced and respected CEO & Chairman, empowered by the shareholders and free to get on to do the job in a professional manner. (Just because Hone and Dulieu turned out shy5ters, doesn't mean al CEO's are like that). This may have enabled the Club to issue a rallying call to supporters to get behind the team and forget past differences (soething which Lowe and/or Wilde are not able to do). Assume Lowe Wilde et al will not give their shares away. Assume the majority of fans want Lowe & Wilde away from the club's day to day management Only option to them being drummed out the club tomorrow is to find a CEO who would come in. You want that job???? Nope, me neither, and my guess is nobody who could do any good would want it NOW Unless there is a way to sell the club for a quid but still allow the people who invested to see a return one day, there is no way out of this Giordian knot (And yes, Runnymede was the one and only chance IMHO) Edited 23 September, 2008 by dubai_phil
stanthemanfairoak Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 After 23 pages you finally get it Nick23 PAGES LETS PACK IT UP .HOPEFULY ?:chain:
RoswellSaint Posted 23 September, 2008 Posted 23 September, 2008 23 PAGES LETS PACK IT UP .HOPEFULY ?:chain: But it is almost fascinating to see what the next twist or turn it will take!
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