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when did web design start getting nostalgic about its early days. This is shoddy. I can't see why the old banner couldn't have been used given the size of this - minus the word froum of course.


Retro lytpthographics are in but I fail to see the attraction of this one even though it harks back to a golden era when I was watching Saints a whole lot more regularly. It'd do on a tee-shirt but this site should've stayed well clear.


Are you sure you never got the same designer who came up with the blob to do this? Sorry.....IMHO

It's true that whenever you change things people moan no matter what. The fact remains, however, and not that it matters, that that banner is utter gash.


Frankly, I was a bit disappointed when I saw the new set-up. The simplest way that I can state it, is that the old format looked professional, whereas this looks amateur. And as for that typeface for the name, it looks juvenile. I've looked at links to other fans' sites over a longish period of time and thought that ours was far and away the best presented. It had gravitas and style. Now it is just the same as most others.


The white background to enter posts might make it easy to read, but I think it looks stark. I preferred the grey which looks more sophisticated. I've nothing against tweaking the site with additional facilities, but what was wrong with the actual format? Change for change's sake?


I agree with these.


I posted this earlier (or similar) but for some reason my post has disappeared


I'm not going to criticise the banner design, very much personal taste, and as StuRomseySaint mentioned, who really cares its a banner for a forum. BUT, I like others have to take issue with the omission of Big Ron. Not really bothered who else is there, but I think Ron would be one of 5 iconic players for Saints over the years. There are other favourites, both old and new, but if you put players in a banner then if it does not feature all of Davies, Channon, Paine, MLT and Bates it is in my opinion a poor reflection on the hostory of the Club. People can argue about others, but these 5 stand head and shoulders above anyone else. Shearer and Keegan may be well known players, but are hardly Saints legends, and really much as I like him, Rickie does not even come close to an icon.


The whole thing is an eyesore. Terrible layout and all over the place. Oh well only use it for a quick reference to everything Saints.

LOL ..... Shearer has gone from The Banner ... is this a Big Brother type thingy and we get to vote somebody else off tomorrow :lol:


Shearer has disappeared from the banner, he was there before :?:?


Been sold to Blackburn i think.


WTF .... he's back again :scared:


I recall when people initially missed the older site's Coca-Cola font. Most will acclimatise as with all things they just need something more important to come along like what tune we come out to !!


For anyone who really doesn;t like it, what do you expect for a fiver? And as for those 'registered users'.... ;-)



Shearer has disappeared from the banner, he was there before :?:?


Been sold to Blackburn i think.


Just hope Dixon and Speedie are not on the banner tomorrow.

I recall when people initially missed the older site's Coca-Cola font. Most will acclimatise as with all things they just need something more important to come along like what tune we come out to !!


For anyone who really doesn;t like it, what do you expect for a fiver? And as for those 'registered users'.... ;-)





expect..? not this awful format..

I posted this earlier (or similar) but for some reason my post has disappeared


I'm not going to criticise the banner design, very much personal taste, and as StuRomseySaint mentioned, who really cares its a banner for a forum. BUT, I like others have to take issue with the omission of Big Ron. Not really bothered who else is there, but I think Ron would be one of 5 iconic players for Saints over the years. There are other favourites, both old and new, but if you put players in a banner then if it does not feature all of Davies, Channon, Paine, MLT and Bates it is in my opinion a poor reflection on the hostory of the Club. People can argue about others, but these 5 stand head and shoulders above anyone else. Shearer and Keegan may be well known players, but are hardly Saints legends, and really much as I like him, Rickie does not even come close to an icon.


maybe the banner is just about Saints players though the years rather than the most iconic players?

For anyone who really doesn;t like it, what do you expect for a fiver? And as for those 'registered users'.... ;-)




The subscription for the site is irrelevant. It is more to the point that we have people on here who are very competent when it comes to web design and that was obvious to anybody accessing the site before. Now we are just your typical average run of the mill site, in the same way that the official club website is exactly the same as most others too. We could be better, indeed we were better with what we had before. The old maxim holds good; it it ain't broke, why fix it?

LOL ..... Shearer has gone from The Banner ... is this a Big Brother type thingy and we get to vote somebody else off tomorrow :lol:


WTF .... he's back again :scared:


And he's gone again .... is Alan Shearer playing a game of hide and seek :rolleyes:


This is getting freaky .... he's back again. :o Got to admire his persistance and never say die attitude though.

maybe the banner is just about Saints players though the years rather than the most iconic players?

But its not is it, otherwise we would have more players representing the first 70 years of club history. It is clearly a (failed) attempt to represent the iconic figures of Saints history. I see Shearer has now gone, but no sign of Big Ron making an appearance. I'm sure someone has a picture of Ron that would be appropriate.


By the way I wasn't going to criticise the design, but having now used the forum a bit more, it really is quite clunky, slow to load, and scroll, and the way of replying is a bit odd as well. Still its only a forum.


A question for the MODS..(hope you reply)


what are your throughts on the new format for this site..as you can quite clearly see, it appears quite unpopular with many..

it is now way near as good as the previous layout...?



And he's gone again :rolleyes: :? :suspicious:


WTF is going on :cry:

Shearer is in South Africa with the BBC so maybe he only pops on here when he has a free minute or two :)

And he's gone again :rolleyes: :? :suspicious:


WTF is going on :cry:


They're just making space for our big new signing, it's..................................................................................................

A question for the MODS..(hope you reply)


what are your throughts on the new format for this site..as you can quite clearly see, it appears quite unpopular with many..

it is now way near as good as the previous layout...?




The layout is fine to be fair. The colour scheme however leaves a lot to be desired. All these indistinguishably light pastel colours on white are really not working for me at all. Bring back the grey and darker reds!

The subscription for the site is irrelevant. It is more to the point that we have people on here who are very competent when it comes to web design and that was obvious to anybody accessing the site before. Now we are just your typical average run of the mill site, in the same way that the official club website is exactly the same as most others too. We could be better, indeed we were better with what we had before. The old maxim holds good; it it ain't broke, why fix it?



Totally agree - the last forum was a 'signature' forum amongst all others, a bench mark for all other forums to aspire to. We appear to have just joined the faceless masses of, not only football forums, but any old forum. As others have pointed out as well, even the most basic function - text entry - is slow laborious and downright annoying.


I for one am hoping that this forum goes the way of the first TB statue and we return to 'normality' before seasons start.


Really appreciate all the work that the mods and admins have put into the site thus far, and have absolutely no problem with the subscription, but sorry - this is a (large) step backwards IMHO.

Truly awful. We've gone from a classy banner to a complete joke. Utter rubbish. If I were a Pompey fan it would raise my morale. The banner is arguably the worst change to Saints since we were taken over!




The forum is more user friendly though.


Geckosaint..... you are needed urgently to come and redesign a banner to save the day!!!


are you kidding? At least dennis wise isnt on it anymore!


The banner looks horrible to be honest. The black and white faces against that red just looks muddy and depressing.. And the font is really distracting, yikes.


And the forum does seem harder to read on an iPhone now, posters names are slightly too small for the resolution, so you have to zoom in to see who's who - unless it's one of the usual suspects..

I can't see these if I click on them (maybe the forum thought police), so I'm not quite sure about the point you're making


And yet if you copy the links then paste them into the address bar they open just fine. A fault with the new site. I suggest you flag it up.

I still don't like it.

Thats tough. You vil like it.

Apparently its some sort of "customer knows best" reverse psychology mind trick, get used to it. :smug:

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