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SaintsWeb Offline from approx 7pm - now back online!


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Some epic new smileys here, it has to be said.

Aha, and in doing so I have discovered that smileys do not work...

Yeah I've just noticed some of the newer smileys don't seem to work, will look at them tomorrow. In the meantime, my bed is calling!

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Obviously you have to always get used to these things before you appreciate it and forget the old. No-one likes change, but at the same time... I am liking this upgrade as in the new features. Nice work :) This forum is well worth the £5 pounds I pay per year as well.

Edited by Saintandy666
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Arrrrrrrrrghhgh WTF I'm blind!


Infract yourselves admin.


Surely you must know that many regular posters tend to wake up with a hangover, how could you nasty cruel people have made the new forum so WHITE?!?!


And also, the red sash is supposed to go from top left to bottom right, not across the page.

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Can you now not log in via tapatalk or is it just me?

Not just you, Baj did the Tapatalk integration, he'll get that working again today.


Seems the smileys are working again now, which is strange as I've not actually changed anything! :uhoh:

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For all te moaners. Can I just pitch in and say this upgrade of the site (99.9999% of which was done by steve) is for mainly technical reasons. It allows us to better integrate all aspects of the site as well as keeping the software the runs the site up to date. To that end, the comments towards how it looks and feels, whilst taken into consideration, will take a back seat until the site is working completely smoothly.

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Arrrrrrrrrghhgh WTF I'm blind!


Infract yourselves admin.


Surely you must know that many regular posters tend to wake up with a hangover, how could you nasty cruel people have made the new forum so WHITE?!?!


And also, the red sash is supposed to go from top left to bottom right, not across the page.


Ah ha Smileys now work, can add the smiley winky thing to complete the my original post ;)

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1st impression is not good but just read Baj's post so once the techy stuff is all working I guess the looks will change to suit.


Suprised at the banner too. Not that I had a go at making one or would have been any better but it does seem like its a step down to what we had. That might just be due to the colour scemes and so on though so happy to wait and see.

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Still doesn't seem to work. Does it for everyone else?



Works for me in this thread but not on the poopy takeover saga in the lounge for some reason. EDIT: Url had 757150#post757150 at the end but the last post number was #27669 and the take me to the last post link took me to post #27652


Like the way the Reply with quote works though.

Edited by saintjay77
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I can't log in with the default browser on my HTC Hero.

I enter my user name and password and hit 'GO', then I end up with a white screen and nothing else.

Any ideas?


Problem solved.

Case closed.

Edited by Block 5
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Fine with the style but is there any way to change background colour and font size/colour?


I note at the bottom right there is only one style - default. Does that mean you have to subscribe to do what I want in order to read thru my aging eyes and specs?





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For all te moaners. Can I just pitch in and say this upgrade of the site (99.9999% of which was done by steve) is for mainly technical reasons. It allows us to better integrate all aspects of the site as well as keeping the software the runs the site up to date. To that end, the comments towards how it looks and feels, whilst taken into consideration, will take a back seat until the site is working completely smoothly.


So now we've got the technical side done, can we now concentrate on making the look bearable again? Cant be that much work to change it to a different banner and perhaps ditch the very white background?


Can we have poll to decide on a banner? This one hasnt exactly gone down well.

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So now we've got the technical side done, can we now concentrate on making the look bearable again? Cant be that much work to change it to a different banner and perhaps ditch the very white background?


Can we have poll to decide on a banner? This one hasnt exactly gone down well.


Nope, ill be doing the modifications in my own time and ill be choosing whatever I think is best. Sorry to be blunt.

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