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The Saints Trust has called for a meeting with chairman Nicola Cortese over the club's controversial new season ticket announcement.


Trust chairman Nick Illingsworth gave the Echo a statement reading:


"Perhaps the reason why there has been so much outcry in the past week is not just because of the removal of the repayment plan, but by the way this announcement has been delivered.


It's been a bit like dumping your girlfriend by text".


..................................."To coin a phrase, when there is a storm the captain of the ship should be on the bridge and in charge. But where is Cortese?"..........................


Much more to the statement in todays Echo.


F*ck off Illingsworth, I don't want you speaking for me any longer.

I actually thought this was going to be a call for talks with it's members. When is the AGM?

F*ck off Illingsworth, I don't want you speaking for me any longer.

I actually thought this was going to be a call for talks with it's members. When is the AGM?



Very well Said.

F*ck off Illingsworth, I don't want you speaking for me any longer.

I actually thought this was going to be a call for talks with it's members. When is the AGM?


I wish I could put the whole statement up but alas. Probably a good thing.

F*ck off Illingsworth, I don't want you speaking for me any longer.

I actually thought this was going to be a call for talks with it's members. When is the AGM?


Dont you think it would be a good idea for someone to discuss the Season Tickets with the club?



If not the Trust who?

Dont you think it would be a good idea for someone to discuss the Season Tickets with the club?



If not the Trust who?


I'd be more than happy for all of us to set up a group and then vote on who we want to speak on our behalf.

The Trust is long dead.

Dont you think it would be a good idea for someone to discuss the Season Tickets with the club?



If not the Trust who?


Stu is the new Nick Illingsworth.


He runs the Saints wouldn't Trust to arrange a p:ss up in a brewery.


He speaks for me and all Saints fans that want someone to go on news channels and spout some sh:te.

Dont you think it would be a good idea for someone to discuss the Season Tickets with the club?



If not the Trust who?


Yes it probably is,but statements like the following are not particularly helpful in maintaining a good relationship with the club:


"Perhaps the reason why there has been so much outcry in the past week is not just because of the removal of the repayment plan, but by the way this announcement has been delivered.


It's been a bit like dumping your girlfriend by text".


..................................."To coin a phrase, when there is a storm the captain of the ship should be on the bridge and in charge. But where is Cortese?"..........................



This just strikes me as comments from someone,taking themselves too seriously, and possibly seeking to increase their own importance by driving a further split with the club.

F*ck off Illingsworth, I don't want you speaking for me any longer.

I actually thought this was going to be a call for talks with it's members. When is the AGM?


Then have you resigned from The Trust? Where exactly has he said he is speaking for you?




Contact him on there and discuss it.


I am not a member of any fans group and never will be. I have always dealt with any small problems I have direct with the club but understand that sometimes strength n numbers can work.

If you can get past all the internal fighting and people that stand on the sidelines just having a pop.

Yes it probably is,but statements like the following are not particularly helpful in maintaining a good relationship with the club:




This just strikes me as comments from someone,taking themselves too seriously, and possibly seeking to increase their own importance by driving a further split with the club.



What makes you say that ??


I assume you are perfectly happy that SFC gave NO notice whatsoever re the withdrawel of the ST Payments scheme ???


Whether you appreciate it or not, there ARE a considerable number of SAINTS FANS that will find it difficult to find the readies right now

WHY should they be penalised because of their financial circumstances ??


The CLUB were only too glad of their support last season


The "rift" as you put it HAS been made by Mr Cortese's "actions"


Whether or not he FULLY understood the implications to those that are financially challenged is up for debate, as I have said peviously, circa £1000 (for a family of four) is peanuts to him


I assume that the reason why you are so "anti" anyone daring to speak with SFC, is because you CAN afford the readies ??


I would suggest you put yourself in the position of someone, a SAINTS FAN, who CAN'T


PS I CAN afford the money in one hit, but that does not stop me of thinking of those that cannot:cool:

Then have you resigned from The Trust? Where exactly has he said he is speaking for you?



In many statements he's said "I speak for all Saints fans when I say....."


Although on this occasion all he says is


"Saints supporters revered him for the way he had overseen the revamp of the club.


Now they feel nothing but bewilderment".

I'd be more than happy for all of us to set up a group and then vote on who we want to speak on our behalf.

The Trust is long dead.


Dont disagree but the Trust still thinks it exists which is a potential problem.



Never met NI so I have no idea what his agenda is but like you I think there is a need for an interface between the club and the fans which should be of benefit to both parties.

Posted (edited)

1) How many "active" members does the Saints trust claim to have?


2) How many elected officials does the Saints Trust have?


3) What makes them think they are the "voice of the fans" and are of significant importance to demand a meeting with Cortese?


4) Why does the Daily Echo persist in giving them an outlet to express their views and use them as a focal point for entire stories?

Edited by Matthew Le God
Illingsworth = biggest cringe of a saints fan.


....... who DOES voice their concerns ro the CLUB


Unless of course I have missed something ??


Who else is batting for the Financially Challenged SAINTS FANS


I bet not many who are against him questioning the Club are in the position of seriously NOT being able to get a ST for 2010:cool:


4) Why does the Daily Echo persist in giving them an outlet to express their views?


Danny will be able to answer that one. It does baffle me somewhat.

Trust chairman Nick Illingsworth gave the Echo a statement reading:


"Perhaps the reason why there has been so much outcry in the past week is not just because of the removal of the repayment plan, but by the way this announcement has been delivered.



n [ˈaʊtˌkraɪ]

pl -cries 1. a widespread or vehement protest

2. clamour; uproar



I'm not aware of a widespread, vehement protest about the announcement. Link anyone?

What makes you say that ??


I assume you are perfectly happy that SFC gave NO notice whatsoever re the withdrawel of the ST Payments scheme ???


Whether you appreciate it or not, there ARE a considerable number of SAINTS FANS that will find it difficult to find the readies right now

WHY should they be penalised because of their financial circumstances ??


The CLUB were only too glad of their support last season


The "rift" as you put it HAS been made by Mr Cortese's "actions"


Whether or not he FULLY understood the implications to those that are financially challenged is up for debate, as I have said peviously, circa £1000 (for a family of four) is peanuts to him


I assume that the reason why you are so "anti" anyone daring to speak with SFC, is because you CAN afford the readies ??


I would suggest you put yourself in the position of someone, a SAINTS FAN, who CAN'T


PS I CAN afford the money in one hit, but that does not stop me of thinking of those that cannot:cool:


As I say in my opening comment,yes it probably is a good idea for discussion with the club over the issue of season tickets,and other things as well no doubt.


The manner in which it is raised or quoted however detracts from it in my book.Does the Trust spokesman have to go about it with the tone of a chest thumping moral crusade, seeking confrontation ? But then again a more conciliatory tone would not appear so good in print.


Never met the spokesman,but the quotes and stance appear as if from a minor trade union official in a 1970's timewarp.


"But where is Cortese?".Hasn't it been reported he's in Malta at a FL conference - yes,I accept the 'doubts' over the choice of venue,and how hard a job that must be - or perhaps he is taking holiday which he is entitled to spend with family.

....... who DOES voice their concerns ro the CLUB


Unless of course I have missed something ??


Who else is batting for the Financially Challenged SAINTS FANS


I bet not many who are against him questioning the Club are in the position of seriously NOT being able to get a ST for 2010:cool:


To be fair, he has released a statement... or more to the point, the Echo probably contacted him for a statement because they to run a story.


Christ on a bike, mention NI and all you get on here is whinging.


If you can do any better, then do something about it. At least he is prepared to put his head above the parapet.


And no, I am not a member of the Saints Trust.

I assume that the reason why you are so "anti" anyone daring to speak with SFC, is because you CAN afford the readies ??


I would suggest you put yourself in the position of someone, a SAINTS FAN, who CAN'T


PS I CAN afford the money in one hit, but that does not stop me of thinking of those that cannot:cool:


FWIW, yes I do think we should have an installment plan in place.

As I say in my opening comment,yes it probably is a good idea for discussion with the club over the issue of season tickets,and other things as well no doubt.


The manner in which it is raised or quoted however detracts from it in my book.Does the Trust spokesman have to go about it with the tone of a chest thumping moral crusade, seeking confrontation ? But then again a more conciliatory tone would not appear so good in print.


Never met the spokesman,but the quotes and stance appear as if from a minor trade union official in a 1970's timewarp.


"But where is Cortese?".Hasn't it been reported he's in Malta at a FL conference - yes,I accept the 'doubts' over the choice of venue,and how hard a job that must be - or perhaps he is taking holiday which he is entitled to spend with family.


He was in Malta for 2 days out of the last 10, and there is still other people working at the club that could release a statement on his behalf. To just ignore the concerns of Saints fans is treating them with utter contempt.


There is sufficiant outrage at the club from fans to warrant them needing to come out and state what the hell is going on and explaining their position.


They have removed a scheme which every single other club with a support our size uses, deliberately with no notice, I have proven it can be implemented at zero cost...

What happens if Cortese's reaction to growing fan "un-rest" is: "Sod this for a game of soldiers. I'm out"....?


The Echo will be on the phone to the usual 'fans champions' for a quote.

What happens if Cortese's reaction to growing fan "un-rest" is: "Sod this for a game of soldiers. I'm out"....?


Well it will show he is not a very good football chairman but I doubt that will be his attitude

What happens if Cortese's reaction to growing fan "un-rest" is: "Sod this for a game of soldiers. I'm out"....?


Don't be silly.


It is that attitude which will let the club walk all over us. I won't be walking around treading egg shells just because he was involved in the takeover of the club.

Isn't there another 'rent-a-quote' they wheel out on Sky,5live etc?


Pipe down.:) He just seems naff, like the sort that wears socks and sandals and has a keen money belt. Bugs me.

God NI is a bell-end, really ?? When did he ever become so important ?


You have a real issue with pretty much anyone who takes a stand against the club.


It makes you come across as a bit bitter or jealous.


( For the record I absolutely f*cking detest the Saints Trust with a passion and it should be closed )

You have a real issue with pretty much anyone who takes a stand against the club.


It makes you come across as a bit bitter or jealous.


( For the record I absolutely f*cking detest the Saints Trust with a passion and it should be closed )


Ok, how about no, i have no problem with anyone talking to the club about issues, i even told you to send an email to the club because frankly just p*ssing and moaning about it is pointless.


I also offered to start a Petition which no one took me up on and i ended up being infracted for ?? Somehow.


I just don't understand why he gets so much credence by the echo etc The saints trust is dead, they do not speak for me nor anyone i know.


Stu, you made a few valid points, i have no grudge against you yourself so now drag your head out of your ars*hole and keep the arguements to those threads.

What happens if Cortese's reaction to growing fan "un-rest" is: "Sod this for a game of soldiers. I'm out"....?


He would show himself to be very very weak ... simple as that


ANY Business should accept criticism, but that does not mean they have to act on it


It's a two way thing. last season, (Cortese's first), was also "OUR" First


We (FANS) rallied round and showed our SUPPORT, by going through the turnstiles


That does NOT mean that WE (FANS) blindly accept everything that the Club now do


(At the moment) we still live in a DEMOCRACY, Freedom of Speech etc etc

(At the moment) we still live in a DEMOCRACY, Freedom of Speech etc etc


5 Does the Saints trust have a democratically elected leader/spokesperson?


6 How many people voted?


7 Who were the candidates in the election?


8 When did they vote? day/month/year

Ok, how about no, i have no problem with anyone talking to the club about issues, i even told you to send an email to the club because frankly just p*ssing and moaning about it is pointless.


I also offered to start a Petition which no one took me up on and i ended up being infracted for ?? Somehow.


I just don't understand why he gets so much credence by the echo etc The saints trust is dead, they do not speak for me nor anyone i know.


Stu, you made a few valid points, i have no grudge against you yourself so now drag your head out of your ars*hole and keep the arguements to those threads.


Starting a petition or sitting back on it is never going to work to be honest, mainly due to the complete arrogance of most Saints fans not affected. ( I don't believe they feel like that in real life though, just like to flex their financial muscles on here ).


And I am hardly sat p!ssing and moaning about it, I have spent hours (literally) researching pretty much everything to do with Installment plans and covered pretty much every excuse that the club might give for having one.


As for the Saints Trust, it is indeed dead, and they should shut it down, it's used as a platform for people to get publicity, then again I have been saying that for the past 3 years.

Christ on a bike, mention NI and all you get on here is whinging.


If you can do any better, then do something about it. At least he is prepared to put his head above the parapet.


And no, I am not a member of the Saints Trust.



Maybe if he updated the membership lists, held an AGM and elections for the postions he might be taken seriously. At the moment he is a self appointed spokesman for a fans organisation that only pretends to exist.

5 Does the Saints trust have a democratically elected leader/spokesperson?


6 How many people voted?


7 Who were the candidates in the election?


8 When did they vote? day/month/year



The point I am trying to make has NOTHING to do with anybody's personnal feelings re Nick Illingsworth


It could be A N Other, The Pope, The Man in The Moon ... ANYONE, who is raising a genuine issue with the Club


HE has, or is trying, to raise, an issue re the Club's scrapping of the Payments scheme for ST's, which has been done without ANY prior notice, AND, IMHO, against the spirit of the Club's own Fans Charter.


Step aside from your personnal vendaetta re NI, and ADDRESS THE ISSUE




THOSE Fans have supported the Club through it's darkest days

THOSE Fans deserve a voice

That VOICE happens to be Nick Illingsworth


Has anyone else taken up the Cause with the Club ??? .... NO


Forget your prejudices of who it is, and ADDRESS THE ISSUE:cool:

What's the problem anyway?


Get a bank loan, get a credit card, or if you really can't afford it, don't buy one!

There are plenty of things I want and can't afford.



What a Tw*t of a remark


I sincerely hope that you want but can't afford a ST


The LAST thing anyone should do if they are short of money is to take out a Credit Card


That is the philosophy which has made the UK a Third World Country, with massive debts:cool:


**** off Illingsworth. You do not speak for any official body as the Saints Trust has no members so the Saints Trust is nothing but a made up name.

This guy thinks he is voice of the people aswell...




The Echo like to give him an outlet for his views and use him as the basis for entire articles, not just the odd quote.


You were offered the chance to see exactly what happens you bottled it coming up with limp and pathetic excuses.

Why don't you take Danny up on his offer and you can be the "Voice of the People".


http://www.fansnetwork.co.uk/football/southampton/ this is Nicks site go and tell him rather than hide it away on here.

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