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Gun threat in Southampton


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Yes, I do. I like some Indian people as well, generally Sikhs as opposed to Muslims though.


I am not sure why, I think Sikhs generally adapt better to our culture than those muslim fellas.


How about them funny Hindu ones Stu?

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
My guess would be suspected terrorist.


The more you stab in the dark Stu, the more likely you are to poke yourself in the eye.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

May I remind people that this is the lounge. Tongues in cheeks notwithstanding, please can we temper our comments vis-a-vis other nationalities.

Thank you.

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Yes, if I was narrow minded also I would stick a spanner in the work of the Polish too.


I quite like the Polish, infact I even have one as a facebook friend.


I must admit though, it's only the women I like, the blokes are a bit stupid, the ones with square heads even more so, for some reason.

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I quite like the Polish, infact I even have one as a facebook friend.


I must admit though, it's only the women I like, the blokes are a bit stupid, the ones with square heads even more so, for some reason.


The men all have silly names but the women have nice ones like Natasha.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
You mean like on my serious running route thread?


I suggest you infract yourself.


I would do, but it can't be done I'm afraid.:smt102


Anyway, what I was proposing, in a round about way, way taking a couple of weeks off to run daily; staying in pubs/YMCA/Hostels each night. At the end, catch a train home.

A mate of mine used to do just that every year. He saw a lot of the countryside much different to that seen by drivers.

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I would do, but it can't be done I'm afraid.:smt102


Anyway, what I was proposing, in a round about way, way taking a couple of weeks off to run daily; staying in pubs/YMCA/Hostels each night. At the end, catch a train home.

A mate of mine used to do just that every year. He saw a lot of the countryside much different to that seen by drivers.


Dog turds, horse ****, cow pats?

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