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No instalment plan!!!!

St. Jason

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Maybe these installemnt plan failures were deemed normal by the ticket office staff as they have gone on for y ears. Cortese may have only just been made aware of it and he then immediately changed the policy which involved changes to renewal forms etc that all would slow down the ST price information release date.


Release a statement immediately -


Southampton FC would like to advise fans that due to a small number of fans defrauding us and abusing the payment plan we have no alternative but to cancel the payment plan with immediate effect. This unfortunately has resulted in us having to delay the release of season ticket detail as all the literature now needs reprinting. We hope you understand and will bear with us.


Kind regards,


Big Nic


Easy really isn't??

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Surely the club would pursue a payment defaulter through legal or other means? The Club (or the finance company) would have their direct debit details and just apply the sum outstanding in one lump sum.

If I defaulted on a personal direct debit - be it for council tax, water rates, car loan etc - the payee would simply suck my bank account for sums outstanding plus a penalty sum.

I'm finding it hard to believe that defaulters keep coming to St Mary's and just sit in an empty seat every game. Or am I being incredibly naive?


I would not think it would be all the people that defaulted carried on going and use a seat that is empty, as most of them would not have the bottle to do it in case they got caught. As in many other areas there are people who just know how to work the system and work on the black economy they are the ones more often than not who will do it and stick two fingers up to the rest of us.

Edited by Toomer
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I look forward to attending games with less poor people now. Hopefully there'll be an empty seat next to me to keep my cucumber sandwiches on until half time.


Cucumber? Peasant!


Move your seat to Itchen North, there you can now have a chair for yourself, Your sandwich, a flask, your French fancy's and one to rest your coat, hat and cane on!

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If we can afford to dump our shirt sponsor then surely we can afford to look after the people that make this club so great, the fans, all of the fans not just the ones who can afford it NOW!!


Basically this 18% rise in tickets is going to pay for non sponsor......... as I see it anyway lol

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Foolish. Surely they're in no hurry for the money? The club will be missing out on a LOT of sales IMO. Mine included.


I personally know of 8 that cannot afford to stump up the cash in one hit, other commitments are more essential, ie mortgage, tax, insurance etc. if we'd been advised early we could of all made plans, shame as I think this is going to be a great season but i just cannot stump up for 2 NOW!

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Mr. Luker has kindly replied to my e-mail which I've pasted here for you to read, I have replied to him and await his reply which, of course I'll share with you all!



Dear Jason


The Supporter Charter relates to the 09-10 season, whereas the prices released relate to the 10-11 season.


The Club has decided against offering an installment payment option this year due to the increased costs of administering such a scheme.


We hope this answers your query.


Kind Regards



David Luker

Head of Supporter Services

Southampton Football Club


My reply -


Dear David


Thank you very much for your reply, it's extremely appreciated but I still need clarification on one point, why take away the payment plan option now?


If this had been released back in January or even March fans could have made alternative arrangements ie saved a small amount each week, but by just releasing this on the day we have no option at all, stump up or give up your season ticket. I own a small business and understand that cost's have to be cut, I get that, but to risk loosing a significant portion of your customer base at this delicate economic time is madness. If all the websites and poll's are to be believed this could be a massive own goal as fans with more than one ticket are going to really struggle, how can a family of 4 be expected to find £1000 in 30 days?


Where was the fan consultation, which was also set out in the 'Supporters charter'?


I would really appreciate your thoughts and input. Unfortunately I will fall into the non renew bracket as I cannot find the money for 2 season tickets in such a short space of time.


Kind regards,



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so the Fans Charter for 2010/11 reads


In an effort to gain a more tranquill atmosphere in St Marys on match day, the club will not be offering installment plans for the purchase of season tickets.


The club have invested in new catering arrangements and to cut the queues expected unfortunately it has been felt necessary to remove those season ticket holders who find it necessary to pay other household bills and may not be in a position to afford the new catering prices.


In future the Saints Player TV service will also require payment upfront for the whole season to avoid anyone watching it instead of buying a season ticket.


Match day programmes will also not be available to inform the fans of any changes to the fans charter.

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I made this point on another thread but I believe it is worth restating.


I firmly believe that not giving a payment plan because of the admin costs and also applying an online-booking fee and on-the-day booking fee is because Cortese has a cultural blind spot.


After the completely irresponsible way the club has been run in recent years I don't believe that any true fan would fail to understand that the 'business' needs to be run on sound financial principles. But the fact remains: we English hate having 'extras' and 'fees' added to bills. Culturally we prefer to be told the price and that is that. On the continent it is much more widely accepted to break bills down into component parts. We would rather the costs are diluted and dispersed amongst all tickets.


Cortese has to learn the lesson of this debacle. There are differences to approaches and he has failed to gauge the Englishman's pulse on this one.

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I made this point on another thread but I believe it is worth restating.


I firmly believe that not giving a payment plan because of the admin costs and also applying an online-booking fee and on-the-day booking fee is because Cortese has a cultural blind spot.


After the completely irresponsible way the club has been run in recent years I don't believe that any true fan would fail to understand that the 'business' needs to be run on sound financial principles. But the fact remains: we English hate having 'extras' and 'fees' added to bills. Culturally we prefer to be told the price and that is that. On the continent it is much more widely accepted to break bills down into component parts. We would rather the costs are diluted and dispersed amongst all tickets.


Cortese has to learn the lesson of this debacle. There are differences to approaches and he has failed to gauge the Englishman's pulse on this one.


I would be very surprised if it was entirely Cortese's decision as there are other people involved at SFC and would have been done on purely financial reasons

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so the Fans Charter for 2010/11 reads


In an effort to gain a more tranquill atmosphere in St Marys on match day, the club will not be offering installment plans for the purchase of season tickets.


The club have invested in new catering arrangements and to cut the queues expected unfortunately it has been felt necessary to remove those season ticket holders who find it necessary to pay other household bills and may not be in a position to afford the new catering prices.


In future the Saints Player TV service will also require payment upfront for the whole season to avoid anyone watching it instead of buying a season ticket.


Match day programmes will also not be available to inform the fans of any changes to the fans charter.

Another snippet from the great 'Supporters Charter'


09-10 SEASoN TArgETS

• On occasions we will actively

seek feedback from our

supporters with regards to

ticket prices of forthcoming

cup ties

• Via our Supporter

engagement policy, we will

seek feedback on ticket prices

for forthcoming seasons in an

attempt to ensure maximum

supporter buy in.


Can't remember being asked if I thought it'd be a good idea to increase ticket prices or remove the payment plan??

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+1 you have come across as a complete knob!


I don't really mind how I come over just know & understand that many will struggle & some prat spouting how easy it is or will be is of no benifit to either poster, well maybe the ego of those than aren't struggling perhaps, or who have the inability to THINK seeing as they keep going on about others inability to SAVE

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I don't really mind how I come over just know & understand that many will struggle & some prat spouting how easy it is or will be is of no benifit to either poster, well maybe the ego of those than aren't struggling perhaps, or who have the inability to THINK seeing as they keep going on about others inability to SAVE


lol not you dibden ;)

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I don't really mind how I come over just know & understand that many will struggle & some prat spouting how easy it is or will be is of no benifit to either poster, well maybe the ego of those than aren't struggling perhaps, or who have the inability to THINK seeing as they keep going on about others inability to SAVE


I think DPS was saying the end of the installment plan it not the end of the world, as there are other ways of getting credit.


I suspect that if the new owners were going to do an installment scheme it wouldn't have been the same as last year's debit card thing, it would have been a credit agreement at a commercial rate like it was in the past, with credit checks administered by a financial company. You would be purchasing credit through the club, the difference this year is, if you want to do that you have to sort out your own credit.


Yes sorting out credit may be slightly more difficult then it would be through the club, but it is still doable and if you can't get credit then maybe you wouldn't have past the credit checks for the season ticket payment plan. That's all, I don't know why people have taken offence.

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Foolish. Surely they're in no hurry for the money? The club will be missing out on a LOT of sales IMO. Mine included.


But when everybody wanted tickets for just 1 match £58 plus the booking fee was no trouble whatsoever. Saints fans have dug their own pit by falling over themselves to pay over the odds for the JPT final. I can see NC's(and whoever else may be involved) reasoning. No one was skint for Wembley, they've given you time to stash a bit away so why should they expose you to the 15.9-17.1%

APR loan sharks (cos that's what Premium Credit and Zebra Finance sting you for) Say you taken on a 380 ST at 16% APR, you'll end up paying about 420 quid for it and some loan shark will profit from it. Get a bank loan and you'll pay much less.

You just have to cut out loan sharks and I'm sure Mr Cortese knows all about them.


here's a Zebra form for West Ham, for a £385 ticket you end up paying about £418,



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I don't know why people have taken offence.


Because we love our club and have had season tickets for years and have purchased them via the payment plan. We've had no reason to save, or make alternative arrangements as we'd not been advised that this facility was to be removed. As has been said time and again, if we'd been advised this was to happen, we'd of saved!


I don't think there was any credit checks before as I'd probably of failed, I'm not borrowing any money just entering an agreement tp pay £x each month in advance for tickets!

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But when everybody wanted tickets for just 1 match £58 plus the booking fee was no trouble whatsoever. Saints fans have dug their own pit by falling over themselves to pay over the odds for the JPT final. I can see NC's(and whoever else may be involved) reasoning. No one was skint for Wembley, they've given you time to stash a bit away so why should they expose you to the 15.9-17.1%

APR loan sharks (cos that's what Premium Credit and Zebra Finance sting you for) Say you taken on a 380 ST at 16% APR, you'll end up paying about 420 quid for it and some loan shark will profit from it. Get a bank loan and you'll pay much less.

You just have to cut out loan sharks and I'm sure Mr Cortese knows all about them.


here's a Zebra form for West Ham, for a £385 ticket you end up paying about £418,




WC, I do agree with you, and I've said a few times that most people who really want an ST will find a way to get one.


For me, its the complete silence from the club on the issue that's the big problem; they're effectively going back on years of business process (and their own fan's charter published 6 months ago) without any form of explanation.


If fans had known 2 or 3 months ago that the club would no longer be offering a payment scheme then I'm sure this wouldn't be the potential problem it now is. Let fans know 2 months ago and they have 3 months to either sort out credit agreements or even save up for the full price. The way this has been conducted is a bit of a kick in the face for the fans who've been waiting for some news for quite a while.


Yes, its possible for most people to get a credit card on 0%. But like it or not, some people can't or won't want to do that; in these financially tough times I know of people who have cancelled their credit cards in order to remove the temptation to spend on it. And there is a big difference between applying for credit, and entering into the standing order agreeement with the club as per last year. I just think the fans deserved to be treated a bit better with the handling of this.

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WC, they're effectively going back on years of business process (






Like the ones that got us into admin in the first place ;), it was perfectly obvious to many that money was going astray, if the club were absorbing the

payment plan cost and then people were truanding on payments and still going to games for f*ck all then you can see why we had no money even if everything would seem to indicate that we should have

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Like the ones that got us into admin in the first place ;), it was perfectly obvious to many that money was going astray, if the club were absorbing the

payment plan cost and then people were truanding on payments and still going to games for f*ck all then you can see why we had no money even if everything would seem to indicate that we should have


David Luker has already said by email that the scheme has been ditched because of admin costs rather than anything else, so the cancelled ticket issue is just hearsay at the moment.


But despite that, the club should have made an announcement a long time ago. For whatever reason it is, whether it truly is administartion costs or too many people milking the cancellation system, the club had an obligation to announce the change in policy some time ago and not leave it until a few hours before tickets went on sale.

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David Luker has already said by email that the scheme has been ditched because of admin costs rather than anything else, so the cancelled ticket issue is just hearsay at the moment.


But despite that, the club should have made an announcement a long time ago. For whatever reason it is, whether it truly is administartion costs or too many people milking the cancellation system, the club had an obligation to announce the change in policy some time ago and not leave it until a few hours before tickets went on sale.

admin costs could mean absolutely anything

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admin costs could mean absolutely anything


I couldn't care less what the "admin charges" are; read again what I actually said....


"For whatever reason it is, whether it truly is administration costs or too many people milking the cancellation system, the club had an obligation to announce the change in policy some time ago and not leave it until a few hours before tickets went on sale."


The lack of payment scheme is completely secondary in this for me; it is the club's complete refusal to engage with the customer and advise of changes to the payment system that is the problem, as far as I'm concerned.

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I think all the points i wanted to say have been mentioned already ,especially by St Jason who i totally agree with.

Without going into details,this year has been a very expensive one for my family,so i was going to go down the installement route,because it spreads out the payments and doesnt leave me short for the next few months.

Also i found that when i have a ST,i dont miss all those mid-week games,despite it being a pain trying to get time off work etc.If i pay as you go,then i just wont bother about those games,thus saving me time and money the club would have had.

Now i either go without a ST for the first time in years,or i stump up the cash for 3 tickets by the end of the month.

Guess thats 3 STs the club will lose out on then!!

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If you want one, use a credit card. If you can't get a credit card then the club is correct not to subsidise your leisure time for you.


You have to put your business hat on. This decision will have been based on an analysis if the available figures.

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If you want one, use a credit card. If you can't get a credit card then the club is correct not to subsidise your leisure time for you.


You have to put your business hat on. This decision will have been based on an analysis if the available figures.


No we have no way of knowing what real reasoning is behind decision, the club are again showing awful lack of communication skills, early notification with a proper explanation would have helped.

And fans like you should be supporting others who want to go but due to club selling policy may not renew, it is in all of our interests to get as many in the ground as possible.

The excuse given is cost, which is laughable given the amount of money we throw around as a "business"

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If you want one, use a credit card. If you can't get a credit card then the club is correct not to subsidise your leisure time for you.


You have to put your business hat on. This decision will have been based on an analysis if the available figures.

I thought it was in the clubs interest to get as many supporters watching Saints as possible?

This is a PR nightmare.Not only have they annoyed a lot of fans by lack of communication,they have also left it until the first of June to tell fans they need to raise a lot of money by the end of the month,or lose their STs especially when a lot of people are now taking their hols.

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You might not be posh.. but you have patronised many today & talked down to those who need the payment plan. Having said all that well done for being perfect!


Sorry, but how does me saying that people should get 0% credit cards amount to me being perfect? Are you trying to hit on me?


Being patronised is in the eye of the beholder. If you aren't stupid, then you won't feel patronised. Don't you know that?

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If you want one, use a credit card. If you can't get a credit card then the club is correct not to subsidise your leisure time for you.


You have to put your business hat on. This decision will have been based on an analysis if the available figures.


Benji, mate, how are the club subsidising anything, it's us that are subsidising the club. We are paying up front for a product we have no knowledge of quality.


Putting your business hat for a min, we are the only club not to offer this facility in league 1, probably in all the leagues, we are, we're on a wave of optimism, price the tickets right and keep the payment plan we'd of out sold last years total, I'll be amazed if we get anywhere near that total now!!

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I thought it was in the clubs interest to get as many supporters watching Saints as possible?

This is a PR nightmare.Not only have they annoyed a lot of fans by lack of communication,they have also left it until the first of June to tell fans they need to raise a lot of money by the end of the month,or lose their STs especially when a lot of people are now taking their hols.


Spot on, They could have done it this way to stop any fraud,


Do the March madness, first payment comes out 1st April followed by 4 further payments on the 1st of each month, the last payment being 1st August, if any payment is missed the contract is cancelled and no ticket sent!

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If you want one, use a credit card. If you can't get a credit card then the club is correct not to subsidise your leisure time for you.


You have to put your business hat on. This decision will have been based on an analysis if the available figures.


I fail to see how buying on installments is being subsidised, if anything it gives the club the opportunity to make more money, it doesn't have to be interest free.


Comparing installments to a credit card is ******, credit card companies take a risk in lending money. All the club are doing is sending out a booklet worth next to nothing, there is no risk.


Whoever has organized these season tickets has made a complete mess of it, if they had done a March Madness they would already have the cash in the bank earning interest.

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Actually ive had two mates who have been ST holders since the Dell,phone me and say that they cant afford to find that sort of money in one go.One of them was going to get one for his partner as well,but now none of them will get a ST.

Thats another three not regularly going to St Marys,not buying programmes,not buying beer,not supporting the team and adding to the atmosphere etc.

Still great idea to cancel the installments hey?

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Sorry, but how does me saying that people should get 0% credit cards amount to me being perfect? Are you trying to hit on me?


Being patronised is in the eye of the beholder. If you aren't stupid, then you won't feel patronised. Don't you know that?

Patronised has nothing to do with being stupid.

as you have just proved, your not as clever as you attempt to come across


Just because you & others can get or want to get credit card, there are many that do not & can not. I can see how this can be awkward for them, hard for them to find the answer & also know of quite a few now saying they won't renew & are not going to buy the "taxed" single tickets .. I am sorry you cant see the negative effect this is already having. Spend more time trying to understand how others are feeling or coping with the news & less time trying to look big or clever on here & you MIGHT get it, but I doubt it.


Some peoples income has been more than halved even though they work due to the dark times we are having, some have no ability to get credit but have for years paid without fail on the instalment plan, ALL I and others are saying is we understand how they feel.


The odd thing to me, and I bet others is that posters like yourself seem to be either annoyed or angry that the people that this effects want to voice that on the forum.

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Actually ive had two mates who have been ST holders since the Dell,phone me and say that they cant afford to find that sort of money in one go.One of them was going to get one for his partner as well,but now none of them will get a ST.

Thats another three not regularly going to St Marys,not buying programmes,not buying beer,not supporting the team and adding to the atmosphere etc.

Still great idea to cancel the installments hey?


What, so they wont attend games full stop, or will they just buy tickets as and when? If 2000 people dont renew because of this i cant see the attendance dropping by 2000. Its a silly idea not to do the installments, but you have to laugh at the massive over reaction from a minority of Saints fans. Surley a 0% credit card is the simple answer? The level of critasism aimed at ML and NC is a ****ing joke, considering the strong position we find ourselves in. It was ONLY A YEAR AGO we were in Palaces position, some people could do with looking at the bigger picture! (thats not aimed at you rocknrollman!)

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What, so they wont attend games full stop, or will they just buy tickets as and when? If 2000 people dont renew because of this i cant see the attendance dropping by 2000. Its a silly idea not to do the installments, but you have to laugh at the massive over reaction from a minority of Saints fans. Surley a 0% credit card is the simple answer? The level of critasism aimed at ML and NC is a ****ing joke, considering the strong position we find ourselves in. It was ONLY A YEAR AGO we were in Palaces position, some people could do with looking at the bigger picture! (thats not aimed at you rocknrollman!)


The bigger picture maybe that NC/ML may want to make as much money as possible in the shortest time and sell the club for a large profit

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Actually ive had two mates who have been ST holders since the Dell,phone me and say that they cant afford to find that sort of money in one go.One of them was going to get one for his partner as well,but now none of them will get a ST.

Thats another three not regularly going to St Marys,not buying programmes,not buying beer,not supporting the team and adding to the atmosphere etc.

Still great idea to cancel the installments hey?


I don't know. The proof will be in the pudding.


SFC obviously thinks it makes sense. It hasn't been done for the purpose of winding people up.

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What, so they wont attend games full stop, or will they just buy tickets as and when? If 2000 people dont renew because of this i cant see the attendance dropping by 2000. Its a silly idea not to do the installments, but you have to laugh at the massive over reaction from a minority of Saints fans. Surley a 0% credit card is the simple answer? The level of critasism aimed at ML and NC is a ****ing joke, considering the strong position we find ourselves in. It was ONLY A YEAR AGO we were in Palaces position, some people could do with looking at the bigger picture! (thats not aimed at you rocknrollman!)

Thanks for not aiming you opinion at me saintoli.

My point is simply a lot of people cant afford to get a ST without installments.

Im not complaining about the price or what ever plans NC has for Saints.In fact up till now i have been very happy.

What effect this will have on attendances,who knows?

Its just that today i know a lot of grumpy Saints fans,(must be the circles i move in)!

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What, so they wont attend games full stop, or will they just buy tickets as and when? If 2000 people dont renew because of this i cant see the attendance dropping by 2000. Its a silly idea not to do the installments, but you have to laugh at the massive over reaction from a minority of Saints fans. Surley a 0% credit card is the simple answer? The level of critasism aimed at ML and NC is a ****ing joke, considering the strong position we find ourselves in. It was ONLY A YEAR AGO we were in Palaces position, some people could do with looking at the bigger picture! (thats not aimed at you rocknrollman!)


I also think people should look at the bigger picture, just because NC & ML saved does not mean they are beyond revoke. I'm one of their customers, I have had a season ticket for 20 years, 2 for 4 years. I have for as long as I can remember paid on the payment plan, I've never missed a payment yet this facility has now been taken away without notice.


Is it an over reaction to be ******ed of that after so long supporting my team via a season ticket I'm going to have to give it up?


Is it an over reaction to be ******ed that I've got to tell my son he's not renewing?

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Because we love our club and have had season tickets for years and have purchased them via the payment plan. We've had no reason to save, or make alternative arrangements as we'd not been advised that this facility was to be removed. As has been said time and again, if we'd been advised this was to happen, we'd of saved!


I don't think there was any credit checks before as I'd probably of failed, I'm not borrowing any money just entering an agreement tp pay £x each month in advance for tickets!


I meant I don't know why people are taking offence at people saying that they should buy the ST with a credit card or loan.


When I bought my ST in the past by instalments it was a credit agreement not the SO it appears to be recently and I'm sure if the new owners did it, it would be through a credit agreement.

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chez- whatever the outcome of the accounts, we are in a stronger position than we were before the takeover.

John- not really earning 'vast sums' are they? surley the price of a season ticket will earn the club the same regardless of if it has been brought on a payment scheme or if it has been brought outright on a credit card? The money would just come in a bit quicker on the new set-up.

Jason- when i used to be season ticket(not any more so you can dig me out for that if you want!) i used the payment plan even though i could scrape the money up if i really needed to. Just makes things easier. But there is no way i could cough up for 2 so you have every right to be ****ed off. As i said in my first post its a silly idea to scrap the scheme. I would have a bit of a moan, same as you are, then get myself a credit card and pay 0% as i did in the scheme. Its a ball ache and i see your point, but im just happy i still have a club to support.


I really should learn how to multi quote!

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I meant I don't know why people are taking offence at people saying that they should buy the ST with a credit card or loan.


When I bought my ST in the past by instalments it was a credit agreement not the SO it appears to be recently and I'm sure if the new owners did it, it would be through a credit agreement.


I think we are slightly going of topic, the bottom line is be it a credit agreement or a simple debit transaction, the facility, without notice has been withdrawn meaning a lot of fans will now be left with no season ticket!!

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