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Where are the f-ing season tickets!!!


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It is weird, you would have thought the club would want the money in the bank as soon as possible. Also you would think the longer they are on sale the more they would sell, the feel good factor from the Wembley trip would have shifted a few, there is now a chance of some people losing interest and choosing to spend their cash on something else.


The only thing that would make sense is if they have a big 125 years promotion planned and announce ST sales at the same time as a Keegan type signing. You always get some mongs who que up overnight etc - looks good in the media.

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Ok, well lets take the examples I gave and explain why they wouldn't publicly release information:


turnstile technology; - if there is a project to install new technology at the moment, then that makes setting a date for releasing season tickets difficult. You become reliant on the project hitting its milestones and deadline, and if you call it too early and it misses, you look foolish and it becomes a logistical nightmare in terms of organising the staffing for season ticket sales

budget forecasting to prepare the business case for lower pricing; - not sure I need to explain this one, but if theyre proposing to reduce season ticket prices drastically, they have to be sure about the numbers and this decision won't be rushed by morons on a forum moaning like their noses have been put out of joint because they arent being told anything.

focus on other areas like player scouting and bid preparation; - an announcement to say that season tickets are on hold until we announce some big signings that will generate more sales just isn't going to happen. It will drive the price up in every negotiation we have about every player we go after.

Cortese is on holiday and will look at it when he returns (I think he's a earned a break) - if he's on holiday then a) he won't be preparing a statement because errr....he's on holiday. Also, if he came out and said 'Season ticket prices will be announced in June because I'm on holiday for the whole of May' can you imagine the (unwarranted) backlash. It would fill the back page of the echo every day too.


It really doesn't matter, is my point. We'll still have 2 months to get our tickets. And if anyone mentions this nonsense about having to save for it....well its not like you didn't know the football season starts in August (like it does every year) and you need to pay for a season ticket (like you do every year). So if thats your grumble, your grumbling shouldn't be with Southampton and their lack of season ticket announcements, it should be with yourselves and your inability to budget.



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