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yeah, coz it's only....like......another 3 months until the new season kicks off.


Chiiiiiiiiill Winston.


So ****ing what?


They should have gone on sale the moment we knew which division we were playing in next season!


I am baffled, what can the reason be?

yeah, coz it's only....like......another 3 months until the new season kicks off.


Chiiiiiiiiill Winston.


and it is only two months till the season begins.

I'm going to wait to see the prices or whatever other technology may be implemented before commenting. If there is no obvious reason for the delay then I will be annoyed.


exactly. The price should have been sorted out yonks ago. There issue of technology on the turnstiles must be the only reason not to start selling them.


It may sound silly, but I feel a tad naked without my season ticket. I want to know I have my seat and that I can look forward to the summer news/signings knowing that I am a fully paid up member of the club. Daft, I know, but there is some emotion about buying an ST.

If the prices are quite a bit lower then they can release them whenever they want for all I care.


yeah but my point is that NC would have worked out how much to charge for each div we might have been in and then once we knew which div we would be in the tixs could go on sale.. simples.


I'm pretty sure that when we do eventually find out what the delay was all about, it'll be a good reason. NC isn't the sort to just be slacking, sure there is lots going on behind the scenes.

exactly. The price should have been sorted out yonks ago. There issue of technology on the turnstiles must be the only reason not to start selling them.


It may sound silly, but I feel a tad naked without my season ticket. I want to know I have my seat and that I can look forward to the summer news/signings knowing that I am a fully paid up member of the club. Daft, I know, but there is some emotion about buying an ST.



Great way of putting it. Its having that security, knowing that whoever walks out on that turf come the first game of the season at SMS I'll be there at my seat, well stood infront of it but you catch my drift.


There has to be some logical reason for it, but we will have to be patient. Remember, Good Things come to those who wait! It better be bloody good anyhow... Or I shall be pished off at the wait.


There is also the issue of the new shirt to be sorted, but I am sure they know what they are doing, this time last year we were more in the dark with regard to the future of the club.


I am sure it is all under contrl, my problem is can i keep control of my wife who sees £800 in savings account and thinks we need a new 3 piece for the living room



When are the season tickets going on sale?


What the **** is Cortese waiting for?


I have been hearing from the club that anybody who sat/stood in the northam last season will not be allowed to do so this season....the reasons given are that a) they were too quiet and b) they won't sit down c) they want to give other people a chance to own a season ticket in the northam.


NC is trying to work out the best way to break the news as he thinks one or two will get upset.

I am sure it is all under contrl' date=' my problem is can i keep control of my wife who sees £800 in savings account and thinks we need a new 3 piece for the living room[/quote']


My problem this year is a daughters wedding but £2-300 won't make much of a dent it that cost.

So ****ing what?


They should have gone on sale the moment we knew which division we were playing in next season!


I am baffled, what can the reason be?


who put you in charge!?


Priorities gents ... once NC has got our catering in order so that we can proudly boast of having a 'best in class' package, he may turn his attention to 'on the pitch' affairs. Our catering is going to be the envy of League One, if not the Championship and beyond.


if tickets are on sale a few weeks before season starts then there isn't a problem - we will all have plenty of time to get one and won't miss a game.


What the hell is everyones problem? Whatever the reason for not releasing them I can promise you its not 'to annoy the fans'. There's a genuine reason. It could be turnstile technology; budget forecasting to prepare the business case for lower pricing; focus on other areas like player scouting and bid preparation; or it could be that Cortese is on holiday and will look at it when he returns (I think he's a earned a break). Just stop moaning about it. Its boring.


It isn't the lack of season tickets being on sale that is frustrating but more the lack of info. If the club came out and said "season tickets aren't yet on sale because we are putting in electronic turnstiles/still talking to the police about moving away fans/undecided on pricing structure" then at least we would all know. I can't think of a reason why information around this would be so sensitive that we have to be kept in the dark.

I have been hearing from the club that anybody who sat/stood in the northam last season will not be allowed to do so this season....the reasons given are that a) they were too quiet and b) they won't sit down c) they want to give other people a chance to own a season ticket in the northam.


NC is trying to work out the best way to break the news as he thinks one or two will get upset.


Now THIS has got to be a joke.


Ok, well lets take the examples I gave and explain why they wouldn't publicly release information:


turnstile technology; - if there is a project to install new technology at the moment, then that makes setting a date for releasing season tickets difficult. You become reliant on the project hitting its milestones and deadline, and if you call it too early and it misses, you look foolish and it becomes a logistical nightmare in terms of organising the staffing for season ticket sales

budget forecasting to prepare the business case for lower pricing; - not sure I need to explain this one, but if theyre proposing to reduce season ticket prices drastically, they have to be sure about the numbers and this decision won't be rushed by morons on a forum moaning like their noses have been put out of joint because they arent being told anything.

focus on other areas like player scouting and bid preparation; - an announcement to say that season tickets are on hold until we announce some big signings that will generate more sales just isn't going to happen. It will drive the price up in every negotiation we have about every player we go after.

Cortese is on holiday and will look at it when he returns (I think he's a earned a break) - if he's on holiday then a) he won't be preparing a statement because errr....he's on holiday. Also, if he came out and said 'Season ticket prices will be announced in June because I'm on holiday for the whole of May' can you imagine the (unwarranted) backlash. It would fill the back page of the echo every day too.


It really doesn't matter, is my point. We'll still have 2 months to get our tickets. And if anyone mentions this nonsense about having to save for it....well its not like you didn't know the football season starts in August (like it does every year) and you need to pay for a season ticket (like you do every year). So if thats your grumble, your grumbling shouldn't be with Southampton and their lack of season ticket announcements, it should be with yourselves and your inability to budget.


So to sum up, tickets to cost £125, free replica home shirt, electronic turnstiles and first class catering. Sounds good to me.

So to sum up, tickets to cost £125, free replica home shirt, electronic turnstiles and first class catering. Sounds good to me.





New technology doesn't stop them selling tx but it could delay posting them. Maybe it is something to do with knowing all the teams in the league so they can do price bands on day tx which impacts season ticket price.


They need to give 4 weeks to existing holders to renew as people may now be on holiday. You would think you would want 4 weeks too for new folks (again to allow for holidays etc) so they have got till mid June really.


I agree though that some sort of update would be good PR for fans.

More importantly where's the news on the pre season tour? Going to run out of time to organise holiday at this rate.


I don't think there will be one tbh.

More importantly where's the news on the pre season tour? Going to run out of time to organise holiday at this rate.


This. The logistics involved means we need to know what's happening.

They can't go on sale until the free shirt that you get with each season ticket is available


Thought of that also! would be a good commercial decision to work out new season ticket prices, then add cost of new shirt, put season tickets on sale with the promotion of a FREE shirt.

Would help to shift a few thousand extra than normal me thinks.


they're quite clearly waiting for us to win the world cup and then will trade on that unbelievable feel good factor. Obvious. Go and enjoy the summer people, if they only go on sale a week before the season starts that is fine by me.


I would like to register a complaint. Due to non-action by SFC, many fans are earning interest on cash saved for season tickets, which might otherwise have been earnt by the club. Exploit us more efficiently FFS.


Would have never happened under Lowe. ;)

I would like to register a complaint. Due to non-action by SFC, many fans are earning interest on cash saved for season tickets, which might otherwise have been earnt by the club. Exploit us more efficiently FFS.



This is very true - my ISA is returning an unbelievable £1.25 a month . :(


I try not to spend it all at once .

If they go up to pay for training ground, signings etc?


Then I will question why they weren't released earlier and also the business sense in putting the prices up considering we didn't get promoted.


i'm sure we'll hear something soon, there are lots of things happening behind the scenes with this Halo company and also the academy project is being accelerated. The season tickets will happen in good time, but i think NC see's laying the foundations for everything else a little more important atm.


check all the new job posts being advertised on the saints website, that's what's taking up the time at the moment.

So to sum up, tickets to cost £125, free replica home shirt, electronic turnstiles and first class catering. Sounds good to me.


PLACING you food and drink order as you comethrough the turnstile so that it can be ready to delivery to your seat at half time

I'm sure he'll apologise for how long it has taken but will explain why it has taken so long. That'll do for me


It's probably taking a long time because they need it to take a long time,probably because if it doesn't we will make a profit and have to hand over money to the tax man.Don't doubt that we'll be hearing something very soon, end of the week maybe.

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