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Labour Bottled It

Johnny Bognor

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There was only one elected MP (John Redwood) on Question Time last night.


In the week of the Queen's speech where the coalition's legislative programme was put forward, Labour did not have the bottle to place an MP on the panel.


Instead we got a spin doctor (Alis-dire ****bell) who even had the cheek to rib the Lib Dems about the fact that their man didn't turn up.


****ing yellow bellied bottlers

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There was only one elected MP (John Redwood) on Question Time last night.


In the week of the Queen's speech where the coalition's legislative programme was put forward, Labour did not have the bottle to place an MP on the panel.


Instead we got a spin doctor (Alis-dire ****bell) who even had the cheek to rib the Lib Dems about the fact that their man didn't turn up.


****ing yellow bellied bottlers


Cuckoo. Cuckoo.

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There was only one elected MP (John Redwood) on Question Time last night.


In the week of the Queen's speech where the coalition's legislative programme was put forward, Labour did not have the bottle to place an MP on the panel.


Instead we got a spin doctor (Alis-dire ****bell) who even had the cheek to rib the Lib Dems about the fact that their man didn't turn up.


****ing yellow bellied bottlers


To be fair John Redwood was represnting the Libservatives.

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It matters because a member of the Labour Party should explain to the British people why they have left us riddled with debt.


In that case, instead of being a racist who whinges on the internet without fully comprehending things, why don't you write to the BBC and ask why their independent programme decided to invite Alistair Campbell specifically to speak for Labour? The BBC invite the guests, the parties don't get to decide. Do you understand that? Racist.

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In that case, instead of being a racist who whinges on the internet without fully comprehending things, why don't you write to the BBC and ask why their independent programme decided to invite Alistair Campbell specifically to speak for Labour? The BBC invite the guests, the parties don't get to decide. Do you understand that? Racist.


Now now bungle, we're both Libservatives so let's be friends.:)

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For the BBC to not invite a member of the Shadow cabinet in the week of the state openning of Parliament undermines QT's right to be called a serious political programme. If they wanted to invite an unelected supporter they should still have had a shadow cabinet member on. They have people like Littlejohn, who are obvious Tories, on with Tory MP's or members of the Lords . There was a member of Parliament for the Tory party on in Redwood, but no member from the Labour side, it should have been a Labour MP, plus one of Campbell or Morgan.

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Quite and the Labour representative could explain why they didn't legislate. How many years were Labour in power?


If you have any spare time, have a look at the Michael Moore film 'Capitalism: a Love Story'.


It might go so way towards improving your understanding of these things.


Of course it probably won't.

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If you have any spare time, have a look at the Michael Moore film 'Capitalism: a Love Story'.


It might go so way towards improving your understanding of these things.


Of course it probably won't.


To be fair, anyone looking for a serious analysis of anything would be advised to steer clear of Moore.

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No, the conservatives 'bottled it', if anyone. The BBC decides who comes on their shows and they quite clearly didn't bow to this obvious attempt at interference in our national broadcaster. It's a disgrace really they didn't show.


And anyone saying Alistair Campbell is not an important figure within the Labour party and our history is a fool. Like it or loath it, he was one of the founding fathers of New Labour along with Brown, Blair and Mandelson and co, and he continued to play a heavy role in it. And whether you like it or not, New Labour has defined our system for the last 13 years.

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No, the conservatives 'bottled it', if anyone. The BBC decides who comes on their shows and they quite clearly didn't bow to this obvious attempt at interference in our national broadcaster. It's a disgrace really they didn't show.


And anyone saying Alistair Campbell is not an important figure within the Labour party and our history is a fool. Like it or loath it, he was one of the founding fathers of New Labour along with Brown, Blair and Mandelson and co, and he continued to play a heavy role in it. And whether you like it or not, New Labour has defined our system for the last 13 years.


In the week of the Queen's speech, there should have been a member of the shadow cabinet on QT, I would be surprised if there has been a QT in the week of the Queen's speech that didn't have an MP from one of the 3 main parties, why not this time?. It is the lefties on the BBC, trying to embarrass the new Govt.


Peter Hain refused to do QT because of a guest last year,where was the BBC editorials over that, where was the "we decide who appears not MR Hain"?

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In the week of the Queen's speech, there should have been a member of the shadow cabinet on QT, I would be surprised if there has been a QT in the week of the Queen's speech that didn't have an MP from one of the 3 main parties, why not this time?. It is the lefties on the BBC, trying to embarrass the new Govt.


Peter Hain refused to do QT because of a guest last year,where was the BBC editorials over that, where was the "we decide who appears not MR Hain"?


Alistair Campbell is an important figure, and probably one that isn't going to go on and be available at any time and he was booked up weeks in advance probably as well. What the Tory's have done is petulant and stupid.

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Alistair Campbell is an important figure, and probably one that isn't going to go on and be available at any time and he was booked up weeks in advance probably as well. What the Tory's have done is petulant and stupid.


Nobody is disputing Campbells right to be on QT, even Sayeeda Warsi the Tory Chairman said as much on 5live this morning. The issue is that there was no member of the opposition on in the week of the Queen's speech. campbell should have been one of the 2 "other" guests, along with a member of either houses from the 3 main parties.


Has there ever been a QT in the week of the Queen's speech that hasn't featured a Lord or MP from either labour or Tory, I doubt it very much.


It was the left leaning BBC trying it on, they knew what they wanted to happen and they got it. Like the Nick Griffin farce, this was more about the BBC than the viewers who pay their TV Poll tax to fund Dimble's lavish lifestyle.

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If you have any spare time, have a look at the Michael Moore film 'Capitalism: a Love Story'.


It might go so way towards improving your understanding of these things.


Of course it probably won't.

im sorry, you must be a loon for believing anything Moore says

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