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Southampton Floodlit Football League

Kingsbridge Saint

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I played in that league some 25 years or more ago as you say Kingsbridge the stanadard of most of the teams was not to bad at all, I can remember Chris Nichol having a wander down from time to time to watch.

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I used to play in it, (that was when I was young, fit & keen, playing Sat pm, Sun am & pm, 5-a-side Monday nights, training Tues, Wednesdays at the sporty, thurs & Fridays were for drinking :D)


Always played in goal & I had problems judging the flight of the ball in the floodlights, and the dodgy bounce you'd get off 'the beach', not to mention carpet burns (of the wrong sort :() on my knees & hips (god knows how many pairs of tracky trousers I got through ;)) and sand being kicked in my eyes, oh yeah, nearly forgot I split my head open on one occasion when I got dazzled by the floodlights & didn't see the c/f charging in on me.


All in all - good times :D :smt023

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I used to love the surface - you got a real consistent run on the ball and a consistent bounce. Even if it was 30 foot in the air. When I was playing BT Marine were the whipping boys and Hawk Dynamo were ripping it up. Parked the bus against them once and got a 0-0 - they were not happy!! A personal highlight was playing against Mark Whitlock up there. What was the pub at the top of the hill by the entrance?

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I used to love the surface - you got a real consistent run on the ball and a consistent bounce. Even if it was 30 foot in the air. When I was playing BT Marine were the whipping boys and Hawk Dynamo were ripping it up. Parked the bus against them once and got a 0-0 - they were not happy!! A personal highlight was playing against Mark Whitlock up there. What was the pub at the top of the hill by the entrance?[/QUOTE]


'Twas "The pub in the Park". Once owned by the great Ruben Agboola I believe. Would often see the (even greater) MLT in there, after playing cricket.

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