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This is what happens when you vote Labour.


Tax and spend, tax and waste, bust.


That's Socialism for you.


Stanley if continue to link Socialism with the last Labour government people will think you are more thick than they previously thought, which is itself is quite a feat.


The Labour party abandoned Socialism when it was unpopular. Their motto now seems to be " You don't like our principles? here's another set"


If their focus groups detect that Socialism is coming back into fashion, all of a sudden they'll be championing it again.


Old Socialist's like Prescott get their heads turned by power and privilege and end up in the house of Lords.

Make the problem worse so that the inevitable belt tightening to come looks like "bigger, badder Tory cuts".


You've at least got to hand it to Mandy for his ingenuity.

The Tories have a big problem. Do they advertise how much hiden debt is really there, that could in turn upset the marketrs and the pound or do they stay stmn and try and work through it. Myself Id publish
With the clear scortched earth policy of the outgoing government, the ministers responsible should be tried for treason.

Or made to pay for 'bribing' their electorate, like Dame Shirley Porter.

Or made to pay for 'bribing' their electorate, like Dame Shirley Porter.


They have been bribing the electroate for the past 11 years. After sticking to Tory spending plans for 2 years, they went on a massive binge chucking our money about on themselves, their supporters and the marginal areas.


It is my 10 year old son and 9 year old daughter and their children who are going to have to pay for this Labour Govt's mismanagement of the public finances. Whilst Mandleson, Blair, Brown, Campbell and the like enjoy a comfortable old age, doing a few lecture tours writting the odd book, the rest of us poor bloody mugs will be paying their credit card bill.

They have been bribing the electroate for the past 11 years. After sticking to Tory spending plans for 2 years, they went on a massive binge chucking our money about on themselves, their supporters and the marginal areas.


It is my 10 year old son and 9 year old daughter and their children who are going to have to pay for this Labour Govt's mismanagement of the public finances. Whilst Mandleson, Blair, Brown, Campbell and the like enjoy a comfortable old age, doing a few lecture tours writting the odd book, the rest of us poor bloody mugs will be paying their credit card bill.


One day I hope Blair Campbell etc will finally be charged with taking us into an illegal war


It seems he was only following historical procedent;

"The letter recalls a similar note left by Tory Reginald Maudling to his Labour successor James Callaghan in 1964: "Good luck, old **** ... Sorry to leave it in such a mess.""


[ From the Grauniad ]

Posted (edited)

I get the impression that all changes of Government involve such 'jokes' - the best one has to be the ( possibly apocryphal ) Clinton staff removing all the Ws from the keyboards when George Bush Jr took over the White House.

Edited by badgerx16
Posted (edited)
I fully expected the Labour scum to carry out a scorched earth policy.:mad:


If only you had a ****ing time machine! If I had one, I'll go back to the moment just before you were conceived and kick your Dad in the ********


The funny thing is dune, in times of financial crisis there is just as much history that suggests people turn to Socialism as well as people turning to the other end of the spectrum.

Edited by Thorpe-le-Saint
I assume you were on the anti-war protests as well then?
Nope I was for the war with the evidence that was placed before us by our PM.

Foolishly I accepted the evidence he put before the house was watertight. It was deception and the actions of somebody not fit to be our countries PM. (not that I ever thought he was )

Posted (edited)
If only you had a ****ing time machine! If I had one, I'll go back to the moment just before you were conceived and kick your Dad in the ********


You'd better not make any more comments like that. By all means call me names, but bring my family into this and it crosses a line and believe me you don't want to go down that road.

Edited by dune
If only you had a ****ing time machine! If I had one, I'll go back to the moment just before you were conceived and kick your Dad in the ********



Cannot argue cogently, so has to resort to petty name calling.

If only you had a ****ing time machine! If I had one, I'll go back to the moment just before you were conceived and kick your Dad in the ********


The funny thing is dune, in times of financial crisis there is just as much history that suggests people turn to Socialism as well as people turning to the other end of the spectrum.


This made me lol for all the wrong reasons.

Unlike you who calls anyone with a different opinion stupid.


I usually try to debate first. Sometimes there are some really stupid responses and I reserve the right to say so.

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